484 research outputs found

    Of Congregational and Synodical Authority

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    It is the blessing and the bane of the church in the 20th century that it is both the inheritor and the victim of its own organization. Among people who cry for the \u27\u27good old days of simple truths, simple faith, and simple organization there is always the specter of complex reality. Gone are the days, we are told, when a member of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod could quote a father of the first, 16th or 19th century to support a proper thesis. Yet all seem to do it to underpin a modern position. Paul, Luther, and Walther are cited in staccato form when it serves one\u27s purpose. On the other side of the coin the same faces appear in diametric contrast. The historical past is used and abused by selectivity of sources

    The Reformation as a Youth Movement

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    The parallels between then, the period of the Reformation, and now are striking: changing social patterns brought on by a growing money economy, a movement that grew out of the university experience of the reformers, a period of more time for thought, young people that were beginning to criticize the society in which they found themselves, and an establishment against which many were directing their darts of opposition

    Lodge Practice Within the Missouri Synod

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    The history of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod reveals that the Synod grappled with the problem of lodges almost from its beginning. In the present essay the author proposes to undertake a chronological survey of the Synod\u27s viewpoints reflected in its official meetings and publications, in books, tracts and conference essays, and so forth. The topic of doctrinal opposition to lodges will not be discussed in any detail since American Lutheranism is all but unanimous on this point. Some attention will be paid to other Lutheran denominations and to possible cultural and economic influence on the lodge practice of the Synod

    Rejoicing in Mercy: Unity in Diversity

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    The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has adopted an apt slogan to celebrate a century and a quarter of its existence: Rejoicing in Mercy. The Lord has been good to our beloved Synod and has given us so much. A quarter of a century ago we celebrated A Century of Grace; a half-century ago we cried Ebenezer - the Lord hath helped us hitherto

    Eye movements may cause motor contagion effects

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    When a person executes a movement, the movement is more errorful while observing another person’s actions that are incongruent rather than congruent with the executed action. This effect is known as “motor contagion”. Accounts of this effect are often grounded in simulation mechanisms: increased movement error emerges because the motor codes associated with observed actions compete with motor codes of the goal action. It is also possible, however, that the increased movement error is linked to eye movements that are executed simultaneously with the hand movement because oculomotor and manual-motor systems are highly interconnected. In the present study, participants performed a motor contagion task in which they executed horizontal arm movements while observing a model making either vertical (incongruent) or horizontal (congruent) movements under three conditions: no instruction, maintain central fixation, or track the model’s hand with the eyes. A significant motor contagion-like effect was only found in the ‘track’ condition. Thus, ‘motor contagion’ in the present task may be an artifact of simultaneously executed incongruent eye movements. These data are discussed in the context of stimulation and associative learning theories, and raise eye movements as a critical methodological consideration for future work on motor contagion

    Helianthus winteri (Asteraceae), a New Perennial Species From the Southern Sierra Nevada Foothills, California

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    Helianthus winteri is described from Fresno and Tulare Counties in the southern Sierra Nevada foothills of California. It is distinguished from H. annuus by its woody trunk, year-round blooming, and morphological characteristics. It occurs in open, ungrazed foothill woodlands and annual grasslands on well-drained, granitic soils, generally on lower-elevation, south-facing foothill slopes east of the San Joaquin Valley

    Quantizing String Theory in AdS_5 X S^5: Beyond the pp-Wave

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    In a certain kinematic limit, where the effects of spacetime curvature (and other background fields) greatly simplify, the light-cone gauge world-sheet action for a type IIB superstring on AdS_5 x S^5 reduces to that of a free field theory. It has been conjectured by Berenstein, Maldacena, and Nastase that the energy spectrum of this string theory matches the dimensions of operators in the appropriately defined large R-charge large-N_c sector of N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory in four dimensions. This holographic equivalence is thought to be exact, independent of any simplifying kinematic limits. As a step toward verifying this larger conjecture, we have computed the complete set of first curvature corrections to the spectrum of light-cone gauge string theory that arises in the expansion of AdS_5 x S^5 about the plane-wave limit. The resulting spectrum has the complete dependence on lambda = g_YM^2 N_c; corresponding results in the gauge theory are known only to second order in lambda. We find precise agreement to this order, including the N=4 extended supermultiplet structure. In the process, we demonstrate that the complicated schemes put forward in recent years for defining the Green--Schwarz superstring action in background Ramond-Ramond fields can be reduced to a practical (and correct) method for quantizing the string.Comment: 39 pages; substantial improvement


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    The following publications have been reviewed by the mentioned authors;GCSE Design and Technology - Resistant Materials - reviewed by Alison HardyGCSE Design and Technology - Textiles Technology - reviewed by Julie BoydIssues in Design and Technology Teaching - reviewed by John DurrellAgriculture in the Food Supply Chain: an overview - reviewed by Anne ConstableFood Chemical Composition: dietary significance in food manufacturing - reviewed by Anne ConstableFood The Chemistry of its Components - reviewed by Brenda Greatwoo