19 research outputs found


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    No contexto arqueológico pré-colonial das terras altas sul-brasileiras existem evidências de fogueiras associadas a sítios domésticos e rituais. Cada uma destas fogueiras foi acesa e utilizada de acordo com as necessidades de circunstâncias diferentes e, portanto, possuem traços distintos específicos de seus usos. Traços observados foram fogueiras de base côncava, conjuntos de pedras e presença de terra queimada. Tais características indicam o conhecimento de tecnologias determinantes para o funcionamento da fogueira, em termos de produção, manutenção, controle e uso do fogo. Apresentamos aqui algumas considerações sobre quatro fogueiras de sítios arqueológicos pré-coloniais situados em Pinhal da Serra, RS

    The great pre-colonial builders of the southern brazilian plateau: a study of the archaeological landscapes in Bom Jesus, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    Au début de notre ère, les hautes terres du sud du Brésil furent occupées par des peuples précoloniaux qui édifièrent de grandes constructions en terre sur le sol - tels que monticules funéraires, dépôts de terre, murs, remblais, terrassements - et sous le sol - les structures souterraines et semi-souterraines. Dans le but d'obtenir davantage de données et de mieux comprendre le mode de vie de ces populations, ce travail s'est basé sur l'approche de l'archéologie du paysage lors des fouilles entreprises dans l'ensemble des structures édifiées du site RS-AN-03 et de la prospection archéologique dans une zone pilote de 1 500 km² dans la région de Bom Jesus, située dans l'État le plus méridional du Brésil. Envisageant le paysage comme un participant actif dans les actions sociales humaines, cette approche a donné à l'archéologie des hautes terres brésiliennes un nouveau support interprétatif. Elle a également permis d'élaborer un modèle de comportement territorial à partir des analyses des niveaux intrasite, intersite et régional, ainsi qu'un nouveau discours narratif sur l'occupation humaine précoloniale. Établi à partir du constat d'expansion de la forêt d'araucarias sur un paysage de champs, concomitante de l'expansion et de la fixation des groupes humains vers 1 500 avant J.C. environ, ce discours met en évidence une dynamique socio-environnementale sur le Planalto das Araucárias, un aspect anthropique du paysage. La concentration élevée des ressources disponibles et assurées annuellement a favorisé la concentration de personnes, qui construisirent des villages et de grands hameaux à caractère permanent et constituèrent des sociétés complexes, hiérarchisées, avec des territoires délimités et protégés.The highlands in southern Brazil were settled around the beginning of our era by precolonial peoples who built large earth buildings on the ground in the form of small burial hills, earth deposits, walls, landfills, terraces, in addition to building underground and semiunderground structures. In order to get more information and better understand the way of life of these populations, the landscape archeology approach was used to make diggings in the set of buildings on site RS-AN-03 and on the archeological survey conducted at a pilot area of 1,500 Km² located in Bom Jesus in the southernmost Brazilian state. This approach, which views the landscape as an active player in human social actions, provided a new interpretative contribution to the archeology of Brazilian highlands, enabling the design of a territory behavior model based on the analyses performed within sites, across sites and at the regional level and a new narrative discourse on pre-colonial human settlements. This discourse, made from the realization of the expansion of araucaria forecast on a grassland landscape that took place together with the expansion and settlement of human groups around 1,500 BC shows evidence of a social-environmental dynamics at the araucaria plateau, a landscape anthropogenization. The high concentration of resources available and ensured all year round enabled the concentration of people who built permanent towns and larges villages and constituted complex hierarchized societies that kept their territories delimited and protected

    A gênese das paisagens culturais do planalto sul brasileiro

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    A aplicação da abordagem da arqueologia da paisagem aos sítios arqueológicos pesquisados nos municípios de Bom Jesus e Pinhal da Serra, no nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, permitiu identificar cinco momentos marcantes na construção social da paisagem cultural moderna do planalto sul brasileiro. Este artigo enfatiza a importância da temporalidade da paisagem, ressalta as diferenças entre a paisagem dos grandes construtores de estruturas semissubterrâneas e a dos edificadores de estruturas funerárias e assinala que essas não podem ser associadas automaticamente aos grupos denominados Proto-Jê ou aos grupos históricos Jê Meridionais.The use of landscape archeology approach to archaeological sites surveyed in the municipalities of Bom Jesus and Pinhal da Serra, in the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul, identified five key moments in the social construction of modern cultural landscape of the southern Brazilian plateau. This article emphasizes the importance of the temporality of the landscape and highlights the differences between the landscape of the great builders of pit houses and the builders of the monumental funerary structures and points out that these cannot be automatically associated with the so-called Proto-Jê groups or the historical Southern Jê groups

    El uso de la arquitectura como artefacto en el estudio de paisajes arqueológicos del altiplano sur brasileño, Rio Grande do Sul

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    En las tierras altas del sur de Brasil hay una gran diversidad de sitios arqueológicos edifi cados bajo tierra (estructuras subterráneas y semi-subterráneas) y sobre el suelo (estructuras en relieve). Esta variabilidad de sitios ya fue interpretada como producto de la ocupación de la región por diferentes grupos humanos o en diferentes períodos. La hipótesis trabajada en este ensayo es que la gran variabilidad formal, funcional y espacial de los sitios proviene de la pluralidad de actividades desempeñadas por una misma población en un mismo momento, y representa la forma en que conciben, interactúan, construyen y representan el paisaje. Estos sitios con estructuras arquitectónicas serán analizados como artefactos, estrategia para comprender mejor sus características y su inserción en el paisaje. A través de la distribución espacial, la visibilidad, visualización y jerarquía de sitios, se percibe con más claridad cómo construyeron los paisajes arqueológicos los grupos humanos que ocuparon los dos micro-región de Bom Jesus y Pinhal da Serra, aquí analizadas y comparadas.In the Southern Brazilian Highlands, there is a great diversity of archaeological sites built under the ground (underground and semi-underground structures = pit houses) and above it (relief structures). Such site variability had already been interpreted as the result of the occupation of that region by different human groups or in different periods. This essay deals with the hypothesis that the great formal, functional and spatial site variability derives from a diversity of activities performed by one population at the same time and it represents the way in which they conceive, interact, construct and represent their landscape. We will analyze these sites with architectural structures as artifacts, a strategy that will allow to better understand both their characteristics and insertion in the landscape. Through spatial distribution, visibility, visualization, and site hierarchy, it is possible to see in a clearer way how the human groups that occupied Bom Jesus and Pinhal da Serra - two micro regions that will be analyzed and compared here - constructed the archaeological landscapes

    El uso de la arquitectura como artefacto en el estudio de paisajes arqueológicos del altiplano sur brasileño, Rio Grande do Sul

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    En las tierras altas del sur de Brasil hay una gran diversidad de sitios arqueológicos edifi cados bajo tierra (estructuras subterráneas y semi-subterráneas) y sobre el suelo (estructuras en relieve). Esta variabilidad de sitios ya fue interpretada como producto de la ocupación de la región por diferentes grupos humanos o en diferentes períodos. La hipótesis trabajada en este ensayo es que la gran variabilidad formal, funcional y espacial de los sitios proviene de la pluralidad de actividades desempeñadas por una misma población en un mismo momento, y representa la forma en que conciben, interactúan, construyen y representan el paisaje. Estos sitios con estructuras arquitectónicas serán analizados como artefactos, estrategia para comprender mejor sus características y su inserción en el paisaje. A través de la distribución espacial, la visibilidad, visualización y jerarquía de sitios, se percibe con más claridad cómo construyeron los paisajes arqueológicos los grupos humanos que ocuparon los dos micro-región de Bom Jesus y Pinhal da Serra, aquí analizadas y comparadas.In the Southern Brazilian Highlands, there is a great diversity of archaeological sites built under the ground (underground and semi-underground structures = pit houses) and above it (relief structures). Such site variability had already been interpreted as the result of the occupation of that region by different human groups or in different periods. This essay deals with the hypothesis that the great formal, functional and spatial site variability derives from a diversity of activities performed by one population at the same time and it represents the way in which they conceive, interact, construct and represent their landscape. We will analyze these sites with architectural structures as artifacts, a strategy that will allow to better understand both their characteristics and insertion in the landscape. Through spatial distribution, visibility, visualization, and site hierarchy, it is possible to see in a clearer way how the human groups that occupied Bom Jesus and Pinhal da Serra - two micro regions that will be analyzed and compared here - constructed the archaeological landscapes

    A gênese das paisagens culturais do planalto sul brasileiro

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    A aplicação da abordagem da arqueologia da paisagem aos sítios arqueológicos pesquisados nos municípios de Bom Jesus e Pinhal da Serra, no nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, permitiu identificar cinco momentos marcantes na construção social da paisagem cultural moderna do planalto sul brasileiro. Este artigo enfatiza a importância da temporalidade da paisagem, ressalta as diferenças entre a paisagem dos grandes construtores de estruturas semissubterrâneas e a dos edificadores de estruturas funerárias e assinala que essas não podem ser associadas automaticamente aos grupos denominados Proto-Jê ou aos grupos históricos Jê Meridionais.The use of landscape archeology approach to archaeological sites surveyed in the municipalities of Bom Jesus and Pinhal da Serra, in the northeast of Rio Grande do Sul, identified five key moments in the social construction of modern cultural landscape of the southern Brazilian plateau. This article emphasizes the importance of the temporality of the landscape and highlights the differences between the landscape of the great builders of pit houses and the builders of the monumental funerary structures and points out that these cannot be automatically associated with the so-called Proto-Jê groups or the historical Southern Jê groups

    Narrativas espaciais das ações humanas : história e aplicação da arqueologia espacial como teoria de médio alcance : o caso das estruturas semi-subterrâneas do planalto Sul-brasileiro

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    No século XX, percebemos basicamente três linhas mestras de interpretação da relação Homem versus Ambiente: o ambiente como condicionador ou como cenário das ações humanas, a interação entre homem e natureza (necessitando métodos de mensuração dos níveis de adaptação) e o homem construindo, economicamente, socialmente, simbolicamente, o seu espaço. Neste ensaio identifico três tipos de narrativas das ações humanas na ocupação das terras altas do sul do Brasil, a partir de três concepções da arqueologia espacial, utilizada como recurso teórico de médio alcance, na interpretação dos dados obtidos nas pesquisas sobre as estruturas semisubterrâneas do planalto das araucárias.In the 20th century we could find out basically three master lines to interpret the relationship Man versus Environment: the environment as a conditioner or a scenery for human actions; the interaction between man and nature (which needs measurement methods of adaptation levels); and the man building his own space in an economical, social, and symbolical way. I identify in this essay three kinds of narratives of human actions in the occupation of the highland in Southern Brazil, from three conceptions of spatial archaeology, which is used as a theoretical medium-range resource in the interpretation of the data obtained from the studies on the semi-underground structures in the region of the Araucaria Plateau

    The great pre-colonial builders of the southern brazilian plateau: a study of the archaeological landscapes in Bom Jesus, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    Au début de notre ère, les hautes terres du sud du Brésil furent occupées par des peuples précoloniaux qui édifièrent de grandes constructions en terre sur le sol - tels que monticules funéraires, dépôts de terre, murs, remblais, terrassements - et sous le sol - les structures souterraines et semi-souterraines. Dans le but d'obtenir davantage de données et de mieux comprendre le mode de vie de ces populations, ce travail s'est basé sur l'approche de l'archéologie du paysage lors des fouilles entreprises dans l'ensemble des structures édifiées du site RS-AN-03 et de la prospection archéologique dans une zone pilote de 1 500 km² dans la région de Bom Jesus, située dans l'État le plus méridional du Brésil. Envisageant le paysage comme un participant actif dans les actions sociales humaines, cette approche a donné à l'archéologie des hautes terres brésiliennes un nouveau support interprétatif. Elle a également permis d'élaborer un modèle de comportement territorial à partir des analyses des niveaux intrasite, intersite et régional, ainsi qu'un nouveau discours narratif sur l'occupation humaine précoloniale. Établi à partir du constat d'expansion de la forêt d'araucarias sur un paysage de champs, concomitante de l'expansion et de la fixation des groupes humains vers 1 500 avant J.C. environ, ce discours met en évidence une dynamique socio-environnementale sur le Planalto das Araucárias, un aspect anthropique du paysage. La concentration élevée des ressources disponibles et assurées annuellement a favorisé la concentration de personnes, qui construisirent des villages et de grands hameaux à caractère permanent et constituèrent des sociétés complexes, hiérarchisées, avec des territoires délimités et protégés.The highlands in southern Brazil were settled around the beginning of our era by precolonial peoples who built large earth buildings on the ground in the form of small burial hills, earth deposits, walls, landfills, terraces, in addition to building underground and semiunderground structures. In order to get more information and better understand the way of life of these populations, the landscape archeology approach was used to make diggings in the set of buildings on site RS-AN-03 and on the archeological survey conducted at a pilot area of 1,500 Km² located in Bom Jesus in the southernmost Brazilian state. This approach, which views the landscape as an active player in human social actions, provided a new interpretative contribution to the archeology of Brazilian highlands, enabling the design of a territory behavior model based on the analyses performed within sites, across sites and at the regional level and a new narrative discourse on pre-colonial human settlements. This discourse, made from the realization of the expansion of araucaria forecast on a grassland landscape that took place together with the expansion and settlement of human groups around 1,500 BC shows evidence of a social-environmental dynamics at the araucaria plateau, a landscape anthropogenization. The high concentration of resources available and ensured all year round enabled the concentration of people who built permanent towns and larges villages and constituted complex hierarchized societies that kept their territories delimited and protected