26 research outputs found

    Fruit Wine Obtained from Melon by-Products: Physico-Chemical and Sensory Analysis, and Characterization of Key Aromas by GC-MS

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    About 20% of fresh fruits and vegetables are rejected for not meeting the superficial aesthetic standards (color, shape, and size). Part of the food production is not used in the human food chain. The transformation of these fresh products into novel re-valuable ones is a challenge for a sustainable food industry. This research studies an alcoholic fermentation fruit-based wine from two melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars: Jimbee® (smooth and yellow skin with orange flesh) and Okashi® (netted yellow-orange skin with pale green flesh). The melon juice (must) was fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and enriched in sucrose and organic acids to achieve alcoholic fermentation, acidity, and flavors, obtaining a fruity-flavored and dry melon-based wine with 10° alcoholic grade, in both melon cultivars. The volatile compounds were measured by GC-MS and the odor activity value (OAV) was calculated. The Jimbee and Okashi melon wines increased their aromatic profile due to an increment in medium-chain fatty acid ethyl esters such as ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate (OAV > 1), which contributed to the fruity aroma. Other volatile compounds such as ethyl 9-decenoate and phenethyl acetate (OAV > 1) appeared in the Okashi wine, which brought a floral aroma. For sensory evaluation (40–100), the Jimbee cultivar, with its orange flesh, scored 68.2 and the Okashi cultivar, with pale green flesh, scored 82.8, which was the preferred melon-based wine. This is an example of a circular economy model to produce a fruit-based wine with commercial potential and satisfactory sensory evaluation.This research was funded by RTI2018-099139-B-C21 project from Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain)—National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, of the European Union and by 21645/PDC/21 project from “Fundación Séneca” of Murcia Region (Spain). José Angel Salas-Millán acknowledges financial support for “Industrial PhD” grant (DIN2019-010837) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation and JimboFresh International Company. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interest or personal relationship that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper

    Functional food obtained from fermentation of broccoli by-products (stalk): Metagenomics profile and glucosinolate and phenolic compounds characterization by LC-ESI-QqQ-MS/MS

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    This research revalues broccoli stalk by-product as a novel fermented health food, using its autochthonous microbiota. Broccoli stalk slices were packed into glass jars, brine was added (6% w/v), and two dressings were studied: garlic, and mustard seeds. No dressing was used as control. Natural fermentation was carried out at 25 ◦C for 6 days followed by a further 6 days storage at 4 ◦C. The identification of individual glucosinolates and phenolic compounds was performed by LC-ESI-QqQ-MS/MS. At day 3, the highest content in functional compounds such as glucoerucin and indolic glucosinolates as glucobrassicin, 4-methoxy-glucobrassicin and 4- hidroxy-glucobrassicin, and phenolic acids and flavonoids as sinapic acid, 4-O-feruloyl quinic acid and quercetin-3-O-diglucoside was found. At day 6, the broccoli stalks reached the maximum counts in lactic acid bacteria (>8 log cfu g- 1), remaining stable until day 12 at 4 ◦C, including as the main genera Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc. Metagenomic analysis identified 1009 bacteria genera; Latilactobacillus sakei was the most predominant lactic acid bacteria species, followed by Lactobacillus curvatus, Leuconostoc kimchi and Leuconostoc carnosum. This is an example of a vegan and functional food product, based on a circular economy model, using broccoli by-products.This research was funded by RTI2018-099139-B-C21 from Ministry of Science and Innovation - National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, of the “European Union”. José-Angel Salas-Millán acknowledges financial support from an “Industrial PhD” grant (DIN2019-010837) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation and JimboFresh International SLL

    Inventario del alumbrado público de plazas y jardines del casco histórico de Cartagena

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    [ES] Este artículo se trata del estudio de la iluminación de las principales plazas y jardines del casco histórico de Cartagena, analizando las principales características físicas e infraestructuras presentes en los diferentes espacios ajardinados para entender la demanda lumínica y elaborar de un inventario del alumbrado público existente. El alumbrado público tiene una importancia transcendental en el desarrollo de la actividad de las ciudades, y de forma particular y en especial la que incorporan los parques y jardines. En la actualidad, la mejora del alumbrado en todos los sectores es primordial, pero en especial en el alumbrado de parques y jardines para su modernización y coexistencia conforme al uso y presencia de especies vegetales en los mismos. Se analizaron los parámetros lumínicos existentes en los parques y jardines seleccionados en el estudio, así como la variedad de vegetación. Para ello se consideraron las características físicas de dimensión y geometría de los espacios ajardinados y la variedad y densidad de especies vegetales presente en cada uno de ellos, tales como árboles, palmeras, arbustos y otros tipos de plantas, para que la instalación respete y valore su existencia. También se evaluaron los elementos especiales constructivos con el mismo fin. A partir de la definición de las plazas objeto del inventario, se recogen los datos técnicos de los elementos de iluminación existentes en cada plaza, realizando un inventario de los mismos y se evalúan las instalaciones de iluminación en relación a la calidad lumínica y eficiencia energética del alumbrado público y su coexistencia con las especies de los jardines.Alvarez Mascheroni, L.; Conesa Gallego, E.; Vázquez Arenas, G. (2023). Inventario del alumbrado público de plazas y jardines del casco histórico de Cartagena. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 317-323. https://doi.org/10.4995/Icomos2022.2022.1498331732

    Modificación del método de las placas adhesivas amarillas para bioensayos de insecticidas en Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)

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    [ESP] Se ha desarrollado un método para realizar bioensayos de resistencia a insecticidas en adultos de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), tanto en laboratorio y como en campo. El método es una variación de un sistema ya establecido, simplificando el equipo necesario para su elaboración. Se han realizado bioensayos con este método en una población de laboratorio y en poblaciones de campo, resultando en una relación significativa entre la concentración del insecticida (endosulfán y metomilo) y la mortalidad. La sencillez del método, el bajo coste del material necesario y su eficiente aplicabilidad en campo, lo hacen idóneo para programas de seguimiento de la resistencia a insecticidas de las poblaciones de B. tabaci, siendo aplicable a otras especies. [ENG] A field and laboratory bioassay method to test insecticide resistance for adults of Bemisia tabaci has been developed. This method is a modification of a technique, by simplification of the material required. This method has been tested with a sensitive laboratory strain and with several field populations, yielding in a significant relationship between the concentration of the insecticide (endosulfan and methomyl) and the mortality. This easy, low-cost and accurate method is very useful for monitoring insecticide resistance in field populations of B. tabaci, even of others species

    Reusable plastic crates (RPCs) for fresh produce (case study on cauliflowers): Sustainable packaging but potential salmonella survival and risk of cross-contamination

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    The handling of fresh fruits and vegetables in reusable plastic crates (RPCs) has the potential to increase the sustainability of packaging in the fresh produce supply chain. However, the utilization of multiple-use containers can have consequences related to the microbial safety of this type of food. The present study assessed the potential cross-contamination of fresh cauliflowers with Salmonella enterica via different contact materials (polypropylene from RPCs, corrugated cardboard, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) from wooden boxes). Additionally, the survival of the pathogenic microorganism was studied in cauliflowers and the contact materials during storage. The life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was used to evaluate the environmental impact of produce handling containers made from the different food-contact materials tested. The results show a higher risk of cross-contamination via polypropylene compared with cardboard and MDF. Another outcome of the study is the potential of Salmonella for surviving both in cross-contaminated produce and in contact materials under supply chain conditions. Regarding environmental sustainability, RPCs have a lower environmental impact than single-use containers (cardboard and wooden boxes). To exploit the potential environmental benefits of RPCs while ensuring food safety, it is necessary to guarantee the hygiene of this type of container.his research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018- 099139-B-C21. Laura Rasines is grateful for the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctors 2019” Program [PRE2019-090573]

    Guía de especies vegetales de la cuenca mediterránea aptas para revegetación: Adecuación para zonas degradadas y contaminadas

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    La guía contiene información de especies de plantas de la cuenca mediterránea, adecuadas para utilizar en revegetación de zonas degradadas y/o contaminadas con presencia de metales pesados, siguiendo diferentes criterios medioambientales y paisajísticos y estableciendo recomendaciones o restricciones para su implantación y crecimiento, sin necesidad de recurrir a la utilización de especies exóticas con potencial invasor. Para cada especie se proporciona información abreviada de las principales características que las hacen aptas para su uso en los diferentes entornos. Finalmente se establecen cinco modelos de asociaciones paisajísticas para usar en diferentes zonas y con diferentes condiciones medioambientales

    Germination studies in Juncus acutus L. (Juncaceae), Schoenus nigricans L. (Cyperaceae) and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris (Chenopodiaceae) for salt-marshes restorati

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    Since the 1970’s, salt marshes have been reduced in area by a great antropogenic pressure derived from agriculture, and more recently, from demand for tourist urban facilities. Therefore, restoration and preservation of plant communities in salt marshes are needed. Among the perennial species that appear typically in maritime sands, on the Mediterranean region and western Europe Juncus acutus L. (Juncaceae), Schoenus nigricans L. (Cyperaceae) and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris (Chenopodiaceae) frequently occur (Álvarez-Rogel et al., 2000; Vicente et al., 2007). On other hand soil salinity has traditionally been considered one of the most important physical factors in plant zonation of salt marshes (Fig.1). Álvarez-Rogel et al. (2006) related the increase in soil salinity in summer to a higher content in Cl−, Na+, SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+. However, the relative percentages of Ca2+ and K+ decreased when salinity rose, leading to an imbalance in favour of the most toxic cations, such as Na+ and Mg2+. The same authors showed that the highest correlation coefficients for ions were between Cl− and Na+ and between Cl− and Mg2+. The use of the above mentioned species in restoration programs require to know the germination responses to light and temperature and their salinity tolerance during germination

    Enraizamiento de Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench con ácido indolbutírico

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    El enraizamiento de Helichrysum stoechas por esquejes debería contribuir a incrementar la producción de plantas con características homogéneas en el vivero mejorando su probabilidad de éxito en el transplante y establecimiento tanto con fines paisajísticos o de revegetación como con fines ornamentales. El ácido indolbutírico (AIB) es un compuesto hormonal muy común, utilizado para el enraizamiento de esquejes.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto CICYT AGL 2000-0521 "Aspectos agronómicos y biológicos de la utilización de planta autóctona mediterránea con fines ornamentales y alimentarios" y por el proyecto CICYT-FEDER 1FD97 0420 CO2 01 "Evaluación y adaptación de especies vegetales comerciales y autóctonas para su utilización como planta en maceta, jardinería y paisajismo"

    Effect of light, temperature, and salinity and drought stresses on seed germination of Hypericum ericoides, a wild plant with ornamental potential

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    Hypericum ericoides is a rock plant of potential ornamental use in sustainable gardening in Mediterranean urban environment. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of temperature, light, salinity and soil moisture at the stage of plant life most sensitive to abiotic stresses (seed germination). The results indicate that light is not a germination requirement, while temperature the main factor that regulates the germination process of this species. Seed germination was inhibited by warm temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC. By contrast, intermediate temperatures of 10, 15 and 20 ºC induced high germination percentages both in alternating light/darkness and continuous darkness. The alternating temperature of 12/20 ºC led to germination percentages close to 100% and the highest germination speed, making this the suggested optimal for germination. The germination values attained demonstrated the absence of dormancy in H. ericoides seeds. In general, salinity and drought stress (induced by NaCl and PEG solutes, respectively) caused similar effects, reducing and delaying seed germination as the osmotic potential decreased (from 0 to -1.68 MPa). However, while most non-germinated seeds remained viable during exposure to all the osmotic potentials induced by PEG and germinated when drought stress was alleviated, the highest levels of salt stress permanently inhibited germination, although not in all seeds. These results indicated that germination inhibition under both NaCl and PEG stress is mainly due to the low water potential caused by osmotic stress, while salt stress had the added toxic effect of specific ions at the highest concentrations of NaCl. So, H. ericoides seeds can germinate well under conditions of moderate salinity and high drought stress, making it a promising species for use in sustainable urban gardening, with a low input of irrigation water of low quality

    Producción de colleja (Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke) en bandejas flotantes para su adaptación como producto “baby leaf”

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    El cultivo de bandejas flotantes, en el cual las bandejas que contienen las plantas flotan de forma continua en una cama de agua o solución nutritiva, tiene un gran interés para la producción de hortalizas de pequeño tamaño, ya que emplea una tecnología de cultivo sencilla y económica. Con este sistema se acorta el ciclo de cultivo en comparación con el cultivo en suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer las bases de un calendario de producción continua de hortalizas baby leaf basado en siembras sucesivas realizadas en un invernadero empleando el sistema de producción de bandejas flotantes. Los ciclos de cultivos más largos ocurren durante la producción invernal, pero sin llegar a los dos meses de cultivo, mientras que los más cortos ocurren en verano, pudiéndose cosechar verdolaga en tan sólo 13 días. En este trabajo se discute la posible influencia de la temperatura de cultivo y de la radiación recibida por las plantas en la iniciación de hojas y en la duración del ciclo de cultivo, así como la conveniencia del empleo de cámaras de germinación para acortar la duración del periodo de cultivo.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto MEC-FEDER AGL2005-08189-C02-01