1,304 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Farr, Cora L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Farr, Cora L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Farr, Cora L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Farr, Cora L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Farr, Cora L. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Postcard: #11 A Few Good Ones

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    This black and white photographic postcard features five men on horses. The three horses in the center are bucking. The image is overexposed and the background is white. Prairie land is in the foreground and written text is towards the bottom of the card. Handwriting is on the back of the card. (Note indicates the photo was taken by Liberal, Kansas photographer Hal Reid.)https://scholars.fhsu.edu/tj_postcards/2333/thumbnail.jp

    Values of Extra Curricula Activities to the Students of Charlton-Pollard High School at Beaumont, Texas.

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    Within the past two decades an entirely new interest in the extra curricula activities of the youth has been taken by the school. In part, this change in attitude has been caused by the new disciplinary problems brought to the school through the recent great popularization of secondary education; in part by the marked increase in leisure time accuring to youth as a result of our increase in wealth and the application of recently enacted child labor laws; in part by the many new temptations to which young people in the present age are subjected, and in part by the general speeding up that all evolutionary social changes have experienced as a result of the World War. Fundamentally, the movement is the result of a better understanding of the psychology of adolescence and of the proper means for training youth for citizenship. As a result of many psychological studies, made during the past third of a century, a wider recognition of the vast and far reaching physical, psychological, and social changes which take place with the outset of adolescense has become the common property of the teaching profession. The period of adolescence, we realize, is a period of the utmost significance for the school. New tendencies to action arise, new emotions begin to sway youth, new ideas as to life begin to formulate and tend to become fixed, serious thought is given to conduct, aspirations and visions of possible usefulness begin to take firm hold. Qualities of leadership emerge, social attitudes and tendencies of importance in after life incline to become fixed, and from impulses to action character is evolved

    UR-46 BreastNet;

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    In the United states, 13% of women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and it is the second leading cause of death by cancer in women. Early detection and screening can result in an increase of life expectancy by 10 years on average. Unfortunately, breast cancer can be challenging to detect, since it can appear anywhere in the breast. Cancer that is detected in its early stages can give patients more options and save thousands of dollars in medical costs. Some of the most recent developments in computer science and machine learning are in the biomedical field, especially individualized healthcare. There is also an increase in the demand for telehealth options, reducing healthcare costs. With the help of computational technology, medical practitioners will be able to process data more quickly, which will allow more patients to have access to reliable treatment. Besides, systematic processes for interpreting various data types (such as clinical features, genetic information, and medical images) can identify trends that a human eye would not detect. This project aims to design and implement an artificial intelligence-based model called BreastNet to classify breast cancer into high and low-risk categories based on a combination of MRI images and clinical data. BreastNet uses a convolutional neural network (CNN), a type of machine learning methodology that imitates how the human brain learns information. Neurons fire in a connected pathway, reinforcing the relationship between a stimulus and the correct outcome. In this case, the CNN identifies characteristic features within the MRI that correspond to different life expectancy outcomes, which are notated in the clinical data. The clinical data serves as a loss function, which allows the network to identify how well the current model performs on images. We will evaluate the model by dividing the dataset into three partitions: training, validation, and testing, and then uses the evaluation metrics of Accuracy, Loss, F1 Score, Precision, Recall, Specificity, and Sensitivity.Advisors(s): Dr. Mohammed AledhariTopic(s): Artificial IntelligenceCS 426

    The place of physical activity in the WHO Global Strategy on Diet and Physical Activity

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    In an effort to reduce the global burden of non-communicable disease, the World Health Organization released a Global Strategy for Diet and Physical Activity in May 2004. This commentary reports on the development of the strategy and its importance specifically for physical activity-related work of NGOs and researchers interested in increasing global physical activity participation. Sparked by its work on global efforts to target non-communicable disease prevention in 2000, the World Health Organization commissioned a global strategy on diet and physical activity. The physical activity interest followed efforts that had led to the initial global "Move for Health Day" in 2002. WHO assembled a reference group for the global strategy, and a regional consultation process with countries was undertaken. Underpinning the responses was the need for more physical activity advocacy; partnerships outside of health including urban planning; development of national activity guidelines; and monitoring of the implementation of the strategy. The consultation process was an important mechanism to confirm the importance and elevate the profile of physical activity within the global strategy. It is suggested that separate implementation strategies for diet and physical activity may be needed to work with partner agencies in disparate sectors (e.g. urban planning for physical activity, agriculture for diet). International professional societies are well situated to make an important contribution to global public health by advocating for the importance of physical activity among risk factors; developing international measures of physical activity and global impacts of inactivity; and developing a global research and intervention agenda

    'Deixe-me ganhar…, mas se não posso ganhar, deixe-me ser corajoso para tentar': desafios dos atletas Paralímpicos em Sri Lanka

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    Comparing abled-bodied athletes and Olympic sports with disabled athletes and Paralympic sports, the latter are relatively less popular and receive proportionally less funding from formal sport agencies and government sector. The title, analyze in challenges of Paralympic athletes in Sri Lanka, was described specific objective such as to provide a pathway of eliminate or minimize the impact of the given challenges and identify the sporting needs and desires of Paralympic athlete across the area. Disabled athletes who is represented Paralympic were highlighted. The challenges faced by the athletes in study could be categorized as physical, economic and social. According to analyzed results problem with facility and equipment availability. Study was also concerned about the negative attitude displayed towards then as support of sponsorship and public and media. Especially in Sri Lanka there is lack of disabled athletes’ researches. Accordingly, there is a space to be filled up and will be answered by this study. Using the methods of investigative journalism and secondary data analysis were used of this study. As this study is analytical in nature as far as possible an attempt was made to collect secondary data. Previous studies were carried out provide a conceptual background of the study. Comparando atletas con discapacidades físicas y deportes olímpicos con atletas con discapacidades y deportes paralímpicos, estos últimos son relativamente menos populares y reciben proporcionalmente menos fondos de las agencias deportivas formales y del sector gubernamental. El título, analizó los desafíos de los atletas paralímpicos en Sri Lanka, se describió como un objetivo específico, para el cual es proporcionar una forma de eliminar o minimizar el impacto de los desafíos presentados e identificar las necesidades y deseos deportivos de los atletas paralímpicos en toda el área. Se destacaron los atletas con discapacidad representados en el deporte paralímpico. Los desafíos que enfrentan los atletas en estudio pueden clasificarse en físicos, económicos y sociales. Según los resultados analizados, el problema está en la disponibilidad de instalaciones y equipos. El estudio también tuvo que ver con la actitud negativa mostrada hacia el patrocinio, el público y los medios. Especialmente en Sri Lanka, hay una falta de investigación sobre atletas con discapacidades. En este sentido, hay un espacio para ser llenado y será respondido por este estudio. El periodismo de investigación y los métodos de análisis de datos secundarios se utilizaron en este estudio. Como este estudio es de naturaleza analítica, en la medida de lo posible, se intentó recolectar datos secundarios. Se han llevado a cabo estudios previos y proporcionan una base conceptual para el estudio.Comparando atletas com deficiência física e esportes olímpicos com atletas com deficiência e esportes paraolímpicos, estes últimos são relativamente menos populares e recebem proporcionalmente menos financiamento de agências esportivas formais e do setor governamental. O título, analisado os desafios dos atletas paraolímpicos no Sri Lanka, foi descrito como objetivo específico, para o qual é fornecer um caminho para eliminar ou minimizar o impacto dos desafios apresentados e identificar as necessidades e desejos esportivos dos atletas paraolímpicos em toda a área. Os atletas com deficientes representados no esporte paraolímpicos foram destacados. Os desafios enfrentados pelos atletas em estudo podem ser classificados como físicos, econômicos e sociais. De acordo com os resultados analisados, o problema é com a disponibilidade de instalações e equipamentos. O estudo também se preocupou com a atitude negativa exibida em relação ao patrocínio, ao público e à mídia. Especialmente no Sri Lanka, faltam pesquisas de atletas com deficiência. Nesse sentido, existe um espaço a ser preenchido e será respondido por este estudo. Métodos de jornalismo investigativo e análise de dados secundários foram utilizados neste estudo. Como este estudo é de natureza analítica, tanto quanto possível, foi feita uma tentativa de coletar dados secundários. Estudos anteriores foram realizados, e fornecem uma base conceitual do estudo