5,921 research outputs found

    Large spin relaxation rates in trapped submerged-shell atoms

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    Spin relaxation due to atom-atom collisions is measured for magnetically trapped erbium and thulium atoms at a temperature near 500 mK. The rate constants for Er-Er and Tm-Tm collisions are 3.0 times 10^-10 cm^3 s^-1 and 1.1 times 10^-10 cm^3 s^-1, respectively, 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than those observed for highly magnetic S-state atoms. This is strong evidence for an additional, dominant, spin relaxation mechanism, electrostatic anisotropy, in collisions between these "submerged-shell" L > 0 atoms. These large spin relaxation rates imply that evaporative cooling of these atoms in a magnetic trap will be highly inefficient.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Phase behaviour of binary mixtures of diamagnetic colloidal platelets in an external magnetic field

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    Using fundamental measure density functional theory we investigate paranematic-nematic and nematic-nematic phase coexistence in binary mixtures of circular platelets with vanishing thicknesses. An external magnetic field induces uniaxial alignment and acts on the platelets with a strength that is taken to scale with the platelet area. At particle diameter ratio lambda=1.5 the system displays paranematic-nematic coexistence. For lambda=2, demixing into two nematic states with different compositions also occurs, between an upper critical point and a paranematic-nematic-nematic triple point. Increasing the field strength leads to shrinking of the coexistence regions. At high enough field strength a closed loop of immiscibility is induced and phase coexistence vanishes at a double critical point above which the system is homogeneously nematic. For lambda=2.5, besides paranematic-nematic coexistence, there is nematic-nematic coexistence which persists and hence does not end in a critical point. The partial orientational order parameters along the binodals vary strongly with composition and connect smoothly for each species when closed loops of immiscibility are present in the corresponding phase diagram.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in J.Phys:Condensed Matte

    Control Technology Needs for Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Systems

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    Electrified aircraft propulsion (EAP) systems hold potential for the reduction of aircraft fuel burn, emissions, and noise. Currently, NASA and other organizations are actively working to identify and mature technologies necessary to bring EAP designs to reality. This paper specifically focuses on the envisioned control technology challenges associated with EAP designs that include gas turbine technology. Topics discussed include analytical tools for the dynamic modeling and analysis of EAP systems, and control design strategies at the propulsion and component levels. This includes integrated supervisory control facilitating the coordinated operation of turbine and electrical components, control strategies that seek to minimize fuel consumption and lessen the challenges associated with thermal management, and dynamic control to ensure engine operability during system transients. These dynamic control strategies include innovative control approaches that either extract or supply power to engine shafts dependent upon operating phase, which may improve performance and reduced gas turbine engine weight. Finally, a discussion of control architecture design considerations to help alleviate the propulsion/aircraft integration and certification challenges associated with EAP systems is provided

    Quasi 1D Modeling of Mixed Compression Supersonic Inlets

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    The AeroServoElasticity task under the NASA Supersonics Project is developing dynamic models of the propulsion system and the vehicle in order to conduct research for integrated vehicle dynamic performance. As part of this effort, a nonlinear quasi 1-dimensional model of the 2-dimensional bifurcated mixed compression supersonic inlet is being developed. The model utilizes computational fluid dynamics for both the supersonic and subsonic diffusers. The oblique shocks are modeled utilizing compressible flow equations. This model also implements variable geometry required to control the normal shock position. The model is flexible and can also be utilized to simulate other mixed compression supersonic inlet designs. The model was validated both in time and in the frequency domain against the legacy LArge Perturbation INlet code, which has been previously verified using test data. This legacy code written in FORTRAN is quite extensive and complex in terms of the amount of software and number of subroutines. Further, the legacy code is not suitable for closed loop feedback controls design, and the simulation environment is not amenable to systems integration. Therefore, a solution is to develop an innovative, more simplified, mixed compression inlet model with the same steady state and dynamic performance as the legacy code that also can be used for controls design. The new nonlinear dynamic model is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. This environment allows easier development of linear models for controls design for shock positioning. The new model is also well suited for integration with a propulsion system model to study inlet/propulsion system performance, and integration with an aero-servo-elastic system model to study integrated vehicle ride quality, vehicle stability, and efficiency

    The US Experiments Flown on the Soviet Biosatellite Cosmos 1887

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    Cosmos 1887, a biosatellite containing biological and radiation experiments from the Soviet Union, the United States and seven other countries, was launched on September 29, 1987. One Rhesus monkey's feeder stopped working two days into the flight and a decision was made to terminate the mission after 12 1/2 days. The biosatellite returned to Earth on October 12, 1987. A system malfunction, during the reentry procedure, caused the Cosmos 1887 spacecraft to land approximately 1800 miles beyond the intended landing site and delayed the start of the postflight procedures by approximately 44 hours. Further information on the conditions at landing and postflight activities is included in the Mission Operations portion of this document. U.S. and U.S.S.R. specialists jointly conducted 26 experiments on this mission, including the postflight transfer of data, hardware and biosamples to the U.S

    Volume Dynamics Propulsion System Modeling for Supersonics Vehicle Research

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    Under the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Program, the Supersonics Project is working to overcome the obstacles to supersonic commercial flight. The proposed vehicles are long slim body aircraft with pronounced aero-servo-elastic modes. These modes can potentially couple with propulsion system dynamics; leading to performance challenges such as aircraft ride quality and stability. Other disturbances upstream of the engine generated from atmospheric wind gusts, angle of attack, and yaw can have similar effects. In addition, for optimal propulsion system performance, normal inlet-engine operations are required to be closer to compressor stall and inlet unstart. To study these phenomena an integrated model is needed that includes both airframe structural dynamics as well as the propulsion system dynamics. This paper covers the propulsion system component volume dynamics modeling of a turbojet engine that will be used for an integrated vehicle Aero-Propulso-Servo-Elastic model and for propulsion efficiency studies

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of Immuno-Gold Labeled Antigens Associated with Bladder Cancer

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in the backscattered electron imaging (BEI) mode, has been used to study the topographical distribution of colloidal gold labeled antigens expressed on the luminal surface of the bladder urothelium in biopsies from three categories of patients: 1) normal controls; 2) patients with a history of bladder cancer but no pathological diagnosi s at time of cystoscopy; and 3) patients with overt transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of various histopathological stages and grades. Cold cup biopsies were processed for immuno-SEM according to a previously described method. Antigens under investigation were: 1) ABH blood group antigens; and 2) those identified by the following murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs): LEU-Ml, T16, 19A211, G4 and E7. In most cases labeling patterns were correlated with the surface features of the superficial urothelial cells as revealed in the secondary electron imaging (SEI) mode of the SEM. Results, to date, indicate that the immuno-gold labeling method is more sensitive than immuno-peroxidase, and that phenotypic heterogeneity of antigenic expression (or deletion) is a frequent observation of potential diagnostic or prognostic value

    High-dimensional decoy-state quantum key distribution over 0.3 km of multicore telecommunication optical fibers

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    Multiplexing is a strategy to augment the transmission capacity of a communication system. It consists of combining multiple signals over the same data channel and it has been very successful in classical communications. However, the use of enhanced channels has only reached limited practicality in quantum communications (QC) as it requires the complex manipulation of quantum systems of higher dimensions. Considerable effort is being made towards QC using high-dimensional quantum systems encoded into the transverse momentum of single photons but, so far, no approach has been proven to be fully compatible with the existing telecommunication infrastructure. Here, we overcome such a technological challenge and demonstrate a stable and secure high-dimensional decoy-state quantum key distribution session over a 0.3 km long multicore optical fiber. The high-dimensional quantum states are defined in terms of the multiple core modes available for the photon transmission over the fiber, and the decoy-state analysis demonstrates that our technique enables a positive secret key generation rate up to 25 km of fiber propagation. Finally, we show how our results build up towards a high-dimensional quantum network composed of free-space and fiber based linksComment: Please see the complementary work arXiv:1610.01812 (2016

    Human immunodeficiency virus infection in Northern Ireland 1980-1989.

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    To 31st December 1989, 71 persons are known to have attended medical practitioners in Northern Ireland with a diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Twenty-one of these persons have had the diagnosis of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and 11 have died. The distribution of reports in the "at risk" categories of homosexual/bisexual males, injecting drug users, heterosexual males and females was significantly different (p less than 0.001) from those reported in the United Kingdom as a whole. Of tests for HIV infection carried out in patients attending the genitourinary medicine department of the Royal Victoria Hospital between 1987-1989, 0.16% have been positive. The prognostic value of the T4 lymphocyte count at presentation for the subsequent development of AIDS was significant (p = 0.0011). The commonest AIDS indicator disease diagnosed was Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia which was seen in seven of the 21 patients (33%)
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