168 research outputs found

    A New Model of Solar Illumination of Earth’s Atmosphere during Night-Time

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    In this work, a solar illumination model of the Earth’s atmosphere is developed. The developed model allows us to determine with extreme accuracy how the atmospheric illumination varies during night hours on a global scale. This time-dependent variation in illumination causes a series of sudden changes in the entire Earth-atmosphere-ionosphere system of considerable interest for various research sectors and applications related to climate change, ionospheric disturbances, navigation and global positioning systems. The use of the proposed solar illumination model to calculate the time-dependent Solar Terminator Height (STH) at the global scale is also presented. Time-dependent STH impact on the measurements of ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) is, for the first time, investigated on the basis of 20 years long time series of GPS-based measurements collected at the ground. The correlation analysis, performed in the post-sunset hours, allows new insights into the dependence of TEC–STH relation on the different periods (seasons) of observation and solar activity condition

    Responsabilidad y compromiso en el pensamiento de Leopoldo Zea

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    In several of his works, Leopoldo Zea analyzed the difficult relationship that simultaneously unites and separates Latin America from the West. Zea affirms that Latin American philosophy must be proposed in such a way that it is responsible toward its own past and toward the specificity of its context. Therefore,the acceptance of reality is a commitment that defines individuals’ existence in the world. According to Zea, this commitment is realized mostly through two different angles: the tacit acceptance of this mechanism, and the eventual modification of the terms of this commitment, based on the new demands that time and circumstances impose on individuals. The latter angle implies that the commitment is not rigid and immutable; instead, it is subject to social change and it varies from one society to another

    Leopoldo Zea: originalidad y filosofía sin más

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    The issue that most identified Leopoldo Zea’s large cultural output is the analysis of the link between Latin American culture and the Western world. The aim of this study is to analyze, through the philosophy of Zea, how the Western culture has influenced the Latin American, how and in what extent the latter has its own characteristics. The idea of the Mexican specialist is that the Americans should participate in the Western culture, not through a simple and unproductive imitation, but proposing matters as a tangible expression of their history and their world

    Las influencias del historicismo crítico en las páginas de La Disputa del Nuevo Mundo de Antonello Gerbi

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    While in Berlin between 1929 and 1931, Antonello Gerbi was Friedrich Meinecke’s, student. Meinecke is one of the founding fathers of German critical historicism. The meaningful influence of this author on Gerbi’s studies intermingle with the influence exerted, in the same period, by Benedetto Croce. This essay aims to provide some examples, based on bibliographical comparisons, of the closeness of Gerbi’s philosophical position to that of Meinecke, particularly highlighting the prominence of the historicist perspective in The dispute of the New World

    L’essere contro l’umano. Preludi per una filosofia della surmodernità

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    L'opera si struttura in due parti distinte, anche se strettamente connesse. Nella prima è affrontata la tematica augeana della surmodernità che, attraverso una rilettura originale, è utilizzata per sostenere la centralità dell'essere umano, e del suo essere creativo, all'interno delle dinamiche di un mondo inteso, nietzschianamente, come "caos". Nella seconda invece è approfondita la relazione tra surmodernità e Rete. In particolare , ricostruendo le posizione dei principali teorici del settore, da Pierre Levy a Tim Berners-Lee, da Carlo Formenti a Paul Virilio, si concentra su alcuni concetti chiave, come "digitalità", "weblog" e "Digital Divide", divenuti oramai fondamentali per comprendere l'epoca nella quale viviamo

    Il liberalismo americano e la metafora del centro vitale

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    L'articolo propone un'ampia disamina sul pensiero e le opere di Arthur Schlesinger Jr, concentrandosi in particolare sulla sua opera, ancora inedita in italiano, The Vital Center
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