79 research outputs found

    Hannah C. Comia, Piano: Graduate Piano Recital

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    Determinants In The Choice Of Comprehensible Input Strategies In Science Classes

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    The Bilingual Education Policy, which was launched in 1974 and revised in 1987, has resulted in the limited exposure of Filipino learners to the English language. This is because the policy reversed previous policies and stipulates that in only two content area subjects, namely, Science and Mathematics is English to be used as medium of instruction. The limited exposure to English has been cited as one of the reasons for the declining proficiency in English of Filipino students since the promulgation of the policy (Gonzales, 1986). On the other hand, the use of English as medium of instruction in cognitively demanding subjects such as science and mathematics has also been given as the reason for the poor showing of students and even teachers themselves in nationwide tests in Science (Maminta, 1985). The overall downtrend in student achievement as evidenced by the poor performance on all of the tests has given rise to two issues concerning the policy. First, is the language for initial literacy and the second is the medium of instruction in science and mathematics. These language issues are crucial in as much as language is the primary vehicle of expression and thought exchange in the classroom. Teaching and learning are in fact language tasks carried out largely by means of verbal interaction between teacher and students (Bellack, et al 1966). The exchange of ideas between students and teachers is largely done through language as they talk about concepts in science, mathematics and other content areas

    HarvsÄdd i konventionella och plöjningsfria bearbetningssystem

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    I en serie med lÄngliggande försök jÀmfördes tvÄ storruteled (plöjning till 25 cm djup respektive stubbearbetning till 13 cm djup) och tvÄ smÄruteled (konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och sÄdd respektive harv sÄdd) för att testa om en reducering av antalet överfarter minskar de negativa effekter av packning av centrala matjorden som förknippas med plöjningsfri odling. Skörden bestÀmdes varje Är pÄ alla platserna. En undersökning av jordens fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaper samt rotfördelning genomfördes 1991 pÄ en av de fyra försöksplatserna. - Bearbetningsdjup, aggregatstorleksfördelning och vattenhalt i sÄbÀdden och i sÄbÀddens botten var liknande i de olika leden medan sÄbÀddens botten var jÀmnare i det oplöjda ledet. Det pÄverkade ej grödans uppkomst, som var liknande mellan leden. - Andelen porer > 100 ”m, porkontinuitet, mÀttad vattengenomslÀpplighet och luftgenomslÀpplighet pÄverkades positivt av plöjningsfri odling jÀmfört med konventionell bearbetning. - Skrymdensitet, packningsgrad och penetrometermotstÄnd var liknande i bearbetningssystemen i nivÄn 0-13 cm, men signifikant högre i oplöjda led i nivÄn 13-25 cm, dÀr rotdensiteten var signifikant lÀgre. - Kalium och kol var koncentrerade till de övre 13 cm i oplöjda rutor, medan fosfor och pH ej pÄverkades av bearbetningssystemen. - HarvsÄdd gav 2 % högre skörd Àn konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och verkar vara ett gott alternativ till konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning, men andra metoder för att reducera packningen av jorden, som till exempel dÀck med extremt lÄga tryck, bör testas

    Molecular Detection of Leptospira spp. in Rodents Trapped in the Mozambique Island City, Nampula Province, Mozambique

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    Introduction: Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonotic disease caused by a bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In Africa, it is frequently mistaken for frequently occurring conditions such as malaria. The aim of this study was to identify rodent species involved in the transmission of the disease, the prevalence of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in selected rodent species and risk factors for human leptospirosis. Material and Methods: We conducted a descriptive and exploratory epidemiological and molecular study in Mozambique Island city in 2015. Six neighborhoods, comprising 30 households each were randomly selected. People from the selected 180 households were interviewed regarding their awareness of the disease, the presence of rodents in their houses, chemicals used to eliminate them, sewage disposal, water supply system, and other key issues related to the disease. In each neighborhood, we trapped 10 rodents for a morphometric study to identify their species and for molecular isolation of Leptospira DNA. We extracted kidneys from 57/60 of rodents trapped and performed nested polymerase chain reaction targeting rrs 16S ribosomal RNA and lipL32 genes for identification of Leptospira genus and pathogenic Leptospira spp. respectively. Results: Of the 180 participants 92 (51%) reported having heard of leptospirosis;107 (59%) have had the disease; 151 (83%) reported the existence of rats in their house; 100 (56%) had latrines; 118 (66%) used chemicals to kill the rats; 102 (57%) used well water and 114 (63%) used trash containers. The most prevalent rodent species captured was Rattus norvegicus 36/60 (60%), followed by Rattus rattus 19/60 (31.67%) and Mus musculus 3/60 (5%). Sequences of rrs 16S rRNA gene were identified rrs 16S ribosomal DNA RNA was identified in 20/57 (35.%) rodents. Out these two were positive for lipL32 gene, giving an overall pathogenic Leptospira infection of 3.5% (2/57). The rodent species identified as carriers of pathogenic Leptospira were Rattus norvegicus (1) and R. rattus (1). Conclusion: This is the first study in Mozambique to identify the presence of pathogenic species of Leptospira using molecular tools. Leptospirosis risk factors in Mozambique Island city are rodent’s infestation, limited disease awareness, lack of access to clean water, insufficient resources for waste collection, greater clustering of households, poor sanitation environment and degradation of living conditions. Pathogenic Leptospira spp. are present in the area studied and at least two species of rodents, the R. rattus and R. norvegicus are potentially involved in the transmission of the causal agents of the disease.publishersversionpublishe

    On Minimum Distance Problem

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    This study provides a clear-cut solution to a minimum distance problem, in particular, the problem of finding the minimum distance from a point to a line to another point on the same side of the line. The straightforward solution is a Pythagorean relation or formula which can be derived through geometrical construction and reasoning, and analytical approach using differentiation, particularly, the application of extreme-value theorem. Such formula is vital in solving minimum distance problems with greater ease, accuracy and speed. This will lessen the cost and waste of materials in practical engineering and business applications

    Elektroforetska analiza proteina iz spolnih organa i kutikule glista Ascaris lumbricoides i Ascaris suum

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    Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum were analysed for similarities and differences in the banding patterns of proteins extracted from the body wall (BW) and reproductive organs (ROS). Ascaris lumbricoides and A. suum manifested considerable similarity in protein profile. The BW of female ascarids manifested 10 common bands, while males had 12 common bands, and of these proteins, at least five were common to both sexes. A comparison of the ROS banding profile between female and male Ascaris lumbricodes and A. suum revealed 11 and 12 common bands, respectively, of which six bands were shared. While the BW and ROS of male ascarids revealed eight shared bands, female ascarids had only two common bands. The detection of 25 kDa, 20-21 kDa and 18 kDa bands in virtually all protein samples assayed suggests their importance as housekeeping molecules and possibly valuable markers. The appreciable similarities in protein banding patterns between human and hog ascarids reflect their close genetic relationship. In view of current findings and earlier documented studies pointing to the zoonotic nature and high probability of cross-infection between human and hog species, control strategies should take into consideration the simultaneous deworming of infected persons and hogs. The likelihood of cross-infection between human and hog Ascaris spp. in the country can be further assessed through surveillance of human and hog ascarids, in places where backyard hog-rearing is still commonly practised. The current electrophoretic protein profiling of Ascaris spp. is the first of its kind in the country.Ascaris lumbricoides i Ascaris suum bili su analizirani radi utvrđivanja sličnosti i razlike u elektroforetskoj pokretljivosti proteina iz njihove kutikule i spolnih organa. U obje vrste dokazana je znatna sličnost proteinskoga profila. Elektroforezom iscrpka kutikule ĆŸenki ustanovljeno je deset zajedničkih vrpci za obje vrste, dok je elektroforezom proteina kutikule muĆŸjaka dobiveno 12 zajedničkih vrpci proteina od čega je najmanje pet proteina bilo zajedničko za oba spola. Usporedbom proteinskoga profila spolnih organa ĆŸenki i muĆŸjaka obiju vrsta dokazane su također mnoge sličnosti. U proteinskomu profilu vrste Ascaris lumbricoides dokazano je 11 proteinskih traka dok je u proteinskomu profilu vrste Ascaris suum dokazano 12 vrpci, od čega je ĆĄest bilo zajedničkih. Elektroforezom proteinskih iscrpaka spolnih organa i kutikule muĆŸjaka dokazano je osam zajedničkih proteinskih vrpci, dok su istom usporedbom proteinskoga profila ĆŸenki dokazane samo dvije zajedničke proteinske vrpce. Nalaz proteinskih vrpci od 25 kDa, 20-21 kDa i 18 kDa gotovo u svim pretraĆŸenim proteinskim ekstraktima govori o njihovoj velikoj vaĆŸnosti te mogućoj upotrebi u svojstvu markera. Dokazane sličnosti u sastavu proteinskih ekstrakata u askarida izdvojenih iz ljudi i svinja govori o njihovoj bliskoj genetskoj srodnosti. S obzirom na ove nalaze i ranija istraĆŸivanja koja upućuju na zoonotsku prirodu askaridoze i veliku mogućnost kriĆŸnih invazija ljudi i svinja, treba donijeti kontrolne mjere za istodobno dehelmintizaciju invadiranih ljudi i svinja. Vjerojatnost kriĆŸne invazije ljudi i svinja vrstama roda Ascaris treba procijeniti na osnovi pretraga na askaridozu u mjestima gdje se svinje joĆĄ uvijek drĆŸe po dvoriĆĄtima. Ovo je prva analiza proteinskoga profila vrsta roda Ascaris na Filipinima


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    This article argues that the practice of agroforestry provides ecological contributions to the smallholder farmers cultivating in the watershed areas. Specifically, this farming system provides contribution to carbon sequestration potential of the woody perennials and the biodiversity conservation of the other components of the system.   This argument is based on the research conducted in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed, Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve in the Philippines and Way Betung Watershed in Indonesia.  The research involved an interview session of 106 and 261 smallholder farmers and an assessment of 27 and 14 agroforesty plots for carbon stock assessment and biodiversity assessment, respectively. Results indicated that the total carbon found among the crop components was 52.32 MgC/ha in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed­ and 244.26 MgC/ha in Way Betung Watershed­, which suggested the high carbon sequestration potential of the woody perennials and understory crops in an agroforestry system.  The farm lots being cultivated by the smallholder farmers were found to contribute to biodiversity conservation having a moderate biodiversity index of 2.59 and 2.53, respectively.  With these findings, promotion of desired agroforestry systems in suitable portions of the watershed areas should be intensified and heightened to contribute to ecological balance across the landscape.  Agroforestry should always be an integral part of all initiatives toward ecological restoration with the cultivators/smallholder farmers as potential partners.  The agroforestry system should consider all the technical and socioeconomic considerations toward having diverse components and ensure food security among the smallholder farmers throughout the year

    The mediating role of religiosity in the relationship between adherence to traditional gender roles and male rape myth acceptance

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    The present study investigated the role of religiosity as a mediator in the relationship between adherence to traditional gender roles and male rape myth acceptance. Its participants were undergraduate students, ages 18 and above, from the Philippines. After gathering responses from online surveys, the researchers conducted regression analyses to examine the overall data (N = 509). Contrary to previous literature and the Gender Schema Theory, they found that religiosity does not mediate the relationship between adherence to traditional gender roles and male rape myth acceptance. Considering the differences between males and females relative to the variables they used—as evidenced by past studies—the researchers employed an independent samples t-test. They then conducted another series of regression analyses and examined the data of their male (N = 266) and female (N = 243) participants. Interestingly, results revealed that while religiosity does not mediate the relationship between adherence to traditional gender roles and acceptance of myths surrounding male rape in females, it acts as a partial mediator in males. Along with each finding, the researchers presented several implications and recommendations

    Ecological Services of Agroforestry Landscapes in Selected Watershed Areas in the Philippines and Indonesia

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    This article argues that the practice of agroforestry provides ecological contributions to the smallholder farmers cultivating in the watershed areas. Specifically, this farming system provides contribution to carbon sequestration potential of the woody perennials and the biodiversity conservation of the other components of the system. This argument is based on the research conducted in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed, Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve in the Philippines and Way Betung Watershed in Indonesia. The research involved an interview session of 106 and 261 smallholder farmers and an assessment of 27 and 14 agroforesty plots for carbon stock assessment and biodiversity assessment, respectively. Results indicated that the total carbon found among the crop components was 52.32 MgC/ha in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed­ and 244.26 MgC/ha in Way Betung Watershed­, which suggested the high carbon sequestration potential of the woody perennials and understory crops in an agroforestry system. The farm lots being cultivated by the smallholder farmers were found to contribute to biodiversity conservation having a moderate biodiversity index of 2.59 and 2.53, respectively. With these findings, promotion of desired agroforestry systems in suitable portions of the watershed areas should be intensified and heightened to contribute to ecological balance across the landscape. Agroforestry should always be an integral part of all initiatives toward ecological restoration with the cultivators/smallholder farmers as potential partners. The agroforestry system should consider all the technical and socioeconomic considerations toward having diverse components and ensure food security among the smallholder farmers throughout the year


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    AccessRI, a studio team comprised of ten graduate students in the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College, was commissioned by New York State Senator JosĂ© M. Serrano to identify and provide strategies to address residents’ concerns regarding the quality of life on Roosevelt Island. Roosevelt Island, located between Manhattan and Queens in the East River, is an exceptional place within the varied fabric of New York City. The island provides its residents with an existence apart from the typical hassles associated with urban life, yet its proximity to the rest of the city allows residents to partake in countless amenities. Not only does the island possess a unique geographic location, but its history as a master-planned community has helped to create its distinct character, while simultaneously creating many challenges. Roosevelt Island was virtually abandoned after decades of service as a place for New York’s sick and infirmed. The city, under the Lindsay administration, embarked on an ambitious redevelopment plan. The master plan designed by architects Philip Johnson and John Burgee in 1969, utilized the island’s exceptional views and established a framework for an idealized, “auto-free,” mixed-use development. The development scheme included low and moderate-income housing, a parking garage, the preservation of six historic structures, abundant public spaces and a commercial corridor. The original master plan successfully established a distinctive community that enjoys some of the finest views and greatest amounts of open space that the city has to offer. Yet despite these advantages, the current residents of the island are struggling with a myriad of issues that range from problems caused by aging and neglected infrastructure to demographic and social changes resulting from an influx of residents moving into newly built or renovated residential developments. These concerns are coupled with residents’ perceptions of inadequate governance, that result in the feeling that their concerns are ignored and will never be addressed. Through initial investigation, AccessRI found that the best way to assist residents in improving their quality of life would be to improve access to the facilities and services necessary for well-being
