191 research outputs found

    Cavernas de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    La Comisión de Investigación Científica de la provincia de Buenos Aires teniendo en cuenta la indudable importancia que tienen los estudios que se realizan en las cavernas existentes en diversos países, principalmente europeos, y a fin de incrementar y dar impulso en nuestro país al desarrollo de la Espeleología, nos ha encomendado el reconocimiento y estudio de las cavernas que existen en el ámbito serrano de nuestra provincia. Esta modesta contribución pretende hacer conocer, en forma general, los rasgos dominantes, ubicación, génesis y demás características de algunas de ellas, fundamentalmente las que se encuentran en los partidos de Balcarce y Tornquist. Existen numerosas cavernas en todo nuestro territorio bonaerense, localizadas preferentemente en ambos cordones serranos (Tandilia y Ventana) y en el litoral austral. El número de éstas es considerable al punto que podemos calcular que entre pequeñas, medianas y grandes, el total sobrepasa el millar de unidades. Generalmente, las cavernas ubicadas en el ámbito serrano se hallan localizadas en areniscas, cuarcitas y areniscas cuarcíticas siendo común su poco desarrollo y magnitud, en contraposición con las europeas que se originan en calcáreos compactos, puros o dolomitizados, que constituyen extensos macizos y serranías, razón por la cual y dada su naturaleza, el tamaño y volumen que alcanzan es mucho más considerable. (Barros Machado y Bernardino, 1941). Por otra parte, las cavernas que se desarrollan en el litoral bonaerense se encuentran en sedimentos de menor consistencia, loéssicos y limosos y deben su origen a procesos abrasivos del mar. No existiendo una lista corográfica, de fundamental importancia e imprescindible necesidad para este tipo de tareas, hemos creído conveniente iniciar en el área de los partidos de Tornquist, Balcarce y Necochea, los trabajos de reconocimiento geológico, con el propósito de estudiar las condiciones morfológicas y genéticas que caracterizan la distribución y los pormenores, en cada caso, de las cavernas existentes

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149556/1/he20319_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149556/2/he20319.pd

    Tuberculous Meningitis: The Important Role of Imaging

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    Tuberculous meningitis is the most severe form of tuberculosis, and the diagnosis continues to be challenging for clinicians. Indeed, many cases of tuberculous meningitis cannot be confirmed based on clinical findings, and laboratory techniques are largely insensitive or slow. Clinical presentation can be nonspecific and suggest alternative conditions. The difficulty in diagnosis often leads to a delay in treatment and subsequent morbidity and mortality. We present the case of a 4-year-old Indian girl with meningitis that presented neurological deterioration while taking antibiotics. The epidemiological history and neuroimaging findings of incipient hydrocephalus, infarcts, and probable tuberculomas were essential to evoking the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. Diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis is difficult mainly in these rare cases with acute presentation that clinically present similarly to other forms of meningitis. The recognition of this entity involves a high index of suspicion based on the previous referred findings and is essential to prevent morbidity and mortality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lyme Borreliosis as a Cause of Myocarditis in Pediatric Age

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    Lyme borreliosis with myocarditis is rare in pediatrics and diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. We present an adolescent with myocarditis, depressed left ventricular function, and evidence of Lyme borreliosis infection. Early recognition and treatment of Lyme disease can help to avoid serious complications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New governing equation for web tension by employing a Neo-Hookean material model

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    In this work, we derive a governing equation for web tension in a span by employing a Neo-Hookean material model that is applicable for transport of web materials under both small and large strains. This governing equation may be employed to study the evolution of tension within a span as well as propagation of tension variations from span to span as the web is transported in the machine. First, we find the stretch in a web span and relate it to web tension via a Neo-Hookean material model; the Neo-Hookean model is linear for small strain and nonlinear otherwise. Second, we conduct a dimensional analysis by defining several key coefficients that aid in grouping the machine and web material parameters separately in order to obtain a compact system of governing equations; this representation may be utilized to efficiently study the impact of web and roller properties on transport behavior

    Spread COVID-19 during Godzilla African dust in June 2020 on the Colombian Caribbean region

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    Recent studies show that aerosols are highly linked to the spread of the COVID−19 pandemic. Furthermore, during this pandemic, the largest Saharan dust intrusion event has reached the Caribbean region in the last 20 years, called “Godzilla” African Dust or GAD. This study aims to analyze the correlation between the spread of COVID−19 and the GAD event in the main cities of the Colombian Caribbean region. The results showed a positive correlation between the spread of COVID−19 and the GAD event in most cities. Our findings could serve as input for the development of a strategy in the prevention of COVID−19 and other similar viral diseases during the Saharan dust intrusion events that reach the Caribbean region each year from Africa. Our results may help design strategies to prevent future outbreaks of COVID-19 and reduce the risk of future pandemics of similar viral diseases. Especially during the Saharan dust intrusion events that reach the Caribbean region each year.Fil: Bolaño Ortiz, Tomás R.. Universidad Católica de Maule; ChileFil: Constante Ballestas, Jelaine I.. Universidad del Magdalena; ColombiaFil: Puliafito, Salvador Enrique. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Vélez Pereira, Andrés Mauricio. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Tovar Bernal, Fredy A.. Universidad del Magdalena; ColombiaFil: Camargo Caicedo, Yiniva. Universidad del Magdalena; Colombi

    Desacidificación por destilación mediante arrastre con nitrógeno. Posible aplicación a la refinación de grasas comestibles

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    The possibility of substituting direct steam by nitrogen as stripper in the deodorizing or neutralizing distillation of oils and fats has been the subject of research in recent years. Although this is a practical possibility, it implies a greater cost due to the higher price of nitrogen, and the need to adapt the technology in order to maintain the deodorizer head pressure (as nitrogen does not condensate). These disadvantages would be compensated by a better quality of the oils and condensates, and a decrease in pollution. The tests carried out indicate that the efficiency calculated in each of the operations is within the theoretical values, and that using from 1 to 1.5 times the theoretical amount of nitrogen, the refined oils are graded physically as good and very good by an expert. The condensates obtained have been of good quality.En los últimos años se está investigando la posibilidad de sustituir por nitrógeno el vapor de agua directo utilizado en la desodorización o la destilación neutralizante de aceites y grasas. Dicha posibilidad es factible, sin embargo implica un mayor costo debido al mayor precio del nitrógeno, y una necesidad de adecuar la tecnología para mantener la presión en cabeza del desodorizador (al no condensar el nitrógeno). Estos inconvenientes deben ser solventados por una mejor calidad de los aceites, de los condensados y por una disminución de la contaminación. Los ensayos realizados indican que la "eficacia" calculada en cada una de las operaciones realizadas está dentro de los valores teóricos; y que los aceites refinados físicamente, mediante el paso de 1 a 1,5 veces la cantidad teórica de nitrógeno, tienen calificaciones de bueno y muy bueno dadas por un experto. Los condensados obtenidos han sido de buena calidad