29 research outputs found


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    Agricultural machinery manufacturers historically referred to the intermediate players for selling, maintenance, customer service and/or training of equipment appear to interact with farmers and end-users. Intermediate players have therefore faced the burden to master the technology, in constant evolution, and the associated training needs at the interface between a sophisticated equipment and the end-user and its sociological characteristics (age, education, background, etc.). However, the effective deployment of agricultural technologies data augmented equipment demands well trained players. How to ensure that the intermediate players have the required skills to integrate the use of agtech in the farm? This paper will discuss the role of educational and ongoing vocational training for the mastery of agtech. We will start from a comparative review of some key national and European technical reports in the agricultural equipment and innovation domains. On these bases, we will focus on France to describe the role of intermediate players of the agricultural equipment sector to realize their agricultural and digital transitions

    Five years of beach drainage survey on a macrotidal beach (Quend-Plage, northern France)

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    AbstractA drainage system was installed in 2008 on the macrotidal beach of Quend-Plage, close to Abbeville (Somme, northern France), following a period of significant erosion of recreational areas. The “Direction dĂ©partementale des territoires et de la mer” (French Coastal Department Authority) has requested a biannual survey in order to validate the beach drainage setup and its efficiency. This paper presents the methodology used for this survey, and the response of the coastal system to this soft engineering method for preventing erosion. These five years of drainage operation have strongly modified the morphology of the beach. Three main modifications occurred: (i) accretion of the upper beach and foredune, (ii) erosion of the lower and middle beach and (iii) a slight shift in directions of the beach bars and troughs. These morphological changes finally led to the stabilization of the beach

    Typologie des auréoles bocagÚres en milieu rural

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    La communautĂ© de communes de la rĂ©gion de Bapaume (CCRB) a rĂ©alisĂ© un Ă©tat des lieux de son territoire pour dĂ©finir les grandes orientations d’amĂ©nagement. L’étude intĂšgre les aurĂ©oles bocagĂšres Ă  l’interface des zones urbanisĂ©es et du milieu agricole, reconnues comme dĂ©pendantes des dynamiques agricoles locales. Pour ce faire, il est nĂ©cessaire de rĂ©aliser des diagnostics des territoires, intĂ©grant les Ă©lĂ©ments semi-naturels, et par-lĂ  mĂȘme de dĂ©finir des typologies. L’étude s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  la comparaison de deux mĂ©thodes pour la rĂ©alisation des typologies : Ă  dire d’experts et statistique. Les typologies des aurĂ©oles bocagĂšres ont montrĂ© que les communes avec des aurĂ©oles dĂ©gradĂ©es sont majoritaires. Leur Ă©tat de conservation n’a pu ĂȘtre corrĂ©lĂ© ni avec les orientations technico-Ă©conomiques ou les typologies des communes ni avec la prĂ©sence d’infrastructures routiĂšres. L’étude dĂ©montre l’importance de la prise en compte historique du territoire et l’insuffisance de la mĂ©thode statistique qui ne traduit pas assez finement l’impression paysagĂšre locale.The grouping of municipalities of the region of Bapaume (in French CommunautĂ© de communes de la rĂ©gion de Bapaume) has surveyed its territory in order to define major development needs. The survey includes the peri-urban bocage landscapes which are the interface between urban and farming areas, and are recognised as dependent on local farming activities. To conduct this survey it is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the territories, including semi-natural elements, and in the process to define typologies. The study focuses on comparing two methods for establishing typologies : one based on expertise and the other on statistics. The typologies of the peri-urban bocage landscapes reveal the fact that a majority of municipalities have degraded bocage landscapes. Their state of preservation can not be correlated with technical and economic trends, with typologies of municipalities, or with the presence of road infrastructures. The study reveals the importance of taking into account the historical background of the territory and the shortcomings of a statistical method which does not provide a sufficiently detailed picture of the local landscape

    Distribution of precision agriculture technologies: a first survey of French dealerships

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    International audiencePrecision agriculture technologies (PAT) are very diversified. The proliferation of precision agriculture products and services, as well as of their providers can confuse farmers. In addition, the lack of agronomic references for these technologies is slowing their adoption. The organization and development of the distribution network can help the providers of PAT to support farmers and other end customers. This study describes how PAT are being addressed by ordinary dealers of agricultural machinery and equipment. We aimed at identifying the main trends in the distribution of PAT among dealers, as well as the obstacles and the expected added value of these technologies for their business. We focused on metropolitan France as the first European country for agricultural production and highly committed to the development of agtech. A series of semi-direct interviews was realized on a sample covering the main tractor manufacturers on the national territory, the involvement of the dealer manager in the national trade union (i.e., SEDIMA) and already offering PAT. The interview consisted of four parts: (i) current offer by the dealership and level of PAT use/equipment by customers; (ii) 5-years strategy of the dealership about these technologies; (iii) changes in personnel (recruitment, training, etc.) and organization related to these new products/services; (iv) identification of expected added value and obstacles. The notes taken during the phone interviews were coded into themes and topics to ensure harmonization and comparability, then analyzed to provide summary statistics, and to identify main trends and recommendations about the distribution of PAT

    CaractĂ©risation physique et Ă©volution historique d'un terroir viticole champenois : le cas de la commune de SĂ©zanne (Marne – France)

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    Due to the blending, we don't speak of "terroir" in Champagne vineyard. But, in fact, oenologists of each "Maison de Champagne" make their wines with different grapes varieties harvested in different plots. This work is founded only on traditional knowledge and wine tasting.Choice during works of winegrowing and wine tasting can be improved with scientific studies of the "micro-terroirs". That's why, some years ago, a reflection begun on the concept of "terroir" in Champagne. This article presents a case study of Sezanne, a vineyard area of 22.8 km2, unknown and not classified among the best vineyards. It carries out the relation between physics and historic parameters, and how the wine growers modify plantations to adapt themselves to the requests of the consumers, while respecting the traditions and the natural conditions

    Mastering agtech again: emerging of newtraining offers and intermediate players

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    Agricultural machinery manufacturers historically referred to the intermediate players for selling, maintenance, customer service and/or training of equipment appear to interact with farmers and end-users. Intermediate players have therefore faced the burden to master the technology, in constant evolution, and the associated training needs at the interface between a sophisticated equipment and the enduser and its sociological characteristics (age, education, background, etc.). However, the effective deployment of agricultural technologies data augmented equipment demands well trained players. How to ensure that the intermediate players have the required skills to integrate the use of agtech in the farm? This paper will discuss the role of educational and ongoing vocational training for the mastery of agtech. We will start from a comparative review of some key national and European technical reports in the agricultural equipment and innovation domains. On these bases, we will focus on France to describe the role of intermediate players of the agricultural equipment sector to realize their agricultural and digital transitions

    MInndAgrM - Maütriser l’innovation de l’Agro-Machinisme

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    International audienceL’innovation en agriculture nĂ©cessite un renouvellement des synergies entre culture mĂ©canique et agronomique (cf. rapport Bournigal 2014). Une telle innovation se dĂ©veloppe souvent sur le terrain par le biais de projets concrets. Pour cette raison l’approche projet est au cƓur du parcours d’approfondissement en agroĂ©quipements et nouvelles technologies d’UniLaSalle, Ă©tablissement d’enseignement supĂ©rieur et de recherche organisĂ© sur les sites de Beauvais (Hauts-de-France) et Rouen (Normandie). L’approche « projet » proposĂ© dans ce cadre se caractĂ©rise par l’apprentissage par la pratique sur un sujet inconnu aux Ă©tudiants et transversal aux enseignements. Des enseignants- chercheurs accompagnent les projets afin de capitaliser les connaissances mobilisĂ©es pars les participants : Ă©lĂšves ingĂ©nieurs, trĂšs souvent directement issus du secteur agricole (fils d’agriculteurs) et, Ă  terme, agriculteurs et autres acteurs de la filiĂšre des agroĂ©quipements. Le cƓur de l’innovation qu’on prĂ©sente est la capitalisation rĂ©alisĂ©e par une analyse dite « rĂ©flexive » fondĂ©e sur l’observation des participants au projet, le but Ă©tant d’identifier les connaissances qu’ils mobilisent ainsi que leur Ă©volution dans l’apprentissage et la maĂźtrise de nouvelles compĂ©tences fonctionnelles pour leau dĂ©veloppement de l’innovation. L’analyse s’appuie entre autres sur la documentation produite par les Ă©tudiants et les tuteurs et archivĂ©e sur la plateforme de gestion de projet administrĂ©e par AgriLabÂź (atelier UniLaSalle consacrĂ© Ă  l’innovation en agriculture et Ă©quipĂ© pour la rĂ©alisation de prototype), ainsi que sur les compĂ©tences de recherche de l’unitĂ© InTerACT (UP 2018.C102) https://www.unilasalle.fr/recherche/recherche-service-de-nos-ambitions/interact/. Les deux premiĂšres innovations conduites en adoptant l’approche projet illustrĂ©e ci-dessus portaient sur la conception et construction (1) d’un robot pour le dĂ©sherbage mĂ©canique en betterave (2016-2017) rĂ©compensĂ© par le premier prix aux Rob’Olympiades Arvalis (Culturales 2017) ; (2) un outil de travail en bande (strip-till) pour le semis sous-couvert toujours en betterave (2017-2018), actuellement en cours de rĂ©alisation. En plus de l’amĂ©lioration du parcours d’approfondissement, diffĂ©rentes formes d’essaimage de cette approche et d’implication des agriculteurs (constitution de panels de formalisations des besoins d’innovation, sĂ©minaire et ateliers techniques, etc.) sont actuellement en dĂ©veloppement