344 research outputs found

    New Brown Dwarfs and an Updated Initial Mass Function in Taurus

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    I have performed a search for young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs (BDs) in 2 regions encompassing a total area of 4 deg^2 in the Taurus star-forming region, discovering 15 new members of Taurus. In addition, I present 7 new members outside of these areas from the initial stage of a survey of all of Taurus. These 22 objects exhibit spectral types of M4.5-M9.25 and masses of 0.3-0.015 M_sun according to the theoretical evolutionary models of Baraffe and Chabrier, 7 of which are likely to be BDs. Emission in H(alpha), He I, Ca II, [O I], and [S II] and excess emission in optical and near-IR bands among some of these objects suggest the presence of accretion, outflows, and circumstellar disks. The results from the 4 deg^2 survey have been combined with previous studies of Taurus to arrive at an IMF for a total area of 12.4 deg^2. As in the previous IMFs for Taurus, the updated IMF peaks at a higher mass (0.8 M_sun) than the mass functions in IC 348 and Orion (0.1-0.2 M_sun). Meanwhile, the deficit of BDs in Taurus appears to be less significant (x1.4-1.8) than found in earlier studies (x2) because of a slightly higher BD fraction in the new IMF for Taurus and a lower BD fraction in the new spectroscopic IMF for the Trapezium from Slesnick and coworkers. The spatial distribution of the low-mass stars and BDs discovered in the two new survey areas closely matches that of the more massive members. Thus, on the degree size scales (~3 pc) probed to date, there is no indication that BDs form through ejection.Comment: 35 pages, The Astrophysical Journal, 2004, v617 (December 20

    Inner rings in disc galaxies: dead or alive

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    In this Letter, I distinguish "passive" inner rings as those with no current star formation as distinct from "active" inner rings that have undergone recent star formation. I built a sample of nearby galaxies with inner rings observed in the near-and mid-infrared from the NIRS0S and the S(4)G surveys. I used archival far-ultraviolet (FUV) and H alpha imaging of 319 galaxies to diagnose whether their inner rings are passive or active. I found that passive rings are found only in early-type disc galaxies (-3 <= T <= 2). In this range of stages, 21 +/- 3% and 28 +/- 5% of the rings are passive according to the FUV and H alpha indicators, respectively. A ring that is passive according to the FUV is always passive according to H alpha, but the reverse is not always true. Ring-lenses form 30-40% of passive rings, which is four times more than the fraction of ring-lenses found in active rings in the stage range -3 <= T <= 2. This is consistent with both a resonance and a manifold origin for the rings because both models predict purely stellar rings to be wider than their star-forming counterparts. In the case of resonance rings, the widening may be at least partly due to the dissolution of rings. If most inner rings have a resonance origin, I estimate 200 Myr to be a lower bound for their dissolution time-scale. This time-scale is of the order of one orbital period at the radius of inner rings

    Search for the companions of Galactic SNe Ia

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    The central regions of the remnants of Galactic SNe Ia have been examined for the presence of companion stars of the exploded supernovae. We present the results of this survey for the historical SN 1572 and SN 1006. The spectra of the stars are modeled to obtain Teff, log g and the metallicity. Radial velocities are obtained with an accuracy of 5--10 km s−1^{-1}. Implications for the nature of the companion star in SNeIa follow.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Appeared in "From Twilight to Highlight: the Physics of Supernovae", ed. W. Hillebrandt & B. Leibundgut (Springer), pp. 140-14

    An L-type substellar object in Orion: reaching the mass boundary between brown dwarfs and giant planets

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    We present J-band photometry and low-resolution optical spectroscopy (600-1000 nm) for one of the faintest substellar member candidates in the young sigma Ori cluster, SOri 47 (I=20.53, Bejar et al. 1999). Its very red (I-J)=3.3+/-0.1 color and its optical spectrum allow us to classify SOri 47 as an L1.5-type object which fits the low-luminosity end of the cluster photometric and spectroscopic sequences. It also displays atmospheric features indicative of low gravity such as weak alkaline lines and hydride and oxide bands, consistent with the expectation for a very young object still undergoing gravitational collapse. Our data lead us to conclude that SOri 47 is a true substellar member of the sigma Ori cluster. Additionally, we present the detection of LiI in its atmosphere which provides an independent confirmation of youth and substellarity. Using current theoretical evolutionary tracks and adopting an age interval of 1-5 Myr for the sigma Ori cluster, we estimate the mass of SOri 47 at 0.015+/-0.005 Msun, i.e. at the minimum mass for deuterium burning, which has been proposed as a definition for the boundary between brown dwarfs and giant planets. SOri 47 could well be the result of a natural extension of the process of cloud fragmentation down to the deuterium burning mass limit; a less likely alternative is that it has originated from a protoplanetary disc around a more massive cluster member and later ejected from its orbit due to interacting effects within this rather sparse (~12 objects/pc^3) young cluster.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On the origin of the neutral hydrogen supershells: the ionized progenitors and the limitations of the multiple supernovae hypothesis

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    Here we address the question whether the ionized shells associated with giant HII regions can be progenitors of the larger HI shell-like objects found in the Milky Way and other spiral and dwarf irregular galaxies. We use for our analysis a sample of 12 HII shells presented recently by Rela\~no et al. (2005, 2007). We calculate the evolutionary tracks that these shells would have if their expansion is driven by multiple supernovae explosions from the parental stellar clusters. We find, contrary to Rela\~no et al. (2007), that the evolutionary tracks of their sample HII shells are inconsistent with the observed parameters of the largest and most massive neutral hydrogen supershells. We conclude that HII shells found inside giant HII regions may represent the progenitors of small or intermediate HI shells, however they cannot evolve into the largest HI objects unless, aside from the multiple supernovae explosions, an additional energy source contributes to their expansion.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, tentatively scheduled for the ApJ July 1, 2008, v681n1 issue. 19 pages, 4 figure

    A Young Very Low-Mass Object surrounded by warm dust

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    We present a complete low-resolution (R~100) near-infrared spectrum of the substellar object GY11, member of the rho-Ophiuchi young association. The object is remarkable because of its low estimated mass and age and because it is associated with a mid-infrared source, an indication of a surrounding dusty disk. Based on the comparison of our spectrum with similar spectra of field M-dwarfs and atmospheric models, we obtain revised estimates of the spectral type, effective temperature and luminosity of the central object. These parameters are used to place the object on a Hertzprung-Russell diagram and to compare with the prediction of pre-main sequence evolutionary models. Our analysis suggests that the central object has a very low mass, probably below the deuterium burning limit and in the range 8-12MJupiter, and a young age, less than 1Myr. The infrared excess is shown to be consistent with the emission of a flared, irradiated disk similar to those found in more massive brown dwarf and TTauri systems. This result suggests that substellar objects, even the so-called isolated planetary mass objects, found in young stellar associations are produced in a similar fashion as stars, by core contraction and gravitational collapse.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, 13 pages 4 figure

    A Survey for Circumstellar Disks Around Young Substellar Objects

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    (Abridged) We have completed the first systematic survey for disks around spectroscopically identified young brown dwarfs and very low mass stars. We have obtained L'-band (3.8 um) imaging for 38 very cool objects in IC 348 and Taurus. Our targets span spectral types from M6 to M9.5 (~100 to ~15 Mjup). Using the objects' measured spectral types and extinctions, we find that most of our sample (77%+/-15%) possess intrinsic IR excesses, indicative of disks. Because the excesses are modest, conventional analyses using only IR colors would have missed most of the sources with excesses. The observed IR excesses are correlated with Halpha emission, consistent with a common accretion disk origin. The excesses can be explained by disk reprocessing of starlight alone; the implied accretion rates are at least an order of magnitude below typical values for classical T Tauri stars. The observed distribution of IR excesses suggests the presence of inner disk holes. The disk frequency appears to be independent of the mass and age. In the same star-forming regions, disks around brown dwarfs are at least as long-lived (~3 Myr) as disks around the T Tauri stars. Altogether, the frequency and properties of young circumstellar disks appear to be similar from the stellar regime down to the substellar and planetary-mass regime. This provides prima facie evidence of a common origin for most stars and brown dwarfs.Comment: ApJ, in press, 28 pages. Minor change to the online, abridged version of the abstract. No change to the actual pape

    First Detection of Millimeter Dust Emission from Brown Dwarf Disks

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    We report results from the first deep millimeter continuum survey targeting Brown Dwarfs (BDs). The survey led to the first detection of cold dust in the disks around two young BDs (CFHT-BD-Tau 4 and IC348 613), with deep JCMT and IRAM observations reaching flux levels of a few mJy. The dust masses are estimated to be a few Earth masses assuming the same dust opacities as usually applied to TTauri stars.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for ApJ

    Four Brown Dwarfs in the Taurus Star-Forming Region

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    We have identified four brown dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region. They were first selected from RR and II CCD photometry of 2.29 square degrees obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Subsequently, they were recovered in the 2MASS second incremental data release point source catalog. Low-resolution optical spectra obtained at the William Herschel telescope allow us to derive spectral types in the range M7--M9. One of the brown dwarfs has very strong Hα\alpha emission (EW=-340 \AA). It also displays BrÎł\gamma emission in an infrared spectrum obtained with IRCS on the Subaru telescope, suggesting that it is accreting matter from a disk. The \ion{K}{1} resonance doublet and the \ion{Na}{1} subordinate doublet at 818.3 and 819.5 nm in these Taurus objects are weaker than in field dwarfs of similar spectral type, consistent with low surface gravities as expected for young brown dwarfs. Two of the objects are cooler and fainter than GG Tau Bb, the lowest mass known member of the Taurus association. We estimate masses of only 0.03 M⊙_\odot for them. The spatial distribution of brown dwarfs in Taurus hints to a possible anticorrelation between the density of stars and the density of brown dwarfs.Comment: ApJ Letters (in press
