62 research outputs found

    Do Parents Recognize Autistic Deviant Behavior Long before Diagnosis? Taking into Account Interaction Using Computational Methods

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    BACKGROUND: To assess whether taking into account interaction synchrony would help to better differentiate autism (AD) from intellectual disability (ID) and typical development (TD) in family home movies of infants aged less than 18 months, we used computational methods. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: First, we analyzed interactive sequences extracted from home movies of children with AD (N = 15), ID (N = 12), or TD (N = 15) through the Infant and Caregiver Behavior Scale (ICBS). Second, discrete behaviors between baby (BB) and Care Giver (CG) co-occurring in less than 3 seconds were selected as single interactive patterns (or dyadic events) for analysis of the two directions of interaction (CG→BB and BB→CG) by group and semester. To do so, we used a Markov assumption, a Generalized Linear Mixed Model, and non negative matrix factorization. Compared to TD children, BBs with AD exhibit a growing deviant development of interactive patterns whereas those with ID rather show an initial delay of development. Parents of AD and ID do not differ very much from parents of TD when responding to their child. However, when initiating interaction, parents use more touching and regulation up behaviors as early as the first semester. CONCLUSION: When studying interactive patterns, deviant autistic behaviors appear before 18 months. Parents seem to feel the lack of interactive initiative and responsiveness of their babies and try to increasingly supply soliciting behaviors. Thus we stress that credence should be given to parents' intuition as they recognize, long before diagnosis, the pathological process through the interactive pattern with their child

    Fractal Dimensions and Scaling Laws in the Interstellar Medium and Galaxy Distributions: a new Field Theory Approach

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    We develop a field theoretical approach to the cold interstellar medium (ISM) and large structure of the universe. We show that a non-relativistic self- gravitating gas in thermal equilibrium with variable number of atoms or fragments is exactly equivalent to a field theory of a scalar field phi(x) with exponential self-interaction. We analyze this field theory perturbatively and non-perturbatively through the renormalization group(RG).We show scaling behaviour (critical) for a continuous range of the physical parameters as the temperature. We derive in this framework the scaling relation M(R) \sim R^{d_H} for the mass on a region of size R, and Delta v \sim R^\frac12(d_H -1) for the velocity dispersion. For the density-density correlations we find a power-law behaviour for large distances \sim |r_1 - r_2|^{2D - 6}.The fractal dimension D turns to be related with the critical exponent \nu by D = 1/ \nu. Mean field theory yields \nu = 1/2, D = 2. Both the Ising and the mean field values are compatible with the present ISM observational data:1.4\leq D \leq 2. We develop a field theoretical approach to the galaxy distribution considering a gas of self-gravitating masses on the FRW background, in quasi-thermal equi- librium. We show that it exhibits scaling behaviour by RG methods. The galaxy correlations are computed without assuming homogeneity. We find \sim r^{D-3} .Thetheoryallowstocomputethethreeandhigherdensitycorrelatorswithoutanyassumption.WefindthattheconnectedN−pointsdensityscalesasr1N(D−3),when. The theory allows to compute the three and higher density correlators without any assumption.We find that the connected N-points density scales as r_1^{N(D-3)}, when r_1 >> r_i

    Planck intermediate results. XIX. An overview of the polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust

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    This paper presents an overview of the polarized sky as seen by Planck HFI at 353 GHz, which is the most sensitive Planck channel for dust polarization. We construct and analyse maps of dust polarization fraction and polarization angle at 1° resolution, taking into account noise bias and possible systematic effects. The sensitivity of the Planck HFI polarization measurements allows for the first time a mapping of Galactic dust polarized emission on large scales, including low column density regions. We find that the maximum observed dust polarization fraction is high (pmax = 19.8%), in particular in some regions of moderate hydrogen column density (NH < 2 × 1021 cm-2). The polarization fraction displays a large scatter at NH below a few 1021 cm-2. There is a general decrease in the dust polarization fraction with increasing column density above NH ≃ 1 × 1021 cm-2 and in particular a sharp drop above NH ≃ 1.5 × 1022 cm-2. We characterize the spatial structure of the polarization angle using the angle dispersion function. We find that the polarization angle is ordered over extended areas of several square degrees, separated by filamentary structures of high angle dispersion function. These appear as interfaces where the sky projection of the magnetic field changes abruptly without variations in the column density. The polarization fraction is found to be anti-correlated with the dispersion of polarization angles. These results suggest that, at the resolution of 1°, depolarization is due mainly to fluctuations in the magnetic field orientation along the line of sight, rather than to the loss of grain alignment in shielded regions. We also compare the polarization of thermal dust emission with that of synchrotron measured with Planck, low-frequency radio data, and Faraday rotation measurements toward extragalactic sources. These components bear resemblance along the Galactic plane and in some regions such as the Fan and North Polar Spur regions. The poor match observed in other regions shows, however, that dust, cosmic-ray electrons, and thermal electrons generally sample different parts of the line of sight. Reproduced with permission, © ESO, 201

    Amyloid PET as a marker of normal-appearing white matter early damage in multiple sclerosis: correlation with CSF ÎČ-amyloid levels and brain volumes

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    PURPOSE The disease course of multiple sclerosis (MS) is unpredictable, and reliable prognostic biomarkers are needed. Positron emission tomography (PET) with ÎČ-amyloid tracers is a promising tool for evaluating white matter (WM) damage and repair. Our aim was to investigate amyloid uptake in damaged (DWM) and normal-appearing WM (NAWM) of MS patients, and to evaluate possible correlations between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) ÎČ-amyloid (AÎČ) levels, amyloid tracer uptake, and brain volumes. METHODS Twelve MS patients were recruited and divided according to their disease activity into active and non-active groups. All participants underwent neurological examination, neuropsychological testing, lumbar puncture, brain magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging, and F-florbetapir PET. AÎČ levels were determined in CSF samples from all patients. MRI and PET images were co-registered, and mean standardized uptake values (SUV) were calculated for each patient in the NAWM and in the DWM. To calculate brain volumes, brain segmentation was performed using statistical parametric mapping software. Nonparametric statistical analyses for between-group comparisons and regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS We found a lower SUV in DWM compared to NAWM (p < 0.001) in all patients. Decreased NAWM-SUV was observed in the active compared to non-active group (p < 0.05). Considering only active patients, NAWM volume correlated with NAWM-SUV (p = 0.01). Interestingly, CSF AÎČ concentration was a predictor of both NAWM-SUV (r = 0.79; p = 0.01) and NAWM volume (r = 0.81, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS The correlation between CSF AÎČ levels and NAWM-SUV suggests that the predictive role of ÎČ-amyloid may be linked to early myelin damage and may reflect disease activity and clinical progression
