30 research outputs found

    Strengthening Uganda's policy environment for investing in university development

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    The authors examine the policy environment for investment in university development in Uganda, with special attention to the needs of Makerere University. They present data on the structure and financing of higher education, which gets a high priority in government educational spending. A second public university and new private universities have been established since 1986, but Makerere accounts for most university enrollment and government spending on higher education and it trains most of the country's high-level professional and technical manpower. Its revitalization after many years of neglect is central to government and donor plans for investment in human resource development. The authors emphasize how continuing austerity affects staff retention and staff engagement in academic work, as well as the quality of programs Makerere offers. They present a strategy for university development that involves establishing policy structures to: guide and coordinate investments in higher education as a whole; facilitate the expansion of higher education and the development of diploma-granting institutions to accommodate increasing social demand; and promote cost-saving and revenue-generating activities in the public universities - which would require giving them more autonomy in matters affecting their cost structure and budgeting. Among specific actions they recommend: making better use of public university assets by developing night courses, part-time degree and non-degree programs, and contract training and other income-generating activities; investigating possibilities for better use of university farms and other properties; making more use of existing capacity in public institutions and increasing the capacity of the newly established private universities; strengthening secondary education in science subjects and encouraging more women to study science and technology; coordinating future donor investments so they address the broad needs of Makerere and other universities; and raising incomes of academic and nonacademic university staff members.Teaching and Learning,Curriculum&Instruction,Gender and Education,Tertiary Education,Primary Education

    Truly reconciled? A dyadic analysis of post-conflict social reintegration in Northern Uganda

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    In the aftermath of civil war or violent internal conflict, one of the key peacebuilding challenges is the reconciliation of former enemies who are members of the same small-scale societies. A failure of social reintegration may contribute to what is known as a conflict trap. To detect lingering hostile attitudes among a community’s various factions is crucial, but the approaches adopted in previous studies tend to focus on the impact of conflict on one or other aggregated indicator of social cohesion rather than on how violence-affected individuals regard and act towards their fellow community members. Here we demonstrate the value of concentrating on this latter dyadic component of social interactions and we use behavioural experiments and a social tie survey to assess, in an appropriately disaggregated manner, social cohesion in a post-conflict setting in northern Uganda. Whereas in self-reported surveys, ex-combatants appear to be well-connected, active members of their communities, the experiments unveil the continued reluctance of other community members to share or cooperate with them; fewer resources are committed to ex-combatants than to others, which is statistically significant. The dyadic nature of our analysis allows us to detect which groups are more prone to discriminate against ex-combatants, which may help facilitate targeted interventions

    American schools for the natives of Ponape : a study of education and culture change in Micronesia

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    "An East-West Center Book from the East-West Culture Learning Institute" For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/</a

    KEBUDAYAAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN: Sebuah pendekatan terhadap antropolgi terapan di Indonesia

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    Buku ini merupakan hasil refleksi gagasan orisinal para cendekiawan dan agamawan terkemuka dalam suatu seminar yang bertemakan " Agama,Kebudayaan dan Pembangunan Menyingsong Era Industrialisasi"Tema ini dipilih karena agama dan kebudayaan itu berbeda.Agama seperti yang diyakini oleh para pemeluknya adalah berasal dari Tuhan,sedangkan kebudayaan berasal dan sepenuhnya bersandar pada manusia.xi.; 333hlm;14 x 21 c

    Kebudayaan dan pembangunan : sebuah pendekatan terhadap antroplogi terapan di Indonesia/ Colletta

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    xi, 333 hal.; 21 cm

    Kebudayaan dan pembangunan: Sebuah pendekatan terhadap antropologi terapan di Indonesia

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    Jakartaxi, 333 p.; 21 c

    Kebudayaan dan pembangunan : sebuah pendekatan terhadap antropologi terapan di Indonesia

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    xi, 353 p. : il.; 20 cm