89 research outputs found

    Quantum Circuits for the Unitary Permutation Problem

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    We consider the Unitary Permutation problem which consists, given nn unitary gates U1,,UnU_1, \ldots, U_n and a permutation σ\sigma of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\}, in applying the unitary gates in the order specified by σ\sigma, i.e. in performing Uσ(n)Uσ(1)U_{\sigma(n)}\ldots U_{\sigma(1)}. This problem has been introduced and investigated by Colnaghi et al. where two models of computations are considered. This first is the (standard) model of query complexity: the complexity measure is the number of calls to any of the unitary gates UiU_i in a quantum circuit which solves the problem. The second model provides quantum switches and treats unitary transformations as inputs of second order. In that case the complexity measure is the number of quantum switches. In their paper, Colnaghi et al. have shown that the problem can be solved within n2n^2 calls in the query model and n(n1)2\frac{n(n-1)}2 quantum switches in the new model. We refine these results by proving that nlog2(n)+Θ(n)n\log_2(n) +\Theta(n) quantum switches are necessary and sufficient to solve this problem, whereas n22n+4n^2-2n+4 calls are sufficient to solve this problem in the standard quantum circuit model. We prove, with an additional assumption on the family of gates used in the circuits, that n2o(n7/4+ϵ)n^2-o(n^{7/4+\epsilon}) queries are required, for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0. The upper and lower bounds for the standard quantum circuit model are established by pointing out connections with the permutation as substring problem introduced by Karp.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The Auto-Generated Fragment of the Usp1 Deubiquitylase Is a Physiological Substrate of the N-End Rule Pathway

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    Deamidation of N-terminal Gln by the Ntaq1 Nt^Q-amidase is a part of the Arg/N-end rule pathway, a ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system. Here we identify Gln-Usp1^(Ct), the C-terminal fragment of the autocleaved Usp1 deubiquitylase, as the first physiological Arg/N-end rule substrate that is targeted for degradation through deamidation of N-terminal Gln. Usp1 regulates genomic stability, in part through the deubiquitylation of monoubiquitylated PCNA, a DNA polymerase processivity factor. The autocleaved Usp1 remains a deubiquitylase because its fragments remain associated with Uaf1, an enhancer of Usp1 activity, until the Gln-Usp1^(Ct) fragment is selectively destroyed by the Arg/N-end rule pathway. We also show that metabolic stabilization of Gln-Usp1^(Ct) results in a decreased monoubiquitylation of PCNA and in a hypersensitivity of cells to ultraviolet irradiation. Thus, in addition to its other functions in DNA repair and chromosome segregation, the Arg/N-end rule pathway regulates genomic stability through the degradation-mediated control of the autocleaved Usp1 deubiquitylase

    The three-dimensional structure of Galactic molecular cloud complexes out to 2.5 kpc

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of Galactic molecular clouds is important for understanding how clouds are affected by processes such as turbulence and magnetic fields and how this structure effects star formation within them. Great progress has been made in this field with the arrival of the Gaia mission, which provides accurate distances to 109\sim10^{9} stars. Combining these distances with extinctions inferred from optical-IR, we recover the three-dimensional structure of 16 Galactic molecular cloud complexes at 1\sim1pc resolution using our novel three-dimensional dust mapping algorithm \texttt{Dustribution}. Using \texttt{astrodendro} we derive a catalogue of physical parameters for each complex. We recover structures with aspect ratios between 1 and 11, i.e.\ everything from near-spherical to very elongated shapes. We find a large variation in cloud environments that is not apparent when studying them in two-dimensions. For example, the nearby California and Orion A clouds look similar on-sky, but we find California to be more sheet-like, and massive, which could explain their different star-formation rates. In Carina, our most distant complex, we observe evidence for dust sputtering, which explains its measured low dust mass. By calculating the total mass of these individual clouds, we demonstrate that it is necessary to define cloud boundaries in three-dimensions in order to obtain an accurate mass; simply integrating the extinction overestimates masses. We find that Larson's relationship on mass vs radius holds true whether you assume a spherical shape for the cloud or take their true extents.Comment: accepted for publication by MNRAS, 23 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Convolutional neural network-assisted recognition of nanoscale L1<sub>2</sub> ordered structures in face-centred cubic alloys

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    Nanoscale L12-type ordered structures are widely used in face-centered cubic (FCC) alloys to exploit their hardening capacity and thereby improve mechanical properties. These fine-scale particles are typically fully coherent with matrix with the same atomic configuration disregarding chemical species, which makes them challenging to be characterized. Spatial distribution maps (SDMs) are used to probe local order by interrogating the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of atoms within reconstructed atom probe tomography (APT) data. However, it is almost impossible to manually analyze the complete point cloud (gt;10 million) in search for the partial crystallographic information retained within the data. Here, we proposed an intelligent L12-ordered structure recognition method based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The SDMs of a simulated L12-ordered structure and the FCC matrix were firstly generated. These simulated images combined with a small amount of experimental data were used to train a CNN-based L12-ordered structure recognition model. Finally, the approach was successfully applied to reveal the 3D distribution of L12–type δ′–Al3(LiMg) nanoparticles with an average radius of 2.54 nm in a FCC Al-Li-Mg system. The minimum radius of detectable nanodomain is even down to 5 Å. The proposed CNN-APT method is promising to be extended to recognize other nanoscale ordered structures and even more-challenging short-range ordered phenomena in the near future. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome due to RFC1 repeat expansion

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    Ataxia, causing imbalance, dizziness and falls, is a leading cause of neurological disability. We have recently identified a biallelic intronic AAGGG repeat expansion in replication factor complex subunit 1 (RFC1) as the cause of cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS) and a major cause of late onset ataxia. Here we describe the full spectrum of the disease phenotype in our first 100 genetically confirmed carriers of biallelic repeat expansions in RFC1 and identify the sensory neuropathy as a common feature in all cases to date. All patients were Caucasian and half were sporadic. Patients typically reported progressive unsteadiness starting in the sixth decade. A dry spasmodic cough was also frequently associated and often preceded by decades the onset of walking difficulty. Sensory symptoms, oscillopsia, dysautonomia and dysarthria were also variably associated. The disease seems to follow a pattern of spatial progression from the early involvement of sensory neurons, to the later appearance of vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction. Half of the patients needed walking aids after 10 years of disease duration and a quarter were wheelchair dependent after 15 years. Overall, two-thirds of cases had full CANVAS. Sensory neuropathy was the only manifestation in 15 patients. Sixteen patients additionally showed cerebellar involvement, and six showed vestibular involvement. The disease is very likely to be underdiagnosed. Repeat expansion in RFC1 should be considered in all cases of sensory ataxic neuropathy, particularly, but not only, if cerebellar dysfunction, vestibular involvement and cough coexist

    Conscious uncoupling between FANCI and FANCD2 in DNA repair

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    The Fanconi anemia (FA)-BRCA pathway mediates repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks. The FA core complex, a multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase, participates in the detection of DNA lesions and monoubiquitinates two downstream FA proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI (or the ID complex). However, the regulation of the FA core complex itself is poorly understood. Here we show that the FA core complex proteins are recruited to sites of DNA damage and form nuclear foci in S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. ATR kinase activity, an intact FA core complex and FANCM-FAAP24 were crucial for this recruitment. Surprisingly, FANCI, but not its partner FANCD2, was needed for efficient FA core complex foci formation. Monoubiquitination or ATR-dependent phosphorylation of FANCI were not required for the FA core complex recruitment, but FANCI deubiquitination by USP1 was. Additionally, BRCA1 was required for efficient FA core complex foci formation. These findings indicate that FANCI functions upstream of FA core complex recruitment independently of FANCD2, and alter the current view of the FA-BRCA pathway

    DTYMK is essential for genome integrity and neuronal survival

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    Nucleotide metabolism is a complex pathway regulating crucial cellular processes such as nucleic acid synthesis, DNA repair and proliferation. This study shows that impairment of the biosynthesis of one of the building blocks of DNA, dTTP, causes a severe, early-onset neurodegenerative disease. Here, we describe two unrelated children with bi-allelic variants in DTYMK, encoding dTMPK, which catalyzes the penultimate step in dTTP biosynthesis. The affected children show severe microcephaly and growth retardation with minimal neurodevelopment. Brain imaging revealed severe cerebral atrophy and disappearance of the basal ganglia. In cells of affected individuals, dTMPK enzyme activity was minimal, along with impaired DNA replication. In addition, we generated dtymk mutant zebrafish that replicate this phenotype of microcephaly, neuronal cell death and early lethality. An increase of ribonucleotide incorporation in the genome as well as impaired responses to DNA damage were observed in dtymk mutant zebrafish, providing novel pathophysiological insights. It is highly remarkable that this deficiency is viable as an essential component for DNA cannot be generated, since the metabolic pathway for dTTP synthesis is completely blocked. In summary, by combining genetic and biochemical approaches in multiple models we identified loss-of-function of DTYMK as the cause of a severe postnatal neurodegenerative disease and highlight the essential nature of dTTP synthesis in the maintenance of genome stability and neuronal survival

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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