34 research outputs found

    Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent

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    Background We have reported a reduction in fatty acid oxidation (FAO) at the whole-body level and in skeletal muscle in severely obese (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) individuals; this defect is retained in cell culture suggesting an inherent component. The purpose of the current study was to determine if an impairment in whole-body fatty acid oxidation (FAO) was also evident in children with a severely obese parent. Methods Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise (cycle ergometer) was determined in children ages 8–12 y with a severely obese parent (OP, n = 13) or two lean/non-obese (BMI range of 18 to 28 kg/m2) parents (LP, n = 13). A subgroup of subjects (n = 3/group) performed 4 weeks of exercise training with substrate utilization measured after the intervention. Results The children did not differ in age (LP vs. OP, respectively) (10.7 ± 0.5 vs. 10.2 ± 0.5 y), BMI percentile (65.3 ± 5.2 vs. 75.9 ± 7), Tanner Stage (1.4 ± 0.2 vs. 1.5 ± 0.2), VO2peak (40.3 ± 2.7 vs. 35.6 ± 2.6 ml/kg/min) or physical activity levels (accelerometer). At the same absolute workload of 15 W (~38% VO2peak), RER was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower in LP vs. OP (0.83 ± 0.02 vs. 0.87 ± 0.01) which was reflected in a reduced reliance on FAO for energy production in the OP group (58.6 ± 5.1 vs. 43.1 ± 4.0% of energy needs during exercise from FAO). At a higher exercise intensity (~65% VO2peak) there were no differences in substrate utilization between LP and OP. After exercise training RER tended to decrease (P = 0.06) at the 15 W workload, suggesting an increased reliance on FAO regardless of group. Conclusions These findings suggest that the decrement in FAO with severe obesity has an inherent component that may be overcome with exercise training

    TKS X: Confirmation of TOI-1444b and a Comparative Analysis of the Ultra-short-period Planets with Hot Neptunes

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    We report the discovery of TOI-1444b, a 1.4-RR_\oplus super-Earth on a 0.47-day orbit around a Sun-like star discovered by {\it TESS}. Precise radial velocities from Keck/HIRES confirmed the planet and constrained the mass to be 3.87±0.71M3.87 \pm 0.71 M_\oplus. The RV dataset also indicates a possible non-transiting, 16-day planet (11.8±2.9M11.8\pm2.9M_\oplus). We report a tentative detection of phase curve variation and secondary eclipse of TOI-1444b in the {\it TESS} bandpass. TOI-1444b joins the growing sample of 17 ultra-short-period planets with well-measured masses and sizes, most of which are compatible with an Earth-like composition. We take this opportunity to examine the expanding sample of ultra-short-period planets (<2R<2R_\oplus) and contrast them with the newly discovered sub-day ultra-hot Neptunes (>3R>3R_\oplus, >2000F>2000F_\oplus TOI-849 b, LTT9779 b and K2-100). We find that 1) USPs have predominately Earth-like compositions with inferred iron core mass fractions of 0.32±\pm0.04; and have masses below the threshold of runaway accretion (10M\sim 10M_\oplus), while ultra-hot Neptunes are above the threshold and have H/He or other volatile envelope. 2) USPs are almost always found in multi-planet system consistent with a secular interaction formation scenario; ultra-hot Neptunes (PorbP_{\rm orb} \lesssim1 day) tend to be ``lonely' similar to longer-period hot Neptunes(PorbP_{\rm orb}1-10 days) and hot Jupiters. 3) USPs occur around solar-metallicity stars while hot Neptunes prefer higher metallicity hosts. 4) In all these respects, the ultra-hot Neptunes show more resemblance to hot Jupiters than the smaller USP planets, although ultra-hot Neptunes are rarer than both USP and hot Jupiters by 1-2 orders of magnitude.Comment: Accepted too AJ. 12 Figures, 4 table

    dTip60 HAT Activity Controls Synaptic Bouton Expansion at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction

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    Background: Histone acetylation of chromatin plays a key role in promoting the dynamic transcriptional responses in neurons that influence the neuroplasticity linked to cognitive ability, yet the specific histone acetyltransferases (HATs) that create such epigenetic marks remain to be elucidated. Methods and Findings: Here we use the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as a well-characterized synapse model to identify HATs that control synaptic remodeling and structure. We show that the HAT dTip60 is concentrated both pre and post-synaptically within the NMJ. Presynaptic targeted reduction of dTip60 HAT activity causes a significant increase in synaptic bouton number that specifically affects type Is boutons. The excess boutons show a suppression of the active zone synaptic function marker bruchpilot, suggesting defects in neurotransmission function. Analysis of microtubule organization within these excess boutons using immunohistochemical staining to the microtubule associated protein futsch reveals a significant increase in the rearrangement of microtubule loop architecture that is required for bouton division. Moreover, a-tubulin acetylation levels of microtubules specifically extending into the terminal synaptic boutons are reduced in response to dTip60 HAT reduction. Conclusions: Our results are the first to demonstrate a causative role for the HAT dTip60 in the control of synaptic plasticity that is achieved, at least in part, via regulation of the synaptic microtubule cytoskeleton. These findings have implication

    TESS Giants Transiting Giants. II. The Hottest Jupiters Orbiting Evolved Stars

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    Giant planets on short-period orbits are predicted to be inflated and eventually engulfed by their host stars. However, the detailed timescales and stages of these processes are not well known. Here, we present the discovery of three hot Jupiters (P < 10 days) orbiting evolved, intermediate-mass stars (M ⋆ ≈ 1.5 M ⊙, 2 R ⊙ < R ⋆ < 5 R ⊙). By combining TESS photometry with ground-based photometry and radial velocity measurements, we report masses and radii for these three planets of between 0.4 and 1.8 M J and 0.8 and 1.8 R J. TOI-2337b has the shortest period (P = 2.99432 ± 0.00008 days) of any planet discovered around a red giant star to date. Both TOI-4329b and TOI-2669b appear to be inflated, but TOI-2337b does not show any sign of inflation. The large radii and relatively low masses of TOI-4329b and TOI-2669b place them among the lowest density hot Jupiters currently known, while TOI-2337b is conversely one of the highest. All three planets have orbital eccentricities of below 0.2. The large spread in radii for these systems implies that planet inflation has a complex dependence on planet mass, radius, incident flux, and orbital properties. We predict that TOI-2337b has the shortest orbital decay timescale of any planet currently known, but do not detect any orbital decay in this system. Transmission spectroscopy of TOI-4329b would provide a favorable opportunity for the detection of water, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide features in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting an evolved star, and could yield new information about planet formation and atmospheric evolution

    A Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Transiting the Late-type M Dwarf LP 791-18

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    Planets occur most frequently around cool dwarfs, but only a handful of specific examples are known to orbit the latest-type M stars. Using TESS photometry, we report the discovery of two planets transiting the low-mass star called LP 791-18 (identified by TESS as TOI 736). This star has spectral type M6V, effective temperature 2960 K, and radius 0.17 R o, making it the third-coolest star known to host planets. The two planets straddle the radius gap seen for smaller exoplanets; they include a 1.1R ⊕ planet on a 0.95 day orbit and a 2.3R ⊕ planet on a 5 day orbit. Because the host star is small the decrease in light during these planets' transits is fairly large (0.4% and 1.7%). This has allowed us to detect both planets' transits from ground-based photometry, refining their radii and orbital ephemerides. In the future, radial velocity observations and transmission spectroscopy can both probe these planets' bulk interior and atmospheric compositions, and additional photometric monitoring would be sensitive to even smaller transiting planets

    The TESS Objects of Interest Catalog from the TESS Prime Mission

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    We present 2241 exoplanet candidates identified with data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) during its 2 yr Prime Mission. We list these candidates in the TESS Objects of Interest (TOI) Catalog, which includes both new planet candidates found by TESS and previously known planets recovered by TESS observations. We describe the process used to identify TOIs, investigate the characteristics of the new planet candidates, and discuss some notable TESS planet discoveries. The TOI catalog includes an unprecedented number of small planet candidates around nearby bright stars, which are well suited for detailed follow-up observations. The TESS data products for the Prime Mission (sectors 1-26), including the TOI catalog, light curves, full-frame images, and target pixel files, are publicly available at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes

    The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training in Children with Lean and Extremely Obese Biological Mothers

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    The purpose of this study was to compare fat oxidation rates between children of lean biological mothers (CLP) (BMI[less than or equal to]28kg/m[superscript]2) and children of extremely obese biological mothers (COP) (BMI[less than or equal to]40 kg/m[superscript]2); and to determine if aerobic exercise training can improve fat oxidation in both groups in a similar manner. Each participant (n=3 per group) completed two 10 minute submaximal exercise tests at an absolute workload of 15 W and a relative workload of 65% of peak VO[superscript]2. Respiratory exchange ratio was measured during these submaximal workloads to assess differences and changes in fat oxidation. Participants were matched for age gender and race and placed into either CLP or COP based on biological mothers BMI. Each child was recruited for 4 weeks 3 sessions a week for 30-60 minutes. The exercise protocol consisted of aerobic activities such as tennis tag and soccer. Each participant was required to maintain a heart rate of &gt; 140 bpm during each training session. This exercise protocol was approved by the East Carolina Institutional Review Board. No significant difference was seen in the initial respiratory exchange ratios (RER) between groups at an absolute submaximal workload (15 W) prior to training or after training (p=0.25). However both groups showed a decrease in RER indicating increased in fat utilization from pre to post-training (p=0.06). A significant decrease in carbohydrate use was observed during absolute submaximal exercise in both groups (p=0.03). No significant increase was seen fat oxidation during absolute workload (p=0.21) however they did improve slightly. From our results there appeared to be no differences observed between groups and no changes with exercise at a relative workload. These findings suggest that aerobic exercise training can improve a child's ability to use fat during submaximal exercise and thus decrease the risk of becoming obese in adulthood.

    Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of potential toxic elements (PTEs): An Avicennia germinans–Uca rapax trophic transfer story from Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico

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    In southern Puerto Rico along the coastline bordering the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, environmental encroachment has exposed mangrove forest to different sources of pollution. Potentially toxic element concentrations from the F1Tess (exchangeable), F4Tess (oxidizable), mangrove leaf litter (MLL), and fiddler crab whole body soft tissue were analyzed to assess the fate and transport of pollutants from the environment and its transition into flora-fauna via trophic transfer. Geo-accumulation factor values suggest the bay has experienced limited to no pollution when combining the concentrations of potentially toxic elements extracted from the F1Tess and F4Tess sediment fractions. These geochemical sedimentary compartments are considered “bioavailable” to flora-fauna as evidenced by the bioaccumulated Cd-Ba-V-Cu-Zn-As-Se in the leaf litter of the black mangrove Avicennia germinans and in the fiddler crab Uca rapax. The biota-sediment accumulation factor (F1Tess + F4Tess) demonstrated that Uca rapax behave like a de-concentrator for most pollutants and as a macro-concentrator for Cu-As, while the bioconcentration factors identified only Cu-As-Se as being actively bioaccumulated in the fiddler crabs. Of all the potentially toxic elements studied, As is the only one to be biomagnified via sediment-Avicennia germinans leaf litter-Uca rapax food chain. An unexpected find of this study was that the excavated sediment “pellets” by Uca rapax contained up to 4x the concentrations of Cd-Ba-V-Cr-Co-Ni-Cu-Zn-As-Se when compared to the F1Tess sediment fraction from the surface, thus suggesting a variable redox boundary within the fiddler crab\u27s burrow. © 202

    Substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in children with a severely obese parent

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    BackgroundWe have reported a reduction in fatty acid oxidation (FAO) at the whole-body level and in skeletal muscle in severely obese (BMI-‰â‰¥-‰40-‰kg/m2) individuals; this defect is retained in cell culture suggesting an inherent component. The purpose of the current study was to determine if an impairment in whole-body fatty acid oxidation (FAO) was also evident in children with a severely obese parent.MethodsSubstrate utilization during submaximal exercise (cycle ergometer) was determined in children ages 8--12 y with a severely obese parent (OP, n-‰=-‰13) or two lean/non-obese (BMI range of 18 to 28-‰kg/m2) parents (LP, n-‰=-‰13). A subgroup of subjects (n-‰=-‰3/group) performed 4-‰weeks of exercise training with substrate utilization measured after the intervention.ResultsThe children did not differ in age (LP vs. OP, respectively) (10.7-‰Â±-‰0.5 vs. 10.2-‰Â±-‰0.5 y), BMI percentile (65.3-‰Â±-‰5.2 vs. 75.9-‰Â±-‰7), Tanner Stage (1.4-‰Â±-‰0.2 vs. 1.5-‰Â±-‰0.2), VO2peak (40.3-‰Â±-‰2.7 vs. 35.6-‰Â±-‰2.6-‰ml/kg/min) or physical activity levels (accelerometer). At the same absolute workload of 15-‰W (~38% VO2peak), RER was significantly (P-‰â‰¤-‰0.05) lower in LP vs. OP (0.83-‰Â±-‰0.02 vs. 0.87-‰Â±-‰0.01) which was reflected in a reduced reliance on FAO for energy production in the OP group (58.6-‰Â±-‰5.1 vs. 43.1-‰Â±-‰4.0% of energy needs during exercise from FAO). At a higher exercise intensity (~65% VO2peak) there were no differences in substrate utilization between LP and OP. After exercise training RER tended to decrease (P-‰=-‰0.06) at the 15-‰W workload, suggesting an increased reliance on FAO regardless of group.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that the decrement in FAO with severe obesity has an inherent component that may be overcome with exercise training