41 research outputs found

    First kidney transplant in Colombia in a patient with HIV infection

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    La infecci贸n por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida (VIH) ha aumentado su prevalencia a nivel mundial, la tercera parte de los pacientes desarrollan compromiso de la funci贸n renal y pueden llegar a requerir terapia de reemplazo renal. La terapia antirretroviral altamente efectiva (HAART) ha mejorado la supervivencia de los pacientes con dicha infecci贸n y ha motivado que esta poblaci贸n sea hoy considerada para ingresar a lista de trasplantes. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con enfermedad renal cr贸nica secundaria a toxicidad por indinavir, quien permaneci贸 durante cuatro a帽os en hemodi谩lisis y recibe injerto renal de donante vivo, ha tenido seguimiento durante siete a帽os con evoluci贸n favorable, sin rechazo, infecciones oportunistas ni complicaciones cardiovasculares, en manejo con terapia HAART logrando 贸ptimo control virol贸gico e inmunol贸gico. La infecci贸n por VIH no es una contraindicaci贸n para recibir un trasplante renal y contribuye a mejorar calidad de vida y morbimortalidad en esta poblaci贸n.Presentaci贸n de casos162-165Infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has increased its prevalence worldwide. One third of patients develop renal function involvement and might require renal replacement therapy. The highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has improved survival of patients with this infection and this has motivated that this population be now considered for entering a transplant list. We report the case of a patient with chronic kidney disease secondary to toxicity by indinavir, who spent four years in hemodialysis and receives renal graft from living donor, has been followed up for 7 years with favorable evolution, without rejection, opportunistic infections or cardiovascular complications, and is being managed with HAART achieving optimal virological and immunological control. HIV infection is not a contraindication for renal transplantation and contributes to improving quality of life, morbidity and mortality in this populatio

    Vasculitis ANCA y esclerosis sist茅mica

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disorder with microvascular endothelial cell apoptosis, excessive extracellular matrix protein and perivascular infiltration of mononuclear cells in the skin, producing damage and progressive fibrosis of the skin and visceral organs (lungs, heart and kidney). The most common renal diseases linked with SSc is renal scleroderma crisis, which is found in 5 to10% of the cases. ANCA associated vasculitis also has been described but less frequent. It can affect multiple organs and become life-threatening condition. The association between paucity-immune vasculitis and systemic sclerosis is uncommon 1.6% in a cohort of 35 patients. It could lead to severe renal dysfunction including renal replacement therapy and plasma exchange as part of the treatment. Early and timely treatment it is essential for the prognosis of the diseases. We present this rare association and our experiences highlighting the successful evolution due to early diagnosis and treatment. A 59 years old woman with systemic sclerosis who showed a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis caused by to paucity-immune vasculitis associated with p-ANCA. We dismissed scleroderma crisis and renal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. We start prednisolone and cyclophosphamide, with a favorable initial response, however, during the follow-up the patient had severe relapse, and therefore we decided to switch to Rituximab induction. After we performed the treatment the patient evolved favorably, included complete remission of the disease. We show you the rare association between paucity-immune vasculitis and systemic sclerosis, and the excellent response taking account an early diagnosis and therapy.La esclerosis sist茅mica es una enfermedad autoinmune de etiolog铆a incierta que se caracteriza por la inflamaci贸n y fibrosis de la piel y de m煤ltiples 贸rganos. Quienes la padecen pueden experimentar complicaciones renales severas y de car谩cter amenazante para la vida, o de un curso insidioso y benigno. As铆, el compromiso m谩s frecuente es la crisis renal esclerod茅rmica, que se presenta en 5-10 % de los casos, requiere tratamiento con hipotensores y empeora con el uso de esteroide. Las vasculitis asociadas a ANCA son enfermedades que pueden afectar tracto respiratorio, ri帽贸n, piel, coraz贸n y sistema nervioso y requieren de tratamiento con esteroide y citost谩ticos. La asociaci贸n entre vasculitis pauciinmune y esclerosis sist茅mica es infrecuente: 1,6 % en una cohorte de 35 pacientes, pero acarrea compromiso severo de la funci贸n renal, incluso con probable requerimiento de di谩lisis e intercambio plasm谩tico, en el tratamiento es prioritario el inicio de inmunosupresores, pues de ello depender谩 la evoluci贸n y el pron贸stico de la enfermedad.Se describe el caso cl铆nico de una mujer de 59 a帽os con esclerosis sist茅mica, que presentando glomerulonefritis r谩pidamente progresiva, se descart贸 crisis renal esclerod茅rmica y luego se document贸 vasculitis pauciinmune asociada a p-ANCA, por lo cual recibi贸 tratamiento inmunosupresor con metilprednisolona y ciclofosfamida, con respuesta inicial favorable; sin embargo, como tuvo reca铆da severa, durante el seguimiento se decidi贸 cambiar esquema de inducci贸n a Rituximab, con lo que present贸 remisi贸n completa. Dado lo infrecuente de esta asociaci贸n, tener un alto 铆ndice de sospecha diagn贸stica es fundamental

    Histoplasmosis diseminada y s铆ndrome hemofagoc铆tico en trasplante renal

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    Hemophagocytic syndrome is an entity caused by hypercytokinemia and impaired immune system, may be hereditary or acquired and generates high mortality despite treatment. Among the etiologies, infections occupy an important place, one of them disseminated histoplasmosis, an opportunistic infection of difficult diagnosis which affects immunosuppressed patients. We present the case of an adult patient, with renal transplant who developed hemophagocytic syndrome secondary to disseminated histoplasmosis and responded adequately to the antifungal treatment.El s铆ndrome hemofagoc铆tico es una entidad causada por hipercitoquinemia y alteraciones del sistema inmune, puede ser hereditario o adquirido y genera alta mortalidad pese al tratamiento. Dentro de las etiolog铆as, las infecciones ocupan un lugar importante, una de ellas la histoplasmosis diseminada, infecci贸n oportunista de dif铆cil diagn贸stico que afecta a pacientes inmunosuprimidos. Presentamos el caso de una paciente, adulta mayor, trasplantada de ri帽贸n, quien presenta s铆ndrome hemofagoc铆tico secundario a histoplasmosis diseminada y, quien presenta respuesta adecuada con el tratamiento instaurado

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Cytomegalovirus Colitis in a Renal Transplant Patient: A Case Report

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    Q3Q2Pacientes con trasplante de ri帽贸nPacientes con Infecci贸n por citomegalovirusPacientes con Diarrea cr贸nicaChronic diarrhea is a common reason for consultation in renal transplant patients. Cytomegalovirus infection is the cause of chronic diarrhea of infectious origin in 50% of cases, but coinfection with tuberculosis is rare. We present the case of a renal transplant patient with chronic diarrhea, with a finding of left colon colitis and positive microbiological studies in biopsy for tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus. The patient received valganciclovir and anti-tubercular treatment with adequate evolution. Immunosuppressed patients may have diarrhea secondary to opportunistic infections; therefore, an algorithm for early diagnosis and treatment is recommended.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8892-9652https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9852-749Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4069-3230https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6772-2943https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4100-3529Revista Internacional - IndexadaBS

    Glomerular diseases related to HIV in Colombian population : better outcomes with highly active antiretroviral therapy?

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    Introduction: End-stage renal disease (ESRD) related to HIV is becoming a leading cause of renal replacement therapy requirement is some areas of the world. Our study aims to describe the incidence and renal outcomes of HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN), and immune mediated kidney disease related to HIV (HIVICK) in Colombia. Methodology: A retrospective cohort study was performed, including all HIVAN or HIVICK incident cases assessed by the infectious diseases division in a high complexity institution in Colombia, between 2004 and 2018. A longitudinal data model under the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) method was used to determine changes on the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) over time. Results: Within a cohort composed by 1509 HIV-infected patients, we identified 22 with HIV-associated glomerular disease. Cumulative incidence was 1.45%. At diagnosis, GFR was above 30 mL/min in 90.8% of patients, and 77.2% displayed sub-nephrotic proteinuria. Factors associated with GFR at diagnosis were: level of CD4 (Coefficient 0.113, CI 95 %: 0.046, 0.179, p < 0.01), and the inverse of the CD4/CD8 ratio. The GEE model did not demonstrate significant changes in the GFR over a 3-year period. Findings were similar when comparing GFR at diagnosis with GFR at 12 (-3.9 mL/min/1.73m2, CI 95% -7.3, 0.4, p = 0.98), 24 (-2.47 mL/min/1.73m2, CI 95% -7.0, 2.1, p=0.85), and 36 months (0.39 mL/min/1.73m2, CI 95% -4.4, 5.2, p = 0.43) of follow-up. Conclusions: Patients with glomerular disease associated with HIV have stable GFR over a 3-year period, and low rates of progression towards dialysis requirement. Differences with previous reports could be related with early diagnosis and treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Plasmaf茅resis y vasculitis pauci-inmune: Experiencia Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogot谩, Colombia

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    Las vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos contra el citoplasma de los neutr贸filos (ANCAS) son un grupo de聽enfermedades con una presentaci贸n cl铆nica variada. La plasmaf茅resis (PMF), se ha convertido en una herramienta m谩s聽de manejo para estos pacientes. Objetivo: Describir las caracter铆sticas demogr谩ficas, cl铆nicas y los desenlaces finales聽de los pacientes con diagn贸stico de vasculitis pauci-inmune que requirieron manejo con PMF. Materiales y m茅todos:聽Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores de 18 a帽os con diagn贸stico de vasculitis pauci-inmune (biopsia renal o聽ANCAS) que requirieron PMF, durante el per铆odo comprendido entre Mayo 2010 hasta diciembre 2013.Resultados:聽Se intervinieron 13 pacientes, realiz谩ndose en total 73 sesiones de PMF. La edad promedio fue 52,3 a帽os (Rango 17 a聽70). El principal diagn贸stico para intervenci贸n fue glomerulonefritis r谩pidamente progresiva (GNRP) m谩s hemorragia聽alveolar (63%). El promedio de sesiones por paciente fue 5,6 (rango 1 a 10) con un promedio de ecambios plasm谩ticos聽por sesi贸n de 1,26 (rango 0.72 a 1,56). De los 13 pacientes, 11 (84,6%) requirieron terapia de remplazo renal (TRR) durante聽la hospitalizaci贸n. Al egreso 36.3% recuperaron la funci贸n renal, 27% continuaron con TRR y 36.3% fallecieron.Se present贸 al menos una complicaci贸n en 6,8% de las sesiones. Conclusiones: La PMF es una herramienta terap茅utica聽necesaria en pacientes con vascultis ANCAS positiva que cursen con GNRP, coexistencia de enfermedad antimembrana聽basal glomerular y/o hemorragia alveolar severa. Es un procedimiento seguro, con resultados comparables estudios聽internacionales publicados

    S铆ndrome hemol铆tico ur茅mico at铆pico, revisi贸n de la literatura y documento de consenso. Enfoque diagn贸stico y tratamiento

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    Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome is an ultra-orphan disease, more than 50% of patients die, need renal replacement therapy or have permanent renal failure within the first year of diagnostic. With current supportive care 9-15% of aHUS patients die within 1 year following a clinical manifestation of aHUS. Severe consequences of this disease reinforce the early diagnostic and treatment importance. Clinical manifestations of this disease include the classic triad of microangiopatic anemia, thrombocytopenia and end organ damage where the renal failure is the most common manifestation, although not the only one as neurological, cardiac and gastrointestinal complications are also apparent. Mutations on the complement system regulating proteins are recognized as the cause of this syndrome; however they are not identified in all patients as new mutations are continuously being identified. It has a high rate post-transplantation graft loss in 60% of the cases. Most known therapy for this disease, considered as the first line therapy was plasmapheresis; however it shows very poor results. Since 2011 we have a recombinant monoclonal antibody targeted to the complement component C5 (eculizumab), the only approved for the treatment of aHUS, which has proven to significantly improve the disease prognosis and progression, and is considered the first line therapy.El S铆ndrome Hemol铆tico Ur茅mico at铆pico (SHUa) es una enfermedad ultra-hu茅rfana; m谩s del 50% de los聽pacientes muere, necesita terapia de remplazo renal o sufre insuficiencia renal terminal dentro del primer聽a帽o de diagn贸stico. Con el tratamiento de soporte actual (plasmaf茅resis o infusi贸n deplasma) 9-15% de los聽pacientes de SHUa mueren dentro del lapso de 1 a帽o, despu茅s de una manifestaci贸n cl铆nica de hem贸lisis. Las聽consecuencias severas de esta enfermedad refuerzan la importancia del diagn贸stico y tratamiento temprano.聽Las manifestaciones cl铆nicas incluyen la triada cl谩sica de anemia microangiop谩tica, trombocitopenia y da帽o聽a otros 贸rganos, donde la insuficiencia renal es la manifestaci贸n m谩s com煤n, frecuentemente asociada a otras聽complicaciones tales como neurol贸gicas, card铆acas y gastrointestinales.聽Las mutaciones en las prote铆nas reguladoras del sistema del complemento son reconocidas como las causas聽de este s铆ndrome; sin embargo, no se identifican en todos los pacientes con diagn贸stico de SHUa. Existe una聽alta tasa de p茅rdida del injerto postrasplante renal, en aproximadamente 60% de los casos.La plasmaf茅resis,聽considerada como terapia de primera l铆nea, no ha demostrado resultados satisfactorios a largo plazo. Desde聽el a帽o 2011 est谩 disponible en Colombia un anticuerpo monoclonal recombinante dirigido contra el complemento聽a nivel C5 (eculizumab), medicamento 煤nico aprobado para el tratamiento del SHUa. Este tratamiento聽ha demostrado mejorar, de manera significativa, el pron贸stico y la progresi贸n de la enfermedad, y es considerado聽la primera l铆nea de terapia hoy en d铆a

    Pachymeningitis and crescentic glomerulonephritis in p-ANCA vasculitis

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    Las vasculitis asociadas a anticuerpos contra el citoplasma del neutr贸filo configuran patolog铆as multisist茅micas caracterizadas por afectar peque帽os vasos. Se ha descrito compromiso de sistema nervioso central en 2-8% de los casos, rara vez al inicio del cuadro cl铆nico. Este corresponde al caso de un hombre de 67 a帽os de edad con vasculitis p-ANCA, quien debut贸 con proptosis, paquimeningitis y disfagia severa. Posteriormente deterioro renal, necesidad de hemodi谩lisis, ciclofosfamida y recambio plasm谩tico terap茅utico con lo cual alcanza criterios de remisi贸n parcial y egresa de di谩lisis. Las vasculitis ANCA se relacionan con una amplia gama de signos y s铆ntomas inespec铆ficos. La edad de aparici贸n, creatinina inicial y requerimiento de di谩lisis, son factores pron贸sticos. El inicio oportuno del tratamiento es fundamental, requiriendo por tanto un alto 铆ndice de sospecha.Presentaci贸n de casos107-110Vasculitis associated with antibodies against the neutrophil cytoplasm they form multisystemic pathologies characterized by affecting small vessels. Central nervous system involvement has been described in 2 - 8% of cases, rarely at the beginning of the clinical picture. This corresponds to the case of a 67-year-old man with p-ANCA vasculitis, who debuted with proptosis, pachymeningitis and severe dysphagia. Subsequently, renal deterioration, the need for hemodialysis, cyclophosphamide and therapeutic plasma exchange, with which it reaches criteria of partial remission and dialysis discharge. ANCA vasculitis is associated with a wide range of nonspecific signs and symptoms. The age of onset, initial creatinine and dialysis requirement are prognostic factors. The timely initiation of treatment is fundamental, requiring therefore a high index of suspicion

    Enfermedad linfoproliferativa en el injerto renal. Reporte de un caso y revisi贸n de la literatura

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    Los des贸rdenes linfoproliferativos postrasplante (PTLD por sus siglas en ingl茅s: Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative disorders) se presentan en 3 a 10% de adultos con trasplante de 贸rgano s贸lido (TOS). Se ha asociado a infecci贸n por Virus Epstein Barr (VEB). Es dif铆cil diferenciar PTLD de rechazo o infecci贸n viral, porque los hallazgos cl铆nicos e histopatol贸gicos son muy similares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con enfermedad renal cr贸nica (ERC) secundaria a glomerulonefritis IgM, con trasplante renal de donante cadav茅rico, quien present贸 pro-teinuria y disminucu贸n de la funci贸n renal, se le document贸 una masa en el injerto renal compatible con desorden linfoproliferativo pos-trasplante renal de tipo polim贸rfico (PTLD), VEB positivo y CD 20 positivo. El tratamiento consisti贸 en rituximab 375 mg/m2 semanales, cuatro dosis, se realiz贸 control con im谩genes y se adicion贸 el esquema CHOP (ciclofosfamida, vincristina, doxorubicina). El paciente toler贸 de manera adecuada la quimioterapia, no requiri贸 radioterapia, ni trasplantectom铆a y despu茅s del R-CHOP la masa disminuy贸 de manera significativa hasta desaparecer al a帽o de seguimiento manteniendo funci贸n 贸ptima del injerto renal.Reporte de caso210-216Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLDs) occur in 3 to 10% of adults with solid organ transplant (SOT). It has been associa-ted with Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) infection. Differential diagnostics of PTLD from rejection or viral infection is difficult when the tumor infiltrates the graft, because the clinical and histopathological findings are similar. We report a case of patient with chronic kidney disease due to Ig M glomerulonephritis with cadaveric donor kidney transplantation who presented proteinuria and decreased glomerular filtration rate, with a solid mass at renal graft and confirmatory histology of polymorphic renal transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), VEB positive, and CD 20 positive. The patient was treated with rituximab 375 mg / m2 weekly, four doses, followed by chemotherapy with ciclophosphamide, vincristine and doxorubicin. He didn鈥檛 need radiotherapy or graft nephrectomy, with complete remission at one year of follow-up and optimal graft function

    ANCA vasculitis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with Sj枚gren鈥檚 syndrome: Case report and literature review

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    La vasculitis asociada con anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutr贸filos-ANCA puede presentarse concomitantemente con s铆ndrome de Sj枚gren primario o surgir durante su evoluci贸n. Se presenta el caso de una paciente que curs贸 con s铆ntomas secos, test de Schirmer positivo, perfil de autoinmunidad compatible con s铆ndrome de Sj枚gren y, de forma simult谩nea, deterioro de la funci贸n renal, anemia y disnea, por lo que requiri贸 biopsia renal y fibrobroncoscopia. Los estudios complementarios documentaron glomerulonefritis aguda necrosante con proliferaci贸n extracapilar y patr贸n membranoproliferativo con dep贸sito de complejos inmunes. El lavado broncoalveolar fue compatible con hemorragia alveolar. Se hizo diagn贸stico de s铆ndrome de pulm贸n-ri帽贸n secundario a vasculitis ANCA y se instaur贸 tratamiento con esteroide y ciclofosfamida intravenosa, con mejor铆a cl铆nica y paracl铆nica. El compromiso renal mixto encontrado en este caso es infrecuente en pacientes con SS, y el tratamiento cambia ostensiblemente, de ah铆 la importancia del diagn贸stico diferencial y el reporte en la literatura.Q4Pacientes con S铆ndrome de Sj枚grenPacientes con Vasculitis ANCAANCA-associated vasculitis may occur concomitantly with primary Sj枚gren's syndrome (SS) or arise during its evolution. We present the case of a patient who underwent dry symptoms, a positive Schirmer test and an SS-compatible autoimmunity profile and, simultaneously, deterioration of renal function, anaemia, and dyspnoea, requiring renal biopsy and fibrobronchoscopy. Complementary studies documented acute necrotizing glomerulonephritis with extracapillary proliferation, and membranoproliferative pattern with immune complex deposition. Bronchoalveolar lavage was compatible with alveolar haemorrhage. Kidney lung syndrome secondary to ANCA vasculitis was diagnosed and treatment with steroid and intravenous cyclophosphamide with clinical and paraclinical improvement was instituted. Mixed renal involvement found in this case is uncommon in patients with SS, and treatment changes significantly, hence the importance of differential diagnosis and reporting in the literature.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4546-2447https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8892-9652https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4069-3230https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4100-3529https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6772-2943Revista Nacional - IndexadaCN