83 research outputs found

    Opioid-induced constipation in intensive care patients: relief in sight?

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    Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complication associated with opioid therapy in chronic pain patients, and also frequently occurs in sedated intensive care unit patients. Conventional therapy may not provide sufficient relief from constipation, which can be severe enough to limit opioid use or the dose. In a recent study on terminally ill patients suffering from laxative-resistant opioid-induced constipation, Thomas and colleagues demonstrated subcutaneous methylnaltrexone to rapidly induce defecation. This appealing result might also have favourable prospects for intensive care patients, as their outcome is often codetermined by recovery of bowel functioning

    Erik H. Erikson als Berater und Supervisor

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    Bis heute gilt Erik H. Erikson als einer der brillantesten und kreativsten Vertreter der Psychoanalyse nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. In diesem Aufsatz wird aufgezeigt, wie fruchtbar sich seine entwicklungspsychologischen und klinischen Konzepte auf dem immer vielfaltiger werdenden Gebiet psychologischer Beratung und Supervision anwenden lassen. Der erste Abschnitt diskutiert Eriksons acht Lebensphasen als Grundthemen, Grundkonflikte menschlicher Existenz, die in unterschiedlicher Mischung und Intensität allen helfenden und heilenden Umgang mit Menschen bestimmen. Im zweiten und dritten Abschnitt wird das Diagramm des "Lebenszyklus" als theoretischer Leitfaden erörtert, der dem Berater und Supervisor - angesichts der Fülle an Informationen, Eindrücke und Hypothesen - Hilfe bei der Diagnose, Prognose und Intervention gewährt

    High Temporal Summation of Pain Predicts Immediate Analgesic Effect of Acupuncture in Chronic Pain Patients—A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objectives: This prospective cohort study explored whether two distinguished sensory parameters predicted acupuncture effects in chronic pain patients; namely high temporal summation of pain (TS) indicating spinal synaptic facilitation as well as a low vibration detection threshold (VDT) indicating a loss of Aβ-fiber function. Methods: Pinprick induced TS and VDT were assessed by standardized, validated methods at the most painful body site and a pain free control site in 100 chronic pain patients receiving six acupuncture sessions as part of an interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment (IMPT). Immediate change in pain intensity after the first acupuncture session (first treatment on the first day of IMPT) was assessed by the verbal rating scale (VRS, 0–100). After 4 weeks of treatment, patients indicated in a questionnaire whether acupuncture had relieved pain immediately and whether it had contributed to overall pain reduction and well-being after IMPT. Results: Logistic regression analysis revealed an association between high TS at the control site and a reduction in pain intensity of at least 30% (VRS) after the first acupuncture (OR [95%-CI] 4.3 [1.6–11.8]). Questionnaire ratings of immediate pain relief after acupuncture were associated with high TS at the control site (OR [95%-CI] 3.8 [1.4–10.2] any pain relief, OR [95%-CI] 5.5 [1.7–17.1] over 50% pain reduction) and at the pain site (OR [95%-CI] 3.2 [1.2–8.9] any pain relief). Appraisals of the contribution of acupuncture to overall pain reduction and well-being after IMPT were not associated with TS. The VDT was not associated with any outcome. Conclusion: This explorative study provides first-time evidence that high TS, especially at a pain free control site, but not VDT, might predict immediate analgesic response to acupuncture in chronic pain patients. Thus, highly centrally sensitized chronic pain patients might respond particularly well to acupuncture

    Heparinase selectively sheds heparan sulphate from the endothelial glycocalyx

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    A healthy vascular endothelium is coated by the endothelial glycocalyx. Its main constituents are transmembrane syndecans and bound heparan sulphates. This structure maintains the physiological endothelial permeability barrier and prevents leukocyte and platelet adhesion, thereby mitigating inflammation and tissue oedema. Heparinase, a bacteria] analogue to heparanase, is known to attack the glycocalyx. However, the exact extent and specificity of degradation is unresolved. We show by electron microscopy, immunohistological staining and quantitative measurements of the constituent parts, that heparinase selectively sheds heparan sulphate from the glycocalyx, but not the synclecans

    Monitoring der myokardialen Pumpfunktion

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    Perspectives in Microvascular Fluid Handling: Does the Distribution of Coagulation Factors in Human Myocardium Comply with Plasma Extravasation in Venular Coronary Segments?

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    Background: Heterogeneity of vascular permeability has been suggested for the coronary system. Whereas arteriolar and capillary segments are tight, plasma proteins pass readily into the interstitial space at venular sites. Fittingly, lymphatic fluid is able to coagulate. However, heart tissue contains high concentrations of tissue factor, presumably enabling bleeding to be stopped immediately in this vital organ. The distribution of pro- and anti-coagulatively active factors in human heart tissue has now been determined in relation to the types of microvessels. Methods and Results: Samples of healthy explanted hearts and dilated cardiomyopathic hearts were immunohistochemically stained. Albumin was found throughout the interstitial space. Tissue factor was packed tightly around arterioles and capillaries, whereas the tissue surrounding venules and small veins was practically free of this starter of coagulation. Thrombomodulin was present at the luminal surface of all vessel segments and especially at venular endothelial cell junctions. Its product, the anticoagulant protein C, appeared only at discrete extravascular sites, mainly next to capillaries. These distribution patterns were basically identical in the healthy and diseased hearts, suggesting a general principle. Conclusions: Venular extravasation of plasma proteins probably would not bring prothrombin into intimate contact with tissue factor, avoiding interstitial coagulation in the absence of injury. Generation of activated protein C via thrombomodulin is favored in the vicinity of venular gaps, should thrombin occur inside coronary vessels. This regionalization of distribution supports the proposed physiological heterogeneity of the vascular barrier and complies with the passage of plasma proteins into the lymphatic system of the heart. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Проект установки получения синтез-газа

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    ВКР 91 страницу, 6 рисунков, 40 таблиц, 24 литературных источника. Ключевые слова: синтез-газ, конверсия, применение синтез-газа, сырье, природный газ, технологическая схема, производство, метан, метанол. Объект разработки: производство синтез-газа методом паровой каталитической конверсии природного газа. Цель работы: изучение всех физико - химических свойств процесса и их влияния на протекание реакции, а также конструирование основного аппарата установки получения синтез - газа. В результате исследования выполнен расчет материального и теплового балансов, также конструктивный и механический расчеты, на основании которых был выполнен чертеж основного аппарата. ВКР выполнена на кафедре ТОВПМ ст. группы 2Д2А Якимовой В.А., под руководством к.х.н. Мананковой А.А.The final qualifying work contains 91 page, 6 figures, 40 tables and 24 literature sources. Content words are conversion, synthesis gas. The object of the development is the production of synthesis gas by catalytic steam reforming of natural gas. The mission is the study of physical - chemical properties of the process and their influence on the reaction, as well as the construction of the main unit installation producing synthesis - gas. The study was carried out payment of material and heat balances, the constructive and mechanical calculations, drawing on the basis of which the main unit was made. The final qualifying work carried out at the Department of TOVPM student group 2D2A Vera Yakimova, under the leadership of Candidate of Chemical Sciences Ann Manankova

    Small-volume resuscitation with hyperoncotic albumin: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials

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    Background Small-volume resuscitation can rapidly correct hypovolemia. Hyperoncotic albumin solutions, long in clinical use, are suitable for small-volume resuscitation; however, their clinical benefits remain uncertain. Methods Randomized clinical trials comparing hyperoncotic albumin with a control regimen for volume expansion were sought by multiple methods, including computer searches of bibliographic databases, perusal of reference lists, and manual searching. Major findings were qualitatively summarized. In addition, a quantitative meta-analysis was performed on available survival data. Results In all, 25 randomized clinical trials with a total of 1,485 patients were included. In surgery, hyperoncotic albumin preserved renal function and reduced intestinal edema compared with control fluids. In trauma and sepsis, cardiac index and oxygenation were higher after administration of hydroxyethyl starch than hyperoncotic albumin. Improved treatment response and renal function, shorter hospital stay and lower costs of care were reported in patients with liver disease receiving hyperoncotic albumin. Edema and morbidity were decreased in high-risk neonates after hyperoncotic albumin administration. Disability was reduced by therapy with hyperoncotic albumin in brain injury. There was no evidence of deleterious effects attributable to hyperoncotic albumin. Survival was unaffected by hyperoncotic albumin (pooled relative risk, 0.95; 95% confidence interval 0.78 to 1.17). Conclusion In some clinical indications, randomized trial evidence has suggested certain benefits of hyperoncotic albumin such as reductions in morbidity, renal impairment and edema. However, further clinical trials are needed, particularly in surgery, trauma and sepsis