157 research outputs found

    Resonant absorption of electromagnetic fields by surface plasmons buried in a multilayered plasmonic nanostructure

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    Alastair P. Hibbins, W. Andrew Murray, J. Tyler, S. Wedge, William L. Barnes, and J. Roy Sambles, Physical Review B, Vol. 74, article 073408 (2006). "Copyright © 2006 by the American Physical Society."The optical reflectivity of a metal-dielectric-metal microcavity in which the upper layer is periodically perforated by narrow slits is explored. Complete characterization of the observed modes in terms of their resonant electromagnetic fields is achieved by comparison of the experimental data to the predictions of a finite-element model. In particular, we demonstrate that the slits provide efficient diffractive coupling to a surface plasmon mode buried within the microcavity whose propagation is strongly confined to the dielectric layer

    School Violence and the Culture of Honor

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    We investigated the hypothesis that a sociocultural variable known as the culture of honor would be uniquely predictive of school-violence indicators. Controlling for demographic characteristics associated in previous studies with violent crime among adults, we found that high-school students in culture-of-honor states were significantly more likely than high-school students in non-culture-of honor states to report having brought a weapon to school in the past month. Using data aggregated over a 20-year period, we also found that culture-of honor states had more than twice as many school shootings per capita as non-culture-of-honor states. The data revealed important differences between school violence and general patterns of homicide and are consistent with the view that many acts of school violence reflect retaliatory aggression springing from intensely experienced social-identity threats.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown in the Aging Human Hippocampus

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) limits entry of blood-derived products, pathogens, and cells into the brain that is essential for normal neuronal functioning and information processing. Post-mortem tissue analysis indicates BBB damage in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The timing of BBB breakdown remains, however, elusive. Using an advanced dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI protocol with high spatial and temporal resolutions to quantify regional BBB permeability in the living human brain, we show an age-dependent BBB breakdown in the hippocampus, a region critical for learning and memory that is affected early in AD. The BBB breakdown in the hippocampus and its CA1 and dentate gyrus subdivisions worsened with mild cognitive impairment that correlated with injury to BBB-associated pericytes, as shown by the cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Our data suggest that BBB breakdown is an early event in the aging human brain that begins in the hippocampus and may contribute to cognitive impairment

    Forgiveness and the Need to Belong

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    People who experience a strong need to belong might be particularly inclined to forgive wrongdoings to preserve social bonds. Three studies that utilized different methods and measures of forgiveness consistently demonstrated this is not the case. The authors found that individuals high in the need to belong report practicing forgiveness with less frequency and value it no more than those low in the need to belong (Study 1). In Study 2, they found that satisfying the need to belong led participants to express greater willingness to forgive hypothetical offenses compared to participants in a control group. Finally, in Study 3, the authors linked the need to belong to forgiveness of specific transgressions and found that this negative relationship was mediated by offense-related anger and perceptions of offense severity. These findings suggest that needing to belong paradoxically interferes with forgiveness, even though forgiving could promote the satisfaction of belongingness needs following transgressions.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Spin gap in the Quasi-One-Dimensional S=1/2 Antiferromagnet: Cu2(1,4-diazacycloheptane)2Cl4

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    Cu_{2}(1,4-diazacycloheptane)_{2}Cl_{4} contains double chains of spin 1/2 Cu^{2+} ions. We report ac susceptibility, specific heat, and inelastic neutron scattering measurements on this material. The magnetic susceptibility, χ(T)\chi(T), shows a rounded maximum at T = 8 K indicative of a low dimensional antiferromagnet with no zero field magnetic phase transition. We compare the χ(T)\chi(T) data to exact diagonalization results for various one dimensional spin Hamiltonians and find excellent agreement for a spin ladder with intra-rung coupling J1=1.143(3)J_1 = 1.143(3) meV and two mutually frustrating inter-rung interactions: J2=0.21(3)J_2 = 0.21(3) meV and J3=0.09(5)J_3 = 0.09(5) meV. The specific heat in zero field is exponentially activated with an activation energy Δ=0.89(1)\Delta = 0.89(1) meV. A spin gap is also found through inelastic neutron scattering on powder samples which identify a band of magnetic excitations for 0.8<ω<1.50.8 < \hbar\omega < 1.5 meV. Using sum-rules we derive an expression for the dynamic spin correlation function associated with non-interacting propagating triplets in a spin ladder. The van-Hove singularities of such a model are not observed in our scattering data indicating that magnetic excitations in Cu_{2}(1,4-diazacycloheptane)_{2}Cl_{4} are more complicated. For magnetic fields above Hc17.2H_{c1} \simeq 7.2 T specific heat data versus temperature show anomalies indicating a phase transition to an ordered state below T = 1 K.Comment: 9 pages, 8 postscript figures, LaTeX, Submitted to PRB 8/4/97, e-mail Comments to [email protected]

    The Pandora multi-algorithm approach to automated pattern recognition of cosmic-ray muon and neutrino events in the MicroBooNE detector

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    The development and operation of Liquid-Argon Time-Projection Chambers for neutrino physics has created a need for new approaches to pattern recognition in order to fully exploit the imaging capabilities offered by this technology. Whereas the human brain can excel at identifying features in the recorded events, it is a significant challenge to develop an automated, algorithmic solution. The Pandora Software Development Kit provides functionality to aid the design and implementation of pattern-recognition algorithms. It promotes the use of a multi-algorithm approach to pattern recognition, in which individual algorithms each address a specific task in a particular topology. Many tens of algorithms then carefully build up a picture of the event and, together, provide a robust automated pattern-recognition solution. This paper describes details of the chain of over one hundred Pandora algorithms and tools used to reconstruct cosmic-ray muon and neutrino events in the MicroBooNE detector. Metrics that assess the current pattern-recognition performance are presented for simulated MicroBooNE events, using a selection of final-state event topologies.Comment: Preprint to be submitted to The European Physical Journal

    Determination of muon momentum in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using an improved model of multiple Coulomb scattering

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    We discuss a technique for measuring a charged particle's momentum by means of multiple Coulomb scattering (MCS) in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC). This method does not require the full particle ionization track to be contained inside of the detector volume as other track momentum reconstruction methods do (range-based momentum reconstruction and calorimetric momentum reconstruction). We motivate use of this technique, describe a tuning of the underlying phenomenological formula, quantify its performance on fully contained beam-neutrino-induced muon tracks both in simulation and in data, and quantify its performance on exiting muon tracks in simulation. Using simulation, we have shown that the standard Highland formula should be re-tuned specifically for scattering in liquid argon, which significantly improves the bias and resolution of the momentum measurement. With the tuned formula, we find agreement between data and simulation for contained tracks, with a small bias in the momentum reconstruction and with resolutions that vary as a function of track length, improving from about 10% for the shortest (one meter long) tracks to 5% for longer (several meter) tracks. For simulated exiting muons with at least one meter of track contained, we find a similarly small bias, and a resolution which is less than 15% for muons with momentum below 2 GeV/c. Above 2 GeV/c, results are given as a first estimate of the MCS momentum measurement capabilities of MicroBooNE for high momentum exiting tracks

    Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC

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    The low-noise operation of readout electronics in a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) is critical to properly extract the distribution of ionization charge deposited on the wire planes of the TPC, especially for the induction planes. This paper describes the characteristics and mitigation of the observed noise in the MicroBooNE detector. The MicroBooNE's single-phase LArTPC comprises two induction planes and one collection sense wire plane with a total of 8256 wires. Current induced on each TPC wire is amplified and shaped by custom low-power, low-noise ASICs immersed in the liquid argon. The digitization of the signal waveform occurs outside the cryostat. Using data from the first year of MicroBooNE operations, several excess noise sources in the TPC were identified and mitigated. The residual equivalent noise charge (ENC) after noise filtering varies with wire length and is found to be below 400 electrons for the longest wires (4.7 m). The response is consistent with the cold electronics design expectations and is found to be stable with time and uniform over the functioning channels. This noise level is significantly lower than previous experiments utilizing warm front-end electronics.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figure

    Measurement of cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiencies in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using a small external cosmic-ray counter

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    The MicroBooNE detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber at Fermilab designed to study short-baseline neutrino oscillations and neutrino-argon interaction cross-section. Due to its location near the surface, a good understanding of cosmic muons as a source of backgrounds is of fundamental importance for the experiment. We present a method of using an external 0.5 m (L) x 0.5 m (W) muon counter stack, installed above the main detector, to determine the cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiency in MicroBooNE. Data are acquired with this external muon counter stack placed in three different positions, corresponding to cosmic rays intersecting different parts of the detector. The data reconstruction efficiency of tracks in the detector is found to be ϵdata=(97.1±0.1 (stat)±1.4 (sys))%\epsilon_{\mathrm{data}}=(97.1\pm0.1~(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 1.4~(\mathrm{sys}))\%, in good agreement with the Monte Carlo reconstruction efficiency ϵMC=(97.4±0.1)%\epsilon_{\mathrm{MC}} = (97.4\pm0.1)\%. This analysis represents a small-scale demonstration of the method that can be used with future data coming from a recently installed cosmic-ray tagger system, which will be able to tag 80%\approx80\% of the cosmic rays passing through the MicroBooNE detector.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure