
DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile


The FlightPath 2050 goal of enabling 90 per cent of European passengers to complete their door-to-door journey within four hours is a very challenging task. A major objective of the DATASET2050 project is to deliver insight into both current and future processes relating to the European transport system in this context. The deliverable D3.2 "Future Passenger Demand Profile" focuses on the future demand side of European (air) transport. Namely, the first goal is to develop a range of passenger profiles for the year 2035 and to provide implications for passenger profiles for 2050. For this purpose, the development of passenger characteristics - including demographic, geographic, socio-economic and behavioural aspects as well as particular mobility patterns - is analysed using available European data and forecasts. Based on this analysis, on specific mobility behaviour of the different member states (EU28 and EFTA countries) as well as on a high-level-factor identification, six different passenger profiles for 2035 are developed. These six profiles differ by main travel purpose (private, business and leisure, which is the combination of business and leisure trips), predominant age group, income level (low, medium, high) and several other characteristics. Furthermore, a demand model is applied showing the high relevance of gross domestic product (GDP) and education for a steady growth of passenger traffic volume in the EU28 and EFTA countries until 2050. The outcomes of the current deliverable will be put in contrast with those coming from D4.2 (Future supply profile), enabling thus a comprehensive assessment on the European door-to-door mobility in the future. Specifically, the deliverable results will be used in D5.1 (Mobility assessment), D5.2 (Assessment execution) and D5.3 (Novel concept foundations for European mobility)

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