4,926 research outputs found

    Neurochemistry of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    There are numerous books about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on the market. These books range from being very nontechnical, geared towards elementary educators and parents, to highly technical, geared towards medical and mental health professionals. To complicate matters further, the manner in which ADHD is defined and diagnosed has recently changed with the release of the DSM-V in 2013, which makes even relatively recent texts out-of-date. This Creative Inquiry project involves research into the most recent data on the neurochemistry behind what causes ADHD and comorbid conditions, as well as the neurochemistry of how drugs used to treat these conditions work to affect patient mental health. The goal of this project is to write and publish a book that begins with simple descriptions of these processes and builds to more technical language, providing parents and teachers with the ability to become experts in ADHD without a preexisting background in science

    Seroprevalence of Zika virus in wild African green monkeys and baboons

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    ABSTRACT Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently spread through the Americas and has been associated with a range of health effects, including birth defects in children born to women infected during pregnancy. Although the natural reservoir of ZIKV remains poorly defined, the virus was first identified in a captive “sentinel” macaque monkey in Africa in 1947. However, the virus has not been reported in humans or nonhuman primates (NHPs) in Africa outside Gabon in over a decade. Here, we examine ZIKV infection in 239 wild baboons and African green monkeys from South Africa, the Gambia, Tanzania, and Zambia using combinations of unbiased deep sequencing, quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR), and an antibody capture assay that we optimized using serum collected from captive macaque monkeys exposed to ZIKV, dengue virus, and yellow fever virus. While we did not find evidence of active ZIKV infection in wild NHPs in Africa, we found variable ZIKV seropositivity of up to 16% in some of the NHP populations sampled. We anticipate that these results and the methodology described within will help in continued efforts to determine the prevalence, natural reservoir, and transmission dynamics of ZIKV in Africa and elsewhere. IMPORTANCE Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne virus originally discovered in a captive monkey living in the Zika Forest of Uganda, Africa, in 1947. Recently, an outbreak in South America has shown that ZIKV infection can cause myriad health effects, including birth defects in the children of women infected during pregnancy. Here, we sought to investigate ZIKV infection in wild African primates to better understand its emergence and spread, looking for evidence of active or prior infection. Our results suggest that up to 16% of some populations of nonhuman primate were, at some point, exposed to ZIKV. We anticipate that this study will be useful for future studies that examine the spread of infections from wild animals to humans in general and those studying ZIKV in primates in particular. Podcast: A podcast concerning this article is available

    An unidentified Fermi source emitting radio bursts in the Galactic bulge

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    We report on the detection of radio bursts from the Galactic bulge using the real-time transient detection and localization system, realfast. The pulses were detected commensally on the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array during a survey of unidentified Fermi γ\gamma-ray sources. The bursts were localized to subarcsecond precision using realfast fast-sampled imaging. Follow-up observations with the Green Bank Telescope detected additional bursts from the same source. The bursts do not exhibit periodicity in a search up to periods of 480s, assuming a duty cycle of < 20%. The pulses are nearly 100% linearly polarized, show circular polarization up to 12%, have a steep radio spectral index of -2.7, and exhibit variable scattering on timescales of months. The arcsecond-level realfast localization links the source confidently with the Fermi γ\gamma-ray source and places it nearby (though not coincident with) an XMM-Newton X-ray source. Based on the source's overall properties, we discuss various options for the nature of this object and propose that it could be a young pulsar, magnetar, or a binary pulsar system.Comment: Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Relationship Between Foveal Cone Specialization and Pit Morphology in Albinism

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    Purpose.Albinism is associated with disrupted foveal development, though intersubject variability is becoming appreciated. We sought to quantify this variability, and examine the relationship between foveal cone specialization and pit morphology in patients with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. Methods. We recruited 32 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. DNA was obtained from 25 subjects, and known albinism genes were analyzed for mutations. Relative inner and outer segment (IS and OS) lengthening (fovea-to-perifovea ratio) was determined from manually segmented spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) B-scans. Foveal pit morphology was quantified for eight subjects from macular SD-OCT volumes. Ten subjects underwent imaging with adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO), and cone density was measured. Results. We found mutations in 22 of 25 subjects, including five novel mutations. All subjects lacked complete excavation of inner retinal layers at the fovea, though four subjects had foveal pits with normal diameter and/or volume. Peak cone density and OS lengthening were variable and overlapped with that observed in normal controls. A fifth hyper-reflective band was observed in the outer retina on SD-OCT in the majority of the subjects with albinism. Conclusions. Foveal cone specialization and pit morphology vary greatly in albinism. Normal cone packing was observed in the absence of a foveal pit, suggesting a pit is not required for packing to occur. The degree to which retinal anatomy correlates with genotype or visual function remains unclear, and future examination of larger patient groups will provide important insight on this issue

    The Effect of Cone Opsin Mutations on Retinal Structure and the Integrity of the Photoreceptor Mosaic

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    Purpose. To evaluate retinal structure and photoreceptor mosaic integrity in subjects with OPN1LW and OPN1MW mutations. Methods. Eleven subjects were recruited, eight of whom have been previously described. Cone and rod density was measured using images of the photoreceptor mosaic obtained from an adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope (AOSLO). Total retinal thickness, inner retinal thickness, and outer nuclear layer plus Henle fiber layer (ONL+HFL) thickness were measured using cross-sectional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images. Molecular genetic analyses were performed to characterize the OPN1LW/OPN1MW gene array. Results. While disruptions in retinal lamination and cone mosaic structure were observed in all subjects, genotype-specific differences were also observed. For example, subjects with “L/M interchange” mutations resulting from intermixing of ancestral OPN1LW and OPN1MW genes had significant residual cone structure in the parafovea (∼25% of normal), despite widespread retinal disruption that included a large foveal lesion and thinning of the parafoveal inner retina. These subjects also reported a later-onset, progressive loss of visual function. In contrast, subjects with the C203R missense mutation presented with congenital blue cone monochromacy, with retinal lamination defects being restricted to the ONL+HFL and the degree of residual cone structure (8% of normal) being consistent with that expected for the S-cone submosaic. Conclusions. The photoreceptor phenotype associated with OPN1LW and OPN1MW mutations is highly variable. These findings have implications for the potential restoration of visual function in subjects with opsin mutations. Our study highlights the importance of high-resolution phenotyping to characterize cellular structure in inherited retinal disease; such information will be critical for selecting patients most likely to respond to therapeutic intervention and for establishing a baseline for evaluating treatment efficacy

    Discovery and Early Evolution of ASASSN-19bt, the First TDE Detected by TESS

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    We present the discovery and early evolution of ASASSN-19bt, a tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) at a distance of d115d\simeq115 Mpc and the first TDE to be detected by TESS. As the TDE is located in the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone, our dataset includes 30-minute cadence observations starting on 2018 July 25, and we precisely measure that the TDE begins to brighten 8.3\sim8.3 days before its discovery. Our dataset also includes 18 epochs of Swift UVOT and XRT observations, 2 epochs of XMM-Newton observations, 13 spectroscopic observations, and ground data from the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope network, spanning from 32 days before peak through 37 days after peak. ASASSN-19bt thus has the most detailed pre-peak dataset for any TDE. The TESS light curve indicates that the transient began to brighten on 2019 January 21.6 and that for the first 15 days its rise was consistent with a flux t2\propto t^2 power-law model. The optical/UV emission is well-fit by a blackbody SED, and ASASSN-19bt exhibits an early spike in its luminosity and temperature roughly 32 rest-frame days before peak and spanning up to 14 days that has not been seen in other TDEs, possibly because UV observations were not triggered early enough to detect it. It peaked on 2019 March 04.9 at a luminosity of L1.3×1044L\simeq1.3\times10^{44} ergs s1^{-1} and radiated E3.2×1050E\simeq3.2\times10^{50} ergs during the 41-day rise to peak. X-ray observations after peak indicate a softening of the hard X-ray emission prior to peak, reminiscent of the hard/soft states in X-ray binaries.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables. A machine-readable table containing the host-subtracted photometry presented in this manuscript is included as an ancillary fil

    Pilot Programs for Veterans Transition To Engineering Fields

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    Veterans, through their active service, frequently receive training in highly skilled technical areas. However, they may lack a theoretical background in underlying engineering principles. They also need additional support with the transition from a highly structured military environment to an environment with more ambiguous time constraints and different sorts of responsibilities. Moreover they are facing challenges which are specific for their student population. Therefore, enabling multiple mechanisms which would support them and provide them necessary guidance are especially important at universities with large veteran populations such as at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Hence, there is a need for programs which build on the specialized training that veterans received and aid in their academic journey. This paper will introduce three pilot programs for advancing engineering education for military veterans focusing on forming a support base for veterans to assist them in overcoming traditional educational barriers

    Semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields

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    The S-matrix theory formulation of closed-orbit theory recently proposed by Granger and Greene is extended to atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields. We then present a semiclassical quantization of the hydrogen atom in crossed fields, which succeeds in resolving individual lines in the spectrum, but is restricted to the strongest lines of each n-manifold. By means of a detailed semiclassical analysis of the quantum spectrum, we demonstrate that it is the abundance of bifurcations of closed orbits that precludes the resolution of finer details. They necessitate the inclusion of uniform semiclassical approximations into the quantization process. Uniform approximations for the generic types of closed-orbit bifurcation are derived, and a general method for including them in a high-resolution semiclassical quantization is devised

    Photobiomodulation preserves mitochondrial redox state and is retinoprotective in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa

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    Photobiomodulation (PBM) by far-red (FR) to near-infrared (NIR) light has been demonstrated to restore the function of damaged mitochondria, increase the production of cytoprotective factors and prevent cell death. Our laboratory has shown that FR PBM improves functional and structural outcomes in animal models of retinal injury and retinal degenerative disease. The current study tested the hypothesis that a brief course of NIR (830 nm) PBM would preserve mitochondrial metabolic state and attenuate photoreceptor loss in a model of retinitis pigmentosa, the P23H transgenic rat. P23H rat pups were treated with 830 nm light (180 s; 25 mW/cm2; 4.5 J/cm2) using a light-emitting diode array (Quantum Devices, Barneveld, WI) from postnatal day (p) 10 to p25. Sham-treated rats were restrained, but not treated with 830 nm light. Retinal metabolic state, function and morphology were assessed at p30 by measurement of mitochondrial redox (NADH/FAD) state by 3D optical cryo-imaging, electroretinography (ERG), spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), and histomorphometry. PBM preserved retinal metabolic state, retinal function, and retinal morphology in PBM-treated animals compared to the sham-treated group. PBM protected against the disruption of the oxidation state of the mitochondrial respiratory chain observed in sham-treated animals. Scotopic ERG responses over a range of flash intensities were significantly greater in PBM-treated rats compared to sham controls. SD-OCT studies and histological assessment showed that PBM preserved the structural integrity of the retina. These findings demonstrate for the first time a direct effect of NIR PBM on retinal mitochondrial redox status in a well-established model of retinal disease. They show that chronic proteotoxic stress disrupts retinal bioenergetics resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction, and retinal degeneration and that therapies normalizing mitochondrial metabolism have considerable potential for the treatment of retinal degenerative disease