146 research outputs found

    Abandoning Trial by Ordeal: Missouri\u27s New Videotaping Statute

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    Exploring the use of imagery by Sesotho sa leboa grade 11 learners in essay writing : a study from Gauteng North district

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    Bibliography: leaves 132 - 137This study explores the use of imagery as a means of assisting learners to improve their narrative essay writing skills. The decline in the pass rate in Sesotho sa Leboa home language prompted an investigation into the improvement of results by targeting Paper 3 of the subject. Paper 3 consists of three sections with the essay amounting to 50% of the paper. Thus, the envisaged improvement in the essay is intended to contribute to enhancing overall performance in the subject. Preliminary observations directed the study to language enrichment through the use of imagery, since other aspects of language use are catered for in the two other papers of the subject. Grounded on the theory of constructivism promulgated by Bruner (1960), the study used a mixed methods approach to collect and analyse data. Constructivism contends that learners can easily learn new content, especially if it is constructed or linked to their existing knowledge or existing content. Accordingly, the educator should accompany the learner on this journey of constructing meaning. This study qualitatively analysed documents and texts, and collected and analysed quantitative data on how the use of imagery compared before and after awareness creation and the teaching of this language enriching strategy. The results show that when learners understand the impact of imagery and use it as a device for enriching their narration in essays, they attain better marks for the essay and improve their performance in the creative writing paper.African LanguagesD. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages

    Efektivitas Penanganan Korupsi Dana Desa yang Menghambat Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa di Kabupaten Manggarai yang Dilaksanakan oleh Kepolisian Resort Manggarai

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    Adanya kasus yang menyeret oknum aparatur desa di Kabupaten Manggarai menjadikan pengelolaan keuangan dana desa benar-benar sangat perlu dikawal, dan diawasi oleh semua lapisan di Kabupaten Manggarai. Yang menjadi permasalahan penelitian ini adalah apakah dampak korupsi dana desa yang menghambat pembangunan infrastruktur desa di Kabupaten Manggarai dan bagaimanakah efektivitas penanganan kasus korupsi dana desa di Kabupaten Manggarai yang dilaksanakan oleh Kepolisian Resort Manggarai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya yaitu penelitian hukum normatif-empiris, karena selain memerlukan bahan hukum, peneliti juga memerlukan sumber data empiris berupa data langsung dari responden dengan lokasi penelitian yaitu Polres Manggarai. Korupsi ini berdampak pada melanggengkannya kemiskinan di desa, hilangnya potensi ekonomi di desa, hancurnya modal swadaya masyarakat, dan terhambatnya partisipasi demokratis desa serta terhambatnya proses pembangunan infrastruktur desa akibat kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh aparat desa yang tidak bertanggung jawab. oleh karena itu peran polres manggarai sangat penting untuk memberantas kejahatan tersebut, sehingga dengan ini segala dampak yang timbul dapat diatasi. efektivitas penanganan kasus korupsi dana desa di kabupaten manggarai yang dilaksanakan oleh kepolisian resort manggarai sudah sangat efektif dimana kepolisian resort manggarai sudah menangani banyak kasus korupsi terutama korupsi dana desa yang di lakukan oleh kepala desa yang sudah terbukti dan tertera dalam penelitian ini. Diharapkan dukungan dan dorongan masyarakat dalam upaya mencegah dan memberantas tindak pidana korupsi terhadap penyalahgunaan alokasi dana desa dengan menyampaikan informasi atau laporan berkaitan dengan tindak pidana korupsi yang terjadi, termasuk menyampaikan informasi atau laporan ke aparat penegakan hukum yang lainya. Kepada pemerintah agar lebih mengawasi penggunaan anggaran baik yang bersumber dari APBD maupun APBN guna meminimalisir kemungkinan munculnya tindak pidana korupsiserta membangun kerjasama yang baik dengan aparat penegak hukum. / ABSTRACT The presence of corruption cases involving village officials in Manggarai Regency necessitates close monitoring and supervision of village fund financial management by all levels of society in Manggarai Regency. The research problem addressed in this study is the impact of village fund corruption on hindering the development of village infrastructure in Manggarai Regency and the effectiveness of handling cases of village fund corruption carried out by the Manggarai Resort Police. This research employs a qualitative approach and falls under the category of normative-empirical legal research. In addition to legal materials, the researcher also requires empirical data directly from respondents, with the research location being the Manggarai Resort Police. Corruption has significant consequences, including the perpetuation of poverty in villages, the loss of economic potential in villages, the depletion of community self reliance capital, and the hindrance of democratic participation in villages. This also obstructs the process of developing village infrastructure due to the misconduct of irresponsible village officials. Therefore, the role of the Manggarai Resort Police is of paramount importance in eradicating such crimes, with the aim of mitigating the resulting impacts. The effectiveness of handling cases of village fund corruption in Manggarai Regency carried out by the Manggarai Resort Police has proven to be highly effective, as they have successfully addressed numerous corruption cases, especially those involving village fund embezzlement by village heads, as evidenced in this study. It is hoped that the support and encouragement of the community are instrumental in preventing and combating corruption in the misallocation of village funds by providing information or reports related to corruption offenses, including reporting such information to other law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, it is recommended that the government increase its oversight of budget utilization, whether derived from regional or national budgets, to minimize the likelihood of corruption offenses and establish strong cooperation with law enforcement agencies

    Un droit d’asile pour les lanceurs d’alerte

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    Les alertes lancées par Edouard Snowden et Julian Assange s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’un combat fondamentalement politique pour la défense des libertés et de la démocratie. Alors qu’ils sont poursuivis en raison de ce combat, ne doivent-ils pas bénéficier de la protection qu’ils sollicitent au titre du droit d’asile ? Les protections nationales provisoires accordées à Edouard Snowden par la Russie et à Julian Assange par l’Equateur dans son ambassade à Londres, pour essentielles qu’elles soient, constituent la forme la plus archaïque de l’asile puisque dépendant de la faveur du Prince. A l’instar d’autres Etats, la France s’est, pour sa part, refusée à user de cette prérogative souveraine et donc inconditionnée ainsi qu’il ressort des réponses qu’elle a adressées respectivement à ces deux lanceurs d’alertes en quête d’asile. Mais au-delà d’un asile gracieux, ces réponses au demeurant presque identiques rendent implicitement compte d’obstacles au droit de solliciter la qualité de réfugié, clef d’un véritable asile. Pourtant le droit d’asile est consacré comme un droit de valeur constitutionnelle en France et comme un droit fondamental dans l’Union européenne ; droit qui, s’il n’emporte pas un droit absolu à l’asile, comporte du moins celui de demander l’asile, c'est-à-dire en France d’accéder à la procédure légale qui conduit l’OFPRA, sous le contrôle de la Cour nationale du droit d’asile et du Conseil d’Etat, à examiner le bien-fondé de ces demandes. Illustrant une nouvelle fois les obstacles mis en amont de l’examen au fond des demandes d’asile, les refus opposés à Snowden et Assange sont d’autant plus préoccupants qu’ils paraissent éligibles à la qualité de réfugié à titre constitutionnel et à titre conventionnel. Ces refus d’asile à deux figures emblématiques de la défense des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie attestent une nouvelle fois du triomphe de la raison d’Etat, celle qui fait toujours prévaloir la défense des intérêts nationaux géopolitiques, économiques et diplomatiques. Mais ils rendent compte aussi de la crainte qu’inspire une aussi ample dénonciation par ces lanceurs d’alerte de pratiques nationales en complète rupture avec le respect des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie. C’est dire les enjeux essentiels qui s’attachent à leur protection et l’urgente nécessité de la garantir.The alerts issued by Edouard Snowden and Julian Assange are part of a fundamentally political struggle for the defense of freedoms and democracy. While they are being prosecuted because of this fight, should they not benefit from the protection they seek under the right of asylum ? The provisional national protections granted to Edward Snowden by Russia and to Julian Assange by Ecuador in his embassy in London, essential as they are, constitute the most archaic form of the asylum, depending on the favor of the Prince. Like other states, France, for its part, refused to use this sovereign prerogative and therefore unconditioned, as it emerges from the replies that it addressed respectively to these two whistleblowers as Asylum seekers. But beyond a graceful asylum, these almost identical answers implicitly account for obstacles to the right to apply for refugee status, the key to a true asylum. Yet the right of asylum is enshrined as a right of constitutional value in France and as a fundamental right in the European Union ; A right which, if it does not entail an absolute right to asylum, at least includes the right to seek asylum, that is to say in France, to accede to the legal procedure which leads OFPRA, under the supervision of the National Court of Asylum and the Council of State, to examine the merits of these applications. Snowden and Assange are all the more disturbing because they appear to be eligible for refugee status on constitutional and other grounds, conventional. These refusals of asylum to two emblematic figures of the defense of human rights and democracy attest once again to the triumph of reason of State, which always prevails in defense of national geopolitical, economic and diplomatic interests. But they also reflect the fear inspired by such widespread denunciation by these whistleblowers of national practices in complete breach with respect for human rights and democracy. That is to say the essential stakes involved in their protection and the urgent need to guarantee it

    Production of koi herpesvirus-free fish : implementing biosecurity practices on a working koi farm in South Africa

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    Principles of biosecurity and disease surveillance long applied in the salmonid industries to produce certified disease-free stock can equally be applied to the production of koi herpesvirus-free koi, despite limitations in diagnostic ability to detect asymptomatic carrier fish. To ensure freedom from koi herpesvirus, there is a strong case for eradication of known infected broodstock. Maintaining a closed population of fish on a protected water source, adherence to strict biosecurity measures, and strategic sampling at a statistically relevant confidence level over a 2- year period can provide the guarantees needed for sale of certified disease-free fish. Propagation of such fish offers new entrepreneurial opportunities and has resulted in at least one breeder in South Africa achieving export certification for markets in the European Union.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wjaa202016-07-31hb201

    Entretien avec Jean-Marie Delarue

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    Le Contrôleur général des lieux de privation des libertés (CGLPL) a pour mission de veiller au respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes privés de liberté. Comment concevez-vous cette mission ? Beaucoup se sont interrogés sur la signification de l’expression « droits fondamentaux ». Certains en ont proposé une conception restrictive : les droits fondamentaux ne désigneraient qu’un noyau dur. Cette étiquette de « fondamental » pourrait les desservir ! Il existerait, par conséquent, au sei..

    Smart structures

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'.Since a few years, the civil engineering world can see a changing about how to preserve and monitor the structures. Thanks to the system of Smart Structures we can notice the early damages on the structure and anticipate the future. This science is already applied on bridges and now different researches work on buildings, such as the company Neàpolis in Vilanova i la Geltrú. As participators of European Project Semester at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya a feasibility study and cost analysis for the implementation of Smart Structure systems had to be done. This has been an assignment of the innovation agency Neàpolis, which was founded in 2007 by the city council of Vilanova I la Geltrú. The outcome of this project should be a cost-benefit-analysis, which compares the costs to the savings and recommendations for the implementation of sensors in the Sant Antoni church and the Neàpolis building. The research has been done in order to give Neàpolis an indication whether Smart Structures are feasible to put into buildings by lowering maintenance cost and improving the life span of buildings. There is not a known study that is similar to this project, in our knowledge this is the first feasibility study on Smart Structure Systems that has been performed. This is why the research is of importance to the company. Because it has been not possible to gain a great deal of useful information from the internet, the assistance of the supervisors Félix Ruiz Gorrindo and Pau Martí and third parties has been necessary. In this report you can read on the one hand about the way research has been done. First there are pointed out the most important advantages of Smart Structures. Then there are information about the research of sensors and pathologies that could occur in buildings and how they are related to the project. Our supervisors have been given us lectures about civil engineering to explain the different ways of how a building can be constructed. On the other hand you can find information about the planning of the implementation of the Smart Structures in the Neàpolis building and the Parroquia Arciprestal Sant Antoni Abat (Sant Antoni church). The buildings are both located in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain. After the inspection of both buildings and the transfer of the blueprints we were looking for the best positions for the sensors in the buildings. Therefrom we deduced different concepts for the implementation based on different states of intensities. Relation to these results formulas has been created to show from which point the implementation of Smart Structure systems in buildings is feasible. There are proposed formulas for the feasibility in time as well as formulas for the break-even-point. Also the different parameters are explained in this report. In the end an example of the Neàpolis building was realised, to prove that the proposed formulas are meaningful. With the gathering of all the information a conclusion has been drawn on which recommendations have been given
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