123 research outputs found

    Variable stars in the ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxy Ursa Major I

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    We have performed the first study of the variable star population of Ursa Major I (UMa I), an ultra-faint dwarf satellite recently discovered around the Milky Way by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Combining time series observations in the B and V bands from four different telescopes, we have identified seven RR Lyrae stars in UMa I, of which five are fundamental-mode (RRab) and two are first-overtone pulsators (RRc). Our V, B-V color-magnitude diagram of UMa I reaches V~23 mag (at a signal-to-noise ratio of ~ 6) and shows features typical of a single old stellar population. The mean pulsation period of the RRab stars = 0.628, {\sigma} = 0.071 days (or = 0.599, {\sigma} = 0.032 days, if V4, the longest period and brightest variable, is discarded) and the position on the period-amplitude diagram suggest an Oosterhoff-intermediate classification for the galaxy. The RR Lyrae stars trace the galaxy horizontal branch at an average apparent magnitude of = 20.43 +/- 0.02 mag (average on 6 stars and discarding V4), giving in turn a distance modulus for UMa I of (m-M)0 = 19.94 +/- 0.13 mag, distance d= 97.3 +6.0/-5.7 kpc, in the scale where the distance modulus of the Large Magellanic Cloud is 18.5 +/- 0.1 mag. Isodensity contours of UMa I red giants and horizontal branch stars (including the RR Lyrae stars identified in this study) show that the galaxy has an S-shaped structure, which is likely caused by the tidal interaction with the Milky Way. Photometric metallicities were derived for six of the UMa I RR Lyrae stars from the parameters of the Fourier decomposition of the V-band light curves, leading to an average metal abundance of [Fe/H] = -2.29 dex ({\sigma} = 0.06 dex, average on 6 stars) on the Carretta et al. metallicity scale.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Zoonotic Giardia duodenalis Genotypes and Other Gastrointestinal Parasites in a Badger Population Living in an Anthropized Area of Central Italy

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    The Eurasian badger (Meles meles) is widespread in Italy and occupies different habitats. The occurrence and species of gastrointestinal parasites were evaluated in a free-ranging badger population living in a highly anthropic area in central Italy. A total of 43 fecal samples were examined using the flotation test, the Mini-FLOTAC and Baermann techniques, and a rapid immunoassay for the detection of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. fecal antigens. Molecular investigations were also performed that aimed at identifying Giardia genotypes. Overall, 37/43 samples (86%) were found positive. Specifically, 48.8% (21 samples) were positive for G. duodenalis, 23.2% (10/43) for Cryptosporidium spp., and 7% (3/43) for coccidian oocysts. Strongyloides sp. nematode larvae were detected in 3/43 samples (7%). Ascarid (1/43, 2.3%), capillariid (1/43, 2.3%), and strongyle-type eggs (76.7%, 33/43) were also identified. Among the 11 readable sequences of samples that were positive for G. duodenalis by end-point PCR (18/21), the zoonotic assemblage A sub-assemblage AII and mixed assemblage A and B were identified. This is the first report of zoonotic G. duodenalis genotypes in the Eurasian badger. Moreover, most of identified parasites have zoonotic potential and/or potential impact on the population health of wild badgers and other wild and domestic animals

    Gray Wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Parasite Survey in Anthropized and Natural Areas of Central Italy

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    Simple Summary Studies on wild animal parasites are considered crucial for the adoption of effective strategies aimed at reducing the impact of these pathogens on evolving ecosystems. This study aimed to assess and compare gastrointestinal nematodes and protozoa and other parasites detectable with coprological analysis in free-ranging wolf and red fox populations living in natural and anthropized areas of Tuscany (Central Italy). This comparison allowed us to detect significant differences in the occurrence and frequency of some parasite taxa considering the same canid species in different environments (natural and anthropized) and the two canid species in the same environment. Data obtained in this study may indicate different parasite risks and different roles played by the wolf and the fox in the diffusion of specific parasite taxa in the environments considered herein. Gastrointestinal nematodes and protozoa and other parasite occurrences were evaluated in free-ranging wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) populations from natural and anthropized areas of Central Italy. Analyzed fecal samples were collected from 60 foxes and 40 wolves in the anthropized areas, and 41 foxes and 39 wolves in the natural areas. In foxes, hookworm infections (p < 0.0001) were more frequently recorded in the anthropized environment, while coccidia (p < 0.05) and Cryptosporidium spp. (p < 0.0001) were more frequent in the natural area. In wolves, a higher frequency of hookworms (p < 0.0001) was observed in natural areas, while coccidia were more common in the anthropized area (p < 0.05). Moreover, in the natural environment, trichuroid nematodes (p < 0.0001) were significantly more frequent in wolves than in foxes, while Cryptosporidium (p < 0.001) and Giardia duodenalis (p < 0.001) were more common in foxes. In the anthropic area, the occurrence of hookworms was found to be significantly higher in foxes (p < 0.0001), while trichuroid nematodes were more common in wolves (p < 0.0001). The obtained data are indicative of a different diffusion of specific parasite taxa in wolves and foxes living in the natural and/or anthropized environments examined herein


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    Understanding molecular adaptations evolved in response to environmental temperature changes is essential, because temperature affects the kinetic energy of molecules and modifies molecular interactions, macromolecular stability/functioning and membrane features. Environmental oxygen availability may also play an important role in the evolution of polar marine organisms, as suggested by the physiological and biochemical strategies adopted by these organisms to acquire, deliver and scavenge oxygen.This review summarises the current knowledge on the structure and function of hemoglobins of fish living in Antarctic habitats. The variety of adaptations underlying the ability of Antarctic fish to survive at temperatures permanently close to freezing is unique among teleosts. The dominant perciform suborder Notothenioidei affords an excellent study group for elaborating the evolution of biochemical adaptation to temperature. The availability of notothenioid taxa living in a wide range of latitudes (Antarctic, sub-Antarctic, and temperate regions) offers a remarkable opportunity to study the physiological and biochemical characters gained and, conversely, lost in response to cold and to reconstruct the likely evolutionary events modulating the ability to carry oxygen in freezing habitats. Although oxygen can be transported in freely dissolved form most animals rely on one or more protein carriers to deliver it to the respiring tissues. Compared to temperate and tropical species, high-Antarctic notothenioids have evolved reduced hemoglobin concentration/multiplicity. The Antarctic family Channichthyidae (the notothenioid crown group) is devoid of hemoglobin. All extant icefish species lack hemoglobin and many have lost myoglobin expression. In these species, oxygen delivery to tissues occurs by transport of the gas physically dissolved in the plasma.ADAPTACIONES EVOLUTIVAS EN PECES ANTÁRTICOS: EL SISTEMA DE TRANSPORTE DE OXÍGENO. Comprender las adaptaciones moleculares que han evolucionado en respuesta a los cambios de temperatura del medio ambiente es esencial, porque la temperatura afecta la energía cinética de las moléculas y  modiica  las  interacciones  moleculares,  la  estabilidad  de  las  macromoleculares,  sus  características  y  el funcionamiento de la membrana. La disponibilidad de oxígeno ambiental desempeña un papel importante en la evolución de los organismos marinos polares, como se evidencia en las estrategias isiológicas y bioquímicas adoptadas  por  estos  organismos  para  adquirir,  gastar  y  usar  oxígeno.  Esta  revisión  resume  el  conocimiento actual sobre la estructura y función de la hemoglobina de los peces que viven en hábitats antárticos. La amplia variedad de adaptaciones que permiten que los peces antárticos tengan la capacidad para sobrevivir de forma permanente en temperaturas cerca de la congelación es única entre los teleósteos. El suborden Notothenioidei, perteneciente a los Perciformes, es un excelente grupo para el estudio de la evolución y adaptación bioquímica a la temperatura. La gran variedad de taxones de nototénidos que viven en una amplia variedad de latitudes (Antártida, sub-antárticas, y las regiones templadas) ofrece una oportunidad extraordinaria para estudiar las características  isiológicas  y  bioquímicas  adquiridas  y  perdidas  por  este  grupo  en  respuesta  al  frío,  además de la posibilidad de reconstruir  los eventos más probables que direccionaron la evolución de la capacidad de transportar oxígeno en hábitats polares. Aunque el oxígeno puede ser transportado en su forma libre disuelta, la mayoría de los animales dependen de una o más proteínas para entregarlo a los tejidos para la respiración. En comparación con especies de zonas templadas y tropicales, los nototenoideos de la alta Antártida han evolucionado reduciendo la concentración y multiplicidad de hemoglobina. La familia antártica Channichthyidae (el grupo con corona de los Nototénidos) carece de la hemoglobina. Todas las especies de peces existentes que viven en el hielo carecen de hemoglobina y muchas han perdido la expresión de la mioglobina. En estas especies, el aporte de oxígeno a los tejidos se produce por el transporte del gas físicamente disuelto en el plasma. Palabras clave: Antártida; adaptaciones al frio; evolución; hemoglobina.ADAPTAÇÕES EVOLUTIVAS EM PEIXES ANTÁTRTICOS: O SISTEMA DE TRANSPORTE DE OXIGÊNIO.  Compreender as adaptações moleculares envolvidas na resposta às mudanças na temperatura  ambiental  é  essencial,  pois  a  temperatura  afeta  a  energia  cinética  das  moléculas  e  modiica  as interações moleculares, a estabilidade/funcionamento das macromoléculas e as características da membrana. A disponibilidade de oxigênio no ambiente pode também ter um importante papel na evolução dos organismos marinhos polares, como indicado pelas estratégias isiológicas e bioquímicas adotadas por estes organismos para adquirir, transportar e trocar oxigênio.   Esta revisão resume o conhecimento atual da estrutura e funcionamento das hemoglobinas de peixes que ocorrem em ambientes Antárticos. A diversidade de adaptações que sustentam a habilidade de peixes antárticos sobreviverem em temperaturas permanentemente próximas do congelamento é  única  entre  os  teleósteos.  A  dominante  sub-ordem  Perciforme  Notothenioidei  apresenta-se  como  um excelente  grupo  de  estudo  para  melhorar  o  conhecimento  sobre  a  evolução  das  adaptações  bioquímicas  à temperatura. A ocorrência de nototenióides em uma ampla variedade de latitudes (Antártica, sub-Antártica e regiões temperadas) oferece uma oportunidade notável para estudar as características isiológicas e bioquímicas obtidas  e,  por  outro  lado,  perdidas  em  resposta  ao  frio,  além  de  tornar  possível  a  reconstrução  dos  eventos evolutivos  que  provavelmente  modularam  a  habilidade  desses  peixes  de  transportar  oxigênio  em  ambientes extremamente frios. Embora  o  oxigênio  possa  ser  transportado  livremente  na  sua  forma  dissolvida,  a  maioria  dos  animais depende de um ou mais tipos de proteínas carreadoras para entregar o oxigênio aos tecidos. Quando comparadas às  espécies  temperadas  e  tropicais,  os  nototenióides  da  região Antártica,  propriamente  dita,  desenvolveram reduzida  concentração/multiplicidade  de  hemoglobinas.  A  família  de  peixes  Antárticos  Channichthyidae (crown group  nototenióide)  não  apresenta  hemoglobina.  Todas  as  espécies  de iceish  (peixes-do-gelo)  não possuem hemoglobinas e muitas também não produzem mioglobinas. Nessas espécies, o transporte de oxigênio aos tecidos ocorre através do gás isicamente dissolvido no plasma. Palavras-chave: Antártica; adaptações ao frio; evolução; hemoglobina

    Development and validation of the ID-EC - The ITALIAN version of the identify chronic migraine

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    Background: Case-finding tools, such as the Identify Chronic Migraine (ID-CM) questionnaire, can improve detection of CM and alleviate its significant societal burden. We aimed to develop and validate the Italian version of the ID-CM (ID-EC) in paper and as a smart app version in a headache clinic-based setting. Methods: The study investigators translated and adapted to the Italian language the original ID-CM questionnaire (ID-EC) and further implemented it as a smart app. The ID-EC was tested in its paper and electronic version in consecutive patients referring to 9 Italian tertiary headache centers for their first in-person visit. The scoring algorithm of the ID-EC paper version was applied by the study investigators (case-finding) and by patients (self-diagnosis), while the smart app provided to patients automatically the diagnosis. Diagnostic accuracy of the ID-EC was assessed by matching the questionnaire results with the interview-based diagnoses performed by the headache specialists during the visit according to the criteria of International Classification of Headache Disorders, III edition, beta version. Results: We enrolled 531 patients in the test of the paper version of ID-EC and 427 in the validation study of the smart app. According to the clinical diagnosis 209 patients had CM in the paper version study and 202 had CM in the smart app study. 79.5% of patients returned valid paper questionnaires, while 100% of patients returned valid and complete smart app questionnaires. The paper questionnaire had a 81.5% sensitivity and a 81.1% specificity for case-finding and a 30.7% sensitivity and 90.7% specificity for self-diagnosis, while the smart app had a 64.9% sensitivity and 90.2% specificity. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the ID-EC, developed and validated in tertiary headache centers, is a valid case-finding tool for CM, with sensitivity and specificity values above 80% in paper form, while the ID-EC smart app is more useful to exclude CM diagnosis in case of a negative result. Further studies are warranted to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the ID-EC in general practice and population-based settings

    Combination of the Systemin peptide with the beneficial fungus Trichoderma afroharzianum T22 improves plant defense responses against pests and diseases

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    Trichoderma spp. are among the most widely used plant beneficial fungi in agriculture. Its interaction with the plant triggers resistance responses by the activation of Induced Systemic Resistance mediated by Jasmonic acid and Ethylene and/or Systemic Acquired Resistance, which involves Salicylic acid, with the consequent control of a wide range of plant parasites. However, the benefit they can confer to plants may be reduced or nullified by environmental conditions or fungal ecological fitness. A novel approach to enhance their effectiveness in plant defense is to combine them with bioactive molecules including plant-derived compounds. Here, we show that plant treatment with Trichoderma afroharzianum (strain T22) and Systemin, a tomato peptide active in triggering plant defense, confers protection against the fungal pathogens Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea and the insect pest Tuta absoluta. The observed defensive response was associated with an increase of Jasmonic acid and related metabolites and a decrease of Salicili acid

    Stellar archaeology in the Milky Way halo. Variable stars and stellar populations in the new Milky Way ultra-faint dwarfs

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    We summarize results from the photometric survey of a number of ultra-faint dwarf satellites of the Milky Way. We are studying these systems in a systematic way to characterize their stellar populations and structural parameters, as well as their variable star content, with the aim of deriving hints on the formation process of the Galactic halo. <P /

    Efficacy and safety of reparixin in patients with severe covid-19 Pneumonia. A phase 3, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study

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    Introduction: Polymorphonuclear cell influx into the interstitial and bronchoalveolar spaces is a cardinal feature of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), principally mediated by interleukin-8 (IL-8). We sought to determine whether reparixin, a novel IL-8 pathway inhibitor, could reduce disease progression in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: In this Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study, hospitalized adult patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia were randomized 2:1 to receive oral reparixin 1200&nbsp;mg three times daily or placebo for up to 21&nbsp;days or until hospital discharge. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients alive and free of respiratory failure at Day 28, with key secondary endpoints being the proportion of patients free of respiratory failure at Day 60, incidence of intensive care unit (ICU) admission by Day 28 and time to recovery by Day 28. Results: Of 279 patients randomized, 182 received at least one dose of reparixin and 88 received placebo. The proportion of patients alive and free of respiratory failure at Day 28 was similar in the two groups {83.5% versus 80.7%; odds ratio 1.63 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.75, 3.51]; p = 0.216}. There were no statistically significant differences in the key secondary endpoints, but a numerically higher proportion of patients in the reparixin group were alive and free of respiratory failure at Day 60 (88.7% versus 84.6%; p = 0.195), fewer required ICU admissions by Day 28 (15.8% versus 21.7%; p = 0.168), and a higher proportion recovered by Day 28 compared with placebo (81.6% versus 74.9%; p = 0.167). Fewer patients experienced adverse events with reparixin than placebo (45.6% versus 54.5%), most mild or moderate intensity and not related to study treatment. Conclusions: This trial did not meet the primary efficacy endpoints, yet reparixin showed a trend toward limiting disease progression as an add-on therapy in COVID-19 severe pneumonia and was well tolerated. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04878055, EudraCT: 2020-005919-51


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    Background: A minority of patients fails to eliminate HCV and resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) are commonly detected at failure of interferon-free DAA regimens . Methods: Within the Italian network VIRONET-C, the prevalence of NS3/NS5A/NS5B RASs was retrospectively evaluated in patients who failed an EASL recommended DAA-regimen in 2015-2018 . The geno2pheno system and Sorbo MC et al. Drug Resistance Updates 2018 were used to infer HCV- genotype/subtype and predict drug resistance . The changes in prevalence of RASs over time were evaluated by chi-square test for trend, predictors of RASs at failure were analysed by logistic regression . Results: We included 386 HCV infected patients: 75% males, median age was 56 years (IQR 52-61), metavir fibrosis stage F4 in 76%; 106 (28%) were treatment- experienced: 91 (86%) with IFN-based treatments, 26 (25%) with DAAs. Patients with HIV and HBV coinfection were 10% (33/317) and 8% (6/72), respectively. HCV genotype was 1b in 122 pts (32%), 3 in 109 (28%), 1a in 97 (25%), 4 in 37 (10%), 2 in 21 (5%). DAA regimens were: LDV/SOF in 115 (30%), DCV/SOF in 103 (27%), 3D in 83 (21%), EBR/GRZ in 32 (8%), VEL/SOF in 29 (7%), GLE/PIB in 18 (5%) and 2D in 6 (2%); ribavirin was administered in 123 (32%) . The NS5A fasta-sequence was available for all patients, NS5B for 361 (94%), NS3 for 365 (95%) . According to the DAA failed the prevalence of any RASs was 90%, namely 80/135 (59%) in NS3, 313/359 (87%) in NS5A, 114/286 (40%) in NS5B . The prevalence of any RASs significantly declined from 2015 to 2018 (93% vs 70%, p=0.004): NS5A RASs from 90% to 72% (p=0 .29), NS3 RASs from 74% to 18% (p&lt;0 .001), while NS5B RASs remained stable . Independent predictors of any RASs included advanced fibrosis (AOR 6.1, CI 95% 1.8-20.3, p=0 .004) and genotype (G2 vs G1a AOR 0 .03, CI 95% 0 .002- 0 .31, p=0 .004; G3 vs G1a AOR 0 .08, CI 95% 0 .01-0 .62, p=0 .02; G4 vs G1a AOR 0 .05, CI 95% 0 .006-0 .46, p=0 .008), after adjusting for age, previous HCV treatment and year of genotype . Notably, full activity was predicted for GLE/PIB in 75% of cases and for at least two components of VEL/SOF/VOX in 53% of cases, no case with full-resistance to either regimen was found . Conclusion: Despite decreasing prevalence over the years, RASs remain common at virological failure of DAA treatment, particularly in patients with the highest grade of liver fibrosis. The identification of RASs after failure could play a crucial role in optimizing retreatment strategies