22 research outputs found

    Boron adsorption to ferrihydrite with implications for surface speciation in soils: Experiments and modeling

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    The adsorption and desorption of boric acid onto reactive materials such as metal (hydr)oxides and natural organic matter are generally considered to be controlling processes for the leaching and bioavailability of boron (B). We studied the interaction of B with ferrihydrite (Fh), a nanosized iron (hydr)oxide omnipresent in soil systems, using batch adsorption experiments at different pH values and in the presence of phosphate as a competing anion. Surface speciation of B was described with a recently developed multisite ion complexation (MUSIC) and charge distribution (CD) approach. To gain insight into the B adsorption behavior in whole-soil systems, and in the relative contribution of Fh in particular, the pH-dependent B speciation was evaluated for soils with representative amounts of ferrihydrite, goethite, and organic matter. The pH-dependent B adsorption envelope of ferrihydrite is bell-shaped with a maximum around pH 8–9. In agreement with spectroscopy, modeling suggests formation of a trigonal bidentate complex and an additional outer-sphere complex at low to neutral pH values. At high pH, a tetrahedral bidentate surface species becomes important. In the presence of phosphate, B adsorption decreases strongly and only formation of the outer-sphere surface complex is relevant. The pH-dependent B adsorption to Fh is rather similar to that of goethite. Multisurface modeling predicts that ferrihydrite may dominate the B binding in soils at low to neutral pH and that the relative contribution of humic material increases significantly at neutral and alkaline pH conditions. This study identifies ferrihydrite and natural organic matter (i.e., humic substances) as the major constituents that control the B adsorption in topsoils.The Dutch Research Council/[Grant N°14688]/NWO/Países BajosUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas (CIA

    Temporal variability in trace metal solubility in a paddy soil not reflected in uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Alternating flooding and drainage conditions have a strong influence on redox chemistry and the solubility of trace metals in paddy soils. However, current knowledge of how the effects of water management on trace metal solubility are linked to trace metal uptake by rice plants over time is still limited. Here, a field-contaminated paddy soil was subjected to two flooding and drainage cycles in a pot experiment with two rice plant cultivars, exhibiting either high or low Cd accumulation characteristics. Flooding led to a strong vertical gradient in the redox potential (Eh). The pH and Mn, Fe, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations increased with decreasing Eh and vice versa. During flooding, trace metal solubility decreased markedly, probably due to sulfide mineral precipitation. Despite its low solubility, the Cd content in rice grains exceeded the food quality standards for both cultivars. Trace metal contents in different rice plant tissues (roots, stem, and leaves) increased at a constant rate during the first flooding and drainage cycle but decreased after reaching a maximum during the second cycle. As such, the high temporal variability in trace metal solubility was not reflected in trace metal uptake by rice plants over time. This might be due to the presence of aerobic conditions and a consequent higher trace metal solubility near the root surface, even during flooding. Trace metal solubility in the rhizosphere should be considered when linking water management to trace metal uptake by rice over time

    Site-specific aftercare completion criteria for sustainable landfilling in the Netherlands: Geochemical modelling and sensitivity analysis.

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    A novel, regulatory accepted approach is developed that enables competent authorities to decide whether landfill aftercare can be reduced or terminated. Our previous paper (Brand et al., Waste Management 2016, 56, 255-261, https://doi.org//10.1016/j.wasman.2016.07.038) outlines the general approach, that consists of a 10-year treatment phase (e.g., aeration, leachate recirculation), in combination with site-specific Environmental Protection Criteria (EPC) for contaminant concentrations in the landfill leachate after treatment. The current paper presents the unique modelling approach by which the site-specific EPC are derived. The modelling approach is based on the use of mechanistic multi-surface geochemical models covering the main sorption processes in soils underneath the landfills, and is composed of widely-accepted surface complexation models in combination with published "generic" parameter sets. This approach enables the consideration of the main site-specific soil properties that influence the attenuation of emitted contaminants. In addition, the sensitivity of the EPC is shown for variation of the main physicochemical-assumptions and policy-based decisions. Site-specific soil properties have been found to substantially determine the EPC and include soil-pH, dissolved organic matter, and iron-(hydr)oxide content. Apart from the sorption capacity of the local soil, EPC also depend strongly on the assumed dilution with local groundwater in the saturated zone. An important policy-related decision that influences the calculated EPC is the assessment period during which the groundwater is protected. The transparent setup of the approach using geochemical modelling, the explicit consideration of site-specific properties and the achieved regulatory acceptance may also stimulate application to landfills in other countries