2,994 research outputs found

    Integrated command, control, communications and computation system functional architecture

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    The functional architecture for an integrated command, control, communications, and computation system applicable to the command and control portion of the NASA End-to-End Data. System is described including the downlink data processing and analysis functions required to support the uplink processes. The functional architecture is composed of four elements: (1) the functional hierarchy which provides the decomposition and allocation of the command and control functions to the system elements; (2) the key system features which summarize the major system capabilities; (3) the operational activity threads which illustrate the interrelationahip between the system elements; and (4) the interfaces which illustrate those elements that originate or generate data and those elements that use the data. The interfaces also provide a description of the data and the data utilization and access techniques

    Long Term Failure in Compacted Clay Slopes

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    The results of field, laboratory, and analytical investigations of recurring slope failures along the Mississippi River Levee are presented. Observations from slide trenching operations are described. Laboratory measured shear strengths are compared to effective strengths at failure back-calculated for two slides. Factors influencing the long term behavior of the levee materials and the mechanism of failure are discussed

    Slide Stabilization With Gravel Trenches

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    A different method of slide stabilization using gravel trenches is described. The design, construction, and performance monitoring of the gravel trenches are discussed together with a history of the slide, description of the soils, and mechanism of failure. The applications and limitations of this method of slide stabilization are also evaluated

    Report of Messrs. Thurman, Washburne, & Cooley, Constituting an Advisory Committee on Differential Rates by Railroads Between the West and the Seaboard.

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    In January, 1882, the undersigned were notified that they had been selected by the New.York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, W. H. Vanderbilt, P1·esident; the New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad Company, H. J. Jewett, President; the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, G. B. Roberts, President, and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, John W. Garrett, President, to act as an Advisory Commission upon the differences in rates that should exist, both eastwardly and westwardly, upon all classes of freights between the several terminal Atlantic ports, and to report upon the same.https://repository.law.umich.edu/books/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Magnetic field induced lattice anomaly inside the superconducting state of CeCoIn5_5: evidence of the proposed Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state

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    We report high magnetic field linear magnetostriction experiments on CeCoIn5_5 single crystals. Two features are remarkable: (i) a sharp discontinuity in all the crystallographic axes associated with the upper superconducting critical field Bc2B_{c2} that becomes less pronounced as the temperature increases; (ii) a distinctive second order-like feature observed only along the c-axis in the high field (10 T BBc2 \lesssim B \leq B_{c2}) low temperature (TT \lesssim 0.35 K) region. This second order transition is observed only when the magnetic field lies within 20o^o of the ab-planes and there is no signature of it above Bc2B_{c2}, which raises questions regarding its interpretation as a field induced magnetically ordered phase. Good agreement with previous results suggests that this anomaly is related to the transition to the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconducting state.Comment: 3 figures, 5 page

    Complex Landau Ginzburg Theory of the Hidden Order in URu_2Si_2

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    We develop a Landau Ginzburg theory of the hidden order phase and the local moment antiferromagnetic phase of URu_2Si_2. We unify the two broken symmetries in a common complex order parameter and derive many experimentally relevant consequences such as the topology of the phase diagram in magnetic field and pressure. The theory accounts for the appearance of a moment under application of stress and the thermal expansion anomaly across the phase transitions. It identifies the low energy mode which is seen in the hidden order phase near the conmensurate wavector (0,0, 1) as the pseudo-Goldstone mode of the approximate U(1) symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Discovery of Hamilton Fauna in Southeastern Michigan

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    DNA-binding by Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli YbaB, members of a widely-distributed bacterial protein family

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    BACKGROUND: Genes orthologous to the ybaB loci of Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae are widely distributed among eubacteria. Several years ago, the three-dimensional structures of the YbaB orthologs of both E. coli and H. influenzae were determined, revealing a novel tweezer -like structure. However, a function for YbaB had remained elusive, with an early study of the H. influenzae ortholog failing to detect DNA-binding activity. Our group recently determined that the Borrelia burgdorferi YbaB ortholog, EbfC, is a DNA-binding protein. To reconcile those results, we assessed the abilities of both the H. influenzae and E. coli YbaB proteins to bind DNA to which B. burgdorferi EbfC can bind. RESULTS: Both the H. influenzae and the E. coli YbaB proteins bound to tested DNAs. DNA-binding was not well competed with poly-dI-dC, indicating some sequence preferences for those two proteins. Analyses of binding characteristics determined that both YbaB orthologs bind as homodimers. Different DNA sequence preferences were observed between H. influenzae YbaB, E. coli YbaB and B. burgdorferi EbfC, consistent with amino acid differences in the putative DNA-binding domains of these proteins. CONCLUSION: Three distinct members of the YbaB/EbfC bacterial protein family have now been demonstrated to bind DNA. Members of this protein family are encoded by a broad range of bacteria, including many pathogenic species, and results of our studies suggest that all such proteins have DNA-binding activities. The functions of YbaB/EbfC family members in each bacterial species are as-yet unknown, but given the ubiquity of these DNA-binding proteins among Eubacteria, further investigations are warranted

    RICE Limits on the Diffuse Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Flux

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    We present new limits on ultra-high energy neutrino fluxes above 100 PeV based on data collected by the Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment (RICE) at the South Pole from 1999-2005. We discuss estimation of backgrounds, calibration and data analysis algorithms (both on-line and off-line), procedures used for the dedicated neutrino search, and refinements in our Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, including recent in situ measurements of the complex ice dielectric constant. An enlarged data set and a more detailed study of hadronic showers results in a sensitivity improvement of more than one order of magnitude compared to our previously published results. Examination of the full RICE data set yields zero acceptable neutrino candidates, resulting in 95% confidence-level model dependent limits on the flux (E_\nu)^2(d\phi/dE_\nu)<10^{-6} GeV/(cm^2s~sr}) in the energy range 10^{17}< E_\nu< 10^{20} eV. The new RICE results rule out the most intense flux model projections at 95% confidence level.Comment: Submitted to Astropart. Phy