51 research outputs found

    Vapor-Melt Exchange -- Constraints on Chondrite Formation Conditions and Processes

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    The bulk volatile contents of chondritic meteorites provide clues to their origins. Matrix and chondrules carry differing abundances of moderately volatile elements, with chondrules carrying a refractory signature. At the high temperatures of chondrule formation and the low pressures of the solar nebula, many elements, including Na and Fe, should have been volatile. Yet the evidence is that even at peak temperatures, at or near the liquidus, Na and Fe (as FeO and Fe-metal) were present in about their current abundances in molten chondrules. This seems to require very high solid densities during chondrule formation to prevent significant evaporation. Evaporation should also be accompanied by isotopic mass fractionation. Evidence from a wide range of isotopic systems indicates only slight isotopic mass fractionations of moderately vola-tile elements, further supporting high solid densities. However, olivine-rich, FeO-poor chondrules commonly have pyroxene-dominated outer zones that have been interpreted as the prod-ucts of late condensation of SiO2 into chondrule melts. Late condensation of more refractory SiO2 is inconsistent with the apparent abundances of more volatile Na, FeO and Fe-metal in many chondrules. Despite significant recent experimental work bearing on this problem, the conditions under which chondrules behaved as open systems remain enigmatic


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    Extreme excesses of 13C (12C/13C < 10) and 15N (14N/15N < 20) in rare presolar SiC grains have been considered diagnostic of an origin in classical novae, though an origin in core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) has also been proposed. We report C, N, and Si isotope data for 14 submicron- to micron-sized 13C- and 15N-enriched presolar SiC grains (12C/13C < 16 and 14N/15N < ~100) from Murchison, and their correlated Mg–Al, S, and Ca–Ti isotope data when available. These grains are enriched in 13C and 15N, but with quite diverse Si isotopic signatures. Four grains with 29,30Si excesses similar to those of type C SiC grains likely came from CCSNe, which experienced explosive H burning occurred during explosions. The independent coexistence of proton- and neutron-capture isotopic signatures in these grains strongly supports heterogeneous H ingestion into the He shell in pre-supernovae. Two of the seven putative nova grains with 30Si excesses and 29Si depletions show lower-than-solar 34S/32S ratios that cannot be explained by classical nova nucleosynthetic models. We discuss these signatures within the CCSN scenario. For the remaining five putative nova grains, both nova and supernova origins are viable because explosive H burning in the two stellar sites could result in quite similar proton-capture isotopic signatures. Three of the grains are sub-type AB grains that are also 13C enriched, but have a range of higher 14N/15N. We found that 15N-enriched AB grains (~50 < 14N/15N < ~100) have distinctive isotopic signatures compared to putative nova grains, such as higher 14N/15N, lower 26Al/27Al, and lack of 30Si excess, indicating weaker proton-capture nucleosynthetic environments

    The Compositional Structure of the Asteroid Belt

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    The past decade has brought major improvements in large-scale asteroid discovery and characterization with over half a million known asteroids and over 100,000 with some measurement of physical characterization. This explosion of data has allowed us to create a new global picture of the Main Asteroid Belt. Put in context with meteorite measurements and dynamical models, a new and more complete picture of Solar System evolution has emerged. The question has changed from "What was the original compositional gradient of the Asteroid Belt?" to "What was the original compositional gradient of small bodies across the entire Solar System?" No longer is the leading theory that two belts of planetesimals are primordial, but instead those belts were formed and sculpted through evolutionary processes after Solar System formation. This article reviews the advancements on the fronts of asteroid compositional characterization, meteorite measurements, and dynamical theories in the context of the heliocentric distribution of asteroid compositions seen in the Main Belt today. This chapter also reviews the major outstanding questions relating to asteroid compositions and distributions and summarizes the progress and current state of understanding of these questions to form the big picture of the formation and evolution of asteroids in the Main Belt. Finally, we briefly review the relevance of asteroids and their compositions in their greater context within our Solar System and beyond.Comment: Accepted chapter in Asteroids IV in the Space Science Series to be published Fall 201

    High-temperature Dust Condensation around an AGB Star: Evidence from a Highly Pristine Presolar Corundum

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    Corundum (α\alpha-Al2_{2}O3_{3}) and amorphous or metastable Al2_{2}O3_{3} are common components of circumstellar dust observed around O-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and found in primitive meteorites. We report a detailed isotopic and microstructural investigation of a unique presolar corundum grain, QUE060, identified in an acid residue of the Queen Alexandra Range 97008 (LL3.05) meteorite. Based on its O and Mg isotopic compositions, this 1.4 μ\mum diameter grain formed in a low- or intermediate-mass AGB star. It has four developed rhombohedral {\{011}\} faces of corundum and a rough, rounded face with cavities. High Mg contents (Mg/Al >> 0.004) are due to the decay of radioactive 26^{26}Al. No spinel (MgAl2_{2}O4_{4}) inclusions that might have exsolved from the corundum are observed, but there are several high-Mg domains with modulated structures. The subhedral shape of grain QUE060 is the first clear evidence that corundum condenses and grows to micrometer sizes in the extended atmospheres around AGB stars. The flat faces indicate that grain QUE060 experienced little modification by gas-grain and grain-grain collisions in the interstellar medium (ISM) and solar nebula. The Mg distribution in its structure indicates that grain QUE060 has not experienced any severe heating events since the exhaustion of 26^{26}Al. However, it underwent at least one very transient heating event to form the high-Mg domains. A possible mechanism for producing this transient event, as well as the one rough surface and cavity, is a single grain-grain collision in the ISM. These results indicate that grain QUE060 is the most pristine circumstellar corundum studied to date

    Stellar Origins of Extremely 13C^{\text{13}}C- and 15N^{15}N-enriched Presolar SiC Grains: Novae or Supernovae?

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    Extreme excesses of 13C^{13}C (12C^{12}C/13C^{13}C<10) and 15N^{15}N (14N^{14}N/15N^{15}N<20) in rare presolar SiC grains have been considered diagnostic of an origin in classical novae, though an origin in core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) has also been proposed. We report C, N, and Si isotope data for 14 submicron- to micron-sized 13C^{13}C- and 15N^{15}N-enriched presolar SiC grains (12C^{12}C/13C^{13}C<16 and 14N^{14}N/15N^{15}N<~100) from Murchison, and their correlated Mg-Al, S, and Ca-Ti isotope data when available. These grains are enriched in 13C^{13}C and 15N^{15}N, but with quite diverse Si isotopic signatures. Four grains with 29,30Si^{29,30}Si excesses similar to those of type C SiC grains likely came from CCSNe, which experienced explosive H burning occurred during explosions. The independent coexistence of proton- and neutron-capture isotopic signatures in these grains strongly supports heterogeneous H ingestion into the He shell in pre-supernovae. Two of the seven putative nova grains with 30Si^{30}Si excesses and 29Si^{29}Si depletions show lower-than-solar 34S^{34}S/32S^{32}S ratios that cannot be explained by classical nova nucleosynthetic models. We discuss these signatures within the CCSN scenario. For the remaining five putative nova grains, both nova and supernova origins are viable because explosive H burning in the two stellar sites could result in quite similar proton-capture isotopic signatures. Three of the grains are sub-type AB grains that are also 13C^{13}C enriched, but have a range of higher 14N^{14}N/15N^{15}N. We found that 15N^{15}N-enriched AB grains (~50<14N^{14}N/15N^{15}N<~100) have distinctive isotopic signatures compared to putative nova grains, such as higher 14N^{14}N/15N^{15}N, lower 26Al^{26}Al/27Al^{27}Al, and lack of 30Si^{30}Si excess, indicating weaker proton-capture nucleosynthetic environments.Comment: fix typo in one of the authors' name

    The ancient heritage of water ice in the solar system

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    Identifying the source of Earth's water is central to understanding the origins of life-fostering environments and to assessing the prevalence of such environments in space. Water throughout the solar system exhibits deuterium-to-hydrogen enrichments, a fossil relic of low-temperature, ion-derived chemistry within either (i) the parent molecular cloud or (ii) the solar nebula protoplanetary disk. Utilizing a comprehensive treatment of disk ionization, we find that ion-driven deuterium pathways are inefficient, curtailing the disk's deuterated water formation and its viability as the sole source for the solar system's water. This finding implies that if the solar system's formation was typical, abundant interstellar ices are available to all nascent planetary systems.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures including main text and supplementary materials. Published in Scienc

    Exploring the Origins of Deuterium Enrichments in Solar Nebular Organics

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    Deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) enrichments in molecular species provide clues about their original formation environment. The organic materials in primitive solar system bodies have generally higher D/H ratios and show greater D/H variation when compared to D/H in solar system water. We propose this difference arises at least in part due to 1) the availability of additional chemical fractionation pathways for organics beyond that for water, and 2) the higher volatility of key carbon reservoirs compared to oxygen. We test this hypothesis using detailed disk models, including a sophisticated, new disk ionization treatment with a low cosmic ray ionization rate, and find that disk chemistry leads to higher deuterium enrichment in organics compared to water, helped especially by fractionation via the precursors CH2_2D+^+/CH3+_3^+. We also find that the D/H ratio in individual species varies significantly depending on their particular formation pathways. For example, from 2040\sim20-40 AU, CH4_4 can reach D/H2×103\rm{D/H\sim2\times10^{-3}}, while D/H in CH3_3OH remains locally unaltered. Finally, while the global organic D/H in our models can reproduce intermediately elevated D/H in the bulk hydrocarbon reservoir, our models are unable to reproduce the most deuterium-enriched organic materials in the solar system, and thus our model requires some inheritance from the cold interstellar medium from which the Sun formed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap