1,085 research outputs found

    Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Burkina Faso

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    Microfinance, Performance indicators, Burkina Faso

    Performance of microfinance institutions in Burkina Faso

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    This study tests the performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Burkina Faso using indicators such as the sustainable interest rate and the subsidy dependence index. The results indicate that MFIs outreach performance remains very low compared with potential demand, and the factors responsible appear to be both the refusal of most MFIs to mobilize local savings and the high costs of supply of microfinancial services. The results also show that MFIs are not viable and sustainable. Their interest rates are kept low and do not allow them to cover all the costs. In addition, the results indicate that MFIs are dependent on subsidies. However, the oldest MFIs and/or institutions providing deposit services have the lowest subsidy dependence index. It is suggested that more attention should be placed on savings mobilization and ceilings on interest rates should be removed in order to allow MFIs to charge sustainable interest rates. – microfinance ; performance indicators ; Burkina Fas


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    Impression management forms an integral part of the arena of tools which school leaders use to influence their followers. School leaders are now called upon to lead schools in the wake of challenges and changes brought about by new policies and reforms in the educational sector. They are more and more being held accountable for the performance of their schools. This has created very complex situations at school. Many school leaders have had to revisit their practice and consider how to create the appropriate opportunities at school. One solution they found was to reconsider the links established with their followers. Although, not well documented in the literature, the role of followers has been recognized as being important in the interplay between leaders and followers. This paper examines the influence of impression management of school leaders on followers. The followers are the section leaders who have, by nature of their duties, to work closely with the school leaders (n=7). A qualitative research design was followed. Semi-structured interviews with the section leaders were used to collect data while content analysis was used to identify themes and analyze the data collected. The research established that section leaders experienced many challenges and confusion when school leaders resort to using impression management. Based on the findings of this study, measures were suggested on how school leaders could have resort to more effective practices in order to influence followers

    Learning environments as factors related to speaking skill in an efl classroom at Unidad Educativa Catolica La Victoria, during the school period 2019-2020

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    Analyze the influence of learning environments as factors related to improve speaking skill in an EFL classroom at Unidad Educativa Católica la Victoria.Este trabajo de grado es un estudio sobre los entornos de aprendizaje como factores relacionados con la habilidad de hablar en un aula de inglés como lengua extranjera. Consiste en un enfoque mixto (Cualitativo, Cuantitativo). Está orientado a identificar un problema que ocurre en las aulas de inglés como lengua extranjera con respecto a la falta de consideración de los entornos de aprendizaje. Este problema académico puede ser regulado principalmente por instituciones, profesores y estudiantes trabajando juntos. Ciertamente, las consideraciones sobre los entornos de aprendizaje pueden influir en las habilidades para hablar de los estudiantes. Estos factores, completamente desarrollados en un aula de inglés, sin duda involucrarán a los estudiantes en un aprendizaje significativo. Para su propio beneficio, los datos se han tomado en una gran institución de la ciudad de Ibarra, Imbabura. Los participantes de esta investigación fueron niños y niñas, todos ellos estudiantes que cursan séptimo y octavo curso básico. Además, también participaron profesores del área de inglés para una mayor precisión de los resultados obtenidos.Licenciatur

    Genially program as methodological strategy to improve the pronunciation of /¿/ and /ð/ sounds in efl senior students at Arrayanes high school in Ibarra during the academic year 2020-2021

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    To determine the Genially Program as a methodological strategy for improving the pronunciation of /θ/ and /ð/ sounds in EFL senior students at Arrayanes high school in Ibarra during the academic year 2020-2021.Este estudio investiga la problemática que los estudiantes de cuarto nivel de bachillerato cometen frecuentemente al pronunciar los sonidos interdentales (/¿/ y /ð/) en inglés. El objetivo de esta investigación es describir y analizar el programa Genially como estrategia metodológica para mejorar la pronunciación de los sonidos /¿/ y /ð/ en los estudiantes de último año de EFL del colegio Arrayanes de Ibarra durante el año académico 2020-2021. Además, esta investigación intenta responder a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Cuáles son las razones de los errores de pronunciación de los sonidos fonéticos interdentales sonoros y sordos que cometen los estudiantes de este nivel educativo? ¿Es posible minimizar y, en el mejor de los casos, solucionar estos errores fonéticos cometidos por los alumnos de este nivel educativo? Los participantes fueron 20 alumnas de una institución privada bilingüe llamada Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Arrayanes. Fue un estudio mixto basado en un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo de carácter descriptivo y analítico. Se encontró que la mayoría de las estudiantes de cuarto grado tienen problemas con el reconocimiento y pronunciación de los sonidos interdentales a pesar de ser una institución bilingüe. Esto puede deberse a que las clases no se centran en la pronunciación. Debido a esta problemática, los docentes están interesados en la propuesta que se presentó, la cual consiste en la implementación de algunas actividades en línea creadas en el programa Genially las cuales ayudarían a los estudiantes de cuarto grado a mejorar su pronunciación de los sonidos interdentales.Maestrí


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    All leaders irrespective of in the sector in which they are to have fulfill a set of core leadership practices. This is also true of educational leaders. These will help them to lead their schools in an effective way. Hence, they have to set directions. They also have to develop human resources, refine and align the organization. Furthermore, they have to promote and participate in teacher learning and development. Next, they have to ensure an orderly and supportive environment. Until now, much attention has been given to four of these core practices, but little has been written on the fifth one which consists of developing the human resources in schools. This practice is important as it involves building capacity which in turn leads to collective efficacy. This enables the human resources to contribute greatly in the school improvement process. This paper discusses key findings from a research on how teachers define the attempts of the educational leader in developing human resources. Data has been gathered by using a questionnaire (n = 62) and semi-structured interviews (n = 7). Findings hint at the fact that educational leaders are not very successful in developing their human resources. It is also found that the educational leader does not allocate enough means to developing human resources. The article concludes with several implications which could help to enhance educational leaders’ effectiveness in developing human resources

    Design and development of a space station hazardous material system for assessing chemical compatibility

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    As the Space Station nears reality in funding support from Congress, NASA plans to perform over a hundred different missions in the coming decade. Incrementally deployed, the Space Station will evolve into modules linked to an integral structure. Each module will have characteristic functions, such as logistics, habitation, and materials processing. Because the Space Station is to be user friendly for experimenters, NASA is anticipating that a variety of different chemicals will be taken on-board. Accidental release of these potentially toxic chemicals and their chemical compatibility is the focus of this discourse. The Microgravity Manufacturing Processing Facility (MMPF) will contain the various facilities within the U.S. Laboratory (USL). Each facility will have a characteristic purpose, such as alloy solidification or vapor crystal growth. By examining the proposed experiments for each facility, identifying the chemical constituents, their physical state and/or changes, byproducts and effluents, those payloads can be identified which may contain toxic, explosive, or reactive compounds that require processing or containment in mission peculiar waste management systems. Synergistic reactions from mixed effluent streams is of major concern. Each experiment will have it own data file, complete with schematic, chemical listing, physical data, etc. Chemical compatibility information from various databases will provide assistance in the analysis of alternate disposal techniques (pretreatment, separate storage, etc.). Along with data from the Risk Analysis of the Proposed USL Waste Management System, accidental release of potentially toxic and catastrophic chemicals would be eliminated or reduced
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