457 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Compagna, Armand (Jackman, Somerset County)

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    The Operation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Assistants in the Environment of Care Facilities Adopting a User-Centered Development Design

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    The successful development of autonomous mobile robot assistants depends significantly on the well-balanced reconcilements of the technically possible and the socially desirable. Based on empirical research 2 substantiated conclusions can be established for the suitability of "scenario-based design" (Rosson/Carroll 2003) for the successful development of mobile robot assistants and automated guided vehicles to be applied for service functions in stationary care facilities for seniors.User-Centered Technology Development, Knowledge-Transfer, Participative Assessment Methods, Robotics

    The Effect of cylindrical obstructions on the fluid flow in narrow rectangular channels

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    This thesis presents a computational fluid flow analysis in narrow rectangular channels, with regular spaced cylindrical disks acting as obstructions to fluid flow. The problem geometry is based on an approximation of the configuration used in a PCR detection chamber. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method of DNA analysis that depends on the flow uniformity within the detection channel. The nominal channel is a narrow channel with a maximum gap height of 0.13 mm and a maximum width of 5.0 mm. The fluid flow rate and channel size result in a Reynolds number less than 5. The effect of oligonucleotide detection probes within the detection channel and the channel geometry on the fluid pressure is determined. This is accomplished by approximating the detection probes as short cylinders and using the CFD code FLUENT to calculate the flow velocity within an idealized rectangular detection chamber. The CFD results are compared to theoretical potential flow solutions and other published numerical results in 2-dimensions. This work extends the 2-D solutions to solve the full 3-dimensional flow field within the detection chamber

    Studi di catalanistica in Italia (2005-2014 circa)

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    Abstract: This article provides an overview of Catalan studies carried out in Italy, based on the recent contribution offered in the RISCAT, journal of the Catalan Studies Italian Association

    The operation of autonomous mobile robot assistants in the environment of care facilities adopting a user-centered development design

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    The participation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Stuttgart, Germany) and the companies User Interface Design GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) plus MLR System GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) enabled the research and findings presented in this paper; we would like to namely mention Birgit Graf and Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) furthermore Peter Klein and Christiane Hartmann (User Interface Design GmbH).The successful development of autonomous mobile robot assistants depends significantly on the well-balanced reconcilements of the technically possible and the socially desirable. Based on empirical research substantiated conclusions can be established for the suitability of "scenario-based design" (Rosson/Carroll 2003) for the successful development of mobile robot assistants and automated guided vehicles to be applied for service functions in stationary care facilities for seniors.supported by the WiMi-Care project [http://www.wimi-care.de] funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (FKZ: 01FC08024-27)


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    Zur Rekonfiguration von Subjektivität in/beim digitalen Spielen

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    "Dieses Working Paper widmet sich den Besonderheiten virtueller Handlungsräume in digitalen Spielen. Die folgenden Ausführungen werden dabei von der Annahme getragen, dass die lebensweltlichen Schwierigkeiten, die Handlungsräume digitaler Spiele als soziale Räume wahrzunehmen bzw. anzuerkennen, vor allem der (im herkömmlichen Sinne) 'Körperlosigkeit' dieser Interaktionsräume geschuldet ist. Zudem stellt das Verhältnis des/der Spielers/in zu "seiner"/"ihrer" Spielfigur die soziologische Handlungstheorie, mithin philosophisch anthropologische Entwürfe, vor großen Herausforderungen: Handelnde/r und Handlung treten auf eine eigentümliche Weise auseinander, so dass elementare Annahmen bezüglich der Konstitution des Subjektes und von Subjektivität nicht mehr greifen oder den Sachverhalt unangemessen verkürzend darstellen. Die Kernelemente, um die die folgenden Überlegungen vor dem Hintergrund digitaler Spielhandlungen kreisen, sind das Verhältnis des/der Handelnden zu seiner/ihrer Handlung, die Abwesenheit des Spieler/innen-Körpers im Interaktionsraum digitaler Spiele und die tief greifenden Konsequenzen dieser Beobachtungen auf Subjektivierungspraxen von Gegenwartsgesellschaften." (Autorenreferat

    I diritti naturali in diritto costituzionale

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    Adifferenza della rivoluzione americana, nella quale un'architettura costituzionale stabile fu l'effettivo risultato dell'affermazione rivoluzionaria, la rivoluzione francese vide aprirsi un fossato sempre crescente tra Rivoluzione e Costituzione. In quel fossato andarono di volta in vol ta a frantumarsi, nel decennio che va dal giuramento della Pallacorda al testo del 1799 con il quale Napoleone reputava di terminare la rivoluzione, molti e multif ormi sf orzi di ere are una espressione costituzionale, se non definitiva, duratura almeno per una generazione di francesi. Da quel fossato in quel decennio Sieyes fu costituente e costituzionalista che non si lascio inghiottire, ma che in molteplici e multiformi circostanze fu in grado talora di ripetersi senza riproporsi e talora di riproporsi senza ripetersi. Fino a quell'estremo sommesso "la Constitution c'est moi", quando su di lui incombeva un altro fossato di tutt'altra natura. [excerpt]peer-reviewe