12,389 research outputs found

    Temporal fluctuations in the differential rotation of cool active stars

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    This paper reports positive detections of surface differential rotation on two rapidly rotating cool stars at several epochs, by using stellar surface features (both cool spots and magnetic regions) as tracers of the large scale latitudinal shear that distorts the convective envelope in this type of stars. We also report definite evidence that this differential rotation is different when estimated from cool spots or magnetic regions, and that it undergoes temporal fluctuations of potentially large amplitude on a time scale of a few years. We consider these results as further evidence that the dynamo processes operating in these stars are distributed throughout the convective zone rather than being confined at its base as in the Sun. By comparing our observations with two very simple models of the differential rotation within the convective zone, we obtain evidence that the internal rotation velocity field of the stars we investigated is not like that of the Sun, and may resemble that we expect for rapid rotators. We speculate that the changes in differential rotation result from the dynamo processes (and from the underlying magnetic cycle) that periodically converts magnetic energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. We emphasise that the technique outlined in this paper corresponds to the first practical method for investigating the large scale rotation velocity field within convective zones of cool active stars, and offers several advantages over asteroseismology for this particular purpose and this specific stellar class.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic activity on AB Doradus: Temporal evolution of starspots and differential rotation from 1988 to 1994

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    Surface brightness maps for the young K0 dwarf AB Doradus are reconstructed from archival data sets for epochs spanning 1988 to 1994. By using the signal-to-noise enhancement technique of Least-Squares Deconvolution, our results show a greatly increased resolution of spot features than obtained in previously published surface brightness reconstructions. These images show that for the exception of epoch 1988.96, the starspot distributions are dominated by a long-lived polar cap, and short-lived low to high latitude features. The fragmented polar cap at epoch 1988.96 could indicate a change in the nature of the dynamo in the star. For the first time we measure differential rotation for epochs with sufficient phase coverage (1992.05, 1993.89, 1994.87). These measurements show variations on a timescale of at least one year, with the strongest surface differential rotation ever measured for AB Dor occurring in 1994.86. In conjunction with previous investigations, our results represent the first long-term analysis of the temporal evolution of differential rotation on active stars.Comment: accepted by MNRAS 18 pages 18 figure

    Turbulent boundary layer over solid and porous surfaces with small roughness

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    The wind tunnel models and instrumentation used as well as data reduction and error analysis techniques employed are described for an experimental study conducted to measure directly skin friction and obtain profiles of mean velocity, axial and normal turbulence intensity, and Reynolds stress in the untripped boundary on a large diameter axisymmetric body. Results are given for such a body with a (1) smooth, solid surface; (2) a sandpaper roughened, solid surface; (3) a sintered metal, porous surface; (4) a ""smooth'' performated titanium surface; (5) a rough, solid surface made of fine diffusion bonded screening; and (6) a rough, porous surface made of the same screening. The roughness values were in low range (k+ 5 to 7) just above what is normally considered ""hydraulically smooth''. Measurements were taken at several axial locations and tow or normal stream freestream velocities, 45.1 m/sec and 53.5 m/sec

    Cellular development in the leaf

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    The subject of this investigation is the development of cells in relation to the general development of the leaf in wheat. At a certain stage in the development of the leaf cells are being generated from an intercalary meristem; this situation was first accurately described by Lehman (1906). Such a development is essentially different from that of the dicotyledonous leaf in which divisions may be randomly distributed over the leaf or may be restricted to groups of marginal initials. In the Gramineae where the leaf is generally lanceolate or filiform there tends to be a localised meristematic zone at the point of insertion of the leaf on the stem or at the point where the lamina is attached to the leaf sheath. This intercalary meristem produces cells which become incorporated into the body of the leaf and which themselves extend the length and area of the leaf. The time over which the meristem is active is restricted and tends to be confined to the phase of early development. At a certain point, activity in the meristem ceases and thereafter continued growth of the leaf is due to the expansion of the cells which have already been formed. When the meristem is active, cells at different parts of the leaf are at different stages of development. In general, cells are at progressively advanced stages of development as distance from the base of the leaf increases. Clearly this situation resembles, in certain respects, the situation in the apical zones of the root and shoot, and it may be possible to study cellular development in the leaf with the techniques that have already been applied to the root and shoot. On the other hand, since the intercalary meristem is only active over a limited period the study requires an analysis of the growth of the leaf as a whole

    Turbulent boundary layer over solid and porous surfaces with small roughness

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    Skin friction and profiles of mean velocity, axial and normal turbulence intensity, and Reynolds stress in the untripped boundary layer were measured directly on a large diameter, axisymmetric body with: (1) a smooth, solid surface; (2) a sandpaper-roughened, solid surface; (3) a sintered metal, porous surface; (4) a smooth, perforated titanium surface; (5) a rough solid surface made of fine, diffusion bonded screening, and (6) a rough, porous surface of the same screening. Results obtained for each of these surfaces are discussed. It is shown that a rough, porous wall simply does not influence the boundary layer in the same way as a rough solid wall. Therefore, turbulent transport models for boundary layers over porous surfaces either with or without injection or suction, must include both surface roughness and porosity effects

    UV Spectroscopy of AB Doradus with the Hubble Space Telescope. Impulsive flares and bimodal profiles of the CIV 1549 line in a young star

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    We observed AB Doradus, a young and active late type star (K0 - K2 IV-V, P= 0.514 d) with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of the post-COSTAR Hubble Space Telescope with the time and spectral resolutions of 27 s and 15 km, respectively. The wavelength band (1531 - 1565 A) included the strong CIV doublet (1548.202 and 1550.774, formed in the transition region at 100 000 K). The mean quiescent CIV flux state was close to the saturated value and 100 times the solar one. The line profile (after removing the rotational and instrumental profiles) is bimodal consisting of two Gaussians, narrow (FWHM = 70 km/s) and broad (FWHM =330km/s). This bimodality is probably due to two separate broadening mechanisms and velocity fields at the coronal base. It is possible that TR transient events (random multiple velocities), with a large surface coverage, give rise to the broadening of the narrow component,while true microflaring is responsible for the broad one. The transition region was observed to flare frequently on different time scales and magnitudes. The largest impulsive flare seen in the CIV 1549 emission reached in less than one minute the peak differential emission measure (10**51.2 cm-3) and returned exponentially in 5 minutes to the 7 times lower quiescent level.The 3 min average line profile of the flare was blue-shifted (-190 km/s) and broadened (FWHM = 800 km/s). This impulsive flare could have been due to a chromospheric heating and subsequent evaporation by an electron beam, accelerated (by reconnection) at the apex of a coronal loop.Comment: to be published in AJ (April 98), 3 tables and 7 figures as separate PS-files, print Table 2 as a landscap

    Pattern formation by lateral inhibition with feedback: a mathematical model of Delta-Notch intercellular signalling

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    In many developing tissues, adjacent cells diverge in character so as to create a fine-grained pattern of cells in contrasting states of differentiation. It has been proposed that such patterns can be generated through lateral inhibition—a type cells–cell interaction whereby a cell that adopts a particular fate inhibits its immediate neighbours from doing likewise. Lateral inhibition is well documented in flies, worms and vertebrates. In all of these organisms, the transmembrane proteins Notch and Delta (or their homologues) have been identified as mediators of the interaction—Notch as receptor, Delta as its ligand on adjacent cells. However, it is not clear under precisely what conditions the Delta-Notch mechanism of lateral inhibition can generate the observed types of pattern, or indeed whether this mechanism is capable of generating such patterns by itself. Here we construct and analyse a simple and general mathematical model of such contact-mediated lateral inhibition. In accordance with experimental data, the model postulates that receipt of inhibition (i.e. activation of Notch) diminishes the ability to deliver inhibition (i.e. to produce active Delta). This gives rise to a feedback loop that can amplify differences between adjacent cells. We investigate the pattern-forming potential and temporal behavior of this model both analytically and through numerical simulation. Inhomogeneities are self-amplifying and develop without need of any other machinery, provided the feedback is sufficiently strong. For a wide range of initial and boundary conditions, the model generates fine-grained patterns similar to those observed in living systems

    Rotationally Modulated X-ray Emission from T Tauri Stars

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    We have modelled the rotational modulation of X-ray emission from T Tauri stars assuming that they have isothermal, magnetically confined coronae. By extrapolating surface magnetograms we find that T Tauri coronae are compact and clumpy, such that rotational modulation arises from X-ray emitting regions being eclipsed as the star rotates. Emitting regions are close to the stellar surface and inhomogeneously distributed about the star. However some regions of the stellar surface, which contain wind bearing open field lines, are dark in X-rays. From simulated X-ray light curves, obtained using stellar parameters from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project, we calculate X-ray periods and make comparisons with optically determined rotation periods. We find that X-ray periods are typically equal to, or are half of, the optical periods. Further, we find that X-ray periods are dependent upon the stellar inclination, but that the ratio of X-ray to optical period is independent of stellar mass and radius.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
