24 research outputs found

    Histone deacetylase 11 inhibition promotes breast cancer metastasis from lymph nodes

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    Lymph node (LN) metastases correspond with a worse prognosis in nearly all cancers, yet the occurrence of cancer spreading from LNs remains controversial. Additionally, the mechanisms explaining how cancers survive and exit LNs are largely unknown. Here, we show that breast cancer patients frequently have LN metastases that closely resemble distant metastases. In addition, using a microsurgical model, we show how LN metastasis development and dissemination is regulated by the expression of a chromatin modifier, histone deacetylase 11 (HDAC11). Genetic and pharmacologic blockade of HDAC11 decreases LN tumor growth, yet substantially increases migration and distant metastasis formation. Collectively, we reveal a mechanism explaining how HDAC11 plasticity promotes breast cancer growth as well as dissemination from LNs and suggest caution with the use of HDAC inhibitors

    Elevated hematocrit enhances platelet accumulation following vascular injury

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    Red blood cells (RBCs) demonstrate procoagulant properties in vitro, and elevated hematocrit is associated with reduced bleeding and increased thrombosis risk in humans. These observations suggest RBCs contribute to thrombus formation. However, effects of RBCs on thrombosis are difficult to assess because humans and mice with elevated hematocrit typically have coexisting pathologies. Using an experimental model of elevated hematocrit in healthy mice, we measured effects of hematocrit in 2 in vivo clot formation models. We also assessed thrombin generation, platelet-thrombus interactions, and platelet accumulation in thrombi ex vivo, in vitro, and in silico. Compared with controls, mice with elevated hematocrit (RBCHIGH) formed thrombi at a faster rate and had a shortened vessel occlusion time. Thrombi in control and RBCHIGH mice did not differ in size or fibrin content, and there was no difference in levels of circulating thrombin-antithrombin complexes. In vitro, increasing the hematocrit increased thrombin generation in the absence of platelets; however, this effect was reduced in the presence of platelets. In silico, direct numerical simulations of whole blood predicted elevated hematocrit increases the frequency and duration of interactions between platelets and a thrombus.Whenhumanwhole blood was perfused over collagen at arterial shear rates, elevating the hematocrit increased the rate of platelet deposition and thrombus growth. These data suggest RBCs promote arterial thrombosis by enhancing platelet accumulation at the site of vessel injury. Maintaining a normal hematocrit may reduce arterial thrombosis risk in humans

    Res gestae divi Augusti : text, translation, and commentary

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    At the end of his life the emperor Augustus wrote an account of his achievements in which he reviewed his rise to power, his conquest of the world and his unparalleled generosity towards his subjects. This edition provides a new text, translation and detailed commentary - the first substantial one in English for more than four decades - which is suitable for use with students of all levels. The commentary deals with linguistic, stylistic and historical matters. It elucidates how Augustus understood his role in Roman society, and how he wished to be remembered by posterity; and it sets this picture that emerges from the Res Gestae into the context of the emergence both of a new visual language and of an official set of expressions. The book also includes illustrations in order to demonstrate how the Augustan era witnessed the rise of a whole new visual language

    Efeito de variáveis ambientais, épocas e métodos de plantio na intensidade da seca da haste (Botrytis cinerea) em Hibiscus sabdariffa

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    O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito da temperatura (15, 20, 25 e 30ºC), do período de molhamento foliar (0, 6, 12 e 24 h), de épocas (setembro, outubro, novembro e dezembro) e métodos de plantio (semeadura direta e transplantio de mudas), na intensidade da seca da haste (Botrytis cinerea) do hibisco (Hibiscus sabdariffa). As variáveis ambientais foram avaliadas em condições controladas com inoculação artificial e as épocas e métodos de plantio foram avaliados em condições de infecção natural em campo. Os dados de frequência de infecção analisados, como área abaixo da curva de progresso da frequência de infecção (AACPF) e comprimento de lesões relacionados às variáveis ambientais, foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão e, em seguida, plotadas as superfícies de resposta. Os dados de incidência (AACPI) relacionados às épocas e métodos de plantio foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando-se o programa estatístico Sisvarâ/UFLA. A interação da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento foliar influenciou a frequência de infecção e o comprimento de lesões da seca da haste. Houve aumento na frequência de infecção e no comprimento de lesões com o incremento do período de molhamento foliar e redução da temperatura. As lesões apresentaram maior tamanho na temperatura de 15ºC e 24 horas de molhamento foliar. Na ausência de molhamento foliar houve manifestação de sintomas somente a 15ºC. A 30ºC houve dependência de maior período de molhamento foliar para a manifestação de sintomas. Houve interação significativa de métodos e épocas de plantio na incidência da doença. Constatou-se menor incidência da seca da haste em transplantio de mudas comparado à semeadura direta em todas as épocas de plantio. Verificou-se aumento da incidência proporcionado pelo atraso na época de plantio nos dois métodos. Registrou-se uma relação direta entre queda de temperatura e aumento da incidência da seca da haste