366 research outputs found

    Tertiary succesion of the Los Pozuelos creek (Vinchina Basin): Its stratigraphic and paleogeographic importance for the Andean foreland

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    Se presenta el perfil de la espesa sucesión terciaria aflorante en la quebrada de Los Pozuelos, norte de la cuenca de Vinchina (La Rioja). Se identificaron ocho secciones estratigráficas (SE) que abarcan a la Formación Vallecito (SE1, eólico y SE2, interacción eólica-fluvial), los miembros inferior (SE3, sistemas fluviales arenosos efímeros y SE4, ríos entrelazados a anastomosados) y superior de la Formación Vinchina (SE5 y SE6, ríos entrelazados areno-gravosos amalgamados a sistemas fluviales con mayor sinuosidad y planicies) y el miembro inferior de la Formación Toro Negro (SE7, planicie entrelazada gravo-arenosa confinada y SE8, ríos anastomosados areno-gravosos con incremento en depósitos finos). La presencia de la Formación Vallecito, permite establecer la base de la Formación Vinchina e indica un cambio significativo en la evolución de la cuenca de antepaís andina. Los depósitos de las SE3 y SE4 (retroarco transpresivo temprano) presentan continuidad y relativa homogeneidad a lo largo de toda la cuenca de antepaís mientras que las SE5 y SE6 (retroarco transpresivo tardío) no, ya que los bloques de basamento han particionado el retroarco en depocentros aislados (antepaís fracturado). Las SE7 y SE8 (antepaís transpresivo) evidencian la compleja interacción entre la faja corrida y los bloques de basamentos. Los cambios de facies como la disminución en el tamaño de grano de norte-sur a partir del miembro superior de la Formación Vinchina, con respecto al perfil de La Troya, permite inferir que la Sierra de Toro Negro actuó como un alto topográfico para la cuenca desde el Mioceno temprano.The description and interpretation of a thick Tertiary sedimentary succession cropping out along the Los Pozuelos creek, northern part of the Vinchina basin is presented here. The sedimentary column was divided into eight stratigraphic sections (SE), including the Vallecito Formation (SE1, aeolian; SE2, fluvial-aeolian interaction), the lower member of the Vinchina Formation (SE3, ephemeral sandy fluvial systems; SE4, braided to anastomosed fluvial systems), the upper member of the Vinchina Formation (SE5 and SE6, amalgamated sandy-gravel braided and high sinuosity fluvial systems) and the lower member of the Toro Negro Formation (SE7, confined gravelly to sandy braid plain; SE8, gravelly to sandy anastomosing fluvial systems). The unconformity between the Vallecito and Vinchina formations represents a major change in the evolution of the Andean foreland basin. SE3 and SE4 deposits (early transpressive retroarc stage) are continuous and homogeneous along strike, while SE5 and SE6 deposits (late transpressive retroarc stage) are not; indicating that uplifted basement blocks partitioned the foreland into isolated depocenters (broken-foreland basin). Rocks belonging to SE7 and SE8 show the complex relationship between the fold and thrust belt and the basement blocks. Facies changes and decreasing grain-size in a North to South direction recorded in the upper member of the Vinchina Formation when comparing the northern exposures (Los Pozuelos creek) and the central section along the La Troya River indicate that the Toro Negro Range acted as a local positive element since the early Miocene.Fil: Ciccioli, Patricia Lucia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gómez O Connell, Mariana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: Limarino, Carlos Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Marenssi, Sergio Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Development and Validation of the False Disorder Score: The Focal Scale of the Inventory of Problems

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    This article introduces the Inventory of Problems (IOP)-a new, computerized, 181-item tool designed to discriminate bona fide from feigned mental illness and cognitive impairment-and presents the development and validation of its focal, feigning scale, the False Disorder Score (IOP-FDS). The initial sample included (a) 211 patients and 64 offenders who took the IOP under standard conditions, and (b) 210 community volunteers and 64 offenders who feigned mental illness. We split this sample into three subsamples. The first

    Classroom promotion of oral language : Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial of a whole-of-classroom intervention to improve children’s reading achievement

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    Children need rich language learning experiences in school to build language and reading skills. Research suggests that various effective ways to support teacher provision of these experiences. The Classroom Promotion of Oral Language cluster randomized controlled trial (n = 1,360 students; 687 intervention, 673 control) examined whether a teacher professional learning intervention targeting oral language in the first years of school led to improved student outcomes compared to usual teaching practices. The intervention comprised face-to-face professional learning and ongoing support. The primary outcome was student reading ability at Grade 3; secondary outcomes included oral language, reading, and mental health at Grades 1 and 3. No differences were detected between the intervention and control arms. Implications of results and future directions are explored

    Normalizing Deviants: Notes on the De-Stigma Trend

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    This article explores destigmatization discourses in the United States in the early 21st century, as social and political strategies and as narrative social movements unto themselves. We argue that the first decades of the new century see a trend of marginalized actors across many categories, including queer marriage, drugs, (discreditable) mental illness and (discredited) other areas of identity and disability, make narrative attempts to neutralize their “deviant” identities. We argue that de-stigmatization has occurred through the successful use of medicalization and assimilation framing of de-stigma discourses. Assimilationist frames increase “liberal” emphasis on actionable outcomes of de-stigma, like cultural access (i.e. inclusion, visibility, representation), and legal justice for marginalized people. Some assimilationist discourse endeavors to situate stigmatized identities inside of conformist frames, while (fewer and less visible) others resist dominant frames of acceptability. Contested assimilation and radical leftist de-stigmatization, as well as re-stigma discourses are also discussed

    Sub‐nanometer thick gold nanosheets as highly efficient catalysts

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    2D metal nanomaterials offer exciting prospects in terms of their properties and functions. However, the ambient aqueous synthesis of atomically‐thin, 2D metallic nanomaterials represents a significant challenge. Herein, freestanding and atomically‐thin gold nanosheets with a thickness of only 0.47 nm (two atomic layers thick) are synthesized via a one‐step aqueous approach at 20 °C, using methyl orange as a confining agent. Owing to the high surface‐area‐to‐volume ratio, abundance of unsaturated atoms exposed on the surface and large interfacial areas arising from their ultrathin 2D nature, the as‐prepared Au nanosheets demonstrate excellent catalysis performance in the model reaction of 4‐nitrophenol reduction, and remarkable peroxidase‐mimicking activity, which enables a highly sensitive colorimetric sensing of H2O2 with a detection limit of 0.11 × 10−6 m. This work represents the first fabrication of freestanding 2D gold with a sub‐nanometer thickness, opens up an innovative pathway toward atomically‐thin metal nanomaterials that can serve as model systems for inspiring fundamental advances in materials science, and holds potential across a wide region of applications

    Sub‐nanometer thick gold nanosheets: sub‐nanometer thick gold nanosheets as highly efficient catalysts (Adv. Sci. 21/2019)

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    In article number 1900911, Stephen D. Evans and co‐workers develop an ambient aqueous synthesis for preparing atomically‐thin gold nanosheets (termed gold nanoseaweed, AuNSW, because of its morphology, color and aqueous growth). These AuNSWs represent the first free‐standing 2D gold with a sub‐nanometer thickness (0.47 nm, e.g., two atomic layers thick), and exhibit excellent catalysis performance in the model reaction of 4‐nitrophenol reduction, as well as remarkable peroxidase‐mimicking activity

    Sub‐nanometer thick gold nanosheets: sub‐nanometer thick gold nanosheets as highly efficient catalysts (Adv. Sci. 21/2019)

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    In article number 1900911, Stephen D. Evans and co‐workers develop an ambient aqueous synthesis for preparing atomically‐thin gold nanosheets (termed gold nanoseaweed, AuNSW, because of its morphology, color and aqueous growth). These AuNSWs represent the first free‐standing 2D gold with a sub‐nanometer thickness (0.47 nm, e.g., two atomic layers thick), and exhibit excellent catalysis performance in the model reaction of 4‐nitrophenol reduction, as well as remarkable peroxidase‐mimicking activity

    Common Polymorphisms at the <i>CYP17A1 </i>Locus Associate With Steroid Phenotype:Support for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Study Signals at This Locus

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    Genome-wide association studies implicate the CYP17A1 gene in human blood pressure regulation although the causative polymorphisms are as yet unknown. We sought to identify common polymorphisms likely to explain this association. We sequenced the CYP17A1 locus in 60 normotensive individuals and observed 24 previously identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms with minor allele frequency &gt;0.05. From these, we selected, for further studies, 7 polymorphisms located ≤2 kb upstream of the CYP17A1 transcription start site. In vitro reporter gene assays identified 3 of these (rs138009835, rs2150927, and rs2486758) as having significant functional effects. We then analyzed the association between the 7 polymorphisms and the urinary steroid metabolites in a hypertensive cohort (n=232). Significant associations included that of rs138009835 with aldosterone metabolite excretion; rs2150927 associated with the ratio of tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone to tetrahydrodeoxycortisol, which we used as an index of 17α-hydroxylation. Linkage analysis showed rs138009835 to be the only 1 of the 7 polymorphisms in strong linkage disequilibrium with the blood pressure–associated polymorphisms identified in the previous studies. In conclusion, we have identified, characterized, and investigated common polymorphisms at the CYP17A1 locus that have functional effects on gene transcription in vitro and associate with corticosteroid phenotype in vivo. Of these, rs138009835—which we associate with changes in aldosterone level—is in strong linkage disequilibrium with polymorphisms linked by genome-wide association studies to blood pressure regulation. This finding clearly has implications for the development of high blood pressure in a large proportion of the population and justifies further investigation of rs138009835 and its effects