1,135 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulation of multiple scattered light in the atmosphere

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    We present a Monte Carlo simulation for the scattering of light in the case of an isotropic light source. The scattering phase functions are studied particularly in detail to understand how they can affect the multiple light scattering in the atmosphere. We show that although aerosols are usually in lower density than molecules in the atmosphere, they can have a non-negligible effect on the atmospheric point spread function. This effect is especially expected for ground-based detectors when large aerosols are present in the atmosphere.Comment: 5 pages. Proceedings of the Atmospheric Monitoring for High-Energy Astroparticle Detectors (AtmoHEAD) Conference, Saclay (France), June 10-12, 201

    Atmospheric multiple scattering of fluorescence light from extensive air showers and effect of the aerosol size on the reconstruction of energy and depth of maximum

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    The reconstruction of the energy and the depth of maximum XmaxX_{\rm max} of an extensive air shower depends on the multiple scattering of fluorescence photons in the atmosphere. In this work, we explain how atmospheric aerosols, and especially their size, scatter the fluorescence photons during their propagation. Using a Monte Carlo simulation for the scattering of light, the dependence on the aerosol conditions of the multiple scattered light contribution to the recorded signal is fully parameterised. A clear dependence on the aerosol size is proposed for the first time. Finally, using this new parameterisation, the effect of atmospheric aerosols on the energy and on the XmaxX_{\rm max} reconstructions is presented for a vertical extensive air shower observed by a ground-based detector at 30 30~km: for typical aerosol conditions, multiple scattering leads to a systematic over-estimation of 5±1.5%5\pm1.5\% for the energy and 4.0±1.5 4.0\pm 1.5~g/cm2^2 for the XmaxX_{\rm max}, where the uncertainties refer to a variation of the aerosol size.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, journal paper, accepted in Astroparticle Physics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1310.170

    Void Statistics and Hierarchical Scaling in the Halo Model

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    We study scaling behaviour of statistics of voids in the context of the halo model of nonlinear large-scale structure. The halo model allows us to understand why the observed galaxy void probability obeys hierarchical scaling, even though the premise from which the scaling is derived is not satisfied. We argue that the commonly observed negative binomial scaling is not fundamental, but merely the result of the specific values of bias and number density for typical galaxies. The model implies quantitative relations between void statistics measured for two populations of galaxies, such as SDSS red and blue galaxies, and their number density and bias.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Building Merger Trees from Cosmological N-body Simulations

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    Although a fair amount of work has been devoted to growing Monte-Carlo merger trees which resemble those built from an N-body simulation, comparatively little effort has been invested in quantifying the caveats one necessarily encounters when one extracts trees directly from such a simulation. To somewhat revert the tide, this paper seeks to provide its reader with a comprehensive study of the problems one faces when following this route. The first step to building merger histories of dark matter haloes and their subhaloes is to identify these structures in each of the time outputs (snapshots) produced by the simulation. Even though we discuss a particular implementation of such an algorithm (called AdaptaHOP) in this paper, we believe that our results do not depend on the exact details of the implementation but extend to most if not all (sub)structure finders. We then highlight different ways to build merger histories from AdaptaHOP haloes and subhaloes, contrasting their various advantages and drawbacks. We find that the best approach to (sub)halo merging histories is through an analysis that goes back and forth between identification and tree building rather than one which conducts a straightforward sequential treatment of these two steps. This is rooted in the complexity of the merging trees which have to depict an inherently dynamical process from the partial temporal information contained in the collection of instantaneous snapshots available from the N-body simulation.Comment: 19 pages, 28 figure

    Reconstruction of primordial density fields

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    The Monge-Ampere-Kantorovich (MAK) reconstruction is tested against cosmological N-body simulations. Using only the present mass distribution sampled with particles, and the assumption of homogeneity of the primordial distribution, MAK recovers for each particle the non-linear displacement field between its present position and its Lagrangian position on a primordial uniform grid. To test the method, we examine a standard LCDM N-body simulation with Gaussian initial conditions and 6 models with non-Gaussian initial conditions: a chi-squared model, a model with primordial voids and four weakly non-Gaussian models. Our extensive analyses of the Gaussian simulation show that the level of accuracy of the reconstruction of the nonlinear displacement field achieved by MAK is unprecedented, at scales as small as about 3 Mpc. In particular, it captures in a nontrivial way the nonlinear contribution from gravitational instability, well beyond the Zel'dovich approximation. This is also confirmed by our analyses of the non-Gaussian samples. Applying the spherical collapse model to the probability distribution function of the divergence of the displacement field, we also show that from a well-reconstructed displacement field, such as that given by MAK, it is possible to accurately disentangle dynamical contributions induced by gravitational clustering from possible initial non-Gaussianities, allowing one to efficiently test the non-Gaussian nature of the primordial fluctuations. In addition, a simple application of MAK using the Zel'dovich approximation allows one to also recover accurately the present-day peculiar velocity field on scales of about 8 Mpc.Comment: Version to appear in MNRAS, 24 pages, 21 figures appearing (uses 35 figure files), 1 tabl

    Here and There: The Effects of Upriver Dams on Indigenous Peoples

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    Fluid-loaded metasurfaces

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    We consider wave propagation along fluid-loaded structures which take the form of an elastic plate augmented by an array of resonators forming a metasurface, that is, a surface structured with sub-wavelength resonators. Such surfaces have had considerable recent success for the control of wave propagation in electromagnetism and acoustics, by combining the vision of sub-wavelength wave manipulation, with the design, fabrication and size advantages associated with surface excitation. We explore one aspect of recent interest in this field: graded metasurfaces, but within the context of fluid-loaded structures. Graded metasurfaces allow for selective spatial frequency separation and are often referred to as exhibiting rainbow trapping. Experiments, and theory, have been developed for acoustic, electromagnetic, and even elastic, rainbow devices but this has not been approached for fluid-loaded structures that support surface waves coupled with the acoustic field in a bulk fluid. This surface wave, coupled with the fluid, can be used to create an additional effect by designing a metasurface to mode convert from surface to bulk waves. We demonstrate that sub-wavelength control is possible and that one can create both rainbow trapping and mode conversion phenomena for a fluid-loaded elastic plate model.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    The redshift evolution of bias and baryonic matter distribution

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    We study the distribution of baryonic and luminous matter within the framework of a hierarchical scenario. Using an analytical model for structure formation which has already been checked against observations for galaxies, Lyman-α\alpha clouds, clusters and reionization processes, we present its predictions for the bias of these objects. We describe its dependence on the luminosity (for galaxies or quasars) or the column density (for Lyman-α\alpha absorbers) of the considered objects. We also study its redshift evolution, which can exhibit an intricate behaviour. These astrophysical objects do not trace the dark matter density field, the Lyman-α\alpha forest clouds being undercorrelated and the bright galaxies overcorrelated, while the intermediate class of Lyman-limit systems is seen to sample the matter field quite well. We also present the distribution of baryonic matter over these various objects. We show that light does not trace baryonic mass, since bright galaxies which contain most of the stars only form a small fraction of the mass associated with virialized and cooled halos. We consider two cosmologies: a critical density universe and an open universe. In both cases, our results agree with observations and show that hierarchical scenarios provide a good model for structure formation and can describe a wide range of objects which spans at least the seven orders of magnitude in mass for which data exist. More detailed observations, in particular of the clustering evolution of galaxies, will constrain the astrophysical models involved.Comment: 13 pages, final version published in A&

    Evolution of hierarchical clustering in the CFHTLS-Wide since z~1

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    We present measurements of higher order clustering of galaxies from the latest release of the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) Wide. We construct a volume-limited sample of galaxies that contains more than one million galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<1 distributed over the four independent fields of the CFHTLS. We use a counts in cells technique to measure the variance and the hierarchical moments S_n = /^(n-1) (3<n<5) as a function of redshift and angular scale.The robustness of our measurements if thoroughly tested, and the field-to-field scatter is in very good agreement with analytical predictions. At small scales, corresponding to the highly non-linear regime, we find a suggestion that the hierarchical moments increase with redshift. At large scales, corresponding to the weakly non-linear regime, measurements are fully consistent with perturbation theory predictions for standard LambdaCDM cosmology with a simple linear bias.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA