211 research outputs found

    Impact of Tourism in Developing Nations

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    Belize, a small country located in Central America, thrives on tourism. The industry makes up 15% of the country’s GDP and employs roughly 40% of Belize’s population. However, the majority of tourism takes place in only a few Belizean towns, causing the economies of the other towns to not benefit from the industry. One of the towns lacking tourism is called Dangriga. Although Dangriga is on the coast and is known as the “Culture Capital of Belize”, not many tourists make is stop in or even know of Dangriga. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of online presence that the businesses have in Dangriga. If one were to look into visiting Dangriga, it would be very difficult to find a place to stay or restaurants to eat at because of the serious lack of online marketing. So, for two months, five students and I went to Dangriga in order to help business owners with their online presence by showing them how to market themselves online using different platforms (i.e. social media, Google, TripAdvisor). Although during our time in Dangriga there were shortcomings, we were able to see how much we were able to help grow the online presence of the town when our time was finished in Dangriga

    Impact of Tourism in Developing Nations

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    Belize, a small country located in Central America, thrives on tourism. The industry makes up 15% of the country’s GDP and employs roughly 40% of Belize’s population. However, the majority of tourism takes place in only a few Belizean towns, causing the economies of the other towns to not benefit from the industry. One of the towns lacking tourism is called Dangriga. Although Dangriga is on the coast and is known as the “Culture Capital of Belize”, not many tourists make is stop in or even know of Dangriga. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of online presence that the businesses have in Dangriga. If one were to look into visiting Dangriga, it would be very difficult to find a place to stay or restaurants to eat at because of the serious lack of online marketing. So, for two months, five students and I went to Dangriga in order to help business owners with their online presence by showing them how to market themselves online using different platforms (i.e. social media, Google, TripAdvisor). Although during our time in Dangriga there were shortcomings, we were able to see how much we were able to help grow the online presence of the town when our time was finished in Dangriga

    Watchful Guardians of Liberty : The French Revolution and the Development of Democratic-Republicanism in Philadelphia, 1792-1797

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    In 1792 the stakes of political discussion in Philadelphia began to change. According to the General Advertiser, The question in America is no longer between federalism and anti-federalism but between republicanism and anti-republicanism. Unlike the political struggles between those for and against the Constitution, the debate had shifted to something more fundamental: the survival of the republican experiment itself. Although no American likely would have described himself as anti-republican -- effectively an enemy of the United States\u27 very existence and founding principles -- the editorial implicitly asserted that there existed in America the seeds of a monarchical party. These republicans feared most the irresistible propensity of all governors to slide into despotism, and were deeply concerned by what they perceived as Congress and the president taking an increasingly broad interpretation of their powers under the Constitution

    'Recusationes' a confronto: Sidonio Apollinare 'epist.' IX 13,2 e Venanzio Fortunato 'carm.' IX 7

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    Vengono analizzati e messi a confronto due carmi composti in Gallia a distanza di circa un secolo da Sidonio Apollinare (epist. IX 13,2) e Venanzio Fortunato (Carm. IX 7). Si tratta di due 'recusationes' in metro lirico (asclepiadei minori 'katà sitchon' per Sidonio, strofe saffiche per Venanzio), che entrambe individuano i propri precedenti nella poesia lirica profana, greca e latina. Dal confronto fra i due componimenti emergono alcune importanti differenze, relative al rapporto dei due autori sia con la tradizione letteraria sia con i dedicatari e i possibili milieus culturali di riferimento. Le scelte stilistiche e lessicali mostrano in Venanzio una cultura letteraria meno ricercata e probabilmente meno vasta di quella posseduta da Sidonio, autore di un testo ben più fitto di allusioni letterarie. In compenso, il carme di Venanzio ha una struttura più ricca e articolata. Ancor più marcata la differenza fra i due poeti sotto il profilo delle relazioni sociali e culturali. Esponente dell’aristocrazia galloromana, anche da vescovo Sidonio conserva una posizione di prestigio all’interno del proprio circolo letterario. L’exul Venanzio, legato ai suoi destinatari da una serie di relazioni interpersonali non mediate dall’appartenenza ad una cerchia comune, tratta con deferenza il suo committente Gregorio di Tours, a lui superiore per estrazione sociale.This paper compares two poems written in Gaul at a distance of about a century, the former by Sidonius Apollinaris (epist. IX 13,2), the latter by Venantius Fortunatus (Carm. IX 7). Each poem is composed in a lyric meter − Asclepiadeans for Sidonius Apollinaris, Sapphic stanzas for Fortunatus − and contains a recusatio. A thoroughly examination of both poems offers the basis for a comparison showing important differences in the way the two poets deal with previous literary tradition and in their relationship to their dedicatees and the cultural milieus they possibly belong to. Both of them refer only to profane lyric poets of the Greek and Latin past, but Sidonius is much richer in literary allusions, while Venantius tries to give his composition a more articulate structure. Even more striking is the difference intheir social standing: a Gallo roman aristocrat himself, even after becoming bishop Sidonius keeps among the poets of his circle the centrality he had earned as a profane poet, whereas the exul Fortunatus, who does not share in a circle, normally entertains interpersonal relations with his addressees and plays a subordinate role with his dedicatee Gregory of Tours

    Bow-Tie Cavity for Terahertz Radiation

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    We report on the development, testing, and performance analysis of a bow-tie resonant cavity for terahertz (THz) radiation, injected with a continuous-wave 2.55 THz quantum cascade laser. The bow-tie cavity employs a wire-grid polarizer as input/output coupler and a pair of copper spherical mirrors coated with an unprotected 500 nm thick gold layer. The improvements with respect to previous setups have led to a measured finesse value F=123, and a quality factor Q = 5.1x10^5. The resonator performances and the relevant parameters are theoretically predicted and discussed, and a comparison among simulated and experimental spectra is given

    IL-4 alpha chain receptor (IL-4Rα) polymorphisms in allergic bronchopulmonary sspergillosis

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    BACKGROUND: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis occurs in 7–10% of cystic fibrosis (CF) and 1–2% of asthmatic patients. HLA-DR restriction and increased sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation have been proposed as risk factors in these populations. OBJECTIVE: We examined for the presence of IL-4 receptor alpha chain (IL-4Rα) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ABPA and whether these accounted for increased sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation. METHODS: One extracellular (ile75val) and four cytoplasmic IL-4Rα SNPs were analyzed in 40 CF and 22 asthmatic patients and in 56 non-ABPA CF and asthmatic patients. Sensitivity to IL-4 stimulation was measured by induction of CD23 expression on B cells. RESULTS: IL-4Rα SNPs were observed in 95% of ABPA patients. The predominant IL-4Rα SNP was the extracellular IL-4Rα SNP, ile75val, observed in 80% of ABPA patients. CONCLUSION: The presence of IL-4Rα SNPs, principally ile75val, appears to be a genetic risk for the development of ABPA

    Spettroscopia e metrologia delle frequenze con la radiazione terahertz

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    A spectroscopic technique in the terahertz range with a very high frequency resolution has been developed that makes it possible to measure the frequency of molecular transitions with an accuracy of 10-9. This system can also be employed to perform spectroscopic measurements in saturation regime, with a further gain of two orders of magnitude in terms of accuracy.È stata sviluppata una tecnica di spettroscopia nella gamma terahertz con un’altissima risoluzione in frequenza, che ha permesso di misurare la frequenza di transizioni molecolari con un’accuratezza di 10-9. Tale sistema si presta inoltre alla realizzazione di misure spettroscopiche in regime di saturazione, con un ulteriore guadagno di due ordini di grandezza in termini accuratezza