23 research outputs found

    Estabilidade do fluoreto de dentifrícios comercializados em Manaus, AM, Brasil

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    The minimum requirement for the anti-caries effect of a dentifrice is the presence of available and stable fluoride in the formulation. The concentration of available fluoride in the major dentifrices sold in Brazil has been reported, but few data have been published about its stability, which is temperature-dependent. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration and stability of fluoride in dentifrices sold in Manaus, AM, Brazil, which is a typical tropical city. The concentrations of total fluoride, total soluble fluoride, MFP, and of insoluble fluoride of six Brazilian dentifrices and an imported one were analyzed. The analyses were made when the dentifrices were purchased and during a year of storage at room temperature (28.9 ± 1.16°C) and under refrigeration (26.3 ± 0.88°C). The analyses were performed using an ion specific electrode Orion 96-09. At the time of purchase, all the dentifrices analyzed showed more than 1,000 ppm (mug F-/g; w/w) of soluble fluoride. However, in most of them, this form of fluoride was not shown to be stable. The highest loss of soluble fluoride was found for storage at room temperature, reaching up to 40%. Although all dentifrices comply with the Brazilian guidelines with regard to the concentration of total fluoride (maximum of 0.15%), the instability of soluble fluoride observed in some of them can impair their anti-caries effect and this condition is not contemplated in the Governmental rules.O requisito mínimo para que um dentifrício tenha potencial anticárie é ele ter uma formulação com fluoreto na forma solúvel e estável. A concentração de fluoreto solúvel nos dentifrícios vendidos no Brasil tem sido descrita, mas pouco é conhecido sobre sua estabilidade, a qual é função da temperatura. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a concentração e estabilidade do fluoreto em dentifrícios vendidos em Manaus, AM, Brasil. As concentrações de fluoreto total, fluoreto solúvel total, MFP, e de fluoreto insolúvel de seis dentifrícios nacionais e um importado foram determinadas quando da aquisição e durante um período de 12 meses de armazenamento à temperatura ambiental (28,9 ± 1,16°C) e sob ar refrigerado (26,3 ± 0,88°C). Para a análise foi utilizado eletrodo específico para íon fluoreto Orion 96-09. Os resultados mostraram que todos os dentifrícios tinham uma expressiva concentração (mig F-/g; p/p) de fluoreto solúvel total quando da aquisição. Entretanto, a maioria deles não se mostrou estável quando do armazenamento. A maior perda ocorreu à temperatura ambiente, atingindo valores de 40%. Embora a concentração de fluoreto total encontrada em todos os dentifrícios esteja de acordo com a portaria da ANVISA, dependendo das condições de armazenamento a perda de fluoreto solúvel pode comprometer o efeito anticárie de alguns dentifrícios e isto não está contemplado pela portaria brasileira em vigor

    Biopharmaceutical Products and Biomaterials of the Amazon Region Used in Dentistry

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    In dentistry, biomaterials are used in restorative procedures, such as dental restorations; in dentures; dental implants; surgical procedures; and endodontic materials. Most dental biomaterials are classified as devices, including filling materials, diagnostic aids, cements, bonding agents, and implants, in addition to mouthwashes. In the field of health, the use of natural products for dental biomaterials and curing diseases has always emphasized, rather than depending on the conventional allopathic medicine. Brazil has an advantage in this market, because it has the greatest biodiversity in the world, especially in the Amazonian Region, and a genetic heritage of great potential for the development of new herbal products, especially in dentistry. Given the growth of products derived from medicinal plants in Brazil, it was necessary to implement a statute that covered the requirements for all medicines and biomaterials to ensure the quality, efficacy, and safety of these products. Thus, researches in dentistry have been developed with the aim of searching for new bioactive principles for the formulation of drugs with different types of applications, capable of acting in both preventive strategies and curative treatments. This has encouraged the use of phytotherapic agents such as Copaifera multijuga, Apis mellifera (propolis), and Libidibia ferrea

    Cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of mouthwash obtained from the extract of Libidibia ferrea Mart / Citotoxicidade e atividade antimicrobiana de enxaguatório bucal obtido do extrato de Libidibia ferrea Mart

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of a new mouthwash containing the extract of juca (Libidibia ferrea Mart.) against oral microorganisms. The dry plant extract was obtained by decoction of juca dried fruits in a hydroalcoholic solution (1:1, v/v) and submitted to a spray dryer appliance. The mouthwash formulations containing 1.0 % (w/v) of the dry extract were prepared with vehicle composed for: distilled water, sodium benzoate, saccharine, glycerin, Tween, mint essence and 10% sodium hydroxide. Chlorhexidine (0.12 %) and the vehicle were used as positive and negative control, respectively.  The oral rinsing formulations from juca were tested at baseline (day 0), 30 and 60 days after the preparation. The cytotoxicity of these formulations was evaluated by hemolysis (2 % (w/w) erythrocytes from Mus musculus mice) and cell culture (MRC-5) tests. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated by microdilution against Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), Streptococcus salivarius (ATCC 7073), Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 7469) and Candida albicans (DPUA 1706). The mouthwash from juca extract did not promote cytotoxic effect in human fibroblasts. This oral rinsing formulation presented antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi common from oral cavity. The mouthwash was considered efficient and safe for using as product of oral health under the conditions studied

    Physicochemical assessment of an orabase formulation of Libidibia ferrea L: Avaliação físico-química de uma formulação orabase de Libidibia ferrea L

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    The aim of the study was to control the physicochemical quality of an orabase formulation of L. ferrea L. An experimental, in vitro, controlled study was carried out as follows: centrifuge tests, pH, density, rheological behavior at room temperature (25.0 ± 2.0 °C), microbiological control by determining the total number of aerobic microorganisms, yeast growth, and organoleptic characteristics. The storage conditions were as follows: light room (±25.9°C), dark room (±28.8°C), refrigerator (± 2 to 8°C), and the experimental periods were 0, 30 and 60 days. In the centrifuge test, the separation of 1 oily phase (liquid and transparent) was observed in all storage conditions and times tested; in the pH test, the formulation remained stable with pH variations between 6.01 and 6.67, but there was no statistically significant difference at all times and conditions tested. The rheological behavior in terms of viscosity revealed that time and storage conditions did not alter the samples and the mean standard values related to rotation were 6 mPa.SNa (5111.9 ±11), 12 mPa.S (2555.2 ±7), 30 mPa.S (1023.9 ±2) and 60 mPa.S (512.5 ±4). The assessment of contaminants revealed no growth of contaminants in the storage conditions and times tested. As for the organoleptic characteristics, the samples showed no changes throughout the time and storage conditions. The formulation is physically and chemically stable under all storage conditions and times tested, proving to be suitable for extemporaneous formulations

    Controle de qualidade de uma formulação de enxaguatório bucal à base de Libidibia Ferrea L. / Quality control of a formulation mouthwash based on Libidibia Ferrea L.

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    A difusão da Fitoterapia se faz presente na prática odontológica, com o intuito de prevenir e tratar doenças bucais, tais como cárie e doença periodontal. Dentre as plantas utilizadas, está a Libidibia ferrea a qual possui inúmeras propriedades terapêuticas comprovadas. Este estudo avaliou in vitro a estabilidade farmacológica de um enxaguatório bucal fitoterápico à base do extrato de L. ferrea nos períodos de 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 180 dias, em três condições de armazenamento: temperatura ambiente, ar condicionado e geladeira. Os parâmetros testados foram estabilidade, pH, sedimentação, densidade e a presença de contaminantes através da determinação do número total de microrganismos e pesquisa de Salmonela sp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus. Os resultados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, testes de Tukey e ANOVA. As amostras da geladeira em até 90 dias apresentaram melhor estabilidade, porém, a partir dos 90 dias houve alterações de pH e caracteres organolépticos. O teste de sedimentação foi positivo na amostra analisada de 90, 120 e 180 dias da temperatura ambiente, no ar condicionado de 120 e 180 dias e na amostra de 180 dias da geladeira. No teste de pH, os intervalos de tempo 30-90 dias (<0,001) e 60-90 dias (<0,001) apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significantes, enquanto que os resultados da densidade não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significante. Em todos os períodos e ambientes, pôde-se constatar uma ausência de contaminantes, nas amostras testadas. Conclui-se que o enxaguatório apresentou melhores condições de estabilidade e qualidade sem contaminação em até 90 dias

    Epidemiological survey of oral lesions diagnosed at a stomatology service

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of mucosal alterations and oral lesions diagnosed at the School of Dentistry, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus-Brazil. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study, which analyzed the medical records of patients over 18 years of age from 2010 to 2013. Data were collected related to presence of soft tissue alterations, with emphasis on white-colored lesions, as well as variables such as age, gender, use of medications, systemic diseases and deleterious habits. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis and presented by average and standard deviation by means of tables. Results: 82 medical records were included, with prevalence of the female (60.98%) and mean age of 43.3 years. A total of 307 oral mucosa alterations were found and among these 27.69% consisted of white-colored lesions. Fordyce granules (35.37%), linea alba (15.85%) and focal hyperkeratosis (9.76%) were the most reported white- colored alterations. Among the lesions with malignant potential, lichen planus, leukoplakia and actinic cheilitis were present in less than 5% of the findings, corresponding to 2.6% of the white-colored alterations found. Conclusion: The patients in this stomatology service had high prevalence of alterations in oral mucosa, among them white lesions. Ethical Appreciation Certificate nº 38861314.3.0000.5020.  Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações de mucosa e lesões bucais diagnosticadas na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus - Brasil. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo e retrospectivo, que analisou os prontuários de pacientes maiores de 18 anos atendidos entre 2010 e Foram coletados dados relacionados a presença de alterações de tecido mole, com ênfase em lesões de coloração branca, além de variáveis como idade, sexo, uso de medicações, doenças sistêmicas e hábitos deletérios. Os dados foram submetidos a análise descritiva e apresentados através de médias e desvio padrão por meio de tabelas. Resultados: Foram incluídos 82 prontuários, com prevalência do sexo feminino (60,98%) e média de idade de 43,3 anos. Foram encontradas 307 alterações de mucosa bucal, e dentre estas 27,69% consistiam em lesões de coloração branca. Grânulos de Fordyce (35,37%), linha alba (15,85%) e hiperqueratose focal (9,76%) foram as alterações de coloração branca mais relatadas. Dentre as lesões com potencial de malignização, líquen plano, leucoplasia e queilite actínica estiveram presentes em menos de 5% dos achados, correspondendo a 2,6% das alterações brancas encontradas. Conclusão: Os pacientes atendidos neste serviço de estomatologia possuíram alta prevalência de alterações em mucosa bucal, dentre elas, lesões de coloração branca. Certificado de Apreciação Ética nº 38861314.3.0000.5020

    Avaliação histomorfométrica do efeito de um biomodificador de dentina à base de óleo de copaiba (Copaifera multijuga Hayne) na camada híbrida / Histomorphometric evaluation of the effect of a copaiba oil-based (Copaifera multijuga Hayne) dentin biomodifier on the hybrid layer

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    Objetivo: Realizar avaliação histomorfométrica do efeito de um biomodificador de dentina (CM) à base de óleo de copaíba (Copaifera multijuga Hayne) na espessura do colágeno da matriz e na homogeneidade da camada híbrida.Materiais e métodos: Um total de 80 espécimes foram preparados a partir de trinta molares que foram divididos em cinco grupos: três deles com concentrações de conservante baixa (L), média (M) e alta (H) para o material testado (CM) e os outros dois com os grupos controle: negativo (água destilada - DW) e positivo (clorexidina 2% - CHX). Cada grupo foi subdividido de acordo com o substrato - dentina sadia (SD) ou dentina afetada por cárie (CAD). Após três meses de imersão nas soluções, a homogeneidade da camada híbrida foi analisada qualitativamente, enquanto a espessura dos casos com camada de colágeno exposta e hibridizada foi analisada quantitativamente por histomorfometria. Resultados: Em relação à avaliação histomorfométrica, dois CM testados (M e H) para SD apresentaram colágeno hibridizado mais espesso semelhante ao observado nos grupos controle positivo (SD e CAD), sem diferenças significativas entre eles (p> 0,05). A análise qualitativa mostrou que a melhor condição de hibridização, em termos de homogeneidade, foi identificada na concentração M da emulsão CM para SD. Conclusão: Nossos achados mostraram que a emulsão CM em concentração média apresentou a melhor homogeneidade para camada híbrida em SD entre todos os grupos.Relevância clínica: Por se tratar de propriedades biológicas de uma planta medicinal da Amazônia, supõe-se que a emulsão CM provavelmente contribuiria para melhorar a interface dente / restauração

    In vitro antimicrobial activity of Caesalpinia ferrea Martius fruits against oral pathogens

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    Aim: In the Amazon region of Brazil, the fruits of Caesalpinia ferrea Martius (Brazilian ironwood) are widely used as an antimicrobial and healing medicine in many situations including oral infections. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Caesalpinia ferrea Martius fruit extract against oral pathogens. Materials and methods: Polyphenols estimation and spectral analysis ((1)H NMR) of the methanol extract were carried out. The microorganisms Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus oralis and Lactobacillus casei were tested using the microdilution method for planktonic cells (MIC) and a multispecies biofilm model. Chlorhexidine was used as positive control. Results: Polyphenols in the extract were estimated at 7.3% and (1)H NMR analysis revealed hydroxy phenols and methoxilated compounds. MIC values for Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus oralis and Lactobacillus casei were 25.0, 40.0, 66.0, 100.0, 66.0 mu g/mL, respectively. For the biofilm assay, chlorhexidine and plant extract showed no growth at 10(-4) and 10(-5) microbial dilution, respectively. At 10-4 and 10-5 the growth values (mean +/- SD) of the negative controls (DMSO and saline solution) for Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sp. and Candida albicans were 8.1 +/- 0.7, 7.0 +/- 0.6 and 5.9 +/- 0.9 x 10(6) CFU, respectively. Conclusion: Caesalpinia ferrea fruit extract can inhibit in vitro growth of oral pathogens in planktonic and biofilm models supporting its use for oral infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.CNPq[306234/2004-1]FAPEAM-PROGRAMA POSVINC[1192-4-A

    Amazon emulsions as cavity cleansers: antibacterial activity, cytotoxicity and changes in human tooth color

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    The copaiba oleoresin, Copaifera multijuga Hayne, Fabaceae, is a phytotherapeutic agent with antimicrobial activity. This study evaluated the antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of, and tooth color changes caused by four copaiba oil emulsions (Emulsion 1, 10% CM; Emulsion 2, 10% C. multijuga + 1% biotech product; Emulsion 3, 30% C. multijuga; and Emulsion 4, 30% C. multijuga + 1% biotech product). The antibacterial activities against microorganisms causing dental caries (Streptococcus mutans ATCC25175, S. oralis ATCC10557, S. salivarius ATCC7073, and Lactobacillus casei ATCC7469) were tested using three parameters: minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration, and cell viability by fluorescence microscopy. The emulsions were assessed for cytotoxicity by means of the hemolytic assay and cell culture (murine fibroblast cells NHI3T3) using Alamar Blue⿢. The dentin color change caused by the emulsions was examined at 10 s, 30 s, and 10 min. The emulsions showed antibacterial activity against the microorganisms tested with an MIC of 125 μl/ml. The minimum bactericidal concentration was higher than minimum inhibitory concentration for the tested microorganism and the fluorescence confirmed that the cells were viable at minimum inhibitory concentration values. The emulsions had a hemolytic activity of 71.16% (Emulsion 3) and 44.67% (Emulsion 4) at a concentration of 30 μl/ml. In cell culture assay, NHI-3T3 cells treated with the emulsions showed 6⿿16% viability. Emulsion 1 caused clinically imperceptible color change in dentin at 10 s (οE = 3.21), Emulsion 2 at 30 s (οE = 2.70) and 10 min (οE = 3.08), and Emulsion 4 at 10 min (οE = 3.03). Emulsion 3 caused color change at all times tested. This research documented positive data regarding antibacterial activity, cytotoxicity, and tooth color changes when using copaiba oleoresin emulsions, showing its potential for use in dentistry. Keywords: Dentistry, Emulsions, Cytotoxicity, Fabaceae, Phytotherap

    Atividade Antimicrobiana in vitro de Extratos da Casca do Caule e da Vagem de Libidibia ferrea L. Frente a Microrganismos da Cavidade Bucal

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    Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T19:29:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) 2.pdf: 457268 bytes, checksum: 7a8ea052178fefc477827130a64c8405 (MD5) Previous issue date: 13Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Faculdade de Odontologia. Manaus, AM, Brasil.No presente estudo foi avaliada a ação antimicrobiana in vitro do extrato da casca do caule e da vagem de jucá frente a microrganismos da cavidade bucal. Tratou-se de um estudo experimental laboratorial, no qual foi avaliada a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos aquosos a 7,5% em diluições variando de 1:1 a 1:512, através da técnica de difusão em ágar. Foram utilizados cepas padrão de Streptococcus salivarius (ATCC 7073); Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175); Streptococcus oralis (ATCC 10557); Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 7469) e a Candida albicans (INCQS 40040). A Clorexidina 0,12% foi utilizada como controle positivo. Os resultados da difusão em ágar demonstraram que quando avaliado frente ao L. casei, o extrato da vagem mostrou-se mais efetivo, com CIM em 9,3 mg/mL comparado à CIM da casca que foi 37,5 mg/mL. Quando o extrato da vagem foi testado frente contra S. oralis e S. mutans os valores de MIC foi igual e o dobro, respectivamente, quando comparados com os valores obtidos com o extrato da casca do caule. Em relação a C. albicans, o valor de MIC para o extrato da vagem e da casca do caule foi 18,7 mg/mL. Enquanto que frente a S. salivarius o extrato da casca do caule teve valor de MIC 37,5 mg/mL e o extrato da vagem não apresentou atividade. Pode-se concluir que o extrato da casca do caule de jucá apresentou atividade antimicrobiana satisfatória frente aos patógenos da cavidade bucal e superior ao extrato da vagem.In the present study was evaluated in vitro antimicrobial activity of the extract of the stem bark and fruit jucá against microorganisms of the oral cavity. This was an experimental laboratory study in which was evaluated the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts 7.5% in dilutions ranging from 1:1 to 1:512, using the technique of agar diffusion. Standard strains used were: Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), Streptococcus oralis (ATCC 10557), Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 7469), Candida albicans (INCQS 40040) and Streptococcus salivarius (ATCC 7073). Chlorhexidine 0.12 % was used as a positive control. The results of the agar diffusion showed that when assessed against L. casei, extract of the fruit was more effective, and with MICs 9.3 mg/mL compared to stem bark was 37.5 mg/mL. When the fruit extract were tested against S. oralis and S. mutans MIC values were the same and twice, respectively , when compared with values obtained with the extract of the stem bark . With respect to C. albicans, the MIC value for the extract of the fruit and stem bark was 18.7 mg/mL. While against S. salivarius extract of the stem bark had MIC value of 37.5 mg/mL and the extract of the fruit was inactive. It can be concluded that the extract of the stem bark of jucá showed satisfactory antimicrobial activity against pathogens of the oral cavity and superior to the extract of the fruit