56 research outputs found

    Brots epidèmics declarats a Catalunya els anys 2012 i 2013

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    Vigilància epidemiològica; Brots epidèmics; CatalunyaVigilancia epidemiológica; Brotes epidémicos; CataluñaEpidemiological surveillance; Epidemic outbreaks; CataloniaEn aquest article es presenta un estudi epidemiològic descriptiu de tots els brots epidèmics investigats a Catalunya durant els anys 2012 i 2013. Tots els brots notificats a la Xarxa de Vigilància Epidemiològica de Catalunya són objecte d’una investigació completa que constitueix la base per establir les mesures destinades a prevenir l’aparició d’altres casos relacionats i la presentació d’episodis similars en el futur. Les diferents fases de la investigació de cada brot es recullen en un informe final. La font d’informació d’aquest estudi la constitueixen els informes elaborats pels serveis de vigilància epidemiològica territorials a partir de la investigació realitzada en cadascun dels brots notificats. El total de brots notificats durant el període d’estudi ha estat de 511 l’any 2012 i de 538 l’any 2013. Es presenten els brots de manera global, distribuïts per tipus de brot amb la seva freqüència, càrrega hospitalària i mortalitat, i de manera detallada, mostrant les dades més rellevants de cadascun dels brots. Pel que fa als brots de toxiinfecció alimentària, se’n mostra la distribució en taules segons variables diferents. La investigació de cada brot epidèmic és fonamental per poder adoptar mesures de control adequades i específiques per a cada situació. D’altra banda, l’estudi global i evolutiu de tots els brots investigats en un territori és una eina fonamental per orientar polítiques que permetin reduir-ne l’impacte sanitari, social i econòmic.En este artículo se presenta un estudio epidemiológico-descriptivo de los brotes epidémicos investigados en Cataluña durante los años 2012 y 2013. Todos los brotes notificados en la Red de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Cataluña son objeto de una investigación completa que constituye la base para establecer las medidas destinadas a prevenir la aparición de otros casos relacionados y la presentación de episodios similares en el futuro. Las diferentes fases de la investigación de cada brote se recogen en un informe final. La fuente de información de este estudio la constituyen los informes elaborados por los servicios de vigilancia epidemiológica territoriales a partir de la investigación realizada en cada uno de los brotes notificados. El total de brotes notificados durante el periodo de estudio ha sido de 511 el año 2012 y de 538 el año 2013. Se presentan los brotes de forma global, distribuidos por tipo de brote con su frecuencia, carga hospitalaria y mortalidad, y de forma detallada, mostrando los datos más relevantes de cada uno de los brotes. En cuanto a los brotes de toxiinfección alimentaria, se muestra su distribución en tablas según diferentes variables. La investigación de cada brote epidémico es fundamental para poder adoptar medidas de control adecuadas y específicas para cada situación. Por otra parte, el estudio global y evolutivo de todos los brotes investigados en un territorio es una herramienta fundamental para orientar políticas que permitan reducir su impacto sanitario, social y económico.This article presents a descriptive epidemiological study of all outbreaks reported in Catalonia in 2012 and 2013. All outbreaks notified at the Epidemiological Surveillance Network of Catalonia are subject to full investigation, which forms the basis to guide preventing measures to prevent either the occurrence of other related cases or the emergence of similar episodes in the future. Different phases of each outbreak investigation are collected in a final report. The information source for the study is constituted by the reports prepared by the Epidemiological Surveillance Territorial Services on research conducted in each of the reported outbreaks. The total number of outbreaks reported during the study period was 511 in 2012, and 538 outbreaks in 2013. The article presents the overall frequency of outbreaks by type, burden of hospitalization and mortality. Individually, for each outbreak it shows the most relevant data. As regards food-borne outbreaks, their distribution is shown in tables according to different variables. Investigation of each outbreak is essential in order to adopt suitable and specific measures in every situation. Moreover, the global and evolutionary study of all investigated outbreaks in a territory is a fundamental tool to guide policies to reduce health, social and economical impact

    Human Astrovirus Outbreak in a Daycare Center and Propagation among Household Contacts

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    Astrovirus; Contactos domésticos; BroteAstrovirus; Contactes domèstics; BrotAstrovirus; Household contacts; OutbreakWe investigated an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis due to human astrovirus in a daycare center, describing the transmission mechanism, the most affected age groups, conditioning factors and the extent of the outbreak among household contacts of the daycare center attenders. Data were collected from persons exposed at the daycare center and their home contacts. Fecal samples from affected and non-affected daycare center attenders were analyzed for viruses causing acute gastroenteritis by RT-PCR. The percentage of households affected and the attack rates (AR) were calculated. The attack rates were compared using the rate ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals. Information was obtained from 245 people (76 attenders and 169 contacts) of whom 49 were clinical cases. Five HAstV-4, two HAstV-8 and three non-typable HAstV cases were identified (six from clinical cases and four from asymptomatic infected people). The global AR was 20% (41.2% in children aged < 2 years). Data were obtained from 67 households: 20 households of affected attenders and 47 of non-affected attendees. Household contacts of affected attenders had a higher AR (74.3%) than that of non-affected attendees (2.4%). We found asymptomatic infections amongst daycare attendees. The transmission of HAstV during the outbreak was not limited to the daycare center but extended to household contacts of both affected and non-affected attenders.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project PI16/02005 (Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund “Investing in your future”) and the Catalan Agency for the Management of Grants for University (AGAUR Grant Number 2017/SGR 1342)

    Informe de brots de sarna a Catalunya (2015-2022*)

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    Sarna; Brots; Infecció parasitàriaSarna; Brotes; Infección parasitariaScabies; Outbreak; Parasitic infectionL’objectiu del present informe es descriure les característiques epidemiològiques dels brots de sarna notificats els darrers 8 anys a Catalunya: la distribució anual, la distribució per ámbits d’exposició i la distribució territorial per serveis de vigilància epidemiològica (SVE)

    Invasive pneumococcal disease in children: Risk factors and vaccine effectiveness

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/103042Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) has high morbidity and mortality worldwide. The overall incidence of IPD in Catalonia in 2005-2009 was 16.6 per 100,000 persons-year, 66.4 in children aged < 2 years and 50.7 in children aged 2-4 years. 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) coverage in Catalonia is intermediate. A prospective matched case-control study in children aged 3-59 months treated at two hospitals in Catalonia during 2007-2009 was performed. Potential risk factors for IPD and PCV7 effectiveness in preventing IPD were investigated. 293 cases and 785 controls were included. Attendance at daycare or school was a risk factor for IPD (aOR 3.07, 95% CI 1.97-4.78) and the effectiveness of PCV7 against vaccine serotypes was 93.7% (95% CI 51.8 -99.2)

    Protocol per a la vigilància de les paràlisis flàccides agudes en menors de 15 anys: pla d’eradicació de la poliomielitis

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    Paràlisi flàccida aguda; Paràlisi infantil; Eradicació de malaltiesParalisis flacida aguda; Paralisis infantil; Erradicación de enfermedadesFlaccid acute paralysis; Infantile paralysis; Diseases eradicationDins el marc de les actuacions necessàries per tal d'aconseguir el Certificat d'Erradicació de la poliomielitis a Espanya, el pla d'acció proposat per dur-les a terme a Catalunya s’explicita en aquest protocol per a la Vigilància de les Paràlisis Flàccides Agudes en menors de 15 anys, per poder assolir així els criteris de qualitat establerts per a l’Organització Mundial de la Salut

    Indirect effects of paediatric conjugate vaccines on invasive pneumococcal disease in older adults

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the indirect effect of paediatric 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) vaccination on people ≥65 years of age with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in Catalonia and to determine factors predictive of mortality. Methods: During 2014-2016, 1285 IPD cases were reported to the Public Health Agency of Catalonia. The indirect effect of paediatric PCV13 vaccination was calculated by comparing the incidence rate (IR) in 2016 (PCV13 year) with that in 2009 (pre-PCV13). Predictors of mortality were determined using multivariate logistic regression. Results: Comparing 2016 and 2009, IPD decreased by 19% (IR 40.1 and 32.5 per 100 000 person-years, respectively). PCV13 serotypes decreased by 57% (IR 23.7 and 10.1), while non-PCV13 serotypes increased by 36% (IR 16.4 and 22.4). During 2014-2016, the mortality rate was 17.5%, and mortality was associated with age ≥85 years (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.91, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.89, 4.48), meningitis (aOR 2.29, 95% CI 1.25, 4.19), non-focal bacteraemia (aOR 3.73, 95% CI 2.00, 6.94), and ≥1 high-risk condition (aOR 1.89, 95% CI 1.08, 3.32). PPV23non13 serotypes were associated with lower mortality than PCV13 serotypes (aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.34, 0.86). Conclusions: The incidence of IPD in people ≥65 years of age decreased after the introduction of paediatric PCV13, and this was due to a reduction in PCV13 serotypes, although an increase in non-PCV13 serotypes was observed. Mortality was associated with age, meningitis, non-focal bacteraemia, ≥1 high-risk condition, and PCV13 serotypes

    Situació epidemiològica de Cryptosporidium spp. a Catalunya

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    Criptosporidiosi; Epidemiologia; Sistema de notificació microbiològicaCriptosporidiosis; Epidemiología; Sistema de notificación microbiológicaCryptosporidiosis; Epidemiology; Microbiological notification systemS’han analitzat els casos confirmats de Cryptosporidium spp. seguint els criteris diagnòstics descrits a Criteris diagnòstics dels microorganismes que es declaren al Sistema de notificació microbiològica de Catalunya – Actualització de 2015, declarats a l’SNMC durant l’any 2023. Se n’ha analitzat l’estacionalitat, els grups d’edat i sexe, i la distribució pel territori. D’altra banda, s’han revisat els brots de gastroenteritis aguda (GEA) per Cryptosporidium spp. notificats a l’XVEC durant l’any 2023, i se n’ha analitzat la distribució per territori, àmbit d’exposició i font de la notificació. També s’han revisat els brots de GEA d’etiologia desconeguda notificats durant el mateix període

    Epidemiological Characteristics and Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Hepatitis A in Spain in the Context of the 2016/2017 European Outbreak

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    The aim of our study was to describe the results of the epidemiological surveillance of hepatitis A infections in Spain in the context of the 2016/2017 European outbreak, particularly of hepatitis A outbreaks reported in the MSM population, incorporating the results of a spatiotemporal analysis of cases. Hepatitis A cases and outbreaks reported in 2016–2017 to the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network were reviewed: outbreaks in which some of the cases belonged to the MSM group were described, and clusters of hepatitis A cases in men and women were analysed using a space–time scan statistic. Twenty-six outbreaks were identified, with a median size of two cases per outbreak, with most of the outbreak-related cases belonging to the 15–44 years-old group. Nearly 85% occurred in a household setting, and in all outbreaks, the mode of transmission was direct person-to-person contact. Regarding space–time analysis, twenty statistically significant clusters were identified in the male population and eight in the female population; clusters in men presented a higher number of observed cases and affected municipalities, as well as a higher percentage of municipalities classified as large urban areas. The elevated number of cases detected in clusters of men indicates that the number of MSM-related outbreaks may be higher than reported, showing that spatio-temporal analysis is a complementary, useful tool which may improve the detection of outbreaks in settings where epidemiological investigation may be more challenging.The APC was funded by the Programme of Prevention, Surveillance, and Control of Transmissible Diseases (PREVICET), CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid (Spain)

    Epidemiological Characteristics and Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Hepatitis A in Spain in the Context of the 2016/2017 European Outbreak

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    Altres ajuts: The APC was funded by the Programme of Prevention, Surveillance, and Control of Transmissible Diseases (PREVICET), CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid (Spain).The aim of our study was to describe the results of the epidemiological surveillance of hepatitis A infections in Spain in the context of the 2016/2017 European outbreak, particularly of hepatitis A outbreaks reported in the MSM population, incorporating the results of a spatio-temporal analysis of cases. Hepatitis A cases and outbreaks reported in 2016-2017 to the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network were reviewed: outbreaks in which some of the cases belonged to the MSM group were described, and clusters of hepatitis A cases in men and women were analysed using a space-time scan statistic. Twenty-six outbreaks were identified, with a median size of two cases per outbreak, with most of the outbreak-related cases belonging to the 15-44 years-old group. Nearly 85% occurred in a household setting, and in all outbreaks, the mode of transmission was direct person-to-person contact. Regarding space-time analysis, twenty statistically significant clusters were identified in the male population and eight in the female population; clusters in men presented a higher number of observed cases and affected municipalities, as well as a higher percentage of municipalities classified as large urban areas. The elevated number of cases detected in clusters of men indicates that the number of MSM-related outbreaks may be higher than reported, showing that spatio-temporal analysis is a complementary, useful tool which may improve the detection of outbreaks in settings where epidemiological investigation may be more challenging

    Indirect effects of paediatric conjugate vaccines on invasive pneumococcal disease in older adults

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae; IPD; PCV13; Adults; Case fatality rate; Comorbidities; MortalitySteotococos neumonia; IPD; PCV13; Adultos; Tasa de letalidad; Comorbilidades; MortalidadStreptococcus pneumoniae; IPD; PCV13; Adults; Taxa de letalitat; Comorbiditats; MortalitatObjectives The aim of this study was to assess the indirect effect of paediatric 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) vaccination on people ≥65 years of age with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in Catalonia and to determine factors predictive of mortality. Methods During 2014–2016, 1285 IPD cases were reported to the Public Health Agency of Catalonia. The indirect effect of paediatric PCV13 vaccination was calculated by comparing the incidence rate (IR) in 2016 (PCV13 year) with that in 2009 (pre-PCV13). Predictors of mortality were determined using multivariate logistic regression. Results Comparing 2016 and 2009, IPD decreased by 19% (IR 40.1 and 32.5 per 100 000 person-years, respectively). PCV13 serotypes decreased by 57% (IR 23.7 and 10.1), while non-PCV13 serotypes increased by 36% (IR 16.4 and 22.4). During 2014–2016, the mortality rate was 17.5%, and mortality was associated with age ≥85 years (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.91, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.89, 4.48), meningitis (aOR 2.29, 95% CI 1.25, 4.19), non-focal bacteraemia (aOR 3.73, 95% CI 2.00, 6.94), and ≥1 high-risk condition (aOR 1.89, 95% CI 1.08, 3.32). PPV23non13 serotypes were associated with lower mortality than PCV13 serotypes (aOR 0.54, 95% CI 0.34, 0.86). Conclusions The incidence of IPD in people ≥65 years of age decreased after the introduction of paediatric PCV13, and this was due to a reduction in PCV13 serotypes, although an increase in non-PCV13 serotypes was observed. Mortality was associated with age, meningitis, non-focal bacteraemia, ≥1 high-risk condition, and PCV13 serotypes