459 research outputs found

    PIVET rFSH dosing algorithms for individualized controlled ovarian stimulation enables optimized pregnancy productivity rates and avoidance of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

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    © 2016 Yovich et al.The first PIVET algorithm for individualized recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH) dosing in in vitro fertilization, reported in 2012, was based on age and antral follicle count grading with adjustments for anti-Müllerian hormone level, body mass index, day-2 FSH, and smoking history. In 2007, it was enabled by the introduction of a metered rFSH pen allowing small dosage increments of ~8.3 IU per click. In 2011, a second rFSH pen was introduced allowing more precise dosages of 12.5 IU per click, and both pens with their individual algorithms have been applied continuously at our clinic. The objective of this observational study was to validate the PIVET algorithms pertaining to the two rFSH pens with the aim of collecting =15 oocytes and minimizing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The data set included 2, 822 in vitro fertilization stimulations over a 6-year period until April 2014 applying either of the two individualized dosing algorithms and corresponding pens. The main outcome measures were mean oocytes retrieved and resultant embryos designated for transfer or cryopreservation permitted calculation of oocyte and embryo utilization rates. Ensuing pregnancies were tracked until live births, and live birth productivity rates embracing fresh and frozen transfers were calculated. Overall, the results showed that mean oocyte numbers were 10.0 for all women <40 years with 24% requiring rFSH dosages <150 IU. Applying both specific algorithms in our clinic meant that the starting dose was not altered for 79.1% of patients and for 30.1% of those receiving the very lowest rFSH dosages (=75 IU). Only 0.3% patients were diagnosed with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, all deemed avoidable due to definable breaches from the protocols. The live birth productivity rates exceeded 50% for women <35 years and was 33.2% for the group aged 35–39 years. Routine use of both algorithms led to only 11.6% of women generating.15 oocytes, significantly lower than recently published data applying conventional dosages (38.2%; P<0.0001). When comparing both specific algorithms to each other, the outcomes were mainly comparable for pregnancy, live birth, and miscarriage rate. However, there were significant differences in relation to number of oocytes retrieved, but the mean for both the algorithms remained well below 15 oocytes. Consequently, application of both these algorithms in our in vitro fertilization clinic allows the use of both the rFSH products, with very similar results, and they can be considered validated on the basis of effectiveness and safety, clearly avoiding ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

    Micromegas operation in high pressure xenon: charge and scintillation readout

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    The operational characteristics of a Micromegas operating in pure xenon at the pressure range of 1 to 10 bar are investigated. The maximum charge gain achieved in each pressure is approximately constant, around 4x10^2, for xenon pressures up to 5 bar and decreasing slowly above this pressure down to values somewhat above 10^2 at 10 bar. The MM presents the highest gains for xenon pressures above 4 bar, when compared to other micropattern gaseous multipliers. The lowest energy resolution obtained for X-rays of 22.1 keV exhibits a steady increase with pressure, from 12% at 1bar to about 32% at 10 bar. The effective scintillation yield, defined as the number of photons exiting through the MM mesh holes per primary electron produced in the conversion region was calculated. This yield is about 2x10^2 photons per primary electron at 1 bar, increasing to about 6x10^2 at 5 bar and, then, decreasing again to 2x10^2 at 10 bar. The readout of this scintillation by a suitable photosensor will result in higher gains but with increased statistical fluctuations.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure


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    [ES] Los modelos de simulación de cultivos son utilizados como herramientas de ayuda a la gestión de los recursos disponibles. Para el cultivo de la zanahoria, pocos trabajos han estudiado el efecto del riego deficitario sobre su rendimiento y la calidad de las cosechas. La metodología ORDI (optimized regulated deficit irrigation), integrada en el modelo MOPECO, optimiza la distribución del agua disponible para riego a lo largo del ciclo de un cultivo bajo condiciones de déficit. El estudio se realizó en un área experimental de SIPA - Integrado de Producción Agroecológica, que se encuentra en Seropédica-RJ, Brasil. El sistema de riego utilizado fue localizado por goteo, con un ramal por cada dos líneas de cultivo y un espaciamiento entre emisores de 10 cm, aportando un caudal de 4 litros metro-1 . Se evaluaron dos métodos de aplicación de riego deficitario, los llamados: CDI (nivel de déficit constante de agua) y ORDI (nivel de déficit variable optimizado por etapas). Para ambos métodos se aplicaron 6 relaciones ETa/ETm globales objetivo (1,0, 0,9, 0,8, 0,7, 0,6 y sin riego). En los dos años de ensayo no aparecieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los rendimientos totales cuando se compararon las metodologías ORDI y CDI, para el mismo nivel de déficit. Sin embargo, un alto porcentaje de las raíces obtenidas con la estrategia CDI presentaron deficiencias en términos de calidad (malformaciones, tamaños inadecuados, grietas, etc) que ocasionaron una disminución del rendimiento comercial. En consecuencia, para un mismo volumen de agua de riego aplicado, la distribución del riego propuesta por ORDI fue más eficiente en términos de rendimiento comercial (llegando al 50% en el tratamiento 0,6 y de alrededor del 24% para el resto de tratamientos).Conceicao, B.; Carvalhoa, D.; Domínguez, A.; Tarjuelo, J.; Martínez-Romero, A. (2015). COMPARACIÓN ENTRE LA PROPUESTA GENERADAS POR EL MODELO DE SIMULACION DE RIEGO OPTIMIZADO CON UN RIEGO CONSTANTE EN CULTIVO DE ZANAHORIA EN BRASIL. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1433OC

    Uroflowmetry in a Large Population of Brazilian Men Submitted to a health check up program and its correlation with ipss and prostate size

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    Purpose: the aim of this study was to assess the uroflowmetry data in a large population of asymptomatic Brazilian men submitted to a health check up program and their correlation to IPSS and prostate size.Materials and Methods: Asymptomatic men underwent a health check-up program between January and December 2012. the inclusion criteria were men between 40 and 70 years, IPSS <= 7, without bladder, prostate, urethral surgery, neurological diseases, urinary tract infection, PSA < 4.0 ng/dL and urinary volume higher than 150 mL. Urological assessment consisted of clinical history, IPSS, digital rectal examination (DRE), prostate specific antigen (PSA), urinalysis, ultrasonography and uroflowmetry.Results: A total of 1041 asymptomatic men were included in this study. the average age was 49 years and average maximum flow rate was 17.4 mL/s. in spite of IPSS and prostate size increase with aging, they had a weak correlation with Q(max) cutoffs (10 mL/s and 15 mL/s). A total of 85 men (8.3%) had more than 60 years, and even in this group, Q(max) was higher than 15 mL/s. Out of 1041 men, 117 had IPSS less than 8 and Q(max) less than 10 mL/s.Conclusions: in asymptomatic men there is a weak correlation between IPSS, prostate size and uroflowmetric data. the establishment of different normal cutoffs seems to be complicated and uroflowmetry data should be interpreted with caution in order to avoid misdiagnosis.Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWake Forest Univ, Winston Salem, NC 27109 USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Influencia de atributos químicos e físicos do solo no desenvolvimento da seringueira na região da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais.

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    A expansão da heveicultura em regiões não tradicionais que apresentam condições edafoclimáticas diferentes do seu habitat natural é prejudicada pela carência de informações técnicas. No Estado de Minas Gerais, a falta de conhecimento dos fatores inerentes às relações soloplanta tem se tornado uma séria limitação ao processo de implantação e exploração de seringais. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas duas toposseqüências de solos sob vegetação de seringueira; uma situada na Fazenda Experimental da Empresa Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - EPAMIG, no município de Oratórios, e outra em área de produtor, no município de Raul Soares, ambas no vale do Piranga, região da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais. As caracterizações físicas e químicas revelaram uma forte diferenciação dos solos na vertente, sendo os Latossolos predominantes no topo, enquanto que, nas partes mais baixas, predominam os Nitossolos com presença de horizontes B níticos, maciços, coesos, adensados e pouco porosos. Os resultados de densidade (aparente e real), porosidade (macro e micro) e lâminas delgadas de amostras não deformadas, assim como as análises físicas e químicas, confirmaram as observações e determinações de campo. Os diferentes resultados foram relacionados com o desenvolvimento do clone de seringueira IAN 873 (circunferência de caule) e mostraram uma estreita relação entre as características físicas dos solos e o desenvolvimento da seringueira. Realizou-se a avaliação nutricional das plantas, em função das condições pedológicas, sendo observado um melhor comportamento do seringal nos Latossolos relativamente bem estruturados e com um funcionamento hidrodinâmico rápido, quando comparados aos Nitossolos, que apresentaram uma porosidade globalmente reduzida e uma drenagem interna muito deficiente.bitstream/item/62210/1/Influencia-de-atributos.pd