2,601 research outputs found

    Gravitational Coset Models

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    The algebra A(D-3)+++ dimensionally reduces to the E(D-1) symmetry algebra of (12-D)-dimensional supergravity. An infinite set of five-dimensional gravitational objects trivially embedded in D-dimensions is constructed by identifying the null geodesic motion on cosets embedded in the generalised Kac-Moody algebra A(D-3)+++. By analogy with supergravity these are bound states of dual gravitons. The metric interpolates continuously between exotic gravitational solutions generated by the action of the Geroch group but is not a continuously transforming solution of the Einstein-Hilbert action. We investigate mixed-symmetry fields in the brane sigma model, identify actions for the full interpolating bound state and understand the obstruction to the bound state being a solution of the Einstein-Hilbert action.Comment: 46 page

    G+++ and Brane Solutions

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    We demonstrate that the very extended G+++ group element of the form gA=exp(1(β,β)lnNβH)exp((1N)Eβ)g_A=\exp(-{\frac{1}{(\beta,\beta)}\ln N}\beta \cdot H)\exp((1-N)E_\beta) describes the usual BPS, electric, single brane solutions found in G+++ theories.Comment: One new equation, added references, corrected typos and minor changes, 42 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    Off-Shell Hodge Dualities in Linearised Gravity and E11

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    In a spacetime of dimension n, the dual graviton is characterised by a Young diagram with two columns, the first of length n-3 and the second of length one. In this paper we perform the off-shell dualisation relating the dual graviton to the double-dual graviton, displaying the precise off-shell field content and gauge invariances. We then show that one can further perform infinitely many off-shell dualities, reformulating linearised gravity in an infinite number of equivalent actions. The actions require supplementary mixed-symmetry fields which are contained within the generalised Kac-Moody algebra E11 and are associated with null and imaginary roots.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, nomenclature changed and comments added to the conclusion

    Zero gravity tissue-culture laboratory

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    Hardware was developed for performing experiments to detect the effects that zero gravity may have on living human cells. The hardware is composed of a timelapse camera that photographs the activity of cell specimens and an experiment module in which a variety of living-cell experiments can be performed using interchangeable modules. The experiment is scheduled for the first manned Skylab mission

    Modus D4.1 Interface to modal choice model

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    This deliverable is the first deliverable of WP4 of the Modus project which aims to develop highly detailed low-level results on the present and future of the mobility of passengers in Europe based on flight and passenger metrics. The purpose of this document is to describe the methodology designed and developed to translate the output results of the modal choice model into individual passenger itineraries that are going to be used by the mobility models. Additionally, it outline so-far identified data requirements and processing needs to create valid input for the rest of the models developed in Modus: flight-centred airside model RNEST, passenger-centric airside model Mercury, and the landside model (i.e. door-to-door model)

    DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile

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    The FlightPath 2050 goal of enabling 90 per cent of European passengers to complete their door-to-door journey within four hours is a very challenging task. A major objective of the DATASET2050 project is to deliver insight into both current and future processes relating to the European transport system in this context. The deliverable D3.2 "Future Passenger Demand Profile" focuses on the future demand side of European (air) transport. Namely, the first goal is to develop a range of passenger profiles for the year 2035 and to provide implications for passenger profiles for 2050. For this purpose, the development of passenger characteristics - including demographic, geographic, socio-economic and behavioural aspects as well as particular mobility patterns - is analysed using available European data and forecasts. Based on this analysis, on specific mobility behaviour of the different member states (EU28 and EFTA countries) as well as on a high-level-factor identification, six different passenger profiles for 2035 are developed. These six profiles differ by main travel purpose (private, business and leisure, which is the combination of business and leisure trips), predominant age group, income level (low, medium, high) and several other characteristics. Furthermore, a demand model is applied showing the high relevance of gross domestic product (GDP) and education for a steady growth of passenger traffic volume in the EU28 and EFTA countries until 2050. The outcomes of the current deliverable will be put in contrast with those coming from D4.2 (Future supply profile), enabling thus a comprehensive assessment on the European door-to-door mobility in the future. Specifically, the deliverable results will be used in D5.1 (Mobility assessment), D5.2 (Assessment execution) and D5.3 (Novel concept foundations for European mobility)

    Privacy Mining from IoT-based Smart Homes

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    Recently, a wide range of smart devices are deployed in a variety of environments to improve the quality of human life. One of the important IoT-based applications is smart homes for healthcare, especially for elders. IoT-based smart homes enable elders' health to be properly monitored and taken care of. However, elders' privacy might be disclosed from smart homes due to non-fully protected network communication or other reasons. To demonstrate how serious this issue is, we introduce in this paper a Privacy Mining Approach (PMA) to mine privacy from smart homes by conducting a series of deductions and analyses on sensor datasets generated by smart homes. The experimental results demonstrate that PMA is able to deduce a global sensor topology for a smart home and disclose elders' privacy in terms of their house layouts.Comment: This paper, which has 11 pages and 7 figures, has been accepted BWCCA 2018 on 13th August 201

    Remote Antimicrobial Stewardship in Community Hospitals

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    Antimicrobial stewardship has become standard practice at university medical centers, but the practice is more difficult to implement in remote community hospitals that lack infectious diseases trained practitioners. Starting in 2011, six community hospitals within the Vidant Health system began an antimicrobial stewardship program utilizing pharmacists who reviewed charts remotely from Vidant Medical Center. Pharmacists made recommendations within the electronic medical record (EMR) to streamline, discontinue, or switch antimicrobial agents. Totals of charts reviewed, recommendations made, recommendations accepted, and categories of intervention were recorded. Linear regression was utilized to measure changes in antimicrobial use over time. For the four larger hospitals, recommendations for changes were made in an average of 45 charts per month per hospital and physician acceptance of the pharmacists’ recommendations varied between 83% and 88%. There was no significant decrease in total antimicrobial use, but much of the use was outside of the stewardship program’s review. Quinolone use decreased by more than 50% in two of the four larger hospitals. Remote antimicrobial stewardship utilizing an EMR is feasible in community hospitals and is generally received favorably by physicians. As more community hospitals adopt EMRs, there is an opportunity to expand antimicrobial stewardship beyond the academic medical center