5 research outputs found

    Surgical treatment vs. conservative treatment in intravenous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Systematic review

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    To determine the success rates of the surgical and non-surgical treatments in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). A systematic review of the literature was made. A PubMed Medline database search was performed in order to include clinical studies published in English,between2004 and 2014 with the following key-words: “BRONJ AND treatment” and “NOT osteoporosis”. The following data was gathered: authors, title, year of publication, aim of study, level of evidence, sample size, treatment performed, treatment outcomes and follow-up. Studies including more than 20 patients with at least 6 months of follow-up, and that specify the different treatment approaches and their outcomes were included. Systematic reviews were excluded.All studies were classified according to the SORT criteria (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy). The initial electronic search yielded 169 papers, and 13 studies were added after a manual search (total of 182 studies). After analysing the title and abstract and removing duplicates, 31 full-texts were obtained. A total of 12 papers were finally included. Two were classified as level 3 evidence and 9 as level 2. The quality of the selected studies and the risk of bias were also reported. Surgical treatments like sequestrectomy, surgical debridement and bone osteotomies provide successful treatment outcomes, with success rates ranging from 58 to 100%. Controlled randomized clinical trials with larger samples and longer follow-up are needed to support these findings

    Surgical treatment vs. conservative treatment in intravenous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Systematic review

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    Aims: To determine the success rates of the surgical and non-surgical treatments in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Material and Methods: A systematic review of the literature was made. A PubMed Medline database search was performed in order to include clinical studies published in English, between 2004 and 2014 with the following keywords: "BRONJ AND treatment" and "NOT osteoporosis". The following data was gathered: authors, title, year of publication, aim of study, level of evidence, sample size, treatment performed, treatment outcomes and follow-up. Studies including more than 20 patients with at least 6 months of follow-up, and that specify the different treatment approaches and their outcomes were included. Systematic reviews were excluded. All studies were classified according to the SORT criteria (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy). Results: The initial electronic search yielded 169 papers, and 13 studies were added after a manual search (total of 182 studies). After analysing the title and abstract and removing duplicates, 31 full-texts were obtained. A total of 12 papers were finally included. Two were classified as level 3 evidence and 9 as level 2. The quality of the selected studies and the risk of bias were also reported. Conclusions: Surgical treatments like sequestrectomy, surgical debridement and bone osteotomies provide successful treatment outcomes, with success rates ranging from 58 to 100%. Controlled randomized clinical trials with larger samples and longer follow-up are needed to support these findings

    Surgical treatment vs. conservative treatment in intravenous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Systematic review

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    Aims: To determine the success rates of the surgical and non-surgical treatments in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Material and Methods: A systematic review of the literature was made. A PubMed Medline database search was performed in order to include clinical studies published in English, between 2004 and 2014 with the following keywords: "BRONJ AND treatment" and "NOT osteoporosis". The following data was gathered: authors, title, year of publication, aim of study, level of evidence, sample size, treatment performed, treatment outcomes and follow-up. Studies including more than 20 patients with at least 6 months of follow-up, and that specify the different treatment approaches and their outcomes were included. Systematic reviews were excluded. All studies were classified according to the SORT criteria (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy). Results: The initial electronic search yielded 169 papers, and 13 studies were added after a manual search (total of 182 studies). After analysing the title and abstract and removing duplicates, 31 full-texts were obtained. A total of 12 papers were finally included. Two were classified as level 3 evidence and 9 as level 2. The quality of the selected studies and the risk of bias were also reported. Conclusions: Surgical treatments like sequestrectomy, surgical debridement and bone osteotomies provide successful treatment outcomes, with success rates ranging from 58 to 100%. Controlled randomized clinical trials with larger samples and longer follow-up are needed to support these findings

    Adhesió a la dieta mediterrània en els estudiants de Ciències de la Salut del Campus de Bellvitge

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    L'estudi de la salut i els hàbits saludables formen part de les condicions de vida i estudis dels joves universitaris. L'Organització Mundial de la Salut promou l'alimentació saludable i la vida activa i estableix un abordatge conjunt en diferents àmbits socials, destacant el de l'educació. La universitat és una institució d'especial rellevància en tant que investiga i garanteix l'avanç de la societat, capaç de millorar la salut i els hàbits saludables de la població. El grup de treball «Salut i Hàbits Saludables» de l'Observatori de l'Estudiant de la Universitat de Barcelona ha portat a terme una investigació amb l'objectiu de conèixer els hàbits saludables dels estudiants de Ciències de la Salut. Aquesta investigació transversal ex post facto, de caràcter descriptiu, comparatiu i explicatiu pren com a referència l'enquesta feta per l'estudi i assaig clínic PREDIMED. Per a això, comptem amb els resultats sobre el grau d'adhesió i coneixement de la dieta mediterrània dels estudiants (124) que cursaven els graus d'Infermeria, Podologia, Odontologia i Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona durant el curs 2013-2014. Els primers resultats mostren que si bé hi ha un coneixement generalitzat sobre els hàbits que conformen la dieta mediterrània entre els estudiants, el consum alimentari no sempre segueix els mateixos patrons favorables. Identificar les variables relacionades amb la salut ha de permetre definir a posteriori propostes d'intervenció estratègiques

    Temps d'educació

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónEl estudio de la salud y los hábitos saludables forman parte de las condiciones de vida y estudios de los jóvenes universitarios. La Organización Mundial de la Salud promueve la alimentación saludable y la vida activa y establece un abordaje en diferentes ámbitos sociales, destacando el de la educación. La universidad es una institución de especial relevancia en tanto que investiga y garantiza el avance de la sociedad, capaz de mejorar la salud y los hábitos saludables de la población. El grupo «Salud y Hábitos Saludables» del Observatorio del Estudiante de la Universidad de Barcelona ha llevado a cabo una investigación con el objetivo de conocer los hábitos saludables de los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud. Esta investigación transversal ex post facto, de carácter descriptivo, comparativo y explicativo toma como referencia la encuesta realizada por el estudio PREDIMED.ES