9 research outputs found

    Células madre intratecales autólogas en niños con daño cerebral hipoxico/isquémico

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    La parálisis cerebral (PC) se puede presentar como consecuencia de una hipoxia perinatal severa, la cual deja una daño cerebral permanente en 50% de los recién nacidos prematuros que sobreviven este evento. La terapia celular es una opción terapéutica potencial para la PC, la cual se cree que funciona a través diversos mecanismos, los cuales incluyen la inmunomodulación a través de citocinas (C) y de la secreción de factores de crecimiento.Se incluyeron 18 pacientes con PC con el fin de evaluar la seguridad de la aplicación intratecal (IT) e intravenosa (IV) de células nucleadas totales (CNT) derivadas de médula ósea (MO) autóloga después de la estimulación con factor estimulador de colonias de granulocitos (FEC-G). Se evaluó clínicamente las áreas motora gruesa y fina, cognitiva, de comunicación, personal-social y adaptativa por medio de una prueba validada llamada Inventario del Desarrollo de Battelle (IDB). Se realizaron tres evaluaciones en cada paciente, la primera previa al procedimiento, y después a los 30 y a los 180 días. También se llevaron a cabo estudios de resonancia magnética nuclear (RMN) antes del procedimiento y uno de control 6 meses después del tratamiento

    Diversidad de antígenos leucocitarios humanos A, B, DQB1 y DRB1 en células de sangre de cordón umbilical criopreservadas en el Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González.

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    Antecedentes: el estudio del sistema HLA y la determinación de sus correspondientes antígenos son muy importantes en programas de trasplante de órganos (riñón y células hematoprogenitoras) para la selección adecuada de la pareja donador-receptor, y su uso es cada vez más frecuente en medicina por su relación entre algunas enfermedades y determinados antígenos del sistema. Objetivos: analizar los alelos y loci A, B de clase I y DQ, DR de clase II en las células de sangre de cordón umbilical, y determinar su diversidad en la población con base en las unidades de sangre de cordón criopreservadas. Material y métodos: análisis de la diversidad de los alelos HLA-A, B, DRB1 y DQB1, en 80 unidades de células de sangre de cordón criopreservadas en el servicio de hematología del Hospital Universitario, para tipificar los alelos mediante PCR-SSP, en laboratorio externo. Resultados: los resultados del análisis mostraron que la diversidad y distribución de alelos tienen frecuencia similar a la de otros estudios realizados en diversas poblaciones del país. Conclusiones: el Hospital Universitario cuenta con reserva de unidades de sangre de cordón con frecuencia de alelos similar a diversas poblaciones del país

    The effect of intra-articular injection of autologous bone marrow stem cells on pain and knee function in patients with osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Aim: Management of osteoarthritis (OA) is basically symptomatic. Recently, stem cells (SC) have been used in the search for an optimum treatment. We decided to conduct a controlled clinical trial to determine if a single intra-articular injection of in vivo stimulated bone marrow SC could lead to an improvement in pain management and quality of life in patients with knee OA. Method: This was a prospective, open-label, phase I/II clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of a single intra-articular injection of autologous stimulated bone marrow stem cells (BM-SC) in patients with knee OA. Individuals of both genders older than 30 years with confirmed diagnosis of OA who signed informed consent were included in two groups: SC group received in vivo BM stimulation with subcutaneous administration of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). SC were obtained by BM aspiration and administered in a single intra-articular injection. The control group received exclusively oral acetaminophen. Visual analogue scale and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scores were performed at 1 week, 1 month and 6 months in both groups. This trial was registered in ClinialTrials.gov NCT01485198. Results: A total of 61 patients were included. Socio-demographic characteristics, OA grades and initial scores were similar in both groups. The BM-SC group showed significant improvement in knee pain and quality of life during the 6-month follow-up. Conclusion: The study demonstrates feasibility and supports efficacy of a completely ambulatory procedure in treatment of knee OA. Key words: bone marrow, knee osteoarthritis, stem cells

    Breastfeeding and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a middle-income country: a Mexican perspective

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    Objective. It has been reported that breastfeeding for 6 and 12 months reduced 20% and 27% of the risk of childhood leukemia, respectively. We present the results of a case–control study about breastfeeding and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-cell ALL) risk in a Mexican pediatric population. Patients and methods. We conducted a case–control study, and a 20-question survey was applied to the patient’s parents. A patient was considered to have been nursed if they received at least 1 month of breastfeeding. For the control group, patients who attended our hospital’s Healthy Child Care Clinic were consecutively selected. Results. The absence of breastfeeding was associated with an odds ratios (OR) of 2.7 for the further development of B-cell ALL. For the subsequent presence of malignancy, the group with 0-1 month of lactation showed an OR of 3.1 compared to the group with more than 6 months of breastfeeding. Conclusions. In the present study, the absence of breastfeeding in our population was associated with an increased risk for the further development of B-cell ALL. Furthermore, it was found that a lower risk for later development of B-cell ALL in their offspring was associated with a lower maternal age