10 research outputs found

    Effetti economici delle reintroduzione di siepi e alberature in aziende agricole

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    Poster che presenta i risultati di una valutazione economica relativamente all'introduzione di siepi e alberature in un'azienda agricola estensiva del medio Polesin

    La reintroduzione delle siepi campestri nel paesaggio agrario veneto

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    l'articolo riporta i risultati di un'analisi sulla convenienza economica all'introduzione delle siepi in un'azienda agricola di pianura con un ordinamento estensivo anche alla luce degli aiuti comunitari previsti per sostenere i costi di investimento e di manutenzion

    Problemi nutrizionali in pazienti con fratture delle ossa facciali.

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    CapĂ­m Annoni: una invasora silenciosa.

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    Eragrostis plana (Capím Annoni) es un pasto maleza que entró al territorio nacional por la frontera con Brasil. Desde la década del 80 este pasto avanza formando densas comunidades al costado de rutas y caminos y en muchos casos ya se encuentra presente en el interior de predios, eliminando la diversidad de las especies en campo natural y bajando dråsticamente la productividad de los campos

    Forest damage inventory after the "Vaia" storm in Italy

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    On October 29, 2019, the Vaia storm hits the North-Eastern regions of Italy by wind gusts exceeding 200 km h-1. The forests in these regions have been seriously damaged. This contribution illustrates the methodology adopted in the emergency phase to estimate forest damages caused by Vaia storm, both in terms of damaged forest areas and growing stock volume of fallen trees. 494 Municipalities registered forest damages caused by Vaia, destroyed or intensely damaged forest stands amounted to about 42.500 ha, spread in Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and, only marginally, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. The growing stock volume of fallen trees was about 8.5 millions m3

    Stima dei danni della tempesta “Vaia” alle foreste in Italia

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    On October 29, 2019, the Vaia storm hits the North-Eastern regions of Italy by wind gusts exceeding 200 km h-1. The forests in these regions have been seriously damaged. This contribution illustrates the methodology adopted in the emergency phase to estimate forest damages caused by Vaia storm, both in terms of damaged forest areas and growing stock volume of fallen trees. 494 Municipalities registered forest damages caused by Vaia, destroyed or intensely damaged forest stands amounted to about 42,500 ha, spread in Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and, only marginally, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta. The growing stock volume of fallen trees was about 8.5 millions m