117 research outputs found

    Entire pluricomplex Green functions and Lelong numbers of projective currents

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    Let TT be a positive closed current of bidimension (1,1) and unit mass on the complex projective space Pn{\Bbb P}^n. We prove that the set Vα(T)V_\alpha(T) of points where TT has Lelong number larger than α\alpha is contained in a complex line if α2/3\alpha\geq2/3, and Vα(T)L1|V_\alpha(T)\setminus L|\leq1 for some complex line LL if 1/2α<2/31/2\leq\alpha<2/3. We also prove that in dimension 2 and if 2/5α<1/22/5\leq\alpha<1/2, then Vα(T)C1|V_\alpha(T)\setminus C|\leq1 for some conic CC.Comment: 9 page


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    In this paper we study the consequences of overinterpolation, i.e., the situation when a function can be interpolated by polynomial, or rational, or algebraic functions in more points that normally expected. We show that in many cases such a function has specific forms.Comment: 14 page

    Equidistribution results for singular metrics on line bundles

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    Let L be a holomorphic line bundle with a positively curved singular Hermitian metric over a complex manifold X. One can define naturally the sequence of Fubini-Study currents associated to the space of square integrable holomorphic sections of the p-th tensor powers of L. Assuming that the singular set of the metric is contained in a compact analytic subset of X and that the logarithm of the Bergman kernel function associated to the p-th tensor power of L (defined outside the singular set) grows like o(p) as p tends to infinity, we prove the following: 1) the k-th power of the Fubini-Study currents converge weakly on the whole X to the k-th power of the curvature current of L. 2) the expectations of the common zeros of a random k-tuple of square integrable holomorphic sections converge weakly in the sense of currents to to the k-th power of the curvature current of L. Here k is so that the codimension of the singular set of the metric is greater or equal as k. Our weak asymptotic condition on the Bergman kernel function is known to hold in many cases, as it is a consequence of its asymptotic expansion. We also prove it here in a quite general setting. We then show that many important geometric situations (singular metrics on big line bundles, Kaehler-Einstein metrics on Zariski-open sets, artihmetic quotients) fit into our framework.Comment: 40 page

    Invariant currents and dynamical Lelong numbers

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    Let ff be a polynomial automorphism of Ck{\Bbb C}^k of degree λ\lambda, whose rational extension to Pk{\Bbb P}^k maps the hyperplane at infinity to a single point. Given any positive closed current SS on Pk{\Bbb P}^k of bidegree (1,1), we show that the sequence λn(fn)S\lambda^{-n}(f^n)^\star S converges in the sense of currents on Pk{\Bbb P}^k to a linear combination of the Green current T+T_+ of ff and the current of integration along the hyperplane at infinity. We give an interpretation of the coefficients in terms of generalized Lelong numbers with respect to an invariant dynamical current for f1f^{-1}.Comment: 15 page

    Pade interpolation by F-polynomials and transfinite diameter

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    We define FF-polynomials as linear combinations of dilations by some frequencies of an entire function FF. In this paper we use Pade interpolation of holomorphic functions in the unit disk by FF-polynomials to obtain explicitly approximating FF-polynomials with sharp estimates on their coefficients. We show that when frequencies lie in a compact set KCK\subset\mathbb C then optimal choices for the frequencies of interpolating polynomials are similar to Fekete points. Moreover, the minimal norms of the interpolating operators form a sequence whose rate of growth is determined by the transfinite diameter of KK. In case of the Laplace transforms of measures on KK, we show that the coefficients of interpolating polynomials stay bounded provided that the frequencies are Fekete points. Finally, we give a sufficient condition for measures on the unit circle which ensures that the sums of the absolute values of the coefficients of interpolating polynomials stay bounded.Comment: 16 page

    Stable algebras of entire functions

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    Suppose that hh and gg belong to the algebra \B generated by the rational functions and an entire function ff of finite order on Cn{\Bbb C}^n and that h/gh/g has algebraic polar variety. We show that either h/g\in\B or f=q1ep+q2f=q_1e^p+q_2, where pp is a polynomial and q1,q2q_1,q_2 are rational functions. In the latter case, h/gh/g belongs to the algebra generated by the rational functions, epe^p and epe^{-p}.Comment: 11 page

    Polynomial estimates, exponential curves and Diophantine approximation

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    Let α(0,1)Q\alpha\in(0,1)\setminus{\Bbb Q} and K={(ez,eαz):z1}C2K=\{(e^z,e^{\alpha z}):\,|z|\leq1\}\subset{\Bbb C}^2. If PP is a polynomial of degree nn in C2{\Bbb C}^2, normalized by PK=1\|P\|_K=1, we obtain sharp estimates for PΔ2\|P\|_{\Delta^2} in terms of nn, where Δ2\Delta^2 is the closed unit bidisk. For most α\alpha, we show that supPPΔ2exp(Cn2logn)\sup_P\|P\|_{\Delta^2}\leq\exp(Cn^2\log n). However, for α\alpha in a subset S{\mathcal S} of the Liouville numbers, supPPΔ2\sup_P\|P\|_{\Delta^2} has bigger order of growth. We give a precise characterization of the set S{\mathcal S} and study its properties.Comment: 12 pages. To appear in Mathematical Research Letter