12 research outputs found

    Contribution of epigenetic variation to adaptation in Arabidopsis.

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    In plants, transgenerational inheritance of some epialleles has been demonstrated but it remains controversial whether epigenetic variation is subject to selection and contributes to adaptation. Simulating selection in a rapidly changing environment, we compare phenotypic traits and epigenetic variation between Arabidopsis thaliana populations grown for five generations under selection and their genetically nearly identical ancestors. Selected populations of two distinct genotypes show significant differences in flowering time and plant architecture, which are maintained for at least 2-3 generations in the absence of selection. While we cannot detect consistent genetic changes, we observe a reduction of epigenetic diversity and changes in the methylation state of about 50,000 cytosines, some of which are associated with phenotypic changes. Thus, we propose that epigenetic variation is subject to selection and can contribute to rapid adaptive responses, although the extent to which epigenetics plays a role in adaptation is still unclear

    SPHN – The BioMedIT Network: A Secure IT Platform for Research with Sensitive Human Data

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    The BioMedIT project is funded by the Swiss government as an integral part of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN), aiming to provide researchers with access to a secure, powerful and versatile IT infrastructure for doing data-driven research on sensitive biomedical data while ensuring data privacy protection. The BioMedIT network gives researchers the ability to securely transfer, store, manage and process sensitive research data. The underlying BioMedIT nodes provide compute and storage capacity that can be used locally or through a federated environment. The network operates under a common Information Security Policy using state-of-the-art security techniques. It utilizes cloud computing, virtualization, compute accelerators (GPUs), big data storage as well as federation technologies to lower computational boundaries for researchers and to guarantee that sensitive data can be processed in a secure and lawful way. Building on existing expertise and research infrastructure at the partnering Swiss institutions, the BioMedIT network establishes a competitive Swiss private-cloud – a secure national infrastructure resource that can be used by researchers of Swiss universities, hospitals and other research institutions.ISSN:0926-9630ISSN:1879-836

    Contribution of epigenetic variation to adaptation in Arabidopsis

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    In plants, transgenerational inheritance of some epialleles has been demonstrated but it remains controversial whether epigenetic variation is subject to selection and contributes to adaptation. Simulating selection in a rapidly changing environment, we compare phenotypic traits and epigenetic variation between Arabidopsis thaliana populations grown for five generations under selection and their genetically nearly identical ancestors. Selected populations of two distinct genotypes show significant differences in flowering time and plant architecture, which are maintained for at least 2–3 generations in the absence of selection. While we cannot detect consistent genetic changes, we observe a reduction of epigenetic diversity and changes in the methylation state of about 50,000 cytosines, some of which are associated with phenotypic changes. Thus, we propose that epigenetic variation is subject to selection and can contribute to rapid adaptive responses, although the extent to which epigenetics plays a role in adaptation is still unclear

    Gentamicin Population Pharmacokinetics in Pediatric Patients-A Prospective Study with Data Analysis Using the saemix Package in R

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    The aminoglycoside gentamicin is used for the empirical treatment of pediatric infections. It has a narrow therapeutic window. In this prospective study at University Children's Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, we aimed to characterize the pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in pediatric patients and predict plasma concentrations at typical recommended doses. We recruited 109 patients aged from 1 day to 14 years, receiving gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg at age ≥ 7 d or 5 mg/kg). Plasma levels were determined 30 min, 4 h and 24 h after the infusion was stopped and then transferred, together with patient data, to the secure BioMedIT node Leonhard Med. Population pharmacokinetic modeling was performed with the open-source R package saemix on the SwissPKcdw^{cdw} platform in Leonhard Med. Data followed a two-compartment model. Bodyweight, plasma creatinine and urea were identified as covariates for clearance, with bodyweight as a covariate for central and peripheral volumes of distribution. Simulations with 7.5 mg/kg revealed a 95% CI of 13.0-21.2 mg/L plasma concentration at 30 min after the stopping of a 30-min infusion. At 24 h, 95% of simulated plasma levels were <1.8 mg/L. Our study revealed that the recommended dosing is appropriate. It showed that population pharmacokinetic modeling using R provides high flexibility in a secure environment

    Symposium report: One Health meets sequencing

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    Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has become the new gold standard for typing and characterization of pathogens. WGS enables understanding transmission chains of bacteria, exchange of mobile genetic elements, and variation in viruses with the highest resolution. In the near future, national and international databases will allow the tracking of pathogen transmissions based on WGS data in and across complex settings such as humans, animals, food, water and other environmental sources. Understanding the complexity and dynamics of and across these compartments will also help us to reduce transmissions of multi-drug resistant pathogens. Several important challenges for Public Health and One Health-related questions need to be identified such as defining standards for data analysis, accessing important epidemiological metadata, sharing data sharing while respecting data protection and ethical considerations. This symposium brought together leading institutions and fostered the ongoing discussion on the identified challenges, paving the way for solutions in public health, diagnostics, and research. This symposium report summarizes the key messages

    Gentamicin Population Pharmacokinetics in Pediatric Patients—A Prospective Study with Data Analysis Using the saemix Package in R

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    The aminoglycoside gentamicin is used for the empirical treatment of pediatric infections. It has a narrow therapeutic window. In this prospective study at University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, we aimed to characterize the pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in pediatric patients and predict plasma concentrations at typical recommended doses. We recruited 109 patients aged from 1 day to 14 years, receiving gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg at age ≥ 7 d or 5 mg/kg). Plasma levels were determined 30 min, 4 h and 24 h after the infusion was stopped and then transferred, together with patient data, to the secure BioMedIT node Leonhard Med. Population pharmacokinetic modeling was performed with the open-source R package saemix on the SwissPKcdw platform in Leonhard Med. Data followed a two-compartment model. Bodyweight, plasma creatinine and urea were identified as covariates for clearance, with bodyweight as a covariate for central and peripheral volumes of distribution. Simulations with 7.5 mg/kg revealed a 95% CI of 13.0–21.2 mg/L plasma concentration at 30 min after the stopping of a 30-min infusion. At 24 h, 95% of simulated plasma levels were <1.8 mg/L. Our study revealed that the recommended dosing is appropriate. It showed that population pharmacokinetic modeling using R provides high flexibility in a secure environment

    SwissPKcdw^{cdw} - A clinical data warehouse for the optimization of pediatric dosing regimens

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    Clinical trials have been performed mainly in adults and accordingly the necessary information is lacking for pediatric patients, especially regarding dosage recommendation for approved drugs. This gap in information could be filled with results from pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling, based on data collected in daily clinical routine. In order to make this data accessible and usable for research, the Swiss Pharmacokinetics Clinical Data Warehouse (SwissPKcdw^{cdw} ) project has been set up, including a clinical data warehouse (CDW) and the regulatory framework for data transfer and use within. Embedded into the secure BioMedIT network, the CDW can connect to various data providers and researchers in order to collaborate on the data securely. Due to its modularity, partially containerized deployment and open-source software, each of the components can be extended, modified, and re-used for similar projects that require integrated data management, data analysis, and web tools in a secure scientific data and information technology (IT) environment. Here, we describe a collaborative and interprofessional effort to implement the aforementioned infrastructure between several partners from medical health care and academia. Furthermore, we describe a real-world use case where blood samples from pediatric patients were analyzed for the presence of genetic polymorphisms and the results were aggregated and further analyzed together with the health-related patient data in the SwissPKcdw^{cdw}

    Repeatability and reproducibility of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay for predicting fish acute toxicity

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    Predicting fish acute toxicity of chemicals in vitro is an attractive alternative method to the conventional approach using juvenile and adult fish. The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cell line assay with RTgill-W1 cells has been designed for this purpose. It quantifies cell viability using fluorescent measurements for metabolic activity, cell- and lysosomal-membrane integrity on the same set of cells. Results from over 70 organic chemicals attest to the high predictive capacity of this test. We here report on the repeatability (intralaboratory variability) and reproducibility (interlaboratory variability) of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay in a round-robin study focusing on 6 test chemicals involving 6 laboratories from the industrial and academic sector. All participating laboratories were able to establish the assay according to preset quality criteria even though, apart from the lead laboratory, none had previously worked with the RTgill-W1 cell line. Concentration-response modeling, based on either nominal or geometric mean-derived measured concentrations, yielded effect concentrations (EC50) that spanned approximately 4 orders of magnitude over the chemical range, covering all fish acute toxicity categories. Coefficients of variation for intralaboratory and interlaboratory variability for the average of the 3 fluorescent cell viability measurements were 15.5% and 30.8%, respectively, which is comparable to other fish-derived, small-scale bioassays. This study therefore underlines the robustness of the RTgill-W1 cell line assay and its accurate performance when carried out by operators in different laboratory settings