4 research outputs found

    An echo of an exciting light pulse in quantum wells

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    Propuesta de Enseñanza con Base en la agrupación de Términos Marcados por el IDL y del Coeficiente de Relación entre Vocablos

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    In different levels of education it has been detected the low understanding of science, especially in physics. Therefore, we have made several investigations that will lead to understand the causes of this behavior and thus, propose models which will help us to find solutions to reach a better teaching and a richer learning in physics. The Index of Lexical Availability (IDL) that arises from lexicometry hypothetically reflects a mental vocabulary ordering of a specific subject. Based on the above, using the IDL, we have generated a database which reflects the terminology domain of experts in physics. Similarly, we have generated the IDL for beginners. We conducted two separate ordering comparisons in which are observed to have a low correlation between them. Furthermore, we defined the Relation Coefficient between Words (RCW), which shows the different groupings between words. The above results strengthen the conical model of physics education. We show the different correlative curves and graphs of groups of words.Debido a que se ha detectado en los diferentes niveles educativos la baja comprensión de la ciencia -y en particular de la física-, hemos realizado diversas investigaciones encaminadas a entender las causas de ese comportamiento y a proponer modelos que nos encaminen a encontrar soluciones para conseguir una mejor enseñanza y un aprendizaje más rico en el área de la física. El Índice de Disponibilidad Léxica (IDL) que surge de la lexicometría hipotéticamente refleja un ordenamiento mental del vocabulario de un tema específico -centro de interés-. Con base en lo anterior hemos generado una base de datos que refleja el dominio terminológico de expertos en el área de física utilizando el IDL. De igual manera generamos el IDL correspondiente a novatos. Realizamos las comparaciones de sendos ordenamientos en los que se observa que tienen una baja correlación entre ellos. Además definimos el Coeficiente de Relación entre Vocablos (CRV), el cual nos muestra las diferentes agrupaciones entre los vocablos. Los resultados anteriores fortalecen el modelo cónico de enseñanza de la física. Mostramos las diferentes curvas de correlación y gráficos de agrupaciones entre vocablos

    Intermediate band formation in a δ-doped like QW superlattices of GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs for solar cell design

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    It is reported a numerical computation of the local density of states for a δ-doped like QW superlattices of AlxGa1−xAs, as a possible heterostructure that, being integrated into a solar cell device design, can provide an intermediate band of allowed states to assist the absorption of photons with lower energies than that of the energy gap of the solar-cell constituent materials. This work was performed using the nearest neighbors tight-binding model including spin. The confining potential caused by the ionized donor impurities in δ-doped impurities seeding that was obtained analytically within the lines of the Thomas-Fermi approximation was reproduced here by the Al concentration x variation. This potential is considered as an external perturbation in the tight-binding methodology and it is included in the diagonal terms of the tight-binding Hamiltonian. Special attention is paid to the width of the intermediate band caused by the change in the considered aluminium concentration x, the inter-well distance between δ-doped like QW wells and the number of them in the superlattice. In general we can conclude that this kind of superlattices can be suitable for intermediate band formation for possible intermediate-band solar cell design