341 research outputs found

    Computational complexity and memory usage for multi-frontal direct solvers in structured mesh finite elements

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    The multi-frontal direct solver is the state-of-the-art algorithm for the direct solution of sparse linear systems. This paper provides computational complexity and memory usage estimates for the application of the multi-frontal direct solver algorithm on linear systems resulting from B-spline-based isogeometric finite elements, where the mesh is a structured grid. Specifically we provide the estimates for systems resulting from Cp1C^{p-1} polynomial B-spline spaces and compare them to those obtained using C0C^0 spaces.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    The cost of continuity: performance of iterative solvers on isogeometric finite elements

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    In this paper we study how the use of a more continuous set of basis functions affects the cost of solving systems of linear equations resulting from a discretized Galerkin weak form. Specifically, we compare performance of linear solvers when discretizing using C0C^0 B-splines, which span traditional finite element spaces, and Cp1C^{p-1} B-splines, which represent maximum continuity. We provide theoretical estimates for the increase in cost of the matrix-vector product as well as for the construction and application of black-box preconditioners. We accompany these estimates with numerical results and study their sensitivity to various grid parameters such as element size hh and polynomial order of approximation pp. Finally, we present timing results for a range of preconditioning options for the Laplace problem. We conclude that the matrix-vector product operation is at most \slfrac{33p^2}{8} times more expensive for the more continuous space, although for moderately low pp, this number is significantly reduced. Moreover, if static condensation is not employed, this number further reduces to at most a value of 8, even for high pp. Preconditioning options can be up to p3p^3 times more expensive to setup, although this difference significantly decreases for some popular preconditioners such as Incomplete LU factorization

    A Continuation Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm

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    We propose a novel Continuation Multi Level Monte Carlo (CMLMC) algorithm for weak approximation of stochastic models. The CMLMC algorithm solves the given approximation problem for a sequence of decreasing tolerances, ending when the required error tolerance is satisfied. CMLMC assumes discretization hierarchies that are defined a priori for each level and are geometrically refined across levels. The actual choice of computational work across levels is based on parametric models for the average cost per sample and the corresponding weak and strong errors. These parameters are calibrated using Bayesian estimation, taking particular notice of the deepest levels of the discretization hierarchy, where only few realizations are available to produce the estimates. The resulting CMLMC estimator exhibits a non-trivial splitting between bias and statistical contributions. We also show the asymptotic normality of the statistical error in the MLMC estimator and justify in this way our error estimate that allows prescribing both required accuracy and confidence in the final result. Numerical results substantiate the above results and illustrate the corresponding computational savings in examples that are described in terms of differential equations either driven by random measures or with random coefficients


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    As part of an intense effort to clean up the Anacostia River and the Chesapeake Bay region, the Maryland Department of Environment will soon enforce new policies to increase the treatment of impervious areas. The University of Maryland’s College Park campus needs to identify potential projects in order to meet the pending stormwater regulations as part of the new municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) permit for UM-CP. This thesis investigates retrofits a poorly maintained stormwater pond that has maintained itself as a wetland. The 4.89-acre site is located in the north part of campus is a part of the Anacostia watershed and includes the pond, two parking lots, and a wet swale. This thesis proposes a stormwater retrofit that includes various state acceptable BMPs including: a constructed wetland, mirco-bioretentions, pervious concrete, and a bio-swale. The BMPs forms a treatment train that reducing runoff by 7%, capturing and treating 113% of a one-year storm of 2.63 inches. This redesign that would provide a range of environmental, recreational, and educational services. While the proposal is site-specific, the model can be adaptable for retrofitting centralized stormwater facilities and by other college campuses within the Chesapeake Bay watershed

    Fully inverted single-digit nanometer domains in ferroelectric films

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    Achieving stable single-digit nanometer inverted domains in ferroelectric thin films is a fundamental issue that has remained a bottleneck for the development of ultrahigh density (>1 Tbit/in.^2) probe-based memory devices using ferroelectric media. Here, we demonstrate that such domains remain stable only if they are fully inverted through the entire ferroelectric film thickness, which is dependent on a critical ratio of electrode size to the film thickness. This understanding enables the formation of stable domains as small as 4 nm in diameter, corresponding to 10 unit cells in size. Such domain size corresponds to 40 Tbit/in.^2 data storage densitie

    Resurgence, Conformal Blocks, and the Sum over Geometries in Quantum Gravity

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    In two dimensional conformal field theories the limit of large central charge plays the role of a semi-classical limit. Certain universal observables, such as conformal blocks involving the exchange of the identity operator, can be expanded around this classical limit in powers of the central charge cc. This expansion is an asymptotic series, so - via the same resurgence analysis familiar from quantum mechanics - necessitates the existence of non-perturbative effects. In the case of identity conformal blocks, these new effects have a simple interpretation: the CFT must possess new primary operators with dimension of order the central charge. This constrains the data of CFTs with large central charge in a way that is similar to (but distinct from) the conformal bootstrap. We study this phenomenon in three ways: numerically, analytically using Zamolodchikov's recursion relations, and by considering non-unitary minimal models with large (negative) central charge. In the holographic dual to a CFT2_2, the expansion in powers of cc is the perturbative loop expansion in powers of \hbar. So our results imply that the graviton loop expansion is an asymptotic series, whose cure requires the inclusion of new saddle points in the gravitational path integral. In certain cases these saddle points have a simple interpretation: they are conical excesses, particle-like states with negative mass which are not in the physical spectrum but nevertheless appear as non-manifold saddle points that control the asymptotic behaviour of the loop expansion. This phenomenon also has an interpretation in SL(2,R)SL(2,{\mathbb R}) Chern-Simons theory, where the non-perturbative effects are associated with the non-Teichm\"uller component of the moduli space of flat connections.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures; References adde

    Gradient-based estimation of Manning's friction coefficient from noisy data

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    We study the numerical recovery of Manning's roughness coefficient for the diffusive wave approximation of the shallow water equation. We describe a conjugate gradient method for the numerical inversion. Numerical results for one-dimensional model are presented to illustrate the feasibility of the approach. Also we provide a proof of the differentiability of the weak form with respect to the coefficient as well as the continuity and boundedness of the linearized operator under reasonable assumptions using the maximal parabolic regularity theory.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions

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    We apply the theory of harmonic analysis on the fundamental domain of SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) to partition functions of two-dimensional conformal field theories. We decompose the partition function of cc free bosons on a Narain lattice into eigenfunctions of the Laplacian of worldsheet moduli space H/SL(2,Z)\mathbb H/SL(2,\mathbb Z), and of target space moduli space O(c,c;Z)\O(c,c;R)/O(c)×O(c)O(c,c;\mathbb Z)\backslash O(c,c;\mathbb R)/O(c)\times O(c). This decomposition manifests certain properties of Narain theories and ensemble averages thereof. We extend the application of spectral theory to partition functions of general two-dimensional conformal field theories, and explore its meaning in connection to AdS3_3 gravity. An implication of harmonic analysis is that the local operator spectrum is fully determined by a certain subset of degeneracies.Comment: 35+24 pages, v2: corrected a mistake in Sec 3, v3: minor errors fixe