73 research outputs found

    Designing industry structure and regulation under political economy constraints.

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    This thesis focuses on the political economy of industrial policy as defined by Laffont (2000). In particular we study the effects of political economy constraints on industry design. Our motivation relies on the results of more than 20 years of regulatory reforms, where industries have been reorganised after their initial privatisation and/or restructure. So far, the literature has extensively studied the relationship between political economy and regulation (Levy &; Spiller (1997); Henisz & Benet (2003)). However, the study of the relationship between political economy and industry structure has received less attention. This has happened despite the fact that, as noted by Dana (1993), industry structure and regulation are jointly determined. Our work contributes to the study of the effects of political economy constraints on industry design. At a theoretical level we build on Auriol & Laffont (1992)'s model of regulation by duopoly and on Dana (1993)'s model of regulating multiproduct natural monopolies. We introduce delegation to their problem and we allow for regulatory capture. In the first case we found that under some circumstances capture biases Congress' decision towards a more competitive structure (duopoly) as the optimal response. In the second case, we find that if preventing capture is too costly, industry design favours horizontal separation of the natural monopolies as the optimal response. At an empirical level, we analyse the political economy constraints that led the Mexican government to reform its natural gas industry while keeping natural gas production as a legal monopoly and organising the industry with a dominant integrated incumbent (transmission and retail). This chapter contributes to our research by opening the "black box" of the determinants of industry design a little more. It also contributes to the literature that has studied Mexican natural gas reform. This literature has concentrated its attention on the study of regulatory incentives, taking industry structure as given

    Soil contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs in a University in Mexico City

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    The contamination levels of Toxocara spp. eggs in soil samples from a university campus in Mexico City were evaluated and analysed according to garden size, and were related with the percentage of Toxocara spp. eggs and its viability according to the soil characteristics. A total of 1458 soil samples collected in 15 gardens (six large and nine small) were analysed by sedimentation-flotation with zinc sulphate solution on at 33%. Contamination was low (12.9%), and egg viability was high (65.5%). The size of the garden had no influence on the presence and viability of Toxocara spp. eggs. Contamination was negatively correlated with the percentage of vegetation (r = 0. 61, P < 0.01) and the viability was negatively associated with the percentage of clay in the soil samples (r = 0.51, P < 0.04). The size of the garden did not influence the presence and viability of Toxocara spp. eggs

    El cuerpo femenino en la novela “Fe en disfraz”, de Mayra Santos Febres. Estado del arte (Original)

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    The novel “Fe en disfraz” (2009, Puerto Rico), was written by Mayra Santos Febres, born in USA, in 1966. In this review, it’s shown how the autor writer throughout her novel transversalizes what she considers "Sam Hain", and how this festival represents a historical, social and cultural manifestation, which endorses a special meaning to the body and the use of costumes. The academic literature suggests that the novel has three specific interconnected components: the narrative experienced by the main characters (Martín Tirado y Fe Verdejo) in diferent contexts, as professionals as personals; The autobiographical notes of Martín and Fe, in which they shed light on how, since their childhood and youth, they constructed the costumes they would use to conveniently introduce themselves to society, among which Fe's costume as a manumit slave stands out; and a series of recounts that describe declarations and denouncements made by slaves in Latin American colonial territories about violence against their bodies. The analyzes of the novel have reference to a historical loop that synthesize and expose the power relationship between a dominated body (black women) and the dominant one (white men), and the way which the female body among sex rituals and costume can invest that relationship, in both intimate and public context. This paper proposes reflections based on the above, focusing on the symbolic, narrative and epistemic role of the female body as a resource to retell history, as a language of the unpronounceable, as a silence and as a redemptive action, highlighting its fundamental participation in sexuality and the use of costumes.La novela “Fe en disfraz” (2009, Puerto Rico), fue escrita por Mayra Santos Febres, nacida en Estados Unidos, en 1966. Esta revisión narrativa visibiliza cómo la autora transversaliza lo que considera “Sam Hain”, y la manera en que este festival representa una manifestación histórica, social y cultural, que avala un significado especial al cuerpo y al uso de los disfraces. La obra tiene tres componentes definidos interconectados: la narrativa que viven los personajes principales (Martín Tirado y Fe Verdejo) en diferentes contextos profesionales y sexuales; notas autobiográficas en las que estos personajes develan cómo desde su niñez fueron construyendo los disfraces que usarían para presentarse convenientemente ante la sociedad, resaltando el de esclava manumisa de Fe; y una serie de relatorías que describen declaraciones demandantes y denuncias que realizaban esclavas en tiempos coloniales en Latinoamérica, acerca de violencia en contra de sus cuerpos. Los análisis de la novela revisados hacen referencia a un bucle histórico viciado que sintetiza y renueva las relaciones de poder entre los cuerpos dominados (mujer-negra) y dominantes (hombre-blanco), y la manera en que el cuerpo femenino, complementado con el ritual sexual y los disfraces, puede invertir dichas relaciones tanto en esferas íntimas como públicas. Se proponen reflexiones y consideraciones enfocadas en el papel simbólico, político, narrativo y epistémico del cuerpo femenino en la novela, como recurso para recontar la historia, como lenguaje de lo impronunciable, como silencio y como acción redentora; resaltando su participación fundamental dentro de la identidad, la sexualidad y el uso de disfraces

    El cuerpo femenino como capital cultural y lenguaje no verbal. Análisis de la novela “Fe en Disfraz” de Mayra Santos Febres (Revisión )

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    This article analyses the novel “Fe en disfraz” (2009) by Myra Santos Febres, from the perspective of the body, memory, identity and non-verbal communication of the Afro-Caribbean feminine body. This analysis acknowledges that the novel represents a reflection on the collective memory, culture, and body perception of the black women in society over the course of time, starting from the speeches of accusation presented by slaves and from the Fe's sexual, professional, and personal experience. Additionally, this article reflects on black women’s’ beauty and how they are relegated by the beauty patrons adopted collectively by today’s society.En este artículo se realiza un análisis de la novela “Fe en disfraz” (2009) de Mayra Santos Febres, desde las perspectivas del cuerpo, la memoria, la identidad y la comunicación no verbal de los cuerpos femeninos afrocaribeños. Entendiendo que la novela representa una reflexión hacia la memoria colectiva, cultural y corporal de la visión de las mujeres negras ante la sociedad a través del tiempo. A partir de las narraciones de las acusaciones presentadas por esclavas y desde la experiencia sexual, profesional y personal de la protagonista de la novela (Fe Verdejo). Asimismo, se reflexiona sobre la belleza de la mujer negra y como esta es relegada por los cánones de belleza corporal adoptados colectivamente en la actualidad

    Neurophysiology of learning in basic skills of laparoscopic surgery in undergraduate students

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    Background: The development and progress in laparoscopic surgery requires greater emphasis on surgical skills, developing skills in undergraduate students allows them to be at the forefront in health demands.Methods: An experimental and descriptive study of a group of 30 undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine. They attended 30 hours of theoretical and practical sessions distributed by 10 sessions, supported by basic simulators minimally invasive, being evaluated by checklist. Their brain activity was monitored with an electroencephalography before and after the development of skills.Results: It was observed that the average necessary for the acquisition of skills is 5 sessions. The competition in which further progress was observed is video assistance. There is an increase in the activity of the prefrontal cortex on the electroencephalography.Conclusions: A series of neurophysiologic processes involved in learning of laparoscopic surgery are described. Laparoscopic skills development lies in keeping them updated on the teaching-learning, where the use of simulators is growing

    Comparison of early complications using regular mesh versus Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh in inguinal, umbilical and post incisional hernias

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    Background: Hernias are one of the most common reasons of primary health care with subsequent surgery and this has led to search new techniques to approach them. Comparing traditional techniques with polypropylene mesh versus one bioabsorbible mesh there has been a decrease in postoperative complications.Methods: 100 patients with inguinal hernia, umbilical and post incisional were surgically intervened and divided into two groups according to mesh material used. The patients were tracked for two months after surgery.Results: Traditional mesh was used to repair hernias in 50 patients and Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh was used in the other half.  Two patients developed infection with traditional mesh and one patient using Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh (p 0.558). Hernias recurred in 4 patients with traditional mesh compared with 0 patients with Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh ( p.041 ) , seroma formation was found with a 6: 1 ratio, traditional mesh: Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh ( p.050 ) and hematoma in a 2:1 ratio (p .558). The total of complications showed a total of 14 using traditional mesh and 3 with Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh. The use of mesh made from absorbable materials is a better alternative to reduce chronic pain and recurrence due to its high biocompatibility.Conclusions: Using Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh demonstrated a significant reduction of complications (recurrence and seroma formation) and length of hospital stay (2 days vs 1 day in abdominoplasty after surgery).   

    Current perspective in the treatment of bile duct injuries

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    The laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the gold standard for the treatment of benign gallbladder disease, which is associated with an increased incidence of biliary injuries. These types of injuries are multicausal, and anatomical variations or anatomical perception errors are the most common risk factors. The objective of this study is to describe the evolution in the management of bile duct injuries and actual, diagnostic tools, incidence, prognosis and treatment. A literature research about diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injuries as well as their impact on the incidence of morbidity and mortality, based on a 30-year period, was performed on Medline, Cochrane, Embase, MedScape and PubMed database, for all studies that met the eligibility criteria. A thorough quality assessment of all included studies was performed. Synthesis of the results was achieved by narrative review. The bile duct injury is a complication that requires a complex therapy and multidisciplinary management. Reconstruction and treatment techniques have been evolving. The selection of adequate treatment will impact on the patient´s quality of life. The results of the existing studies reporting on iatrogenic bile duct injuries are useful; because the iatrogenic bile duct injuries are complex alterations and constitute one of the most serious complications of a cholecystectomy and require a comprehensive approach, immediate repair, proper drainage and timely referral to adequate treatment to improve long-term prognosis. According to the literature review, currently there better treatments such as absorbable prosthesis, which improve the prognosis and patient´s quality of life, and represent less risk of complications in short/long term.

    Breastfeeding and Premature Newborn in the NICU

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    Today it is well known that the best gift that a mother can give her baby is breast milk. And what happens with all those children who for some reason are born premature, who cannot start breastfeeding either because of their severity, because they are separated from their breasts or simply because of their severity. For many years, the World Health Organization recommends exclusive human milk during the first 6 months of life, however, the premature newborn sent to the neonatal intensive care unit experiences a series of unfortunate events before starting enteral feeding many of them. They die during their stay. However, at the moment the importance has been given to the beginning of human milk from its mother or from a milk bank, and of the care around the family that the critically ill newborn must have. Unfortunately, Mexico and Latin America continue to have some areas with many lags in terms of nutrition and care of the newborn in the NICU. The success of breastfeeding with a baby in the NICU depends on the information and training provided to the mother about the expression, storage and transport of her milk. That the whole family be made aware that an essential part in the recovery of premature infants is to provide breast milk in a timely manner

    Frecuencia de antibioticoterapia en pacientes hospitalizados y factores de riesgo asociados

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    Objetivo Determinar la frecuencia del uso e indicaciones de antimicrobianos en pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos Fecha y lugar de ejecución: Del 1º de mayo al 30 de junio de 2006. Colima, México. Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico.  Se incluyeron 400 pacientes de ambos sexos hospitalizados en cualquier servicio de un hospital de segundo nivel. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, género, servicio de procedencia; de los antibióticos se evalúo su frecuencia, tipo de antibiótico, si se utilizó en forma profiláctica o terapéutica, como monoterapia o terapia mixta, tiempo de inicio posterior al ingreso, días de tratamiento, motivo de cambio o suspensión del esquema terapéutico, cuantos tuvieron esquema completo, si hubo o no cultivo. Resultados El 63 % de los pacientes estudiados recibieron antibioticoterapia y en 46 % su uso fue profiláctico. Cirugía general fue el servicio que presentó una asociación estadística significativa para uso de antibióticos (OR 3,9, IC 1,7-8,9; p and lt; 0,01); mientras que el servicio de medicina interna presentó un factor protector (OR 0,5, IC 0,3-0,8, p and lt; 0,01) Los betalactámicos fueron el grupo más frecuentemente utilizado (47 %). El promedio de días de tratamiento antibacteriano fue 3,8 ± 3,3 días y  el tiempo desde su ingreso a la aplicación de antibiótico fue de 13,6± 47,4 horas. El 2,8 % de pacientes tenían cultivo.Conclusiones El 63 % de los pacientes hospitalizados recibieron antibioticoterapia. Es necesario evaluar el impacto profiláctico de los antibióticos sobre la frecuencia y características de las infecciones intrahospitalarias y determinar su costo beneficio