5 research outputs found

    Hypatia I: a multi-generational and multi-disciplinary crew of female analog astronauts dedicated to space research, scientific outreach, and promotion of female role models in space careers

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    The low representation of women (~33%) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers is extremely concerning and cultivates male-dominant cultures across a variety of academic and professional disciplines. In Spain, only 39% of national projects are led by women, thus evidencing the so-called “leaking pipeline”, that is, the tendency of women and other underrepresented groups to eventually abandon STEM-related fields. This social disequilibrium is particularly strong in the international space sector, where women represent less than ~20% of the workforce. The Hypatia I mission —a multi-generational and multi-disciplinary crew of 9 female scientists— seeks to help address this problem. In April 2023, the Hypatia I crew will participate in a two-week Martian analog mission at the Mars Desert Research Station (Utah, United States) with the goal of (i) performing high-quality space-related research in a simulation environment, (ii) conducting outreach and science communication activities, and most importantly, (iii) promoting female role models in STEM-related fields and inspiring future generations of scientists, particularly young girls interested in space career

    Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome

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    Treball de fi de grau en Biologia HumanaTutora: Renata BartesaghiDespite the clinical heterogeneity among individuals with Down syndrome (DS), the uniformity with which they acquire Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neuropathology as they age makes this population important to study; not only to gain a better understanding of AD, but also because there are currently no effective treatments for DS with AD-like dementia. The pathological links between DS and AD are presumably due to the lifelong overexpression of AD-related genes encoded in chromosome 21, most of them triplicated in DS. The dosage-dependent increase of some of these genes in DS, such as the amyloid precursor protein, leads to plaque formation and further tangle aggregation; changes observed in AD. However, the vast number of chromosome 21 gene products and the complexity of the mechanisms they engender have suggested that they might be giving rise to many diverse neuropathological processes. Recently, the discovery of neuroinflammatory changes in the brains of DS individuals as well as the presence of inflammation-related genes within chromosome 21, prompted the/npossibility that early events in DS patients might be accelerating AD pathogenesis. Until the moment, DS mouse models have provided a powerful tool for translational research, being the Ts65Dn model the most widely used. The possibility that this model might also prove similarly useful in evaluating AD treatments for DS emphasizes the need to study the aging process in the Ts65Dn model. This review also delves into novel therapeutic insight, propounding the pro-inflammatory mediator GSK3 as a/npotential target to rescue AD-like neurodegenerative features in the Ts65Dn DS mouse model

    Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and Down syndrome

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    Treball de fi de grau en Biologia HumanaTutora: Renata BartesaghiDespite the clinical heterogeneity among individuals with Down syndrome (DS), the uniformity with which they acquire Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neuropathology as they age makes this population important to study; not only to gain a better understanding of AD, but also because there are currently no effective treatments for DS with AD-like dementia. The pathological links between DS and AD are presumably due to the lifelong overexpression of AD-related genes encoded in chromosome 21, most of them triplicated in DS. The dosage-dependent increase of some of these genes in DS, such as the amyloid precursor protein, leads to plaque formation and further tangle aggregation; changes observed in AD. However, the vast number of chromosome 21 gene products and the complexity of the mechanisms they engender have suggested that they might be giving rise to many diverse neuropathological processes. Recently, the discovery of neuroinflammatory changes in the brains of DS individuals as well as the presence of inflammation-related genes within chromosome 21, prompted the/npossibility that early events in DS patients might be accelerating AD pathogenesis. Until the moment, DS mouse models have provided a powerful tool for translational research, being the Ts65Dn model the most widely used. The possibility that this model might also prove similarly useful in evaluating AD treatments for DS emphasizes the need to study the aging process in the Ts65Dn model. This review also delves into novel therapeutic insight, propounding the pro-inflammatory mediator GSK3 as a/npotential target to rescue AD-like neurodegenerative features in the Ts65Dn DS mouse model

    Hypatia I: la vida en simulació marciana

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    Hypatia I (https://hypatiamars.com) és un projecte de divulgació i ciència de nou dones catalanes, multidisciplinars, multigeneracionals i multisectorial, amb l’objectiu principal de promoure les dones i les nenes en l’àmbit de les carreres de ciència, tecnologia, enginyeria, art i matemàtiques (sigles en anglès: STEAM). La tripulació Hypatia I va estar seleccionada per a la Mars Society per conviure a una estació anàloga de Mart, la Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), al desert de Utah (Estats Units) durant 15 dies el mes d’abril del 2023. Durant la seva estada, cadascuna de les tripulants va desenvolupar els seus propis projectes de recerca. Els àmbits en que es desenvolupen els projectes d’Hypatia I són quatre: Astronomia, Enginyeria, Biologia i Comunicació. Les Drs. Ribas i Sabaté, explicaran les seves vivències durant la simulació marciana i els seus projectes de recerca desenvolupats durant la seva missió. Aquests van des de generació de bateries usant l’orina de les tripulants per a generar energia lumínica per a créixer germinats, fins a l’aqüicultura marciana i cerca de vida marciana. Durant els dos anys des del naixement de Hypatia I, s’han creat entre totes les tripulants 30 projectes de divulgació i recerca Hypatia I s’ha fet possible gràcies a la captació econòmica de més de 36 patrocinis i col·laboracionsPeer reviewe

    Carotenoides en agroalimentación y salud

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    Los carotenoides son compuestos especiales; si bien es común referirse a ellos como pigmentos, lo cierto es que son compuestos de gran versatilidad e importancia en la naturaleza. Más específicamente, son de gran interés en agroalimentación y salud. Así, por ejemplo, son pigmentos naturales y por lo tanto tienen un importante papel en la elección de alimentos por parte de los consumidores. Asimismo, algunos de ellos son precursores de la vitamina A. Sin embargo, que cada vez exista más interés en los carotenoides en este contexto se debe en gran parte a muchos estudios de distinta naturaleza que indican que pueden proporcionar beneficios para la salud. Su interés en alimentación funcional es por lo tanto indudable. En este libro se refleja la experiencia en carotenoides de un gran número de profesionales de la región iberoamericana. En conjunto, se ofrece una visión general de la investigación sobre estos compuestos en agroalimentación y salud. Los autores son miembros de la red ibercarot (http://carotenoides.us.es), que tiene entre sus objetivos conformar una red estable y funcional de profesionales que aúnen esfuerzos en pos de identificar nuevas fuentes de carotenoides de interés nutricional, mejorar su producción y aumentar el valor de los productos que los contengan. Me gustaría agradecer a todas y cada una de las personas que han contribuido de una u otra forma a que este libro sea una realidad. Todos esperamos que sea de ayuda para personas interesadas en los temas desarrollados. Gracias especialmente al Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (Cyted, http:// www.cyted.org/) que, con su apoyo económico a la red ibercarot, ha hecho posible que varias decenas de equipos interaccionen en torno a temas de interés común para contribuir al desarrollo a distintos niveles de la región iberoamericana.RED TEMÁTICA IBERCAROT (referencia 112RT445) http://carotenoides.us.es PROGRAMA IBEROAMERICANO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA PARA EL DESARROLLO – CYTEDPeer reviewe