12 research outputs found

    A Semi-Continuous Fermentation Process for Pulque Production Using Microfiltration-Sterilized Aguamiel and Aseptic Conditions to Standardize the Overall Quality of the Beverage

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    Despite the current appreciation of pulque as a probiotic fermented beverage, pulque has been also regarded as a poor-quality product, particularly due to the lack of sanitary control during its elaboration. To address this problem, a semi-continuous fermentation system was established, emulating the artisanal production process. Microfiltration-sterilized aguamiel was employed as the substrate, whereas a good-quality pulque was used as the fermentation inoculum. During the fermentation, the physicochemical, microbiological (lactic acid and Leuconostoc-type bacteria and yeasts) and sensory characteristics of the must were monitored. The isolated microorganisms were identified by molecular biology and MALDI-MS techniques. The sterilization of aguamiel by microfiltration did not negatively affect its physicochemical attributes. After 6–8 days of operation of the semi-continuous bioreactor, the fermentation reached a quasi-stationary state considering most of the parameters monitored during the experiment. The final fermentation product presented similar physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties to those of the pulque inoculum. The genera identified were Leuconostoc, Lentilactobacillus, Lactobacillus, Liquorilactobacillus, Fructilactobacillus and Saccharomyces. The strains Lentilactobacillus diolivorans and Liquorilactobacillus capillatus and uvarum have not been previously isolated from pulque. In conclusion, the fermentation system developed in this work was effective to standardize the quality of pulque while preserving the positive attributes of the artisanal process, thus harnessing the probiotic properties of pulque

    Table_1_Probiotic and functional potential of lactic acid bacteria isolated from pulque and evaluation of their safety for food applications.pdf

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    Pulque is a traditional Mexican non-distilled alcoholic beverage to which several beneficial functions are attributed, mainly associated with gastrointestinal health, which can be explained by the presence of probiotic bacteria in its microbiota. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the safety, probiotic activity, and functional characteristics of seven strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from pulque using the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM as control. The LAB isolates were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and MALDI Biotyper® MS as belonging to three different Lactobacillaceae genera and species: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Levilactobacillus brevis and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei. Most strains showed resistance to gastric juice, intestinal juice and lysozyme (10 mg/L). In addition, all strains exhibited bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity and antibacterial activity against the pathogenic strain Listeria monocytogenes. Additionally, cell surface characteristics of LAB were evaluated, with most strains showing good hydrophobicity, auto-aggregation, and co-aggregation towards enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and L. monocytogenes. In terms of safety, most of the strains were sensitive to the tested antibiotics and only the Lact. paracasei UTMB4 strain amplified a gene related to antibiotic resistance (mecA). The strains Lact. plantarum RVG2 and Lact. plantarum UTMB1 presented γ-hemolytic activity, and the presence of the virulence-related gene agg was identified only in UTMB1 strain. Regarding functional characterization, the tested bacteria showed good β-galactosidase activity, antioxidant activity and cholesterol reduction Based on principal component analysis (PCA) and heat mapping, and considering the strain Lact. acidophilus NCFM as the probiotic reference, the strains Lacticaseibacillus paracasei UTMB4, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum RVG4 and Levilactobacillus brevis UTMB2 were selected as the most promising probiotic strains. The results of this study highlighted the probiotic, functional and safety traits of LAB strains isolated from pulque thus supporting the health benefits attributed to this ancestral beverage.</p

    Table_2_Probiotic and functional potential of lactic acid bacteria isolated from pulque and evaluation of their safety for food applications.pdf

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    Pulque is a traditional Mexican non-distilled alcoholic beverage to which several beneficial functions are attributed, mainly associated with gastrointestinal health, which can be explained by the presence of probiotic bacteria in its microbiota. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the safety, probiotic activity, and functional characteristics of seven strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from pulque using the probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM as control. The LAB isolates were identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and MALDI Biotyper® MS as belonging to three different Lactobacillaceae genera and species: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Levilactobacillus brevis and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei. Most strains showed resistance to gastric juice, intestinal juice and lysozyme (10 mg/L). In addition, all strains exhibited bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity and antibacterial activity against the pathogenic strain Listeria monocytogenes. Additionally, cell surface characteristics of LAB were evaluated, with most strains showing good hydrophobicity, auto-aggregation, and co-aggregation towards enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and L. monocytogenes. In terms of safety, most of the strains were sensitive to the tested antibiotics and only the Lact. paracasei UTMB4 strain amplified a gene related to antibiotic resistance (mecA). The strains Lact. plantarum RVG2 and Lact. plantarum UTMB1 presented γ-hemolytic activity, and the presence of the virulence-related gene agg was identified only in UTMB1 strain. Regarding functional characterization, the tested bacteria showed good β-galactosidase activity, antioxidant activity and cholesterol reduction Based on principal component analysis (PCA) and heat mapping, and considering the strain Lact. acidophilus NCFM as the probiotic reference, the strains Lacticaseibacillus paracasei UTMB4, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum RVG4 and Levilactobacillus brevis UTMB2 were selected as the most promising probiotic strains. The results of this study highlighted the probiotic, functional and safety traits of LAB strains isolated from pulque thus supporting the health benefits attributed to this ancestral beverage.</p

    Combined Effect of the Potassium Dose and Plant Biofertilization by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus on the Growth, Mineral Content, Nutritional Quality, Antioxidant Activity, and Metabolomic Features of Tomatillo Fruits (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.)

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    An Acinetobacter calcoaceticus UTMR2 strain was evaluated in tomatillo plants (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.) using a factorial design with different potassium doses (100, 75, 50 and 0% of the recommended dose). In addition to the agronomic parameters, an analysis of the physicochemical, antioxidant, and metabolomic properties of the fruit was performed. The application of the inoculant affected several parameters of the plant (chlorophyll, weight, and contents of several mineral elements) as well as of the fruit (yield, maturity index, FRAP antioxidant capacity, and contents of protein, fiber, and fat). A multivariate analysis was performed by means of a PCA and a heatmap, indicating that the inoculant induced a strong modulating activity in tomatillo plants for the evaluated parameters, with a remarkable effect at low K doses (0 and 50%). The inoculated treatment at 75% of the K dose resulted in similar plant and fruit characteristics to the fully fertilized control. On the other hand, the biofertilized treatment with no K addition resulted in the highest values in the plant and fruit parameters. In addition, from the metabolomics analysis of the fruits at 75% of the K dose, the up-regulation of 4,4&Prime;-bis(N-feruloyl)serotonin, salvianolic acid K, and chlorogenic acid was observed, which may have a role in anti-senescence and resistance mechanisms. In conclusion, the rhizobacterial strain had a positive effect on plant growth, nutritional quality, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity of tomatillo fruits at reduced doses of K fertilizer, which gives support for its consideration as an effective biofertilizer strain

    Balio erantsi handiko ikastetxeen ezaugarriak eta jardunbide egokiak. Behin betiko txostena. I. fasea (2012. urtea)

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    Existe una versión en español, con el título "Caracterización y buenas prácticas de los centros escolares de alto valor añadido. Informe Final. Fase I (año 2012)"Primera fase de un estudio que analiza las buenas prácticas llevadas a cabo por los centros escolares que mejores resultados obtuvieron en la Evaluación Diagnóstica. Se observan aspectos como su metodología, profesorado, programas de apoyo, tratamiento de la diversidad, etc. y se presenta una primera versión de lo que puede llegar a ser el catálogo de buenas prácticas. Según las conclusiones de esta primera fase, las buenas prácticas no se dan en todos los centros estudiados, pero sí en una mayoría significativa (60-75%) y pasan por un seguimiento muy cercano del trabajo del alumnado a través de la tutoría, en contacto estrecho con las familias y con las tareas a realizar claramente fijadas. También incluyen una alta atención a la diversidad (alumnado con NEE, inmigrante, de bajo rendimiento…), con una eficiente gestión de los recursos internos: programas de refuerzo, duplicación de docentes en determinadas aulas, etc. Otra buena práctica es la detección precoz de las dificultades del alumnado y la intervención temprana sobre las mismas, mediante frecuentes evaluaciones de carácter formativo.Ebaluazio diagnostikoan emaitza onenak lortu zituzten ikastetxeen jarraibide egokiak aztertzen dituen ikerketaren lehen fasea. Hainbat alderdiri erreparatu zaie: metodologia, irakasleak, laguntza-programak, aniztasunaren trataera, eta abar. Horrela, jardunbide egokien katalogoa izan litekeenaren lehen bertsioa osatu da. Lehen fase horretako ondorioen arabera, jardunbide egokiak ez dira ematen aztertutako ikastetxe guztietan, baina bai gehiengo esanguratsu batean (% 60-75). Jardunbide horien artean dago ikasleen lanari jarraipen oso estua egitea tutoretzaren bidez, familiekin harreman estuan eta bete-beharreko lanak argi eta garbi finkatuta. Baita aniztasunari eskaintzen dioten arreta handia ere, (HPBko ikasleak, ikasle etorkinak, errendimendu apalekoak…), ikastetxearen barneko baliabideak egoki erabiliz: indartze-programak, zenbait ikasgelatan bi irakaslek batera jardutea, etab. Beste jarraibide egoki bat da ikasleen zailtasunak goiz antzematea eta zailtasunak gainditzeko arin esku-hartzea, prestakuntzazko ebaluazioak sarri eginez.ES

    Francia y América Latina. Imágenes, visiones e influencias

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    Estudio, análisis e interpretación de la importancia y actualidad de la relación intercultural entre Francia y América Latina en relación con diversas imágenes, visiones e influencias. El libro contiene estudios que abarcan diversos ámbitos de las Humanidades: literatura, arte, historia, filosofía, teoría literaria, arqueología

    Eskolaren eraginkortasuna Euskadiko ikastetxeetan : behin betiko txostena : 2011-2015

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    Existe una versión en castellano, con el título "La eficacia escolar en los centros del País Vasco"La eficacia docente es un tema que desde 1966 ha ido creciendo en las investigaciones educativas internacionales ampliando, por una parte, las variables analizadas y, por otra, uniendo el concepto de eficacia con el de mejora. En el País Vasco se lleva a cabo una investigación de estas características por primera vez, mediante la colaboración entre la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU) y el Instituto de Evaluación e Investigación Educativa (ISEI-IVEI). Se inicia a partir de los resultados de las Evaluaciones de Diagnóstico de 4º de Educación Primaria y 2º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, que se están llevando a cabo en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV) desde el curso 2008-09. Tras la publicación del primer informe se vio la necesidad de continuar con la investigación iniciándose una segunda fase de trabajo en la que, además de incorporar los resultados de la Evaluación de Diagnóstico de 2011, se plantearon dos nuevas líneas de trabajo: estudio en mayor profundidad de 9 centros de alto valor añadido de la CAPV utilizando la técnica del estudio de casos y estudio para conocer las prácticas de los 8 centros de bajo valor añadido. Se ofrece la visión completa de todo el proceso de investigación realizado.ES

    La eficacia escolar en los centros del País Vasco

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    Existe una versión en euskera, con el título "Eskolaren eraginkortasuna Euskadiko ikastetxeetan"La Eficacia docente es un tema que desde 1966 ha ido creciendo en las investigaciones educativas internacionales ampliando, por una parte, las variables analizadas y, por otra, uniendo el concepto de eficacia con el de mejora. En el País Vasco se lleva a cabo una investigación de estas características por primera vez, mediante la colaboración entre la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU) y el Instituto de Evaluación e Investigación Educativa (ISEI-IVEI). Se inicia a partir de los resultados de las Evaluaciones de Diagnóstico de 4º de Educación Primaria y 2º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, que se están llevando a cabo en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV) desde el curso 2008-09. Tras la publicación del primer informe se vio la necesidad de continuar con la investigación iniciándose una segunda fase de trabajo en la que, además de incorporar los resultados de la Evaluación de Diagnóstico de 2011, se plantearon dos nuevas líneas de trabajo: estudio en mayor profundidad de 9 centros de alto valor añadido de la CAPV utilizando la técnica del estudio de casos y estudio para conocer las prácticas de los 8 centros de bajo valor añadido. Se ofrece la visión completa de todo el proceso de investigación realizado.ES