5,689 research outputs found

    2000-times repeated imaging of strontium atoms in clock-magic tweezer arrays

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    We demonstrate single-atom resolved imaging with a survival probability of 0.99932(8)0.99932(8) and a fidelity of 0.99991(1)0.99991(1), enabling us to perform repeated high-fidelity imaging of single atoms in tweezers for thousands of times. We further observe lifetimes under laser cooling of more than seven minutes, an order of magnitude longer than in previous tweezer studies. Experiments are performed with strontium atoms in 813.4 nm813.4~\text{nm} tweezer arrays, which is at a magic wavelength for the clock transition. Tuning to this wavelength is enabled by off-magic Sisyphus cooling on the intercombination line, which lets us choose the tweezer wavelength almost arbitrarily. We find that a single not retro-reflected cooling beam in the radial direction is sufficient for mitigating recoil heating during imaging. Moreover, this cooling technique yields temperatures below 5 μ5~\muK, as measured by release and recapture. Finally, we demonstrate clock-state resolved detection with average survival probability of 0.996(1)0.996(1) and average state detection fidelity of 0.981(1)0.981(1). Our work paves the way for atom-by-atom assembly of large defect-free arrays of alkaline-earth atoms, in which repeated interrogation of the clock transition is an imminent possibility.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 vide

    Analysis of landfills C-746-S and C-746-T at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

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    Contamination can be very difficult to remove from water. Once this water seeps into the ground, the difficulty grows exponentially. The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, located in Paducah, Kentucky, has contaminated the groundwater. The contaminants that pose an environmental threat are Trichloroethylene and Technetium-99. Trichloroethylene is used as a degreasing solvent, while Technetium-99 is a by-product of enriching uranium. This study involves investigating potential sources of Trichloroethylene and Technetium-99. The potential sources are two landfills, the C-746-S landfill and the C-746-T landfill. Data from monitoring wells located around the two landfills were analyzed to determine if the two landfills are sources of contamination. Data from leachate reports were compared to monitoring well data to investigate the possibility of leakage from the landfill containing Trichloroethylene or Technetium-99

    Timely publication and sharing of trial data: opportunities and challenges for comparative effectiveness research in cardiovascular disease

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    There is growing enthusiasm for the timely publication and sharing of clinical trial data. The rationale for open access includes greater transparency, reproducibility, and efficiency of the research enterprise. In cardiovascular diseases, routinely sharing clinical trial data would create opportunities for undertaking comparative effectiveness research, providing much needed evidence on how different interventions compare to each other on key outcomes. Access to individual patient-level data would strengthen the validity of such research. Novel methodological approaches like network meta-analyses using individual patient-level data could reliably compare interventions that have not been compared to each other in head-to-head trials. However, there are significant practical, methodological, financial, and legal challenges to this utopian open access that need to be continually addressed. Sharing clinical trial data openly will only occur when the previously tolerated process of clinical research involving direct ownership and secrecy is abandoned for a new culture in which medical science is open to all of its stakeholders. With this new culture, data will be accessible, reanalysis and further analysis will be considered commonplace, and comparative effectiveness research through novel synthesis approaches such as network meta-analysis can thrive—as long as measures are taken to adequately ensure the goal remains to promote public health

    Towards a Lightweight Approach for Modding Serious Educational Games: Assisting Novice Designers

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    Serious educational games (SEGs) are a growing segment of the education community’s pedagogical toolbox. Effectively creating such games remains challenging, as teachers and industry trainers are content experts; typically they are not game designers with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience needed to create a quality SEG. Here, a lightweight approach to interactively explore and modify existing SEGs is introduced, a toll that can be broadly adopted by educators for pedagogically sound SEGs. Novice game designers can rapidly explore the educational and traditional elements of a game, with a stress on tracking the SEG learning objectives, as well as allowing for reviewing and altering a variety of graphic and audio game elements

    Alkaline earth atoms in optical tweezers

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    We demonstrate single-shot imaging and narrow-line cooling of individual alkaline earth atoms in optical tweezers; specifically, strontium-88 atoms trapped in 515.2 nm515.2~\text{nm} light. We achieve high-fidelity single-atom-resolved imaging by detecting photons from the broad singlet transition while cooling on the narrow intercombination line, and extend this technique to highly uniform two-dimensional arrays of 121121 tweezers. Cooling during imaging is based on a previously unobserved narrow-line Sisyphus mechanism, which we predict to be applicable in a wide variety of experimental situations. Further, we demonstrate optically resolved sideband cooling of a single atom close to the motional ground state of a tweezer. Precise determination of losses during imaging indicate that the branching ratio from 1^1P1_1 to 1^1D2_2 is more than a factor of two larger than commonly quoted, a discrepancy also predicted by our ab initio calculations. We also measure the differential polarizability of the intercombination line in a 515.2 nm515.2~\text{nm} tweezer and achieve a magic-trapping configuration by tuning the tweezer polarization from linear to elliptical. We present calculations, in agreement with our results, which predict a magic crossing for linear polarization at 520(2) nm520(2)~\text{nm} and a crossing independent of polarization at 500.65(50)nm. Our results pave the way for a wide range of novel experimental avenues based on individually controlled alkaline earth atoms in tweezers -- from fundamental experiments in atomic physics to quantum computing, simulation, and metrology implementations

    Matrices of Optimal Tree-Depth and Row-Invariant Parameterized Algorithm for Integer Programming

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    A long line of research on fixed parameter tractability of integer programming culminated with showing that integer programs with n variables and a constraint matrix with tree-depth d and largest entry ? are solvable in time g(d,?) poly(n) for some function g, i.e., fixed parameter tractable when parameterized by tree-depth d and ?. However, the tree-depth of a constraint matrix depends on the positions of its non-zero entries and thus does not reflect its geometric structure. In particular, tree-depth of a constraint matrix is not preserved by row operations, i.e., a given integer program can be equivalent to another with a smaller dual tree-depth. We prove that the branch-depth of the matroid defined by the columns of the constraint matrix is equal to the minimum tree-depth of a row-equivalent matrix. We also design a fixed parameter algorithm parameterized by an integer d and the entry complexity of an input matrix that either outputs a matrix with the smallest dual tree-depth that is row-equivalent to the input matrix or outputs that there is no matrix with dual tree-depth at most d that is row-equivalent to the input matrix. Finally, we use these results to obtain a fixed parameter algorithm for integer programming parameterized by the branch-depth of the input constraint matrix and the entry complexity. The parameterization by branch-depth cannot be replaced by the more permissive notion of branch-width
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