357 research outputs found


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    The setting of the new rules which have to govern the human society is the opportunity opened by the dangers arising from the current moral, cultural, spiritual and intellectual crisis, from a new system of values affecting the economy as an organic part of human society and the "systemic wisdom" what characterizes our “whole common living”.crisis, whole common living, systemic wisdom, institutional respiritualization, intelligent self - governance

    Consumption For The Fulfillment Of Human Life

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    The present moment is characterized by the syntagm of „hiperconsumption society”, as we assist to an unprecedented augmentation of our desires to consume, associated with a fundamental change of values. The study analyzes, based on the vast scientific literature, the causes and the effects of this hypertrophy of consumption, based on the assumption of Oswald „Economic performance is not intrinsically interesting... Economic things matter only in so far as they make people happier.” Also, as a new paradigm on economic development is being outlined in the economic science, using „health of the living” as a fundamental value, understood as an ensemble of parameters that create the frame for what must be a normal and desired evolution, we analyzed the means that are available and can be used for the transition towards a healthy model of consumption. From the perspective of consumers’ protection, we consider that education for a healthy consumption is an appropriate answer that can generate a durable change of the present pattern towards a more generous consumption from an intergenerational point of view that can also sustain a high quality of life for the generations that coexists and succeed themselves.healthy consumption, consumer⁳ education, the right to education, underconsumption and hyperconsumption, paradox of happiness, imperatives of human life


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    In this paper we propose a secure protocol for an authenticated key agreement based on the Diffie-Hellman key agreement, which works in an elliptic curve group We prove that our protocol meets the security attributes under the assumption that the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is secure


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    In this paper we propose a secure protocol for an authenticated key agreement based on the Diffie-Hellman key agreement, which works in an elliptic curve group We prove that our protocol meets the security attributes under the assumption that the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is secure

    A Study of the Multi-Faceted Impact of the Second Vatican Council upon Catholicism and Beyond

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    The Topic The research analyzes the development of Catholicism in the 20th century. After the First Vatican Council (1868-1870) and the promulgation of the dogma of papal infallibility and papal primacy, the Roman Catholic Church lost much credibility and influence with Christianity, becoming increasingly isolated from the developing modern world. In this situation, Catholicism needs a revival, a reconfirmation of its long-lost authority. On the other hand, knowing that the Roman Catholic Church fulfills a very important role in biblical prophecies, we will observe, in this study, an adaptation of Catholicism to the modern world precisely to regain its credibility. In this way we will see how the papacy fulfills its prophesied role! The Purpose The purpose of the research is to follow the integration of Catholicism in the modern world through the Second Vatican Council, to analyze the updates that Catholicism makes at the level of dogma and mission and the multiple impact that Vatican II has on Catholicism and beyond, thus unfolding the biblical prophecy. The Source The research required both the consultation of specialized literature (historical documents, official statements, etc.), as well as biographical materials (for details on the lives of Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, the two emblematic figures on whom the life of the Second Vatican Council depended). At the same time, regarding the work of Catholicism and the place it occupies in biblical prophecy, I consulted the Bible and testimonies of the writings of Ellen G. White. Conclusions The promulgation of the dogma of papal primacy and papal infallibility at the First Vatican Council produced discontent in the religious world, leading to the spiritual and political isolation of the Roman Catholic Church. Bible prophecy says, however, that Catholicism will have a very important role in the unfolding of the final events, but not anyway, but only if it regains its credibility and authority before the world. And the Second Vatican Council did just that: it changed the image of Catholicism by restoring it to a position of honor in the religious world. Vatican II becomes a landmark in the life of Catholicism, dividing time into two: before Vatican II and after Vatican II. Spiritually, things will move in a direction thought by God, the papacy having a well-defined role, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church knows this... What will happen, we will soon see


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    Considering the evolution of life of the whole living, "crisis is a natural manifestation, a form of thesystemic wisdom homeostasis ". Interpreted in terms of Hawa-yen philosophy, life of the "whole living" whichincludes economic and social life as well, crisis stands for excesses and deficits beyond the homeostasis "criticalmass" that disturbs due to the dangers generated by the harmony of integrated integers .As it encompasses both threats and opportunities that encourage creative destruction, crisis heightensawareness of a behavioural change for the sake of a new harmony. The current global crisis, in accordance with theholistic vision, is a systemic crisis a cultural, moral, spiritual and intellectual one that affects negatively all segmentsof life, such the natural, the economic, the social and their interactions, too.As a science of man-made environmental health, ecolonomy interprets the global crisis construed as a deviation ofhuman behaviour and institutional development from the requirements expressed by the harmony of "integratedintegers", the nature of the tunes, coherence and resonance.Deficits of love, authentic knowledge, faith in certainty of hope, wisdom, of education on the meaning oflife and for life, compassion and selflessness, etc, as well as excesses of selfishness, greed, power, domination,poverty, ignorance, waste, freedom without responsibility, etc., engender through their actions human and socialbehaviours which threaten social life and cut through homeostasis.The transformation of the dangers into opportunities- the backward evolution, is a process of whichmetanoia is occurring inside human being where the paradigms find " a nice nest" due to which we come to know,understand, we relate and act

    Towards to the Respiritualization of the Economics

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    To reflect the economical life is a dynamic and complex process, and that means to adapt the economics to the problems generated by the evolution.The authors stand for the idea that in the present we are the witness of growth the complexity of problems, the emphasis of the interferences and their opening towards time and space of a living conscience belonging to the kind of the “whole integrated”.In accordance with the new trends that shaped the science, the view of the economic life should be realized from the perspective of the “whole living common”. This means to understand economics as an organic part of the natural environment and of the environment created by man, where its functional sense is brought into the harmony by the principles of rationality and hope, by the statement of the “win-win” rules for the whole participants of the living common’s life.The new culture of the economical and social life is founded on the values of freedom and responsibilities, social community and human solidarity, as values integrated under the exigencies of the “assumed freedom”.The value-added in economy, as a new created value is the source to understand the “win-win” principle for the enterprises, people, communities, families, and institutions, including here the keeping of the ecological equilibrium

    Regarding "Tragic Economic Optimum" From Holistic Perspective

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    Communication aims to discuss the new scientific vision of "the entire integrated" as it follows the recent achievements of quantum physics, psychology and biology. From this perspective, economy is seen as a living organism, part of the social organism and together with de bright ecology. The optimum of the economy as a living organism is based on dynamic compatibilities with all common living requirements. The evolution of economic life is organically linked to the unavoidable circumstances contained in the form of V. Frankl ‘s tragic triad consisting of: pain, guilt and death. In interaction with the holistic triad circumscribed by limitations, uncertainties and open interdependencies, the tragic economic optimum (TEO) is formed. It can be understood as that state of economic life in which freedom of choice of scarce resources under uncertainty has in the compatibility of rationality and hope the development criteria of MEANING. TEO means to say YES to economic life even in conditions of resource limitations, bankruptcies and unemployment, negative externalities, stress, etc. By respiritualization of responsibility using scientific knowledge. TEO - involves multicriteria modeling of economic life by integrating human demands, community, environmental, spiritual and business development in the assessment predicting human GDP as a variable wave aggregate.tragic triad, holistic triad, integrated whole, whole living health, holistic multicriteriality

    Study on Optical Fiber Insertion in Underground Telecommunication Networks Using Hydraulic Similarity

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    AbstractThe European regulations require a new approach of cities facilities networks, including the communication ones. In this respect, the communication providers generalize the underground networks, following the streets trails. The transmission support consists in a network of tubes, protecting a number of micro-tubes/microducts, which protect the real transmission facilitators made by optical fibers. Presently, the producers of this type of devices promote special norms of information on characteristics and installation of the product, but there are not reliable accepted standardized methods for optical fibers insertion in pre-installed micro-tubes/microducts and for the devices forces computation, necessary for underground communication networks. The micro-tubes are already installed in the protection cables and together are buried in the ground on different routes. It appears the necessity to introduce the fibers in the micro-tubes in this situation. Generally, it is a significant difference between the practical reality and the producers norms and indicators. In order to explain this situation, and considering the optical fibers dimensions, and the necessity to insert the fibers using specific lubricants, the paper propose a similarity model of the optical fibers insertion in the micro-tubes with the hydraulic model of laminar incompressible fluids flow in parallel or concentric micro- layers. In this phase, there are presented the results of experimental measurements and tests on in situ networks, composed by different types of materials and lubricants, as support for the hydraulic similitude