775 research outputs found

    Gender analysis: Sub-Saharan African nurses' migration experiences - a systematic review

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    Alleviating the global shortage of health workers, particularly nurses, is critical for health systems and health worker performance. Nurses are mostly women and make up the majority of the health workforce. Several factors have been identified as key players in the shortage crisis and migration is one of these factors. Nurses' migration from Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) increases the nurse shortage in the region and further constraints the already struggling health systems. Migration literature has dominantly focused on macro push-pull, brain drain and ethics theories of migration with limited exploration of relationships, interaction, norms, beliefs and values shaping migration trajectories and decisions. Despite the potential role of gender as an influential component of migration trajectories, there has been little research done to investigate gender in the context of migration of SSA nurses. This review aims to identify, describe, and summarize SSA nurses' migration experiences by assessing the influence of gender on these experiences. The dissertation is organized into 3 parts. Part A is a systematic review protocol that describes the background, justification and methodology of the review. A scoping exercise is conducted to to familiarize with the literature. This is followed by a qualitative systematic approach is utilised and the literature in eight databases is searched using key words and terms derived from an initial scoping exercise and the review questions. Suitable articles are defined and selected using a set inclusion and exclusion criteria. The suitable articles are then appraised and a thematic analysis using a gender focal lens is applied to them. Part B is a literature review of existing primary and theoretical research on health worker shortages; migration and gender analysis in health worker migration and shortages. It provides a background for the systematic review by defining migration, gender and gender analysis as well as presenting the scope on health worker and nurse shortages. The literature review encompasses the scoping exercise and concludes on the relevance of a gender-focused research on nurse migration. Part C. is the full systematic review presented as an article for Human Resources for Health Journal. Articles published on Sub-Saharan African (SSA) nurses' migration experiences between 2005 and 2016 are presented, subjected to a gender analysis to illuminate the results. The discussion and conclusion then follow. The results indicate that there is a paucity of empirical work on nurse migration experiences that is explicitly gender-focused. Gender analysis that is situated in social contexts and identifiers revealed that SSA nurses continuously renegotiate and reconfigure gender roles in child care as they move from one social context to another. Moreover migrating SSA nurse face challenges and limitations at macro, meso and micro levels of the system- that are linked to their identities as either professionals, African migrants and/or women. Therefore, the review underscores the importance of the relationships between gender and local/individual nuances and global/national determinants of migration. However, these studies are limited in their explicit gender and social focus and how it contextually affects health worker performance and quality care provision. More empirical studies are needed to investigate gender influences for migrating male nurses; nurses who remain; and by different geographical & cultural region – to allow comparison across different groups of nurses and determine conceptual generalizations for doing gender research. This dissertation will likely increase understanding of the role of gender in migration decision-making and experiences for SSA nurses across different professional, migrant and woman identities. This understanding has impacts on nurse motivation, capacity and capability as well quality care provision. Additionally, the dissertation provides a better understanding for incorporating gender analysis in health systems research, and also identifies avenues for future research

    Los quironómidos (Diptera) y su empleo como bioindicadores

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    The use of chironomids as indicator organisms of the water quality and in the classification of the different aquatic environments demonstrated mainly along the history of Limnology in the Northern Hemisphere was pointed out. The temporal- spatial distribution of Chironomidae in the Limay River (Patagonia) and in the Grande River (San Luis) as part of the studies carried out until present to characterize different running waters were commented. The growing interest for the studies of environmental impact in our country, using the benthic macroinvertebrates, and among them the chironomids, was analyzed through out a monitoring study carried out in the Matanza - Riachuelo basin by the application of the IMRP biotic index with the purpose to evaluate the biological status of these area. The analysis of the pupal exuviae from the drift of flowing waters besides their taxonomical value in biodiversity progress and their use in pollution assessments, starting from the knowledge of the tolerant and non tolerant species to the contamination, was suggested for the region.Fil: Paggi, Analia Constancia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología ; Argentin

    Perancangan Interior Sekolah Dasar Katolik Santa Angela di Surabaya dengan Pendekatan Student Centered Learning dalam Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Sekolah merupakan tempat peserta didik untuk menempuh pendidikan. Pendidikan di sekolah tidak lepas kaitannya dengan kurikulum. Kurikulum di Indonesia saat ini mengalami perubahan dengan menggunakan Kurikulum Merdeka. Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum modern yang memiliki pendekatan Student Centered Learning. Perubahan kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran akan berdampak pada perubahan aktivitas pengguna di dalamnya. Sekolah Dasar Katolik (SDK) Santa Angela di Surabaya menempati gedung sekolah yang didirikan sejak tahun 1980 dan masih digunakan hingga sekarang. Saat ini, interior ruang kelas masih nampak menggunakan kurikulum konvensional yaitu teacher centered learning, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian kebutuhan ruang terhadap perubahan metode pembelajaran yang baru. Untuk itu, perancangan interior ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan wadah bagi pengguna khususnya siswa Sekolah Dasar dan guru dalam menerapkan metode pembelajaran Project Based Learning dan Blended Learning yang digunakan sekolah tersebut dalam menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka. Batasan area yang dirancang adalah lantai satu, karena menjadi pusat area yang berkaitan dengan proses belajar dan mengajar. Perancangan interior yang menggunakan metode Design Thinking ini menghasilkan solusi desain berupa konsep desain dan implementasinya di dalam ruang untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ditemukan

    Perancangan Interior Sekolah Dasar Katolik Santa Angela di Surabaya dengan Pendekatan Student Centered Learning dalam Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Sekolah merupakan tempat peserta didik untuk menempuh pendidikan. Pendidikan di sekolah tidak lepas kaitannya dengan kurikulum. Kurikulum di Indonesia saat ini mengalami perubahan dengan menggunakan Kurikulum Merdeka. Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum modern yang memiliki pendekatan Student Centered Learning. Perubahan kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran akan berdampak pada perubahan aktivitas pengguna di dalamnya. Sekolah Dasar Katolik (SDK) Santa Angela di Surabaya menempati gedung sekolah yang didirikan sejak tahun 1980 dan masih digunakan hingga sekarang. Saat ini, interior ruang kelas masih nampak menggunakan kurikulum konvensional yaitu teacher centered learning, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian kebutuhan ruang terhadap perubahan metode pembelajaran yang baru. Untuk itu, perancangan interior ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan wadah bagi pengguna khususnya siswa Sekolah Dasar dan guru dalam menerapkan metode pembelajaran Project Based Learning dan Blended Learning yang digunakan sekolah tersebut dalam menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka. Batasan area yang dirancang adalah lantai satu, karena menjadi pusat area yang berkaitan dengan proses belajar dan mengajar. Perancangan interior yang menggunakan metode Design Thinking ini menghasilkan solusi desain berupa konsep desain dan implementasinya di dalam ruang untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ditemukan

    A new species of the genus Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropics and description of the pupa of Ablabesmyia bianulata Paggi (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae)

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    The male, pupa and fourth instar larva of Ablabesmyia platensis sp. n. from La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina and the pupa of A. bianulata Paggi collected in southern Argentina are described and figured. The male adult diagnosis of A. bianulata is emended, and the aedeagal complex is redescribed and photographed. Differences in the aedeagal complex and the color pattern of the pupa mainly distinguish these two species. The new species is also compared withthe Neotropical A. oliveirai Oliveira et Gessner.Fil: Siri, Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Paggi, Analia Constancia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; Argentin

    A redescription of Rheotanytarsus lamellatus Reiss in all stages (Diptera: Chironomidae) and new records from Argentina

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    Immature stages and adult female of Rheotanytarsus lamellatus Reiss are described for the first time, and the male is redescribed, diagnosed and compared with R. meridionalis (Johannsen). Both species are reported for the first time from Argentina. Keys to South American male adults and pupae are given.Fil: Tejerina, Eva Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paggi, Analia Constancia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; Argentin

    Diversity of oligochaeta (Annelida) and Chironomidae (Diptera) of the argentinian Fluvial Litoral

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    Oligochaetes and chironomids are considered by many authors as biological indicators of environmental conditions and are represented for a great species diversity in the benthic, pleuston and periphyton communities of different habitats. Eighty one species of oligochaetes are reported from the Paraná River, sixty two species of Naididae, twelve Tubificidae, three Opystocistydae, one Narapidae, two Haplotaxidae and one Alluroididae. Narapa bonettoi Righi and Varela, 1983, Haplotaxis aedeochaeta Brinkhurst and Marchese, 1987, Paranadrilus descolei Gavrilov, 1955, Brinkhurstia americana (Brinkhurst, 1964), Slavina evelinae (Marcus, 1942), Limnodrilus neotropicus Cernosvitov, 1939, Trieminentia corderoi (Harman, 1969), Dero righii Varela, 1990 are endemic species of the Neotropical region. The knowledge of Chironomidae is very scarce and twenty genus were reported of Chironominae, seven Tanypodinae, and seven Orthocladiinae. The species cited in the Paraná basin are Chironomus xantus Rempel 1939, Chironomus calligraphus Goeldi, 1905; Goeldichironomus holoprasinus Goeldi, 1905; G. natans Reiss, 1974; Parachironomus supparilis (Edw. 1931) var. longistilis (Spies et al, 1994).Fil: Marchese Garello, Mercedes Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Paggi, Analia Constancia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología ; Argentin

    Indoor soundscape model: Assessing contextual factors in open-plan offices on university campuses in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Evaluation research in Western countries shows that soundscape perception and work behaviour in an open-plan office are negative due to uncontrolled sound levels and diminished visual and acoustic privacy. This condition resulted in a noteworthy diminution in employee performance and comfort. Most offices in large cities, including those in Indonesia, also follow the trend of adopting an open-plan system. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct further studies in the local environment. Contextual experience is a key aspect in indoor soundscape studies, of which subjective evaluation is an important part. This study further investigates the causal relationship between contextual factors related to space usage and personal and demographic aspects on psychological, expectation, soundscape perception, and work behaviour aspects. The questionnaire survey was conducted on full-time employees at six administrative offices on two university campuses in Surabaya. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse statistically the collected data and to test the formulated hypotheses. The results reveal a significant path from personal and demographical to psychological, which has the highest estimated t value of 9.438 and is supported by a significance level of p 2.58). Social-cultural characteristic indicators, namely, societal values and lifestyle, have the highest loading and consequently have a large influence on soundscape perception and work behaviour in the local environment. This results in certain work behaviour reflected in the reactions, responses, soundscape preferences, and activities of employees working in the local environment, which differs from that of those residing in Western countries

    Conceptual model of soundscape perception based on working behaviour in open-plan offices

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    The open-plan office is one of the most popular and preferred workspace arrangement options for employers today. The results of research in western countries show that listeners perceptions of the soundscape in open-plan offices are negative, due to reduced visual and acoustic privacy and uncontrolled sound levels. This can cause a significant decrease in work comfort and productivity. Several researchers have provided acoustic design solutions by performing adequate speech control through several solutions such as creating spacing between workstations, the use of acoustic dampening materials, insulation between workstations, and application of a noise masking system. The phenomenon of adopting an open-plan office has also hit offices in big cities in the world, including in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to further examine listeners perceptions of the soundscape in the case of open-plan offices in the local environment because the results are indicated to be different from similar cases in western countries, given the peculiarities of employee work behaviour which are influenced by individual experiences and social effects in the local environment are also different. For this reason, a comprehensive literature review method is needed that aims to investigate the relationship between soundscape perceptions and working behaviour in open-plan offices in the local environment and then to create an integrated conceptual model so that further researchers can evaluate the research related to these problems