1,822 research outputs found

    The Rieske Iron-Sulfur Protein: Import and Assembly into the Cytochrome bc1 Complex of Yeast Mitochondria

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    The Rieske iron-sulfur protein, one of the catalytic subunits of the cytochrome bc1 complex, is involved in electron transfer at the level of the inner membrane of yeast mitochondria. The Rieske iron-sulfur protein is encoded by nuclear DNA and, after being synthesized in the cytosol, is imported into mitochondria with the help of a cleavable N-terminal presequence. The imported protein, besides incorporating the 2Fe-2S cluster, also interacts with other catalytic and non-catalytic subunits of the cytochrome bc1 complex, thereby assembling into the mature and functional respiratory complex. In this paper, we summarize the most recent findings on the import and assembly of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein into Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria, also discussing a possible role of this protein both in the dimerization of the cytochrome bc1 complex and in the interaction of this homodimer with other complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain

    Characterization of phychoactive plant pollen: a new tool in forensic investigations

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    Palynology, based on the micromorphological characterization of pollen and spores, can be a valid ally for the resolution of forensic cases. Since its first application in 1959 for a murder in Austria, this discipline has been applied to cases of illegal smuggling involving drugs, weapons, medicines, and money (1). Also in Italy, several examples of palynology applied to kidnapping and homicide crime solving have been reported. In particular, a close connection was found between forensic palynology and aerobiology, as a reference tool for establishing the season when unknown death occurred (2-4).The use of palynology is also useful to trace possible pollen contamination of drugs: e.g. in a seizure of a batch of drugs in New York in 1991 (5). It is also possible to solve cases of murder, rape, theft, and food fraud (6). Pollen can adhere firmly to any surface and resist decomposition, while its morphology can be a distinctive feature for the identification of plant species and habitats (1,4,6). The present study concerns the pollen of 12 species of psychoactive plants belonging to 9 families, including illegal drug plants (e.g. Erythroxylum coca; Lophophora williamsii), and plants used as legal alternatives to drugs (e.g. Leonotis leonurus; Brugmansia suaveolens), some of which are currently marketed on internet. Given the lack of literature in this study, we started to compile a palynological atlas of psychoactive plants, aimed at providing support in the forensic field. These data can been useful to trace the origin of illegal drugs, and to identify the most likely route of drug shipping (2). The selected pollen grains was sampled from herbarium specimens, the Reference Pollen Collection (Palinoteca), or prepared as fresh samples collected from the Botanical Garden of Genoa University and the Hanbury Botanical Garden of Ventimiglia. Unacetolyzed pollen was prepared in glycerin jelly containing basic fuchsin dye. The analysis was carried out on 40 pollen grains for each species at the magnification of 40x.The diagnostic features of pollen grains studied were: length of polar axis (P) and equatorial axis (E), pollen shape (P/E ratio), number and type of apertures, exine thickness and sculpture. For the two species belonging to Convolvulaceae (Ipomoea violacea and Argyreia nervosa), also spine length, interspinal distance, pore diameter, exine and nexine thickness, have been considered. Observations were carried out by using light and scanning electron microscopy. In some cases, the analyses showed slight morphological differences compared to literature data, probably due to a different number of measurements, while in other cases new morphological features were recorded. A web repository is being created to make morphometric data and pictures of psychoactive plant pollen available, thus providing a useful tool for forensic investigations

    Actual and Illusory Perception in Parkinson's Disease and Dystonia: A Narrative Review

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    Sensory information is continuously processed so as to allow behavior to be adjusted according to environmental changes. Before sensory information reaches the cortex, a number of subcortical neural structures select the relevant information to send to be consciously processed. In recent decades, several studies have shown that the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and dystonia involve sensory processing abnormalities related to proprioceptive and tactile information. These abnormalities emerge from psychophysical testing, mainly temporal discrimination, as well as from experimental paradigms based on bodily illusions. Although the link between proprioception and movement may be unequivocal, how temporal tactile information abnormalities and bodily illusions relate to motor disturbances in PD and dystonia is still a matter of debate. This review considers the role of altered sensory processing in the pathophysiology of movement disorders, focusing on how sensory alteration patterns differ between PD and dystonia. We also discuss the evidence available and the potential for developing new therapeutic strategies based on the manipulation of multi-sensory information and bodily illusions in patients with these movement disorders

    An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Historical and Technical Characterization of Medieval and Modern Mortars

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    The study concerns Italian masonries and focuses on historical, medieval and modern mortars. Within the context of the different regions under examination (Piedmont, the Po Valley area, Latium, the Umbria-Marche region, and Apulia and Sardinia) a wide variety of materials with different chemical-physical characteristics were used in masonry work, determining different structural behaviors. The project aims at improving our knowledge about historical mortars in order to further the conservation of Italian built heritage, especially in zones with seismic risk. To achieve these results, we took samples and carried out analyses to investigate the different mechanical and cohesion properties that influence the vulnerability of ruined or collapsed structures. This information has enabled advances to be made in the prevention, maintenance, protection and preservation of historical buildings. Further details will concern the history of construction techniques, with particular regard to the relationship between local resources and construction sites. Another important topic is the role of different components and additives during the preparation of the mortars and their level of hydraulicity.Lo studio riguarda le strutture murarie in Italia e si concentra sulle malte storiche, medievali e moderne. Nei contesti regionali oggetto d’indagine (Piemonte e Pianura Padana, Lazio, Umbria-Marche, Puglia e Sardegna) ù stata utilizzata una grande varietà di materiali, con caratteristiche chimico-fisiche diverse, e queste differenze determinano anche comportamenti strutturali diversi. Il progetto mira a migliorare la nostra conoscenza delle malte storiche per approfondire il tema della conservazione del patrimonio edilizio italiano, soprattutto nelle zone a rischio sismico. Per ottenere questi risultati, sono stati prelevati campioni sui quali sono state effettuate analisi per indagare quanto le diverse proprietà meccaniche e di coesione incidano sulla vulnerabilità delle strutture in rovina o collassate. Grazie a queste informazioni ù stato possibile contribuire alla prevenzione, manutenzione, protezione e conservazione dell'edilizia storica. Ulteriori conoscenze hanno riguardato la storia delle tecniche di costruzione, con particolare riguardo al rapporto tra risorse locali e i cantieri. Un altro importante tema ù stato il ruolo dei diversi componenti e additivi durante la preparazione delle malte e il loro livello di idraulicità

    PuerpĂ©rio e suas vivĂȘncias

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    O puerpĂ©rio Ă© uma fase natural da vida para as mulheres que estiveram grĂĄvidas. Nele, ocorrem mudanças fĂ­sicas, hormonais e emocionais. Nota-se, em geral, que o cuidado no pĂłs-parto Ă© essencialmente realizado nas bases familiares, longe dos ambientes de saĂșde, gerando uma rede de açÔes, estabelecida pela famĂ­lia, associada aos cuidados Ă  puĂ©rpera e Ă  criança recĂ©m- nascida. Com essas consideraçÔes, foi objetivo geral deste estudo entender como as mulheres que estĂŁo vivenciando o puerpĂ©rio se sentem sobre essa fase de suas vidas. Foram entrevistadas 11 puĂ©rperas com 15, 30 e 45 dias pĂłs-parto, obedecendo-se critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo e exclusĂŁo, por meio eletrĂŽnico. As puĂ©rperas foram abordadas na Unidade de Internação do Hospital de ClĂ­nicas de Porto Alegre 24 horas apĂłs o nascimento de seus bebĂȘs. O estudo iniciou-se apĂłs a apreciação e aprovação do projeto na COMPESQ/EENF e CEP do HCPA e o TCLE foi apresentado e assinado por todas. A partir das anĂĄlises das entrevistas, obtiveram-se trĂȘs categorias, quais sejam: nos primeiros 15 dias do puerpĂ©rio, a novidade; fechando-se os primeiros 30 dias de puerpĂ©rio, a estabilidade; e, aos 45 dias de puerpĂ©rio, a tranquilidade. O estudo evidenciou o papel importante da famĂ­lia no cuidado com a puĂ©rpera e o bebĂȘ, com destaque fundamental ao papel assumido por seus companheiros, e o fato de a maioria das puĂ©rperas relatarem que o perĂ­odo estava sendo tranquilo e ocorrendo como o esperado. Como limitação do estudo, considerou-se que as entrevistas por meios eletrĂŽnicos podem ter interferido nos seus resultados. Reforça-se que, para compreender melhor a experiĂȘncia do puerpĂ©rio, se torna essencial conhecer como que as mulheres o vivenciam no dia-a-dia.Resumo nĂŁo disponĂ­vel

    Effect of Number of Players and Maturity on Ball-Drills Training Load in Youth Basketball

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    This study aimed to assess the basketball ball-drills workload analyzing: (1) the effect of varying the number of players involved on physiological and technical demands; (2) the temporal changes in players’ responses across bouts; and (3) the relationship of players’ workload with their maturation status and training age. Twelve young male basketball players (mean ± SD; age 13.9 ± 0.7 years; height 1.76 ± 0.06 m; body mass 65.7 ± 12.5 kg; HRmax 202 ± 8 beat·min−1) completed three bouts of 4 min interspersed by 2 min of passive recovery of two vs. two and four vs. four ball-drills. The mean percentage of HRmax (%HRmax) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were collected. Technical actions (TAs) (dribbles, passes, shots, interceptions, steals, rebounds, and turnovers) were calculated through notational analysis. Players’ genitalia development (GD) and pubic hair (PH) growth were assessed using Tanner scale. Results showed a higher %HRmax (p = 0.018), RPE (p = 0.042), dribbles (p = 0.007), shots (p = 0.003), and rebounds (p = 0.006) in two vs. two compared to four vs. four condition. Furthermore, a statistical difference was found for %HRmax (p = 0.005) and number of passes (p = 0.020) between bouts. In addition, no correlation between GD, PH, and training age with %HRmax, RPE, and TAs was found. These findings suggest that variations of the number of players involved affect ball-drills workload and that ball-drills training intensity varies across bouts. Finally, ball-drills elicit an adequate training stimulus, regardless of players’ maturation status and training age

    Microwave assisted saponification (MAS) followed by on-line liquid chromatography (LC)-gas chromatography (GC) for high-throughput and high-sensitivity determination of mineral oil in different cereal-based foodstuffs

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    A high throughput, high-sensitivity procedure, involving simultaneous microwave-assisted extraction (MAS) and unsaponifiable extraction, followed by on-line liquid chromatography (LC)-gas chromatography (GC), has been optimised for rapid and efficient extraction and analytical determination of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in cereal-based products of different composition. MAS has the advantage of eliminating fat before LC-GC analysis, allowing an increase in the amount of sample extract injected, and hence in sensitivity. The proposed method gave practically quantitative recoveries and good repeatability. Among the different cereal-based products analysed (dry semolina and egg pasta, bread, biscuits, and cakes), egg pasta packed in direct contact with recycled paperboard had on average the highest total MOSH level (15.9mgkg(-1)), followed by cakes (10.4mgkg(-1)) and bread (7.5mgkg(-1)). About 50% of the pasta and bread samples and 20% of the biscuits and cake samples had detectable MOAH amounts. The highest concentrations were found in an egg pasta in direct contact with recycled paperboard (3.6mgkg(-1)) and in a milk bread (3.6mgkg(-1))

    Cholesterol and fatty acids oxidation in meat from three muscles of Massese suckling lambs slaughtered at different weights

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    Eighteen Massese male lambs fed mainly with maternal milk were slaughtered at 11, 14 and 17 kg. Samples of Longissimus dorsi (LD), Triceps brachii (TB) and Semimembranosus (Sm) muscles were collected. Total intramus- cular lipids were extracted by means of a mix- ture of chloroform methanol 2/1. Cholesterol content and its oxidation product (COP) were determined by a gas chromatography appara- tus equipped with an apolar 30 m column. Fatty acid oxidation was evaluated by means of thio- barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) extracting the sample with aqueous acidic solution. The effect of slaughter weight on oxi- dation of intramuscular lipids was found only in TB muscles. In this muscle the cholesterol content showed a decreasing trend, while the content of COPs significantly increased with the age of animals. Among the COPs, the 7- ketocholesterol and 7ÎČ-hydroxycholesterol were the most abundant, followed by α- and ÎČ- epoxy-cholesterol and cholestan-triol. The con- tent of TBARS did not vary owing to a similar fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat across weight of slaughter. In any case, the val- ues of TBARS did not reach the threshold of the detection of off-flavour in meat

    Determinants of the effectiveness of fast break actions in elite and sub-elite Italian men\u27s basketball games

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    The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of successful and unsuccessful fast-break (FB) actions in elite and sub-elite basketball games. Fifteen 1st-division (elite) and fifteen 3rd-division (sub-elite) Italian men’s championship games were analysed across two seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014). A binary logistic regression analysis was performed, and the fast-break outcome (successful vs. unsuccessful) was adopted as the dependent variable separately in both elite and sub-elite games. FB execution (initiation, advance and completion phases), typology (primary and secondary break) and the number of players involved (equal number or superiority) were used as independent variables. The results showed that the rate of success of FB actions was 63.5% and 59.7% in elite and sub-elite games, respectively. Moreover, successful FBs were more likely to be completed in the lane in relation to unsuccessful ones in both elite and sub-elite games (p\u3c0.05). Finally, descriptive statistics showed that both elite and sub-elite teams executed FBs similarly. This study highlighted that completion zone was the only predictor of a successful fast break in basketball, while the typology and number of players involved did not predict fast break effectiveness. Moreover, elite and sub-elite teams executed fast break actions similarly. These findings might be useful for basketball coaches to optimize the training of FB actions
