528 research outputs found

    A novel scheme to detect optical DPSK signals

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel approach to detect optical differential phase-shift keying signals. The technique is based on differential phase-to-polarization conversion in a polarization-maintaining fiber, so that the polarization-modulated signal can be detected by using a polarizer and a common intensity modulation receiver

    EU polluting emissions: an empirical analysis

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    We provide an empirical study of the evolution of emissions of some specific air pollutants on a panel of EU member states from 1990 to 2000, and we relate observed patterns to macroeconomic performance. The ratio pollution emission to GDP, so-called emission intensity, has decreased over the period considered in most EU member states. However, a non-parametric analysis reveals that the relative positions of different countries in terms of GDP growth and reduction of emissions have remained basically unchanged. More specifically, remarkable differences can be detected between the richest and the poorest EU members notwithstanding. Also, more dispersion in emissions levels can be found in those countries with lower per capita GDP

    Proliferation of cerebellar precursor cells is negatively regulated by nitric oxide in newborn rat.

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    The diffusible messenger, nitric oxide plays multiple roles in neuroprotection, neurodegeneration and brain plasticity. Its involvement in neurogenesis has been disputed, on the basis of results on models in vivo and in culture. We report here that pharmacological blockade of nitric oxide production in rat pups resulted, during a restricted time window of the first three postnatal days, in increased cerebellar proliferation rate, as assessed through tritiated thymidine or BrdU incorporation into DNA. This was accompanied by increased expression of Myc, a transcription factor essential for cerebellar development, and of the cell cycle regulating gene, cyclin D1. These effects were mediated downstream by the nitric oxide-dependent second messenger, cGMP. Schedules of pharmacological NO deprivation targeted to later developmental stages (from postnatal day 3 to 7), no longer increased proliferation, probably because of partial escape of the cGMP level from nitric oxide control. Though limited to a brief temporal window, the proliferative effect of neonatal nitric oxide deprivation could be traced into adulthood. Indeed, the number of BrdU-labeled surviving cells, most of which were of neuronal phenotype, was larger in the cerebellum of 60-day-old rats that had been subjected to NO deprivation during the first three postnatal days than in control rats. Experiments on cell cultures from neonatal cerebellum confirmed that nitric oxide deprivation stimulated proliferation of cerebellar precursor cells and that this effect was not additive with the proliferative action of sonic hedgehog peptide. The finding that nitric oxide deprivation during early cerebellar neurogenesis, stimulates a brief increase in cell proliferation may contribute to a better understanding of the controversial role of nitric oxide in brain development

    The multifaceted role of vitamin b6 in cancer: drosophila as a model system to investigate dna damage

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    A perturbed uptake of micronutrients, such as minerals and vitamins, impacts on different human diseases, including cancer and neurological disorders. Several data converge towards a crucial role played by many micronutrients in genome integrity maintenance and in the establishment of a correct DNA methylation pattern. Failure in the proper accomplishment of these processes accelerates senescence and increases the risk of developing cancer, by promoting the formation of chromosome aberrations and deregulating the expression of oncogenes. Here, the main recent evidence regarding the impact of some B vitamins on DNA damage and cancer is summarized, providing an integrated and updated analysis, mainly centred on vitamin B6. In many cases, it is difficult to finely predict the optimal vitamin rate that is able to protect against DNA damage, as this can be influenced by a given individual's genotype. For this purpose, a precious resort is represented by model organisms which allow limitations imposed by more complex systems to be overcome. In this review, we show that Drosophila can be a useful model to deeply understand mechanisms underlying the relationship between vitamin B6 and genome integrity

    Stereochemistry of the Reactions of Glutamate-1-semialdehyde Aminomutase with 4,5-Diaminovalerate

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    Conversion of glutamate 1-semialdehyde to the tetrapyrrole precursor, 5-aminolevulinate, takes place in an aminomutase-catalyzed reaction involving transformations at both the non-chiral C5 and the chiral C4 of the intermediate 4,5-diaminovalerate. Presented with racemic diaminovalerate and an excess of succinic semialdehyde, the enzyme catalyzes a transamination in which only the l-enantiomer is consumed. Simultaneously, equimolar 4-aminobutyrate and aminolevulinate are formed. The enzyme is also shown to transaminate aminolevulinate and 4-aminohexenoate to l-diaminovalerate as the exclusive amino product. The interaction of the enzyme with pure d- and l-enantiomers of diaminovalerate prepared by these reactions is described. Transamination of l-diaminovalerate yielded aminolevulinate quantitatively showing that reaction at the C5 amine does not occur significantly. A much slower transamination reaction was catalyzed with d-diaminovalerate as substrate. One product of this reaction, 4-aminobutyrate, was formed in the amount equal to that of the diaminovalerate consumed. Glutamate semialdehyde was deduced to be the other primary product and was also measured in significant amounts when a high concentration of the enzyme in its pyridoxal form was reacted with d-diaminovalerate in a single turnover. Single turnover reactions showed that both enantiomers of diaminovalerate converted the enzyme from its 420-nm absorbing pyridoxaldimine form to the 330-nm absorbing pyridoxamine via rapidly formed intermediates with different absorption spectra. The intermediate formed with l-DAVA (lambdamax = 420 nm) was deduced to be the protonated external aldimine with the 4-amino group. The intermediate formed with d-DAVA (lambdamax = 390 nm) was deduced to be the unprotonated external aldimine with the 5-amino group

    Molecular characterization of pyridoxine 5′-phosphate oxidase and its pathogenic forms associated with neonatal epileptic encephalopathy

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    Defects of vitamin B6 metabolism are responsible for severe neurological disorders, such as pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate oxidase deficiency (PNPOD; OMIM: 610090), an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism that usually manifests with neonatal-onset severe seizures and subsequent encephalopathy. At present, 27 pathogenic mutations of the gene encoding human PNPO are known, 13 of which are homozygous missense mutations; however, only 3 of them have been characterised with respect to the molecular and functional properties of the variant enzyme forms. Moreover, studies on wild type and variant human PNPOs have so far largely ignored the regulation properties of this enzyme. Here, we present a detailed characterisation of the inhibition mechanism of PNPO by pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), the reaction product of the enzyme. Our study reveals that human PNPO has an allosteric PLP binding site that plays a crucial role in the enzyme regulation and therefore in the regulation of vitamin B6 metabolism in humans. Furthermore, we have produced, recombinantly expressed and characterised several PNPO pathogenic variants responsible for PNPOD (G118R, R141C, R225H, R116Q/R225H, and X262Q). Such replacements mainly affect the catalytic activity of PNPO and binding of the enzyme substrate and FMN cofactor, leaving the allosteric properties unaltered

    Alternative Splicing of P/Q-Type Ca2+ Channels Shapes Presynaptic Plasticity

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    Alternative splicing of pre-mRNAs is prominent in the mammalian brain, where it is thought to expand proteome diversity. For example, alternative splicing of voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (VGCC) α1 subunits can generate thousands of isoforms with differential properties and expression patterns. However, the impact of this molecular diversity on brain function, particularly on synaptic transmission, which crucially depends on VGCCs, is unclear. Here, we investigate how two major splice isoforms of P/Q-type VGCCs (Cav2.1[EFa/b]) regulate presynaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. We find that the efficacy of P/Q-type VGCC isoforms in supporting synaptic transmission is markedly different, with Cav2.1[EFa] promoting synaptic depression and Cav2.1[EFb] synaptic facilitation. Following a reduction in network activity, hippocampal neurons upregulate selectively Cav2.1[EFa], the isoform exhibiting the higher synaptic efficacy, thus effectively supporting presynaptic homeostatic plasticity. Therefore, the balance between VGCC splice variants at the synapse is a key factor in controlling neurotransmitter release and presynaptic plasticity

    The polyphenols resveratrol and epigallocatechin-3-gallate restore the severe impairment of mitochondria in hippocampal progenitor cells from a Down syndrome mouse model.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunctions critically impair nervous system development and are potentially involved in the pathogenesis of various neurodevelopmental disorders, including Down syndrome (DS), the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability. Previous studies from our group demonstrated impaired mitochondrial activity in peripheral cells from DS subjects and the efficacy of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) - a natural polyphenol major component of green tea - to counteract the mitochondrial energy deficit. In this study, to gain insight into the possible role of mitochondria in DS intellectual disability, mitochondrial functions were analyzed in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) isolated from the hippocampus of Ts65Dn mice, a widely used model of DS which recapitulates many major brain structural and functional phenotypes of the syndrome, including impaired hippocampal neurogenesis. We found that, during NPC proliferation, mitochondrial bioenergetics and mitochondrial biogenic program were strongly compromised in Ts65Dn cells, but not associated with free radical accumulation. These data point to a central role of mitochondrial dysfunction as an inherent feature of DS and not as a consequence of cell oxidative stress. Further, we disclose that, besides EGCG, also the natural polyphenol resveratrol, which displays a neuroprotective action in various human diseases but never tested in DS, restores oxidative phosphorylation efficiency and mitochondrial biogenesis, and improves proliferation of NPCs. These effects were associated with the activation of PGC-1α/Sirt1/AMPK axis by both polyphenols. This research paves the way for using nutraceuticals as a potential therapeutic tool in preventing or managing some energy deficit-associated DS clinical manifestations

    Integrated optical frequency comb for 5G NR Xhauls

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    : We experimentally demonstrate the use of optical frequency combs (OFCs), generated by a photonic integrated circuit (PIC), in a flexible optical distribution network based on fiber-optics and free-space optics (FSOs) links, aimed at the fifth generation of mobile network (5G) Xhauls. The Indium Phosphide (InP) monolithically integrated OFC is based on cascaded optical modulators and is broadly tunable in terms of operating wavelength and frequency spacing. Particularly, our approach relies on applying the PIC in a centralized radio access network (C-RAN) architecture, with the purpose of optically generating two low-phase noise mm-waves signals for simultaneously enabling a 12.5-km of single-mode fiber (SMF) fronthaul and a 12.5-km SMF midhaul, followed by a 10-m long FSO fronthaul link. Moreover, the demonstrator contemplates two 10-m reach 5G wireless access networks operating in the 26 GHz band, i.e. over the frequency range 2 (FR2) from the 5G NR standard. The proposed integrated OFC-based 5G system performance is in accordance to the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 15 requirements, achieving a total wireless throughput of 900 Mbit/s